#!/bin/sh ln -s /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent /var/www/localhost/htdocs/rutorrent 2>/dev/null echo "*" >&2 echo "* rutorrent has been installed to: " >&2 echo "* /usr/share/webapps/rutorrent " >&2 echo "* If you use lighttpd: " >&2 echo "* 1 - enable mod_scgi in lighttpd.conf adding: " >&2 echo "* server.modules += ( "mod_scgi" ) " >&2 echo "* 2 - touch /etc/lighttpd/mod_scgi.conf " >&2 echo "* 3 - add the following entry in mod_scgi.conf: " >&2 echo "* scgi.server =( " >&2 echo "* "/RPC1" => " >&2 echo "* ( "" => " >&2 echo "* ( " >&2 echo "* "host" => "", " >&2 echo "* "port" => 5000, " >&2 echo "* "check-local" => "disable" " >&2 echo "* ) " >&2 echo "* ) " >&2 echo "* ) " >&2 echo "* 4 - (optional) Add lighttpd to rutorrent group " >&2 echo "* to give to webserver r/w permissions on rutorrent " >&2 echo "* share folder (/usr/share/webapps/rutorrent/share): " >&2 echo "* addgroup lighttpd rutorrent " >&2 echo "*" >&2 exit 0