# User to run the application. user="artifact" # Path of the WAR file, the web app directory, or the context xml file to run. webapp_path="/usr/share/java/artifactory.war" # The relative URL root (i.e. context path) of the application. #context_root="" # The port to listen on for HTTP connections (or 0 for a randomly allocated port). server_port="8080" # The name or IP of the interface to listen on (default is all interfaces). #server_bind_address="" # Path of the log file to catch stdout/stderr of the server process. # Use empty value to disable stdout/sderr logging. #server_out_log="/var/log/artifactory/server.log" # Path of the access log file. # Use empty value to disable access log. #server_access_log="/var/log/artifactory/access.log" # Additional JARs to be added to the classloader. # It may contain space or colon separated paths of JAR files or directories. #server_extra_jars="/usr/share/java/postgresql-jdbc.jar" # Java system properties to pass to the JVM. # Define space separated tuples of =; it will be transformed into # -D= arguments for java. java_properties=" artifactory.home=/var/lib/artifactory artifactory.logs=/var/log/artifactory" # Initial and maximum size of the heap (in megabytes). # Note: This sets parameters -Xms and -Xmx. java_heap_size="512" # Additional options to pass to the JVM. java_opts="-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=80 -Xss256k" # You may use rc_need, rc_use, rc_after, rc_before and rc_provide variables to # influence the dependencies of the service. #rc_use="postgresql"