# $Id: sems.conf.sample 1541 2009-10-14 12:00:58Z sayer $ # # sems.conf.sample # # Sip Express Media Server (sems) # # sample configuration file # # # whitespaces (spaces and tabs) are ignored # comments start with a "#" and may be used inline # # example: option=value # i like this option # # @filename includes mod_config_path/filename # @/absolute/path/to/file includes file ############################################################ # Network configuration # optional parameter: media_ip=| # # - this informs SEMS about the IP address or interface that # SEMS uses to send and receive media. If not set, defaults # to first non-loopback interface. # # Examples: # media_ip= # media_ip=eth0 # optional parameter: sip_ip= # # - this informs SEMS about the SIP IP where its SIP stack is # bound to or should be bound to. If 'sipctrl' SIP stack is used, # the SIP stack will bind to this address. This also sets # the value used for contact header in outgoing calls and # registrations. If not set, defaults to first non-loopback # interface. # # Example: # sip_ip= # # optional parameter: public_ip= # # - when running SEMS behind certain simple NAT configurations, # you can use this parameter to inform SEMS of its public IP # address. If this parameter is set, SEMS will write this value # into SDP bodies. # If this parameter is not set, the local IP address is used. # N.B., there is no support for port translation; the local # RTP port is advertised in SDP in either case. # # Example: # public_ip= # # optional parameter: sip_port= # # - this informs SEMS about the port where its SIP stack is # bound to or should be bound to. SEMS needs this information # to correctly set the contact header in outgoing calls # and registrations. Should be set to equal the 'port' # configuration option in ser_sems.cfg. # This does not need to be set if sipctrl SIP stack, outgoing # calls and registrations from SEMS are not used. # # default: 5060 # sip_port=5080 # optional parameter: outbound_proxy=uri # # - this sets a next hop for calls and registrations outgoing # from SEMS. This does not apply to requests in a dialog that # is initiated by someone else and incoming to SEMS, as in # this case the next_hop is taken by SEMS from the incoming # request that established the dialog. # If this is not set (default setting), then for dialogs # initiated by SEMS the r-uri is resolved and the request # is sent there directly. # This is resolved by the SIP stack with DNS if a name is given. # Warning: If the value set here can not be resolved, no # requests will be sent out at all! # # default: empty # # Example: # outbound_proxy=sip:proxy.mydomain.net # optional parameter: rtp_low_port= # # - sets lowest for RTP used port rtp_low_port=10000 # optional parameter: rtp_high_port= # # - sets highest for RTP used port rtp_high_port=60000 ############################################################ # modules and application configuration # # Configuration of plugin (module) loading: # - if load_plugins is set, only those are loaded. # - if load_plugins is not set, all modules in the plugin_path # directory are loaded, except those which are listed # in exclude_plugins. # # optional parameter: plugin_path= # # - sets the path to the plug-ins' binaries # - may be absolute or relative to CWD plugin_path=/usr/lib/sems/plug-in/ # optional parameter: load_plugins= # # semicolon-separated list of modules to load. # If empty, all modules in plugin_path are loaded. # One of [sipctrl,unixsockctrl,binrpcctrl] must be loaded. # # example for announcement with only g711 and ilbc codecs # load_plugins=wav;ilbc;announcement;sipctrl # optional parameter: exclude_plugins= # # semicolon-separated list of modules to exclude from loading # ('blacklist'). If empty, all modules in plugin_path are loaded. # This has only effect it load_plugins is not set. # # o binrpcctrl and unixsockctrl: excluded as sipctrl is default ctrl # o precoded_announce: no precoded sample files present exclude_plugins=binrpcctrl;unixsockctrl;precoded_announce # optional parameter: application # # This controls which application is to be executed if there # is no explicit application requested from the SIP stack # (i.e. unixsockctrl and second parameter of t_write_unix). # # This can be one of # $(ruri.user) - user part of ruri is taken as application, # e.g. sip:announcement@host # $(ruri.param) - uri parameter "app", e.g. # sip:joe@host.net;app=announcement # $(apphdr) - the value of the P-App-Name header is used # # $(mapping) - regex=>application mapping is read from # app_mapping.conf (see app_mapping.conf) # - application name configured here, e.g. # application=announcement # # examples: # application = conference # application = $(mapping) # application = $(ruri.user) # application = $(ruri.param) application = $(apphdr) # parameter: plugin_config_path= # # - in this path configuration files of the applications # (e.g. announcement.conf) are searched plugin_config_path=/etc/sems/etc/ # optional parameter: exclude_payloads= # # semicolon-separated list of payloads to exclude from loading # ('blacklist'). # # For example, to only use low bandwidth codecs: # exclude_payloads=PCMU;PCMA;G726-40;G726-32;G721;L16 # or, to use only codecs which are not CPU-intensive: # exclude_payloads=iLBC;speex; # only use G711 (exclude everything else): # exclude_payloads=iLBC;speex;G726-40;G726-32;G721;G726-24;G726-16;GSM;L16 ############################################################ # logging and running # optional parameter: fork={yes|no} # # - specifies if sems should run in daemon mode (background) # (fork=no is the same as -E) fork=yes # optional parameter: stderr={yes|no} # # - debug mode: do not fork and log to stderr # (stderr=yes is the same as -E) stderr=no # optional parameter: loglevel={0|1|2|3} # # - sets log level (error=0, warning=1, info=2, debug=3) # (same as -D) loglevel=2 # optional parameter: syslog_facility={DAEMON|USER|LOCAL[0-7]} # # - sets the log facility that is used for syslog. Using this, # the log can for example be filtered into a special file # by the syslog daemon. # # Default: DAEMON # # Example: # syslog_facility=LOCAL0 # optional parameter: log_sessions=[yes|no] # # Default: no # # If log_sessions=yes is set, INFO level log messages are generated # for each session when it is started and stopped. # # log_sessions=yes # optional parameter: log_events=[yes|no] # # Default: no # # If log_eventy=yes is set, generic DBG level log messages are # generated for each event that is posted into an event queue. # # log_events=yes ############################################################ # tuning # optional parameter: media_processor_threads= # # - controls how many threads should be created that # process media - on single-processor systems set this # parameter to 1 (default), on MP systems to a higher # value # # media_processor_threads=1 # optional parameter: session_limit=;; # # - this sets a maximum active session limit. If that limit is # reached, no further calls are accepted, but the error reply # with err code/err reason is sent out. # # Default: 0 (None) # # Example: # session_limit="1000;503;Server overload" # optional parameter: options_session_limit=;; # # - this sets a custom response to OPTIONS, if the session count reaches # a certain limit. This way health monitor could raise an alarm to syste # administrator. # # Default: 0 (None) # # Example: # options_session_limit="900;503;Warning, server soon overloaded" # optional parameter: dead_rtp_time= # # - if != 0, after this time (in seconds) of no RTP # a session is considered dead and stopped. If set # to 0 no check is done for rtp timeout. # # default=300 (5 minutes) # # Examples: # # disable RTP timeout # dead_rtp_time=0 # # RTP timeout after 10 seconds # dead_rtp_time=10 # optional parameter: use_default_signature={yes|no} # # - use a Server/User-Agent header with the SEMS server # signature and version. # Set server_signature=0 in ser_sems.cfg if you use SER # as SIP stack. # # default=no # use_default_signature=yes # optional parameter: signature= # # - use a Server/User-Agent header with a custom user agent # signature. # Overridden by default signature if # use_default_signature is set. # Set server_signature=0 in ser_sems.cfg if you use it. # # # signature="SEMS media server 1.0" # optional parameter: single_codec_in_ok={yes|no} # # - use single codec in 200 OK response # # default=no # # single_codec_in_ok=no # optional parameter: codec_order=codec_name_1,codec_name2,... # # - Codec order used when sending INVITE requests. Codecs in codec_order # will be on the top of the list followed by other supported codecs # (if any). # # default=empty # # codec_order=iLBC,GSM # optional parameter: ignore_rtpxheaders={yes|no} # # - if this is set to yes, RTP extension headers (e.g. when using ZRTP) # are ignored. If set to no, the whole RTP packets with extension # headers will be ignored and a debug message is printed on every # received packet. # # default=no # # ignore_rtpxheaders=yes # optional parameter: dtmf_detector={spandsp|internal} # # sets inband DTMF detector to use. spandsp support must be compiled in # for this to have effect if dtmf_detector=spandsp. # # default: internal # # dtmf_detector=spandsp # optional parameter: unhandled_reply_loglevel={error|warn|info|debug|no} # # the default application logic implemented in the applications is to stop # the session right after sending BYE, without waiting for a reply. this # leads to many log entries of the form # ERROR: [b6fa6bb0] handleSipMsg (AmSipDispatcher.cpp:48): unhandled # reply: [code:200;phrase:[OK];... ] # # This parameter sets the log lovel of unhandled positive (200 class) replies. # # default: error # # unhandled_reply_loglevel=info