Remove task for building native_optimizer and binaryen. It's not needed, because we ship this binary as a package. Also we don't build emscripten-fastcomp with X86 target, so it can't be used to build this native binary. --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ libcxx_noexcept libcxxabi gl - native_optimizer - binaryen bullet freetype libpng @@ -48,14 +46,10 @@ Issuing ' build ALL' causes each task to be built. -It is also possible to build native_optimizer manually by using CMake. To -do that, run +Do not use this tool to build native_optimizer manually - it's already +installed and configured on Alpine Linux. - 1. cd $EMSCRIPTEN/tools/optimizer - 2. cmake . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release - 3. make (or mingw32-make/vcbuild/msbuild on Windows) - -and set up the location to the native optimizer in ~/.emscripten +If you need binaryen, install it with apk: apk add binaryen. ''' sys.exit(0) @@ -88,12 +82,6 @@ skip_tasks = {'libc-mt', 'dlmalloc_threadsafe', 'pthreads'} print('Skipping building of %s, because WebAssembly does not support pthreads.' % ', '.join(skip_tasks)) tasks = [x for x in tasks if x not in skip_tasks] - if os.environ.get('EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER'): - print 'Skipping building of native-optimizer since environment variable EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER is present and set to point to a prebuilt native optimizer path.' - elif hasattr(shared, 'EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER'): - print 'Skipping building of native-optimizer since .emscripten config file has set EMSCRIPTEN_NATIVE_OPTIMIZER to point to a prebuilt native optimizer path.' - else: - tasks += ['native_optimizer'] for what in tasks:'building and verifying ' + what) if what in ('libc', 'dlmalloc'): @@ -146,9 +134,7 @@ } ''', ['gl.bc']) elif what == 'native_optimizer': - build(''' - int main() {} - ''', ['optimizer.2.exe'], ['-O2']) + shared.logging.warning('native_optimizer is already installed: /usr/bin/emoptimizer. Skipping build.') elif what == 'wasm_compiler_rt': if shared.get_llvm_target() == shared.WASM_TARGET: build(''' @@ -177,7 +163,7 @@ elif what == 'sdl2-ttf': build_port('sdl2-ttf', 'libsdl2_ttf.bc', ['-s', 'USE_SDL=2', '-s', 'USE_SDL_TTF=2', '-s', 'USE_FREETYPE=1']) elif what == 'binaryen': - build_port('binaryen', None, ['-s', 'BINARYEN=1']) + shared.logging.warning('Run "apk add binaryen" to install binaryen. Skipping build.') else: shared.logging.error('unfamiliar build target: ' + what) sys.exit(1)