# Maintainer: Marian Buschsieweke # Contributor: Marian Buschsieweke _pkgname=wxPython pkgname=py3-wxpython pkgver=4.0.6 pkgrel=0 pkgdesc="Cross-platform GUI toolkit for the Python language" url="https://wxpython.org/" arch="all" license="custom" depends="py3-six py3-pathlib2" makedepends="py3-setuptools wxgtk3-dev python3-dev" checkdepends="py3-pytest py3-pytest-xdist xvfb-run" source="https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/w/wxPython/wxPython-$pkgver.tar.gz" builddir="$srcdir"/$_pkgname-$pkgver # Not all unit tests are passing. Some due to missing features of xvfb where the # tests are running in (GL, display settings). Some are checking features that # have not been provided in this package. Disabling failing unit tests to track # regressions would be nice, but I do not have the time for that now options="!check" prepare() { default_prepare sed -i "s|WX_CONFIG = 'wx-config'|WX_CONFIG = 'wx-config-gtk3'|" build.py } build() { python3 build.py build --use_syswx --release } check() { xvfb-run python3 build.py test } package() { python3 build.py install --destdir="$pkgdir" install -Dm 644 LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE.txt } sha512sums="bfe799e1a0987cb57f2e31199cdb522471aaa08bb3b642fdf4130f4219b81487d4b6252f7a8afd3af7cdaeef2e992cecfc581e97d8b42307a4e0a8c9009db301 wxPython-4.0.6.tar.gz"