# To run multiple fastd instances, copy this file to /etc/fastd/example.conf, # create a symlink /etc/init.d/fastd.example -> fastd # and initialize the tunnel by issuing: rc-service fastd.example start # See also: http://fastd.readthedocs.org/en/v17/manual/config.html # Log warnings and errors to stderr log level warn; # Log everything to syslog #log to syslog level debug; # Set the interface name interface "mesh-vpn"; # Support salsa2012+umac and null methods, prefer salsa2012+umac method "salsa2012+umac"; # Sets the handshake protocol; at the moment only ec25519-fhmqvc is supported. protocol "ec25519-fhmqvc"; # Bind to a fixed port, IPv4 only bind; # Secret key generated by `fastd --generate-key` secret ""; # Set the interface MTU for TAP mode with xsalsa20/aes128 over IPv4 with a base MTU of 1492 (PPPoE) # (see MTU selection documentation) mtu 1428; # Include peers from the directory 'peers' include peers from "peers";