# To run multiple quicktun instances, copy this file to /etc/quicktun/example.conf, # create a symlink /etc/init.d/quicktun.example -> quicktun # and initialize the tunnel by issuing: rc-service quicktun.example start # interface name #export INTERFACE= # set to 1 to operate in tun (IP), unset or 0 (recent versions only) for tap (Ethernet) mode #export TUN_MODE=0 # set to 1 to include packet information header in wire packets, must be set on both sides if # used; set to 2 to automatically add the packet information header for cross-platform compatibility # (also compatible with USE_PI=0), some (BSD) kernels need USE_PI to be enabled for IPv6 support #export USE_PI=0 # IP address or hostname of the remote end (use for a floating/dynamic remote endpoint) #export REMOTE_ADDRESS= # IP address or hostname of the local end, optional #export LOCAL_ADDRESS= # local UDP port, optional, defaults to 2998 #export LOCAL_PORT=2998 # remote UDP port, optional, defaults to LOCAL_PORT #export REMOTE_PORT=${LOCAL_PORT} # allows the remote address and port to change when properly encrypted packets are received #export REMOTE_FLOAT= # run specified command or script after the tunnel device has been opened #export TUN_UP_SCRIPT= # drop privileges and change user and group IDs to specified username after setting up the tunnel export SETUID=quicktun # nacl0, nacltai and salty (encrypted) protocols only: #export PRIVATE_KEY= # local secret key in hexadecimal form (not needed for raw protocol) #export PUBLIC_KEY= # remote public key in hexadecimal form (not needed for raw protocol) #export PRIVATE_KEY_FILE= # file containing local secret key in binary or hexadecimal form (not needed for raw protocol) # nacltai (encrypted) protocol only: # allowed time window for first received packet in seconds (positive number allows packets from history) #export TIME_WINDOW= # the protocol to use, one of "raw", "nacl0" and "nacltai" #export PROTOCOL=raw