# Contributor: Clayton Craft # Maintainer: Clayton Craft pkgname=openmw pkgver=0.45.0 pkgrel=1 _gtestver=1.8.1 pkgdesc="Open-source engine reimplementation for the role-playing game Morrowind" # Note: only tested on the following archs, may work on others too but not # adding them until this has been confirmed arch="x86_64 aarch64" url="http://www.openmw.org" license="GPL-3.0-or-later" makedepends="cmake boost doxygen ninja mesa-dev qt5-qtbase-dev ffmpeg-dev openscenegraph-dev boost-dev openal-soft-dev sdl2-dev mygui-dev bullet-dev libxt-dev unshield-dev gtest-dev tinyxml-dev" # Two failing tets: # [ FAILED ] ContentFileTest.dialogue_merging_test # [ FAILED ] ContentFileTest.content_diagnostics_test options="!check" source="https://github.com/OpenMW/openmw/archive/openmw-$pkgver.tar.gz" builddir=$srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgname-$pkgver build() { # build OpenMW CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fpermissive" cmake -B build . \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None \ -DDESIRED_QT_VERSION=5 \ -DBUILD_WITH_CODE_COVERAGE=0 \ -DBUILD_UNITTESTS=1 \ -DUSE_SYSTEM_TINYXML=TRUE \ -GNinja ninja -C build } check() { ./build/openmw_test_suite } package() { DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install } sha512sums="b968426659457cf486f6756f7ab82cc4cb34a92923c433dd86f711e5d7097f75441ed17daa50d21f15f1847f5aed1f4c3a094a06cfd3f2e9b90aa182742c596f openmw-0.45.0.tar.gz"