#!/sbin/openrc-run # This file is part of PSAD (Port Scan Attack Detector) # Adapted for Alpine Linux by IT Offshore <developer@it-offshore.co.uk> command="/usr/sbin/psad" pidfile="/var/run/psad/psad.pid" config_file="/etc/psad/psad.conf" depend() { need net need logger after iptables } # allow override config_file location from conf.d : ${config_file:="/etc/psad/psad.conf"} check_config() { [ -f "$config_file" ] || error "$config_file is missing" } start_pre() { check_config || return 1 # make sure dir for pidfile exists. /var/run is tmpfs... checkpath --directory ${pidfile%/*} } start() { ebegin "Starting PSAD (Port Scan Attack Detector)" start-stop-daemon --start $command --pidfile $pidfile eend $? } stop() { local piddir=${pidfile%/*} ebegin "Stopping psadwatchd" start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $piddir/psadwatchd.pid eend $? "Failed to stop psadwatchd" if [ -f $piddir/kmsgsd.pid ] ; then ebegin "Stopping kmsgsd" start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $piddir/kmsgsd.pid eend $? "Failed to stop kmsgsd" fi ebegin "Stopping ${SVCNAME}" start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile $piddir/psad.pid eend $? "Failed to stop ${SVCNAME}" }