# Contributor: Eric Kidd # Maintainer: pkgname=geos pkgver=3.5.0 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="GEOS is a library providing OpenGIS and JTS spatial operations in C++." url="http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/" arch="x86 x86_64" license="LGPL2.1" depends="" depends_dev="" makedepends="swig python-dev $depends_dev" install="" subpackages="py-$pkgname:py $pkgname-dev" source="http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-$pkgver.tar.bz2 10-isnan.patch" builddir="$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver" prepare() { cd "$builddir" for i in "$srcdir"/*.patch; do msg "Applying ${i}" patch -p1 -i $i || return 1 done } build() { cd "$builddir" ./configure \ --build=$CBUILD \ --host=$CHOST \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --localstatedir=/var \ --enable-python \ || return 1 # --enable-ruby produces a gem which crashes, and which seems to # mostly ignored in favor of the rgeo and ffi-geos modules, anyway. make || return 1 # This is a complex library that does lots of complicated numeric # stuff, and the unit tests are fast, so let's run them just to be # safe. make check || return 1 } package() { cd "$builddir" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1 install -Dm644 COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/COPYING } py() { cd "$builddir" pkgdesc="$pkgname Python bindings" install -d "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib mv "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/python* "$subpkgdir"/usr/lib/ } md5sums="136842690be7f504fba46b3c539438dd geos-3.5.0.tar.bz2 05cb0ecb132c4d20b5444a7ec926d68c 10-isnan.patch" sha256sums="49982b23bcfa64a53333dab136b82e25354edeb806e5a2e2f5b8aa98b1d0ae02 geos-3.5.0.tar.bz2 1bce38b84d5ba67bc0f4725cc13d69b89654b3cd37e4189090691e8abe008040 10-isnan.patch" sha512sums="cd9c008c19213eb90959f950b03958e6abd9c22d83e6eb5f5a9020263ad8b0045dd5c5af60417c548fc130a57756ae1ef706710086cc277498b9ba6a0a6256b7 geos-3.5.0.tar.bz2 3bb8a11e56f9f03138e46b96c31c57f7f080a7115d5d64a3d84c1dbd077ab61e32e7c8b441d5d167ba0f9b87ac6b978291b507ab0ef7d9f27f3fb282766a3db6 10-isnan.patch"