# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka # Maintainer: Jakub Jirutka # TODO: Add rest of the tools. # TODO: Fix some scripts/tools to not require bash. # TODO: Use system-provided gtest library for testing. pkgname=elektra _pkgname=libelektra pkgver=0.8.21 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="A universal and secure framework to access configuration parameters" url="https://www.libelektra.org" arch="all" license="BSD-3-Clause" _luaver=5.3 # kdb doesn't work correctly without these plugins. depends="$pkgname-dump=$pkgver-r$pkgrel $pkgname-list=$pkgver-r$pkgrel $pkgname-spec=$pkgver-r$pkgrel $pkgname-sync=$pkgver-r$pkgrel" checkdepends="bash gnupg ruby-test-unit" makedepends=" augeas-dev boost-dev cmake curl-dev discount discount-dev fts-dev libdrm-dev libgcrypt-dev libgit2-dev libressl-dev lua$_luaver-dev glib-dev python3-dev qt5-qtbase-dev qt5-qtdeclarative-dev qt5-qtsvg-dev ruby ruby-dev swig yajl-dev yaml-cpp-dev " install="$pkgname.post-deinstall" triggers="$pkgname.trigger=/usr/lib/$pkgname" subpackages=" $pkgname-dev $pkgname-doc $pkgname-glib lua$_luaver-elektra:_lua py3-elektra:_py3 ruby-elektra:_ruby $pkgname-qt-gui:_gui $pkgname-libs $pkgname-bash-completion:bashcomp:noarch $pkgname-fish-completion:fishcomp:noarch $pkgname-zsh-completion:zshcomp:noarch $pkgname-plugins-all:_all:noarch " source="$_pkgname-$pkgver.tar.gz::https://github.com/ElektraInitiative/$_pkgname/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz fix-bash-shebang.patch fix-augeas-internal-inconsistency.patch cmake-allow-override-rpath.patch remove-unneeded-assembly.patch " builddir="$srcdir/$_pkgname-$pkgver" # All plugins except: # * status:obsolete # * status:experimental # * journald - considered evil # * wresolver - resolver for non-POSIX, e.g. w32/w64 systems # * xerces - we don't have xerces package # * yamlcpp - segfaults FIXME _plugins=" augeas base64 boolean c cachefilter camel ccode conditionals constants counter crypto_gcrypt crypto_openssl csvstorage curlget date desktop dini directoryvalue dpkg dump enum error fcrypt filecheck fstab gitresolver glob hexcode hidden hosts iconv ini ipaddr keytometa line lineendings list logchange lua mathcheck mini multifile network ni noresolver null path profile python range regexstore rename required resolver_fm_b_b resolver_fm_pb_b resolver_fm_hb_b resolver_fm_hp_b resolver_fm_ub_x resolver_fm_xb_x resolver_fm_xp_x resolver_fm_xhp_x resolver_fm_uhb_xb resolver_fm_hpu_b shell spec struct sync syslog tcl timeofday tracer type uname validation xmltool yajl " for _i in $_plugins; do subpackages="$subpackages $pkgname-$_i:_plugin" done # All bindings except: # * status:experimental # * intercept_env - currently doesn't work on musl (0.8.21) _bindings=" cpp glib swig_lua swig_python swig_ruby " build() { mkdir -p "$builddir"/build cd "$builddir"/build cmake .. \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT="$CFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT="$CXXFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL_INIT="$LDFLAGS" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH=/usr/lib/$pkgname \ -DTARGET_PLUGIN_FOLDER=$pkgname \ -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=OFF \ -DBUILD_DOCUMENTATION=OFF \ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON \ -DBUILD_STATIC=OFF \ \ -DENABLE_DEBUG=OFF \ -DENABLE_LOGGER=OFF \ -DINSTALL_TESTING=OFF \ -DBINDINGS=$(printf '%s;' $_bindings) \ -DPLUGINS=$(printf '%s;' $_plugins) \ -DTOOLS='kdb;qt-gui' \ \ -DLUA_LIBRARIES="/usr/lib/liblua-$_luaver.so.0" \ -DLUA_INCLUDE_DIR=$(pkg-config --variable=includedir lua$_luaver ) \ -DTARGET_LUA_CMOD_FOLDER=$(pkg-config --variable=INSTALL_LMOD lua$_luaver) \ -DTARGET_LUA_CMOD_FOLDER=$(pkg-config --variable=INSTALL_CMOD lua$_luaver) make } check() { cd "$builddir"/build # Run tests that doesn't need to write into /etc. # FIXME: Allow tests to fail for now. make run_nokdbtests || true } package() { # These are virtual providers. abuild doesn't recognize them as # produced by this APKBUILD and tries to install them as make # dependencies. That's why they are defined in package(). depends="$depends $pkgname-resolver" cd "$builddir"/build make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install # This is a shell script that just executes /usr/lib/elektra/tool_exec/qt-gui. # It was originally made as a workaround for some RPATH issue we don't have. rm "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/elektra-qt-editor cd "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/elektra # We create these symlinks in trigger, so they are correctly updated # when user install a different provider. rm libelektra-resolver.so libelektra-storage.so ## Delete some useless or unusable tools. # Completions are in separate packages. rm tool_exec/install-sh-completion # This seems to be just for development. rm tool_exec/benchmark-createtree rm tool_exec/update-snippet-repository # Needs experimental plugin mozprefs. rm tool_exec/configure-firefox # Needs binding intercept_env. rm tool_exec/elektrify-getenv # Needs experimental binding intercept_fs. rm tool_exec/elektrify-open } libs() { default_libs mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/*.so.* "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/ } glib() { pkgdesc="Glib bindings for Elektra" depends="" _submv usr/lib/libgelektra-*.so } _lua() { pkgdesc="Lua $_luaver bindings for Elektra" depends="" _submv usr/lib/lua } _py3() { pkgdesc="Python 3 bindings for Elektra" depends="" _submv usr/lib/python3.* } _ruby() { pkgdesc="Ruby bindings for Elektra" depends="" _submv usr/lib/ruby } _gui() { pkgdesc="Qt GUI for Elektra" depends="$depends $pkgname-resolver" _submv usr/lib/elektra/tool_exec/qt-gui usr/bin/elektra-qt-editor _submv usr/share/appdata _submv usr/share/applications _submv usr/share/icons } bashcomp() { pkgdesc="Bash completions for $pkgname" depends="" install_if="$pkgname=$pkgver-r$pkgrel bash-completion" _submv usr/share/bash-completion } fishcomp() { pkgdesc="Fish completions for $pkgname" depends="" install_if="$pkgname=$pkgver-r$pkgrel fish" _submv usr/share/fish/vendor_completions.d usr/share/fish/completions } zshcomp() { pkgdesc="ZSH completions for $pkgname" depends="" install_if="$pkgname=$pkgver-r$pkgrel zsh" _submv usr/share/zsh/vendor-completions usr/share/zsh/site-functions } _plugin() { local name=${subpkgname#$pkgname-} local readme="$builddir/src/plugins/${name%%_*}/README.md" [ -f "$readme" ] || die "$readme doesn't exist!" pkgdesc="Elektra plugin - $(_getinfo description "$readme")" depends=$(_to_pkgnames $(_getinfo needs "$readme" '') | xargs) if provides=$(_getinfo provides "$readme"); then # Convert plugin names to package names. provides=$(_to_pkgnames $provides) # Remove pkgnames clashing with subpackages. : ${_plugins_pkgname:="$(printf "$pkgname-%s\n" $_plugins dev doc libs)"} provides=$(_set_difference "$provides" "$_plugins_pkgname" | xargs) fi # Overrides case "$name" in base64) provider_priority=50;; # provides binary crypto_gcrypt) depends="$depends gnupg" provider_priority=50;; # provides crypto crypto_*) depends="$depends gnupg";; dini) depends="$depends $pkgname-dump $pkgname-ini" provider_priority=40;; # provides storage storage-ini dump) provider_priority=50;; # provides storage hexcode) provider_priority=50;; # provides code resolver_fm_hpu_b) provider_priority=50;; # provides resolver esac msg "Resolved provides: $provides" msg "Resolved depends: $depends" _submv usr/lib/elektra/libelektra-$name.so* } _all() { pkgdesc="Virtual package that installs *all* plugins shipped with Elektra" depends=$(printf "$pkgname-%s=$pkgver-r$pkgrel\n" $_plugins) mkdir -p "$subpkgdir" } # Prints value of property $1 in the plugin's readme file $2, # or prints $3 if no value. _getinfo() { local name="$1" local file="$2" local default="${3:-}" local value value=$(sed -n "s|^- infos/$name = *\(.*\) *|\1|p" "$file") [ "$value$default" ] || return 1 printf '%s\n' "${value:-$default}" } # Converts plugin names $@ into package names, i.e. adds prefix $pkgname- # and replaces "/" with "-". _to_pkgnames() { local item; for item in "$@"; do case "$item" in */*) echo "$pkgname-${item%%/*}" echo "$pkgname-$item" | tr '/' '-';; *) echo "$pkgname-$item";; esac done } # Prints space-separated items from $1 that are not in $2. _set_difference() { printf '%s\n' $1 $2 $2 | sort | uniq -u } # Moves file/directory $1 from the $pkgdir to $2 (or $1 if $2 not given) # in the $subpkgdir. _submv() { local src="$1" local dest="${2:-}" if [ "$dest" ]; then mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/${dest%/*} mv "$pkgdir"/$src "$subpkgdir"/$dest else mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/${src%/*} mv "$pkgdir"/$src "$subpkgdir"/${src%/*}/ fi rmdir -p "$pkgdir"/${src%/*} 2>/dev/null || true } sha512sums="9ad3bb7eeb36d921189d93cb347ec73262503d85397b574ef603080cee52d1959752740e5018a0e7eb5dc187bce8aae3b6fc0057a6385bce94e5338604c6bc57 libelektra-0.8.21.tar.gz cbfe8b96a806825d5f7194734a646bdb3fb273bf6be44b3b47e9b2f63bf90a7ece867e74808da743ff33211abba0682aba55d02a3dbfa0a5efc3dc821444bd87 fix-bash-shebang.patch 48d645142bf63282e13d1c76c1ddedc5633e365a1a87d0cd49c75fa801eed44b57fb66eee49badc7a9e6210f6ccd2af82779f0658f90263fd23b959f4e70b84c fix-augeas-internal-inconsistency.patch 717b343b6509d14949a154bbbf13d5722f47f97717dbd839763fc89f8f9033d5214f903df23b4ca7f196ae9dbfe6a3348542411c714e471ca4a50b39bdff3abc cmake-allow-override-rpath.patch 9ca27100c7b9e3b64146a4733e7007c6175ba475415cf7523315d21ba8fcfff65e3769ee2e9d59cdf2eb943a5c49786c4811e4deec6c694964da7e0e5292c1f9 remove-unneeded-assembly.patch"