# Maintainer: Andy McLeod pkgname=ejson pkgver=1.2.1 pkgrel=2 pkgdesc="EJSON is a small library to manage encrypted secrets using asymmetric encryption." url="https://github.com/Shopify/ejson" arch="all" license="MIT" depends="mdocml" # Requires man to show help makedepends="go ronn" source="$pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/Shopify/$pkgname/archive/v$pkgver.tar.gz" _gourl=github.com/Shopify/ejson builddir="$srcdir"/src/$_gourl prepare() { mkdir -p "${builddir%/*}" mv "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver "$builddir" default_prepare } build() { export GOPATH="$srcdir" CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -v -o e${pkgname} github.com/Shopify/ejson/cmd/ejson # Overwrite bundle exec so it runs our ronn command from the system not # from some rubygems repo sed -i 's|^BUNDLE_EXEC=.*|BUNDLE_EXEC=exec|' Makefile make man } check() { go test -v ./... } package() { install -Dm755 e${pkgname} "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ejson # Keep this in the main package, ejson calls into 'man' to show # the help string mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share mv build/man "$pkgdir"/usr/share/man/ } sha512sums="cd49e70b1578f0f960b6d6d77499297bcee7eac3b8595109757697ef844ba8867c353e257105af9b90fdbcca3a08445ae0c9b666c7bc6db26ab7303b5834c5bd ejson-1.2.1.tar.gz"