diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 30ebbfe..0a82c67 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -1,43 +1,73 @@
+# Edit Makefile.in and run ./configure
+KINSTDIR = $(shell dirname @KDIR@)
+DEPMOD = depmod -a
+# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kbuild/modules.txt
+# https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt
 obj-m = ipt_NETFLOW.o
-ipt_NETFLOW.ko: ipt_NETFLOW.c ipt_NETFLOW.h
+all: ipt_NETFLOW.ko libipt_NETFLOW.so libip6t_NETFLOW.so
+ipt_NETFLOW.ko: version.h ipt_NETFLOW.c ipt_NETFLOW.h Makefile
 	@echo Compiling for kernel $(KVERSION)
 	make -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR) modules
-all: ipt_NETFLOW.ko libipt_NETFLOW.so
-	make -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR) modules_install
+	@touch $@
+sparse: | version.h ipt_NETFLOW.c ipt_NETFLOW.h Makefile
+	@rm -f ipt_NETFLOW.ko ipt_NETFLOW.o
+	@echo Compiling for kernel $(KVERSION)
+	make -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR) modules C=1
+	@touch ipt_NETFLOW.ko
+minstall: | ipt_NETFLOW.ko
+	make -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR) modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$(DESTDIR)
 	make -C $(KDIR) M=$(CURDIR) clean
 	-rm -f *.so *_sh.o
 clean: mclean lclean
-	-rm -f *.so *.o modules.order
+	-rm -f *.so *.o modules.order version.h
+%_sh.o: libipt_NETFLOW.c
+	gcc -O2 -Wall -Wunused $(IPTABLES_CFLAGS) -fPIC -o $@ -c libipt_NETFLOW.c
+%.so: %_sh.o
+	gcc -shared -o $@ $<
-libipt_NETFLOW.so: libipt_NETFLOW.c
-	gcc -O2 -Wall -Wunused -I$(KDIR)/include $(IPTABLES_CFLAGS) -fPIC -o libipt_NETFLOW_sh.o -c libipt_NETFLOW.c
-	gcc -shared  -o libipt_NETFLOW.so libipt_NETFLOW_sh.o
+version.h: ipt_NETFLOW.c ipt_NETFLOW.h Makefile
+	@if [ -d .git ] && type git >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+		 echo "#define GITVERSION \"`git describe --dirty`\""; \
+	fi > version.h
-linstall: ipt_NETFLOW.ko libipt_NETFLOW.so
-	cp -a libipt_NETFLOW.so $(IPTABLES_MODULES)
+linstall: | libipt_NETFLOW.so libip6t_NETFLOW.so
+	install -D libipt_NETFLOW.so $(DESTDIR)$(IPTABLES_MODULES)/libipt_NETFLOW.so
+	install -D libip6t_NETFLOW.so $(DESTDIR)$(IPTABLES_MODULES)/libip6t_NETFLOW.so
 install: minstall linstall
+	-rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(KINSTDIR)/extra/ipt_NETFLOW.ko
 Makefile: Makefile.in configure
 	./configure --make
 load: all
-	insmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko active_timeout=5
-	iptables -A OUTPUT -d 0/0 -j NETFLOW
-	iptables -A INPUT -d 0/0 -j NETFLOW
+	-insmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko active_timeout=5 protocol=9
+	-iptables -I OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-iptables -I INPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-ip6tables -I OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-ip6tables -I INPUT -j NETFLOW
-	iptables -D OUTPUT -d 0/0 -j NETFLOW
-	iptables -D INPUT -d 0/0 -j NETFLOW
-	rmmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko
+	-iptables -D OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-iptables -D INPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-ip6tables -D OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-ip6tables -D INPUT -j NETFLOW
+	-rmmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko
+reload: unload load
diff --git a/README b/README
index 213f02c..56a4fde 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
-ipt_NETFLOW linux 2.6 kernel module by <abc@telekom.ru> -- 11 Feb 2008
+ipt_NETFLOW linux 2.6.x-3.x kernel module by <abc@telekom.ru> -- 2008-2013.
+   High performance NetFlow v5, v9, IPFIX flow data export module for Linux
+   kernel. Supporting IPv4 and IPv6. Created to be useful for highly loaded
+   linux router. It should be used as iptables target. Also can export NAT
+   translation events using NetFlow Event Logging (NEL) for v9, IPFIX, or
+   specially crafted v5 flows.
-   $ git clone git://ipt-netflow.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/ipt-netflow/ipt-netflow
+   $ git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/ipt-netflow/code ipt-netflow
    $ cd ipt-netflow
@@ -12,94 +19,220 @@ ipt_NETFLOW linux 2.6 kernel module by <abc@telekom.ru> -- 11 Feb 2008
-1. Besides kernel you will need iptables/netfilter source matching your
-     installation or just fresh install from there: ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/iptables/snapshot/
-   I have this: ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/iptables/snapshot/iptables-1.3.7-20070329.tar.bz2
-   Unpack it somewhere and build with make.
+   Four easy steps.
+** 1. Prepare Kernel source
+   If you have package system install kernel-devel package, otherwise install
+   raw kernel source from http://kernel.org matching _exactly_ version of your
+   installed kernel.
+   a) What to do for Centos:
+      ~# yum install kernel-devel
+   b) What to do for Debian:
+      ~# apt-get install module-assistant
+      ~# m-a prepare
+   c) Otherwise, if you downloaded raw kernel sources don't forget to create
+    .config by copying it from your distribution's kernel. Its copy could reside
+    in /boot or sometimes in /proc, examples:
+      kernel-src-dir/# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
+    or
+      kernel-src-dir/# zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
+    Assuming you unpacked kernel source into `kernel-src-dir/' directory.
+    Then run:
+      kernel-src-dir/# make oldconfig
+    After that you'll need to prepare kernel for modules build:
+      kernel-src-dir/# make prepare modules_prepare
+   Note: Don't try to `make prepare' in Centos kernel-devel package directory
+     (which is usually something like /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64)
+     as this is wrong and meaningless.
+** 2. Prepare Iptables
+   Before this step it also would be useful to install pkg-config if don't
+   already have.
+   If you have package system just install iptables-devel (or iptables-dev)
+   package, otherwise install iptables source matching version of your
+   installation from ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/iptables/
+   a) What to do for Centos:
+      # yum install iptables-devel
+   b) What to do for Debian:
+      # apt-get install iptables-dev pkg-config
-2. Run ./configure script and it will create Makefile
+   c) Otherwise, for raw iptables source build it and make install.
-3. make all install; depmod
-   This will install kernel module and iptable specific library.
+** 3. Now, to actually build the module run:
-   1) Sometimes you will want to add CC=gcc-3 to make command.
-   Example: make CC=gcc-3.3
+      ~/ipt-netflow# ./configure
+      ~/ipt-netflow# make all install
+      ~/ipt-netflow# depmod
-   2) Compile module with actual kernel source compiled.
-   I.e. first compile kernel and boot into it, and then compile module.
+   This will install kernel module and iptables specific library.
-   3) For autoloading module after reboot: set net.netflow.destination (or load
-   module, if idestination set on load) after interfaces are up. Becasue module
-   needs exporting interface (usually lo) to establish export connection.
+   Troubleshooting:
-4. After this point you should be able to load module
-     and use -j NETFLOW target in your iptables. See next section.
+     a) Sometimes you will want to add CC=gcc-3 to make command.
+     Example: make CC=gcc-3.3
+     b) Compile module with actual kernel source compiled.
+     I.e. first compile kernel and boot into it, and then compile module.
+     If you are using kernel-devel package check that its version matches
+     your kernel package.
+     c) If you have sources in non-standard places or configure isn't able to
+     find something run ./configure --help to see how to specify paths manually.
+** 4. After this point you should be able to load module and
+     use -j NETFLOW target in your iptables. See next section.
-1. You can load module by insmod like this:
-   # insmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko destination= debug=1
+1. You can load module directly by insmod like this:
+     # insmod ipt_NETFLOW.ko destination= debug=1
    Or if properly installed (make install; depmod) by this:
-   # modprobe ipt_NETFLOW destination=
+     # modprobe ipt_NETFLOW destination=
    See, you may add options in insmod/modprobe command line, or add
-     them in /etc/ to modules.conf or modprobe.conf like thus:
-   options ipt_NETFLOW destination=
+   them in /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.d/ipt_NETFLOW.conf
+   like thus:
+     options ipt_NETFLOW destination= protocol=9 natevents=1
 2. Statistics is in /proc/net/stat/ipt_netflow
-   To view slab statistics: grep ipt_netflow /proc/slabinfo
+   To view boring slab statistics: grep ipt_netflow /proc/slabinfo
 3. You can view parameters and control them via sysctl, example:
-   # sysctl -w net.netflow.hashsize=32768
-4. Example of directing all traffic into module:
-   # iptables -A FORWARD -j NETFLOW
-   # iptables -A INPUT -j NETFLOW
-   # iptables -A OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+     # sysctl net.netflow
+     # sysctl net.netflow.hashsize=32768
+   Note: For after-reboot configuration I recommend to store module parameters
+   in modprobe configs instead of storing them in /etc/sysctl.conf, as it's
+   less clear when init process will apply sysctl.conf, before of after
+   module's load.
+4. Example of directing all IPv4 traffic into the module:
+     # iptables -I FORWARD -j NETFLOW
+     # iptables -I INPUT -j NETFLOW
+     # iptables -I OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+   Note: It is preferable (because easier to understand) to _insert_
+   NETFLOW target at the top of the chain, otherwise not all traffic may
+   reach NETFLOW if your iptables configuration is complicated and some
+   other rule inadvertently consume the traffic (dropping or acepting before
+   NETFLOW is reached). It's always good to test your configuration.
+   Use  iptables -L -nvx  to check pkts/bytes counters on the rules.
+5. If you want to account IPv6 traffic you should use protocol 9 or 10.
+   Example of directing all IPv6 traffic into the module:
+     # sysctl net.netflow.protocol=10
+     # ip6tables -I FORWARD -j NETFLOW
+     # ip6tables -I INPUT -j NETFLOW
+     # ip6tables -I OUTPUT -j NETFLOW
+   Note: First enable right version of protocol and after that add ip6tables
+     rules, otherwise you will get errors in dmesg.
+6. If you want to account NAT events (NEL):
+     # sysctl net.netflow.natevents=1
+   Note that natevents feature is completely independent from traffic accounting
+   (it's using so called conntrack events), thus you don't need to set or change
+   any iptables rules to use that. You may need to enable kernel config option
+   CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS though (if it isn't already enabled).
+   For details on how they are exported for different protocol versions see
+   below.
+   protocol=5
+     - what version of NetFlow protocol to use. Default is 5.
+       You can choose from 5, 9, or 10 (where 10 is IPFIX). If you plan
+       to account IPv6 traffic you should use protocol 9 or 10 (IPFIX),
+       because NetFlow v5 isn't compatible with IPv6.
      - where to export netflow, to this ip address
        You will see this connection in netstat like this:
        udp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 
-     - mirror flows to two (can be more) addresses,
-       separate addresses with comma.
+     - mirror flows to two (can be more) addresses, separate addresses
+       with comma.
+   natevents=1
+     - Collect and send NAT translation events as NetFlow Event Logging (NEL)
+       for NetFlow v9/IPFIX, or as dummy flows compatible with NetFlow v5.
+       Default is 0 (don't send).
+       For NetFlow v5 protocol meaning of fields in dummy flows are such:
+         Src IP, Src Port  is Pre-nat source address.
+         Dst IP, Dst Port  is Post-nat destination address.
+           - These two fields made equal to data flows catched in FORWARD chain.
+	 Nexthop, Src AS  is Post-nat source address for SNAT. Or,
+	 Nexthop, Dst AS  is Pre-nat destination address for DNAT.
+	 TCP Flags is SYN+SCK for start event, RST+FIN for stop event.
+	 Pkt/Traffic size is 0 (zero), so it won't interfere with accounting.
      - export flow after it's inactive 15 seconds. Default value is 15.
-     - export flow after it's active 1800 seconds (30 minutes). Default value is 1800.
+     - export flow after it's active 1800 seconds (30 minutes). Default valuae
+       is 1800.
+   refresh-rate=20
+     - for NetFlow v9 and IPFIX it's rate how frequently to re-send templates
+       (per packets). You probably don't need to change default (which is 20).
+   timeout-rate=30
+     - for NetFlow v9 and IPFIX it's rate when to re-send old templates (in
+       minutes). No need to change it.
      - debug level (none).
-     - size of output socket buffer in bytes. Recommend you to put
+     - size of output socket buffer in bytes. I recommend you to put
        higher value if you experience netflow packet drops (can be
        seen in statistics as 'sock: fail' number.)
        Default value is system default.
      - Hash table bucket size. Used for performance tuning.
-       Abstractly speaking, it should be two times bigger than flows
+       Abstractly speaking, it should be minimum two times bigger than flows
        you usually have, but not need to.
        Default is system memory dependent small enough value.
-     - Maximum number of flows to account. It's here to prevent DOS attacks. After
-       this limit reached new flows will not be accounted. Default is
+     - Maximum number of flows to account. It's here to prevent DOS attacks.
+       After this limit reached new flows will not be accounted. Default is
        2000000, zero is unlimited.
@@ -130,14 +263,15 @@ Troubleshooting:
-  Statistics is your friend to fine tune and understand netflow module performance.
+  Statistics is your friend to fine tune and understand netflow module
+  performance.
   To see stat:
   # cat /proc/net/stat/ipt_netflow
   How to interpret the data:
-> Flows: active 5187 (peak 83905 reached 0d0h1m ago, maxflows 2000000), mem 283K
+> Flows: active 5187 (peak 83905 reached 0d0h1m ago, maxflows 2000000), mem 283K, worker delay 100/1000.
   active X: currently active flows in memory cache.
     - for optimum CPU performance it is recommended to set hash table size to
@@ -146,8 +280,9 @@ Troubleshooting:
   mem XK: how much kilobytes of memory currently taken by active flows.
     - one active flow taking 56 bytes of memory.
     - there is system limit on cache size too.
+  worker delay X/HZ: how frequently exporter scan flows table per second.
-> Hash: size 8192 (mem 32K), metric 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0. MemTraf: 1420 pkt, 364 K (pdu 0, 0).
+> Hash: size 8192 (mem 32K), metric 1.00, [1.00, 1.00, 1.00]. MemTraf: 1420 pkt, 364 K (pdu 0, 0).
   Hash: size X: current hash size/limit.
     - you can control this by sysctl net.netflow.hashsize variable.
@@ -156,18 +291,22 @@ Troubleshooting:
     - optimal value is twice of average of active flows.
   mem XK: how much memory occupied by hash table.
     - hash table is fixed size by nature, taking 4 bytes per entry.
-  metric X, X, X, X: how optimal is your hash table being used.
+  metric X, [X, X, X]: how optimal is your hash table being used.
     - lesser value mean more optimal hash table use, min is 1.0.
-    - this is moving average (EWMA) of hash table access divided
-      by match rate (searches / matches) for 4sec, and 1, 5, 15 minutes.
-      Sort of hash table load average.
+    - last three numbers in squares is moving average (EWMA) of hash table
+      access divided by match rate (searches / matches) for 4sec, and 1, 5, and
+      15 minutes. Sort of hash table load average. First value is instantaneous.
+      You can try to increase hashsize if averages more than 1 (increase
+      certainly if >= 2).
   MemTraf: X pkt, X K: how much traffic accounted for flows that are in memory.
     - these flows that are residing in internal hash table.
   pdu X, X: how much traffic in flows preparing to be exported.
     - it is included already in aforementioned MemTraf total.
-> Timeout: active 1800, inactive 15. Maxflows 2000000
+> Protocol version 10 (ipfix), refresh-rate 20, timeout-rate 30, (templates 2, active 2). Timeouts: active 5, inactive 15. Maxflows 2000000
+  Protocol version currently in use. Refresh-rate and timeout-rate
+      for v9 and IPFIX. Total templates generated and currently active.
   Timeout: active X: how much seconds to wait before exporting active flow.
     - same as sysctl net.netflow.active_timeout variable.
   inactive X: how much seconds to wait before exporting inactive flow.
@@ -180,20 +319,22 @@ Troubleshooting:
   - Module throughput values for 1 second, 1 minute, and 5 minutes.
-> cpu#  stat: <search found new, trunc frag alloc maxflows>, sock: <ok fail cberr, bytes>, traffic: <pkt, bytes>, drop: <pkt, bytes>
-> cpu0  stat: 980540  10473 180600,    0    0    0    0, sock:   4983 928 0, 7124 K, traffic: 188765, 14 MB, drop: 27863, 1142 K
+> cpu#  stat: <search found new [metric], trunc frag alloc maxflows>, sock: <ok fail cberr, bytes>, traffic: <pkt, bytes>, drop: <pkt, bytes>
+> cpu0  stat: 980540  10473 180600 [1.03],    0    0    0    0, sock:   4983 928 0, 7124 K, traffic: 188765, 14 MB, drop: 27863, 1142 K
   cpu#: this is Total and per CPU statistics for:
   stat: <search found new, trunc frag alloc maxflows>: internal stat for:
   search found new: hash table searched, found, and not found counters.
-  trunc: how much truncated packets is ignored
+  [metric]: average hash metric since module load.
+  trunc: how much truncated packets are ignored
     - these are that possible don't have valid IP header.
     - accounted in drop packets counter but not in drop bytes.
   frag: how much fragmented packets have seen.
     - kernel always defragments INPUT/OUTPUT chains for us.
     - these packets are not ignored but not reassembled either, so:
-    - if there is no enough data in fragment (ex. tcp ports) it is considered zero.
-  alloc: how much cache memory allocations is failed.
+    - if there is no enough data in fragment (ex. tcp ports) it is considered
+      zero.
+  alloc: how much cache memory allocations are failed.
     - packets ignored and accounted in drop stat.
     - probably increase system memory if this ever happen.
   maxflows: how much packets ignored on maxflows (maximum active flows reached).
@@ -203,7 +344,8 @@ Troubleshooting:
   sock: <ok fail cberr, bytes>: table of exporting stats for:
   ok: how much Netflow PDUs are exported (i.e. UDP packets sent by module).
   fail: how much socket errors (i.e. packets failed to be sent).
-    - packets dropped and their internal statistics cumulatively accounted in drop stat.
+    - packets dropped and their internal statistics cumulatively accounted in
+      drop stat.
   cberr: how much connection refused ICMP errors we got from export target.
     - probably you not launched collector software on destination,
     - or specified wrong destination address.
@@ -225,20 +367,34 @@ Troubleshooting:
       packet is for new flow but maxflows is already reached,
       all flows in export packets that got socket error.
-> sock0:, sndbuf 106496, filled 0, peak 106848; err: sndbuf reached 928, other 0
+> Natevents disabled, count start 0, stop 0.
+    - Natevents mode disabled or enabled, and how much start or stop events
+      are reported.
+> sock0: unconnected (1 attempts).
+  If socket is unconnected (for example if module loaded before interfaces is
+  up) it shows now much connection attempts was failed. It will try to connect
+  until success.
+> sock0:, sndbuf 106496, filled 0, peak 106848; err: sndbuf reached 928, connect 0, other 0
   sockX: per destination stats for:
   X.X.X.X:Y: destination ip address and port.
     - controlled by sysctl net.netflow.destination variable.
   sndbuf X: how much data socket can hold in buffers.
     - controlled by sysctl net.netflow.sndbuf variable.
-    - if you have packet drops due to sndbuf reached (error -11) increase this value.
+    - if you have packet drops due to sndbuf reached (error -11) increase this
+      value.
   filled X: how much data in socket buffers right now.
   peak X: peak value of how much data in socket buffers was.
     - you will be interested to keep it below sndbuf value.
   err: how much packets are dropped due to errors.
     - all flows from them will be accounted in drop stat.
-  sndbuf reached X: how much packets dropped due to sndbuf being too small (error -11).
+  sndbuf reached X: how much packets dropped due to sndbuf being too small
+      (error -11).
+  connect X: how much connection attempts was failed.
   other X: dropped due to other possible errors.
 > aggr0: ...
diff --git a/README.promisc b/README.promisc
index 60ca922..31d774f 100644
--- a/README.promisc
+++ b/README.promisc
@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@ Hello,
 If you wish to account with netflow module traffic mirrored on switch you may follow this example:
-* Solution 1 *
+   Solution 1: General kernel patch.
+   Solution 2: Alternative w/o kernel patch.
+    **************
+    * Solution 1 *
+    **************
 1. Patch your kernel with `raw_promisc.patch' to enable raw table to see promisc traffic.
@@ -33,17 +38,7 @@ If you wish to account with netflow module traffic mirrored on switch you may fo
  # /sbin/vconfig add eth1 47
  # /sbin/ifconfig eth1.47 up
-5. Recompile ipt_netflow module with #define RAW_PROMISC_HACK uncommented:
- Find this line in ipt_NETFLOW.c (should be line 7):
- And remove two slashes at beginning of the line, so it become like this:
- Re-compile module:
+5. Compile module:
  # make clean all install
@@ -55,13 +50,14 @@ If you wish to account with netflow module traffic mirrored on switch you may fo
  # /sbin/iptables -A PREROUTING -t raw -i eth1.47 -j NETFLOW
+ps. For Debian Squeeze instructions look at raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch
-* Solution 2 *
+    **************
+    * Solution 2 *
+    **************
 By Anonymous.
@@ -81,4 +77,3 @@ Sometimes you may need to run:
 for this scheme to work.
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 677dd7f..3f10e2a 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 error() {
-  echo "! Error: $@"
+  echo -e "! Error: $@"
   exit 1
@@ -56,19 +56,20 @@ get_lib_from_lib() {
 iptables_inc() {
-  echo -n "Iptables include path: "
+  echo -n "Iptables include flags: "
   if [ "$IPTINC" ]; then
-    echo "$IPTINC (user specified)"
+    echo "$IPTINC (user specified)"
+  elif [ "$PKGVER" ]; then
+    echo "$IPTINC (pkg-config)"
+  elif [ "$NOIPTSRC" ]; then
+    IPTINC=
+    echo "none (default)"
-    if [ "$PKGINC" ]; then
-      echo "$IPTINC (pkg-config)"
-    else
-      IPTINC="$IPTSRC/include"
-      echo "$IPTINC (from source)"
-    fi
+    IPTINC="$IPTSRC/include"
+    echo "$IPTINC (from source)"
@@ -109,7 +110,16 @@ try_dir2() {
   test -d "$1" && try_dir `dirname $1` && return 0
-iptables_ver() {
+check_pkg_config() {
+  test "$PKGWARN" && return 1
+  if ! which pkg-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    echo "! You don't have pkg-config, it may be useful to install it."
+    PKGWARN=1
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+iptables_find_version() {
   echo -n "Iptables binary version: "
   if [ "$IPTVER" ]; then
     echo "$IPTVER (user specified)"
@@ -121,6 +131,7 @@ iptables_ver() {
       echo "no iptables binary found"
+    check_pkg_config
     PKGVER=`pkg-config --modversion xtables 2>/dev/null`
     if [ "$PKGVER" ]; then
@@ -131,44 +142,90 @@ iptables_ver() {
-iptables_dir() {
-  test "$IPTINC" && return 1
-  test "$PKGINC" && return 1
-  VER="iptables-$IPTVER"
-  if [ "$IPTSRC" ]; then
-    echo "User specified source directory: $IPTSRC"
-    try_dir $IPTSRC || error "Specified directory is not iptables source.."
+compile_libitp_test() {
+  echo -n "Checking for presence of $@... "
+  echo "
+#include <$*>" > test.c
+  gcc -c test.c  >/dev/null 2>&1
+  RET=$?
+  if [ $RET = 0 ]; then
+    echo Yes;
-    echo "Searching for $VER sources.."
-    try_dir "./$VER" && return 0
-    try_dir "../$VER" && return 0
-    try_dir "/usr/src/$VER" && return 0
-    try_dirg "iptables" && return 0
-    try_dirg "../iptables" && return 0
-    try_dirg "/usr/src/iptables" && return 0
-    try_dir2 `locate $VER/extensions | head -1` && return 0
-    error "Can not find iptables source directory, try setting it with --ipt-src="
+    echo No;
+  rm -f test.c test.o
+  return $RET
-iptables_pkg_config() {
+iptables_try_pkgconfig() {
   if [ ! "$PKGVER" ]; then
+    check_pkg_config
+    PKGVER=`pkg-config --modversion xtables 2>/dev/null`
+    TRYPKGVER=`pkg-config --modversion xtables 2>/dev/null`
     echo -n "pkg-config for version $IPTVER exists: "
-    PKGVER=`pkg-config --exact-version=$IPTVER --modversion xtables 2>/dev/null`
+    pkg-config --exact-version=$IPTVER xtables 2>/dev/null
     if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       echo "Yes"
-      echo "No (reported: $PKGVER)"
-      unset PKGVER
+      if [ "$TRYPKGVER" ]; then
+	echo "No (reported: $TRYPKGVER)"
+      else
+	echo "No"
+      fi
   if [ "$PKGVER" ]; then
+    check_pkg_config
+    PKGVER=`pkg-config --modversion xtables 2>/dev/null`
     PKGINC=`pkg-config --cflags xtables`
     PKGLIB=`pkg-config --variable=xtlibdir xtables`
+    # Newer versions of iptables should not have -I/kernel/include!
+    # So I assume that newer version will have correct pkg-config set up
+    # and if not, then it's older who need it.
+  fi
+  if compile_libitp_test xtables.h; then
+  elif ! compile_libitp_test iptables.h; then
+    echo "! Iptables headers not found. You may need to specify --ipt-inc=..."
+    if [ -s /etc/debian_version ]; then
+      echo "! "
+      echo "! Under Debian simply run this:"
+      echo "!   root# apt-get install iptables-dev pkg-config"
+    elif [ -s /etc/redhat-release ]; then
+      echo "! "
+      arch=.`uname -m`
+      echo "! Under Centos simply run this:"
+      echo "!   root# yum install iptables-devel$arch pkgconfig"
+    fi
+    exit 1
+  fi
+iptables_find_src() {
+  test "$IPTINC" && return 1
+  test "$PKGVER" && return 1
+  VER="iptables-$IPTVER"
+  if [ "$IPTSRC" ]; then
+    echo "User specified source directory: $IPTSRC"
+    try_dir $IPTSRC || error "Specified directory is not iptables source.."
+  else
+    echo "Searching for $VER sources.."
+    try_dir "./$VER" && return 0
+    try_dir "../$VER" && return 0
+    try_dir "/usr/src/$VER" && return 0
+    try_dirg "iptables" && return 0
+    try_dirg "../iptables" && return 0
+    try_dirg "/usr/src/iptables" && return 0
+    try_dir2 `locate $VER/extensions 2>/dev/null | head -1` && return 0
+    echo "! Can not find iptables source directory, you may try setting it with --ipt-src="
+    echo "! This is not fatal error, yet. Will be just using default include dir."
@@ -206,18 +263,110 @@ do
-test "$KVERSION" || KVERSION=`uname -r`
-echo Kernel version: $KVERSION
+kernel_find_version() {
+  KHOW=requested
+  test "$KVERSION" && return 0
+  if grep -q '#.*Debian' /proc/version; then
+    KHOW=proc
+    KVERSION=`sed -n 's/.*#.*Debian \([0-9\.]\+\)-.*/\1/p' /proc/version`
+    KLIBMOD=`uname -r`
+  else
+    KHOW=uname
+    KVERSION=`uname -r`
+  fi
+  test "$KDIR" || return 0
+  test -s $KDIR/Makefile || return 1
+  test -s $KDIR/include/config/kernel.release || return 1
+  KVERSION=`cat $KDIR/include/config/kernel.release`
+  KHOW=sources
+kernel_check_src() {
+  if [ -s "$1/Makefile" ]; then
+    KDIR="$1"
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+kernel_find_source() {
+  KSHOW=requested
+  test "$KDIR" && return 0
+  KSHOW=found
+  kernel_check_src /lib/modules/$KLIBMOD/build && return 0
+  kernel_check_src /lib/modules/$KVERSION/build && return 0
+  kernel_check_src /usr/src/kernels/$KVERSION && return 0
+  kernel_check_src /usr/src/linux-$KVERSION && return 0
+  echo "! Linux source not found. Don't panic. You may specify kernel source"
+  echo "! directory with --kdir=..., or try to install kernel-devel package,"
+  echo "! or just raw sources for linux-$KVERSION from kernel.org."
+  if grep -q -i centos /proc/version 2>/dev/null; then
+    echo "! "
+    arch=.`uname -m`
+    echo "! Under Centos simply run this:"
+    echo "!   root# yum install kernel-devel iptables-devel$arch pkgconfig"
+  fi
+  if grep -q -i debian /proc/version 2>/dev/null; then
+    echo "! "
+    echo "! Under Debian simply run this:"
+    echo "!   root# apt-get install module-assistant iptables-dev pkg-config"
+    echo "!   root# m-a prepare"
+  fi
+  exit 1
+kernel_check_consistency() {
+  if test -s $KDIR/include/config/kernel.release; then
+    SRCVER=`cat $KDIR/include/config/kernel.release`
+    test "$KVERSION" != "$SRCVER" && error "$KHOW kernel version ($KVERSION) and $KSHOW version of kernel source ($SRCVER) doesn't match!\n!" \
+      "You may try to specify only kernel source tree with --kdir=$KDIR\n!" \
+      "and configure will pick up version properly."
+  else
+    test -e "$KDIR/.config" || error ".config in kernel source not found, run  make menuconfig  in $KDIR"
+    test -d "$KDIR/include/config" || error "kernel is not prepared, run  make prepare modules_prepare  in $KDIR"
+  fi
+kconfig() {
+  KCONFIG=$KDIR/.config
+  if ! grep -q "^$1=" $KCONFIG 2>/dev/null; then
+    if [ "$KCONFIGREPORTED" != true ]; then
+      echo Kernel config file checked: $KCONFIG
+      echo
+    fi
+    echo "! Attention: $1 is undefined in your kernel configuration"
+    echo "!   Without this option enabled $2 will not work."
+    echo
+  fi
+kernel_check_config() {
+  kconfig CONFIG_SYSCTL			"sysctl interface"
+  kconfig CONFIG_PROC_FS		"proc interface"
+  kconfig CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED		"natevents"
+  kconfig CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS	"natevents"
+  kconfig CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_MARK	"connmark tracking"
+  kconfig CONFIG_IPV6			"IPv6"
+  kconfig CONFIG_IP6_NF_IPTABLES	"ip6tables target"
-test "$KDIR" || KDIR=/lib/modules/$KVERSION/build
-echo Kernel sources: $KDIR
+kernel_find_version	#KVERSION
+echo "Kernel version: $KVERSION ($KHOW)"
+kernel_find_source	#KDIR
+echo "Kernel sources: $KDIR ($KSHOW)"
 test "$IPTBIN" || IPTBIN=`which iptables`
-iptables_ver		#IPTVER
-iptables_dir		#IPTSRC
-iptables_src_version	#check IPTSRC match to IPTVER
+iptables_find_version	#IPTVER
+iptables_try_pkgconfig	#try to configure from pkg-config
+iptables_find_src	#IPTSRC
+iptables_src_version	#check that IPTSRC match to IPTVER
 iptables_inc		#IPTINC
 iptables_modules	#IPTLIB
@@ -225,7 +374,6 @@ REPLACE="\
diff --git a/ipt_NETFLOW.c b/ipt_NETFLOW.c
index d4c91e1..ad974c5 100644
--- a/ipt_NETFLOW.c
+++ b/ipt_NETFLOW.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  * This is NetFlow exporting module (NETFLOW target) for linux
- * (c) 2008-2012 <abc@telekom.ru>
+ * (c) 2008-2013 <abc@telekom.ru>
  *   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@
 #include <linux/module.h>
 #include <linux/skbuff.h>
 #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
@@ -31,16 +29,26 @@
 #include <linux/icmp.h>
 #include <linux/igmp.h>
 #include <linux/inetdevice.h>
-#include <linux/jhash.h>
+#include <linux/hash.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock_types.h>
 #include <net/icmp.h>
 #include <net/ip.h>
+#include <net/ipv6.h>
 #include <net/tcp.h>
 #include <net/route.h>
+#include <net/ip6_fib.h>
 #include <net/dst.h>
 #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
+#include <linux/notifier.h>
+#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack.h>
+#include <net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_core.h>
 #include <linux/version.h>
 #include <asm/unaligned.h>
 #include "ipt_NETFLOW.h"
+#include "murmur3.h"
 #include <linux/netfilter_bridge.h>
@@ -74,41 +82,66 @@
 #define ipt_target xt_target
-#define IPT_NETFLOW_VERSION "1.8"
+#define IPT_NETFLOW_VERSION "1.8.2" /* Note that if you are using git, you
+				       will see version in other format. */
+#include "version.h"
 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables NETFLOW target module");
 #define DST_SIZE 256
 static char destination_buf[DST_SIZE] = "";
 static char *destination = destination_buf;
-module_param(destination, charp, 0400);
+module_param(destination, charp, 0444);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(destination, "export destination ipaddress:port");
 static int inactive_timeout = 15;
-module_param(inactive_timeout, int, 0600);
+module_param(inactive_timeout, int, 0644);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(inactive_timeout, "inactive flows timeout in seconds");
 static int active_timeout = 30 * 60;
-module_param(active_timeout, int, 0600);
+module_param(active_timeout, int, 0644);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(active_timeout, "active flows timeout in seconds");
 static int debug = 0;
-module_param(debug, int, 0600);
+module_param(debug, int, 0644);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(debug, "debug verbosity level");
 static int sndbuf;
-module_param(sndbuf, int, 0400);
+module_param(sndbuf, int, 0444);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(sndbuf, "udp socket SNDBUF size");
+static int protocol = 5;
+module_param(protocol, int, 0444);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(protocol, "netflow protocol version (5, 9, 10)");
+static unsigned int refresh_rate = 20;
+module_param(refresh_rate, uint, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(refresh_rate, "NetFlow v9/IPFIX refresh rate (packets)");
+static unsigned int timeout_rate = 30;
+module_param(timeout_rate, uint, 0644);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(timeout_rate, "NetFlow v9/IPFIX timeout rate (minutes)");
+static int natevents = 0;
+module_param(natevents, int, 0444);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(natevents, "send NAT Events");
 static int hashsize;
-module_param(hashsize, int, 0400);
+module_param(hashsize, int, 0444);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(hashsize, "hash table size");
 static int maxflows = 2000000;
-module_param(maxflows, int, 0600);
+module_param(maxflows, int, 0644);
 MODULE_PARM_DESC(maxflows, "maximum number of flows");
 static int peakflows = 0;
 static unsigned long peakflows_at;
@@ -121,22 +154,52 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(aggregation, "aggregation ruleset");
 static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct ipt_netflow_stat, ipt_netflow_stat);
 static LIST_HEAD(usock_list);
-static DEFINE_RWLOCK(sock_lock);
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(sock_lock);
+#define LOCK_COUNT (1<<8)
+static spinlock_t htable_locks[LOCK_COUNT] = {
+	[0 ... LOCK_COUNT - 1] = __SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(htable_locks)
+static DEFINE_RWLOCK(htable_rwlock); /* global lock to protect htable_locks change */
 static unsigned int ipt_netflow_hash_rnd;
-struct hlist_head *ipt_netflow_hash __read_mostly; /* hash table memory */
+static struct hlist_head *ipt_netflow_hash __read_mostly; /* hash table memory */
 static unsigned int ipt_netflow_hash_size __read_mostly = 0; /* buckets */
 static LIST_HEAD(ipt_netflow_list); /* all flows */
+static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(hlist_lock); /* should almost always be locked w/o _bh */
 static LIST_HEAD(aggr_n_list);
 static LIST_HEAD(aggr_p_list);
 static DEFINE_RWLOCK(aggr_lock);
+static LIST_HEAD(nat_list); /* nat events */
+static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(nat_lock);
+static unsigned long nat_events_start = 0;
+static unsigned long nat_events_stop = 0;
 static struct kmem_cache *ipt_netflow_cachep __read_mostly; /* ipt_netflow memory */
 static atomic_t ipt_netflow_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
-static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(ipt_netflow_lock); /* hash table lock */
-static long long pdu_packets = 0, pdu_traf = 0;
-static struct netflow5_pdu pdu;
-static unsigned long pdu_ts_mod;
+static long long pdu_packets = 0, pdu_traf = 0; /* how much accounted traffic in pdu */
+static unsigned int pdu_count = 0;
+static unsigned int pdu_seq = 0;
+static unsigned int pdu_data_records = 0;
+static unsigned int pdu_tpl_records = 0;
+static unsigned long pdu_ts_mod; /* ts of last flow */
+static union {
+	struct netflow5_pdu v5;
+	struct netflow9_pdu v9;
+	struct ipfix_pdu ipfix;
+} pdu;
+static int engine_id = 0; /* Observation Domain */
+static __u8 *pdu_data_used;
+static __u8 *pdu_high_wm; /* high watermark */
+static unsigned int pdu_max_size; /* sizeof pdu */
+static struct flowset_data *pdu_flowset = NULL; /* current data flowset */
+static void (*netflow_export_flow)(struct ipt_netflow *nf);
+static void (*netflow_export_pdu)(void); /* called on timeout */
+static void netflow_switch_version(int ver);
 static void netflow_work_fn(void *work);
 static DECLARE_WORK(netflow_work, netflow_work_fn, NULL);
@@ -146,19 +209,26 @@ static DECLARE_DELAYED_WORK(netflow_work, netflow_work_fn);
 static struct timer_list rate_timer;
+#define TCP_SYN_ACK 0x12
 #define TCP_FIN_RST 0x05
 static long long sec_prate = 0, sec_brate = 0;
 static long long min_prate = 0, min_brate = 0;
 static long long min5_prate = 0, min5_brate = 0;
-static unsigned int metric = 10, min15_metric = 10, min5_metric = 10, min_metric = 10; /* hash metrics */
+static unsigned int metric = 100, min15_metric = 100, min5_metric = 100, min_metric = 100; /* hash metrics */
 static int set_hashsize(int new_size);
 static void destination_removeall(void);
 static int add_destinations(char *ptr);
 static void aggregation_remove(struct list_head *list);
 static int add_aggregation(char *ptr);
-static void netflow_scan_and_export(int flush);
+static int netflow_scan_and_export(int flush);
+enum {
+static int template_ids = FLOWSET_DATA_FIRST;
+static int tpl_count = 0; /* how much active templates */
 static inline __be32 bits2mask(int bits) {
 	return (bits? 0xffffffff << (32 - bits) : 0);
@@ -175,28 +245,46 @@ static inline int mask2bits(__be32 mask) {
 /* under that lock worker is always stopped and not rescheduled,
  * and we can call worker sub-functions manually */
 static DEFINE_MUTEX(worker_lock);
-static inline void __start_scan_worker(void)
+#define MIN_DELAY 1
+#define MAX_DELAY (HZ / 10)
+static int worker_delay = HZ / 10;
+static inline void _schedule_scan_worker(const int status)
-	schedule_delayed_work(&netflow_work, HZ / 10);
+	/* rudimentary congestion avoidance */
+	if (status > 0)
+		worker_delay -= status;
+	else if (status < 0)
+		worker_delay /= 2;
+	else
+		worker_delay++;
+	if (worker_delay < MIN_DELAY)
+		worker_delay = MIN_DELAY;
+	else if (worker_delay > MAX_DELAY)
+		worker_delay = MAX_DELAY;
+	schedule_delayed_work(&netflow_work, worker_delay);
-static inline void start_scan_worker(void)
+/* This is only called soon after pause_scan_worker. */
+static inline void cont_scan_worker(void)
-	__start_scan_worker();
+	_schedule_scan_worker(0);
-/* we always stop scanner before write_lock(&sock_lock)
- * to let it never hold that spin lock */
-static inline void __stop_scan_worker(void)
+static inline void _unschedule_scan_worker(void)
+	cancel_rearming_delayed_work(&netflow_work);
-static inline void stop_scan_worker(void)
+/* This is only used for quick pause (in procctl). */
+static inline void pause_scan_worker(void)
-	__stop_scan_worker();
+	_unschedule_scan_worker();
@@ -223,11 +311,14 @@ static int nf_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
 	int snum = 0;
 	int peak = (jiffies - peakflows_at) / HZ;
-	seq_printf(seq, "Flows: active %u (peak %u reached %ud%uh%um ago), mem %uK\n",
+	seq_printf(seq, "ipt_NETFLOW version " IPT_NETFLOW_VERSION ", srcversion %s\n",
+	    THIS_MODULE->srcversion);
+	seq_printf(seq, "Flows: active %u (peak %u reached %ud%uh%um ago), mem %uK, worker delay %d/%d.\n",
 		   peak / (60 * 60 * 24), (peak / (60 * 60)) % 24, (peak / 60) % 60,
-		   (unsigned int)((nr_flows * sizeof(struct ipt_netflow)) >> 10));
+		   (unsigned int)((nr_flows * sizeof(struct ipt_netflow)) >> 10),
+		   worker_delay, HZ);
 	for_each_present_cpu(cpu) {
 		struct ipt_netflow_stat *st = &per_cpu(ipt_netflow_stat, cpu);
@@ -252,93 +343,123 @@ static int nf_seq_show(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
 #define FFLOAT(x, prec) (int)(x) / prec, (int)(x) % prec
-	seq_printf(seq, "Hash: size %u (mem %uK), metric %d.%d, %d.%d, %d.%d, %d.%d. MemTraf: %llu pkt, %llu K (pdu %llu, %llu).\n",
-		   ipt_netflow_hash_size, 
-		   (unsigned int)((ipt_netflow_hash_size * sizeof(struct hlist_head)) >> 10),
-		   FFLOAT(metric, 10),
-		   FFLOAT(min_metric, 10),
-		   FFLOAT(min5_metric, 10),
-		   FFLOAT(min15_metric, 10),
-		   pkt_total - pkt_out + pdu_packets,
-		   (traf_total - traf_out + pdu_traf) >> 10,
-		   pdu_packets,
-		   pdu_traf);
-	seq_printf(seq, "Timeout: active %d, inactive %d. Maxflows %u\n",
-		   active_timeout,
-		   inactive_timeout,
-		   maxflows);
-	seq_printf(seq, "Rate: %llu bits/sec, %llu packets/sec; Avg 1 min: %llu bps, %llu pps; 5 min: %llu bps, %llu pps\n",
-		   sec_brate, sec_prate, min_brate, min_prate, min5_brate, min5_prate);
-	seq_printf(seq, "cpu#  stat: <search found new, trunc frag alloc maxflows>, sock: <ok fail cberr, bytes>, traffic: <pkt, bytes>, drop: <pkt, bytes>\n");
-	seq_printf(seq, "Total stat: %6llu %6llu %6llu, %4u %4u %4u %4u, sock: %6u %u %u, %llu K, traffic: %llu, %llu MB, drop: %llu, %llu K\n",
-		   (unsigned long long)searched,
-		   (unsigned long long)found,
-		   (unsigned long long)notfound,
-		   truncated, frags, alloc_err, maxflows_err,
-		   send_success, send_failed, sock_errors,
-		   (unsigned long long)exported_size >> 10,
-		   (unsigned long long)pkt_total, (unsigned long long)traf_total >> 20,
-		   (unsigned long long)pkt_drop, (unsigned long long)traf_drop >> 10);
+	seq_printf(seq, "Hash: size %u (mem %uK), metric %d.%02d [%d.%02d, %d.%02d, %d.%02d]."
+	    " MemTraf: %llu pkt, %llu K (pdu %llu, %llu), Out %llu pkt, %llu K.\n",
+	    ipt_netflow_hash_size,
+	    (unsigned int)((ipt_netflow_hash_size * sizeof(struct hlist_head)) >> 10),
+	    FFLOAT(metric, 100),
+	    FFLOAT(min_metric, 100),
+	    FFLOAT(min5_metric, 100),
+	    FFLOAT(min15_metric, 100),
+	    pkt_total - pkt_out + pdu_packets,
+	    (traf_total - traf_out + pdu_traf) >> 10,
+	    pdu_packets,
+	    pdu_traf,
+	    pkt_out,
+	    traf_out >> 10);
+	seq_printf(seq, "Rate: %llu bits/sec, %llu packets/sec;"
+	    " Avg 1 min: %llu bps, %llu pps; 5 min: %llu bps, %llu pps\n",
+	    sec_brate, sec_prate, min_brate, min_prate, min5_brate, min5_prate);
+	seq_printf(seq, "cpu#  stat: <search found new [metric], trunc frag alloc maxflows>,"
+	    " sock: <ok fail cberr, bytes>, traffic: <pkt, bytes>, drop: <pkt, bytes>\n");
+#define SAFEDIV(x,y) ((y)? ({ u64 __tmp = x; do_div(__tmp, y); (int)__tmp; }) : 0)
+	seq_printf(seq, "Total stat: %6llu %6llu %6llu [%d.%02d], %4u %4u %4u %4u,"
+	    " sock: %6u %u %u, %llu K, traffic: %llu, %llu MB, drop: %llu, %llu K\n",
+	    searched,
+	    (unsigned long long)found,
+	    (unsigned long long)notfound,
+	    FFLOAT(SAFEDIV(100LL * (searched + found + notfound), (found + notfound)), 100),
+	    truncated, frags, alloc_err, maxflows_err,
+	    send_success, send_failed, sock_errors,
+	    (unsigned long long)exported_size >> 10,
+	    (unsigned long long)pkt_total, (unsigned long long)traf_total >> 20,
+	    (unsigned long long)pkt_drop, (unsigned long long)traf_drop >> 10);
 	if (num_present_cpus() > 1) {
 		for_each_present_cpu(cpu) {
 			struct ipt_netflow_stat *st;
 			st = &per_cpu(ipt_netflow_stat, cpu);
-			seq_printf(seq, "cpu%u  stat: %6llu %6llu %6llu, %4u %4u %4u %4u, sock: %6u %u %u, %llu K, traffic: %llu, %llu MB, drop: %llu, %llu K\n",
-				   cpu,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->searched,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->found,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->notfound,
-				   st->truncated, st->frags, st->alloc_err, st->maxflows_err,
-				   st->send_success, st->send_failed, st->sock_errors,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->exported_size >> 10,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->pkt_total, (unsigned long long)st->traf_total >> 20,
-				   (unsigned long long)st->pkt_drop, (unsigned long long)st->traf_drop >> 10);
+			seq_printf(seq, "cpu%u  stat: %6llu %6llu %6llu [%d.%02d], %4u %4u %4u %4u,"
+			    " sock: %6u %u %u, %llu K, traffic: %llu, %llu MB, drop: %llu, %llu K\n",
+			    cpu,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->searched,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->found,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->notfound,
+			    FFLOAT(SAFEDIV(100LL * (st->searched + st->found + st->notfound), (st->found + st->notfound)), 100),
+			    st->truncated, st->frags, st->alloc_err, st->maxflows_err,
+			    st->send_success, st->send_failed, st->sock_errors,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->exported_size >> 10,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->pkt_total, (unsigned long long)st->traf_total >> 20,
+			    (unsigned long long)st->pkt_drop, (unsigned long long)st->traf_drop >> 10);
-	read_lock(&sock_lock);
+	seq_printf(seq, "Protocol version %d", protocol);
+	if (protocol == 10)
+		seq_printf(seq, " (ipfix)");
+	else
+		seq_printf(seq, " (netflow)");
+	if (protocol >= 9)
+		seq_printf(seq, ", refresh-rate %u, timeout-rate %u, (templates %d, active %d)",
+		    refresh_rate, timeout_rate, template_ids - FLOWSET_DATA_FIRST, tpl_count);
+	seq_printf(seq, ". Timeouts: active %d, inactive %d. Maxflows %u\n",
+	    active_timeout,
+	    inactive_timeout,
+	    maxflows);
+	seq_printf(seq, "Natevents %s, count start %lu, stop %lu.\n", natevents? "enabled" : "disabled",
+	    nat_events_start, nat_events_stop);
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	list_for_each_entry(usock, &usock_list, list) {
-		struct sock *sk = usock->sock->sk;
-		seq_printf(seq, "sock%d: %u.%u.%u.%u:%u, sndbuf %u, filled %u, peak %u; err: sndbuf reached %u, other %u\n",
-			   snum,
-			   usock->ipaddr >> 24,
-			   (usock->ipaddr >> 16) & 255,
-			   (usock->ipaddr >> 8) & 255,
-			   usock->ipaddr & 255,
-			   usock->port,
-			   sk->sk_sndbuf,
-			   atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc),
-			   atomic_read(&usock->wmem_peak),
-			   atomic_read(&usock->err_full),
-			   atomic_read(&usock->err_other));
+		seq_printf(seq, "sock%d: %u.%u.%u.%u:%u",
+		    snum,
+		    HIPQUAD(usock->ipaddr),
+		    usock->port);
+		if (usock->sock) {
+			struct sock *sk = usock->sock->sk;
+			seq_printf(seq, ", sndbuf %u, filled %u, peak %u;"
+			    " err: sndbuf reached %u, connect %u, other %u\n",
+			    sk->sk_sndbuf,
+			    atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc),
+			    atomic_read(&usock->wmem_peak),
+			    atomic_read(&usock->err_full),
+			    atomic_read(&usock->err_connect),
+			    atomic_read(&usock->err_other));
+		} else
+			seq_printf(seq, " unconnected (%u attempts).\n",
+			    atomic_read(&usock->err_connect));
-	read_unlock(&sock_lock);
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
 	snum = 0;
 	list_for_each_entry(aggr_n, &aggr_n_list, list) {
-		seq_printf(seq, "aggr#%d net: match %u.%u.%u.%u/%d strip %d\n",
-			   snum,
-			   HIPQUAD(aggr_n->addr),
-			   mask2bits(aggr_n->mask),
-			   mask2bits(aggr_n->aggr_mask));
+		seq_printf(seq, "aggr#%d net: match %u.%u.%u.%u/%d strip %d (usage %u)\n",
+		    snum,
+		    HIPQUAD(aggr_n->addr),
+		    mask2bits(aggr_n->mask),
+		    mask2bits(aggr_n->aggr_mask),
+		    atomic_read(&aggr_n->usage));
 	snum = 0;
 	list_for_each_entry(aggr_p, &aggr_p_list, list) {
-		seq_printf(seq, "aggr#%d port: ports %u-%u replace %u\n",
-			   snum,
-			   aggr_p->port1,
-			   aggr_p->port2,
-			   aggr_p->aggr_port);
+		seq_printf(seq, "aggr#%d port: ports %u-%u replace %u (usage %u)\n",
+		    snum,
+		    aggr_p->port1,
+		    aggr_p->port2,
+		    aggr_p->aggr_port,
+		    atomic_read(&aggr_p->usage));
@@ -367,8 +488,13 @@ static struct file_operations nf_seq_fops = {
 #define BEFORE2632(x,y)
+/* PAX need to know that we are allowed to write */
+#define ctl_table_no_const ctl_table
 /* sysctl /proc/sys/net/netflow */
-static int hsize_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
+static int hsize_procctl(ctl_table_no_const *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
 			 void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *fpos)
 	void *orig = ctl->data;
@@ -386,20 +512,21 @@ static int hsize_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp
 		return ret;
-static int sndbuf_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
+static int sndbuf_procctl(ctl_table_no_const *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
 			 void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *fpos)
 	int ret;
 	struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock;
-	read_lock(&sock_lock);
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	if (list_empty(&usock_list)) {
-		read_unlock(&sock_lock);
+		mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
 		return -ENOENT;
 	usock = list_first_entry(&usock_list, struct ipt_netflow_sock, list);
-	sndbuf = usock->sock->sk->sk_sndbuf;
-	read_unlock(&sock_lock);
+	if (usock->sock)
+		sndbuf = usock->sock->sk->sk_sndbuf;
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
 	ctl->data = &sndbuf;
 	ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, BEFORE2632(filp,) buffer, lenp, fpos);
@@ -407,13 +534,14 @@ static int sndbuf_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *fil
 		return ret;
 	if (sndbuf < SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF)
 		sndbuf = SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF;
-	stop_scan_worker();
-	write_lock(&sock_lock);
+	pause_scan_worker();
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	list_for_each_entry(usock, &usock_list, list) {
-		usock->sock->sk->sk_sndbuf = sndbuf;
+		if (usock->sock)
+			usock->sock->sk->sk_sndbuf = sndbuf;
-	write_unlock(&sock_lock);
-	start_scan_worker();
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
+	cont_scan_worker();
 	return ret;
@@ -424,10 +552,10 @@ static int destination_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file
 	ret = proc_dostring(ctl, write, BEFORE2632(filp,) buffer, lenp, fpos);
 	if (ret >= 0 && write) {
-		stop_scan_worker();
+		pause_scan_worker();
-		start_scan_worker();
+		cont_scan_worker();
 	return ret;
@@ -446,13 +574,12 @@ static int aggregation_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file
 	return ret;
-static int flush_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
+static int flush_procctl(ctl_table_no_const *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
 			 void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *fpos)
 	int ret;
-	int val;
+	int val = 0;
-	val = 0;
 	ctl->data = &val;
 	ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, BEFORE2632(filp,) buffer, lenp, fpos);
@@ -461,14 +588,67 @@ static int flush_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp
 	if (val > 0) {
 		printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: forced flush\n");
-		stop_scan_worker();
-		netflow_scan_and_export(1);
-		start_scan_worker();
+		pause_scan_worker();
+		netflow_scan_and_export(AND_FLUSH);
+		cont_scan_worker();
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int protocol_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
+			 void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *fpos)
+	int ret;
+	int ver = protocol;
+	ctl->data = &ver;
+	ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, BEFORE2632(filp,) buffer, lenp, fpos);
+	if (!write)
+		return ret;
+	switch (ver) {
+		case 5:
+		case 9:
+		case 10:
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: forced flush (protocol version change)\n");
+			pause_scan_worker();
+			netflow_scan_and_export(AND_FLUSH);
+			netflow_switch_version(ver);
+			cont_scan_worker();
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EPERM;
 	return ret;
+static void register_ct_events(void);
+static void unregister_ct_events(void);
+static int natevents_procctl(ctl_table *ctl, int write, BEFORE2632(struct file *filp,)
+			 void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *fpos)
+	int ret;
+	int val = natevents;
+	ctl->data = &val;
+	ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, BEFORE2632(filp,) buffer, lenp, fpos);
+	if (!write)
+		return ret;
+	if (natevents && !val)
+		unregister_ct_events();
+	else if (!natevents && val)
+		register_ct_events();
+	return ret;
 static struct ctl_table_header *netflow_sysctl_header;
@@ -547,6 +727,38 @@ static struct ctl_table netflow_sysctl_table[] = {
 		.maxlen		= sizeof(int),
 		.proc_handler	= &flush_procctl,
+	{
+		_CTL_NAME(10)
+		.procname	= "protocol",
+		.mode		= 0644,
+		.maxlen		= sizeof(int),
+		.proc_handler	= &protocol_procctl,
+	},
+	{
+		_CTL_NAME(11)
+		.procname	= "refresh-rate",
+		.mode		= 0644,
+		.data		= &refresh_rate,
+		.maxlen		= sizeof(int),
+		.proc_handler	= &proc_dointvec,
+	},
+	{
+		_CTL_NAME(12)
+		.procname	= "timeout-rate",
+		.mode		= 0644,
+		.data		= &timeout_rate,
+		.maxlen		= sizeof(int),
+		.proc_handler	= &proc_dointvec,
+	},
+	{
+		_CTL_NAME(13)
+		.procname	= "natevents",
+		.mode		= 0644,
+		.maxlen		= sizeof(int),
+		.proc_handler	= &natevents_procctl,
+	},
 	{ }
@@ -588,18 +800,69 @@ static struct ctl_path netflow_sysctl_path[] = {
 static void sk_error_report(struct sock *sk)
 	/* clear connection refused errors if any */
-	write_lock_bh(&sk->sk_callback_lock);
 	if (debug > 1)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "NETFLOW: socket error <%d>\n", sk->sk_err);
+		printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: socket error <%d>\n", sk->sk_err);
 	sk->sk_err = 0;
-	write_unlock_bh(&sk->sk_callback_lock);
+static struct socket *_usock_alloc(const __be32 ipaddr, const unsigned short port)
+	struct sockaddr_in sin;
+	struct socket *sock;
+	int error;
+	if ((error = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, &sock)) < 0) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: sock_create_kern error %d\n", -error);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	sock->sk->sk_allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
+	sock->sk->sk_prot->unhash(sock->sk); /* hidden from input */
+	sock->sk->sk_error_report = &sk_error_report; /* clear ECONNREFUSED */
+	if (sndbuf)
+		sock->sk->sk_sndbuf = sndbuf;
+	else
+		sndbuf = sock->sk->sk_sndbuf;
+	memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
+	sin.sin_family      = AF_INET;
+	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipaddr);
+	sin.sin_port        = htons(port);
+	if ((error = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
+				  sizeof(sin), 0)) < 0) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: error connecting UDP socket %d,"
+		    " don't worry, will try reconnect later.\n", -error);
+		/* ENETUNREACH when no interfaces */
+		sock_release(sock);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return sock;
+static void usock_connect(struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock, const int sendmsg)
+	usock->sock = _usock_alloc(usock->ipaddr, usock->port);
+	if (usock->sock) {
+		if (sendmsg || debug)
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: connected %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n",
+			    HIPQUAD(usock->ipaddr),
+			    usock->port);
+	} else {
+		atomic_inc(&usock->err_connect);
+		if (debug)
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: connect to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u failed%s.\n",
+			    HIPQUAD(usock->ipaddr),
+			    usock->port,
+			    (sendmsg)? " (pdu lost)" : "");
+	}
+	atomic_set(&usock->wmem_peak, 0);
+	atomic_set(&usock->err_full, 0);
+	atomic_set(&usock->err_other, 0);
 // return numbers of sends succeded, 0 if none
 /* only called in scan worker path */
-static int netflow_send_pdu(void *buffer, int len)
+static void netflow_sendmsg(void *buffer, const int len)
 	struct msghdr msg = { .msg_flags = MSG_DONTWAIT|MSG_NOSIGNAL };
 	struct kvec iov = { buffer, len };
@@ -607,9 +870,16 @@ static int netflow_send_pdu(void *buffer, int len)
 	int snum = 0;
 	struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock;
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	list_for_each_entry(usock, &usock_list, list) {
+		if (!usock->sock)
+			usock_connect(usock, 1);
+		if (!usock->sock) {
+			NETFLOW_STAT_INC_ATOMIC(send_failed);
+			continue;
+		}
 		if (debug)
-			printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_send_pdu: sendmsg(%d, %d) [%u %u]\n",
+			printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_sendmsg: sendmsg(%d, %d) [%u %u]\n",
@@ -624,7 +894,7 @@ static int netflow_send_pdu(void *buffer, int len)
 				suggestion = ": increase sndbuf!";
 			} else
-			printk(KERN_ERR "netflow_send_pdu[%d]: sendmsg error %d: data loss %llu pkt, %llu bytes%s\n",
+			printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: sendmsg[%d] error %d: data loss %llu pkt, %llu bytes%s\n",
 			       snum, ret, pdu_packets, pdu_traf, suggestion);
 		} else {
 			unsigned int wmem = atomic_read(&usock->sock->sk->sk_wmem_alloc);
@@ -636,98 +906,67 @@ static int netflow_send_pdu(void *buffer, int len)
-	return retok;
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
+	if (retok == 0) {
+		/* not least one send succeded, account stat for dropped packets */
+		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(pkt_drop, pdu_packets);
+		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(traf_drop, pdu_traf);
+	}
-static void usock_free(struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock)
+static void usock_close_free(struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock)
-	printk(KERN_INFO "netflow: remove destination %u.%u.%u.%u:%u (%p)\n",
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: removed destination %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n",
-	       usock->port,
-	       usock->sock);
+	       usock->port);
 	if (usock->sock)
 	usock->sock = NULL;
-	vfree(usock); 
+	vfree(usock);
 static void destination_removeall(void)
-	write_lock(&sock_lock);
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	while (!list_empty(&usock_list)) {
 		struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock;
 		usock = list_entry(usock_list.next, struct ipt_netflow_sock, list);
-		write_unlock(&sock_lock);
-		usock_free(usock);
-		write_lock(&sock_lock);
+		mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
+		usock_close_free(usock);
+		mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
-	write_unlock(&sock_lock);
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
 static void add_usock(struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock)
 	struct ipt_netflow_sock *sk;
-	/* don't need empty sockets */
-	if (!usock->sock) {
-		usock_free(usock);
-		return;
-	}
-	write_lock(&sock_lock);
+	mutex_lock(&sock_lock);
 	/* don't need duplicated sockets */
 	list_for_each_entry(sk, &usock_list, list) {
 		if (sk->ipaddr == usock->ipaddr &&
 		    sk->port == usock->port) {
-			write_unlock(&sock_lock);
-			usock_free(usock);
+			mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
+			usock_close_free(usock);
 	list_add_tail(&usock->list, &usock_list);
-	printk(KERN_INFO "netflow: added destination %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n",
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: added destination %u.%u.%u.%u:%u%s\n",
-	       usock->port);
-	write_unlock(&sock_lock);
-static struct socket *usock_alloc(__be32 ipaddr, unsigned short port)
-	struct sockaddr_in sin;
-	struct socket *sock;
-	int error;
-	if ((error = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, &sock)) < 0) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: sock_create_kern error %d\n", error);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	sock->sk->sk_allocation = GFP_ATOMIC;
-	sock->sk->sk_prot->unhash(sock->sk); /* hidden from input */
-	sock->sk->sk_error_report = &sk_error_report; /* clear ECONNREFUSED */
-	if (sndbuf)
-		sock->sk->sk_sndbuf = sndbuf;
-	else
-		sndbuf = sock->sk->sk_sndbuf;
-	memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
-	sin.sin_family      = AF_INET;
-	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(ipaddr);
-	sin.sin_port        = htons(port);
-	if ((error = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin,
-				  sizeof(sin), 0)) < 0) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: error connecting UDP socket %d\n", error);
-		sock_release(sock);
-		return NULL;
-	}
-	return sock;
+	       usock->port,
+	       (!usock->sock)? " (unconnected)" : "");
+	mutex_unlock(&sock_lock);
 #define SEPARATORS " ,;\t\n"
 static int add_destinations(char *ptr)
 	while (ptr) {
-		unsigned char ip[4]; 
+		unsigned char ip[4];
 		unsigned short port;
 		ptr += strspn(ptr, SEPARATORS);
@@ -737,17 +976,15 @@ static int add_destinations(char *ptr)
 			struct ipt_netflow_sock *usock;
 			if (!(usock = vmalloc(sizeof(*usock)))) {
-				printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: can't vmalloc socket\n");
+				printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: can't vmalloc socket\n");
 				return -ENOMEM;
 			memset(usock, 0, sizeof(*usock));
+			atomic_set(&usock->err_connect, 0);
 			usock->ipaddr = ntohl(*(__be32 *)ip);
 			usock->port = port;
-			usock->sock = usock_alloc(usock->ipaddr, port);
-			atomic_set(&usock->wmem_peak, 0);
-			atomic_set(&usock->err_full, 0);
-			atomic_set(&usock->err_other, 0);
+			usock_connect(usock, 0);
 		} else
@@ -781,7 +1018,7 @@ static int add_aggregation(char *ptr)
 	while (ptr && *ptr) {
-		unsigned char ip[4]; 
+		unsigned char ip[4];
 		unsigned int mask;
 		unsigned int port1, port2;
 		unsigned int aggr_to;
@@ -792,16 +1029,16 @@ static int add_aggregation(char *ptr)
 			   ip, ip + 1, ip + 2, ip + 3, &mask, &aggr_to) == 6) {
 			if (!(aggr_n = vmalloc(sizeof(*aggr_n)))) {
-				printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: can't vmalloc aggr\n");
+				printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: can't vmalloc aggr\n");
 				return -ENOMEM;
 			memset(aggr_n, 0, sizeof(*aggr_n));
-			aggr_n->addr = ntohl(*(__be32 *)ip);
 			aggr_n->mask = bits2mask(mask);
+			aggr_n->addr = ntohl(*(__be32 *)ip) & aggr_n->mask;
 			aggr_n->aggr_mask = bits2mask(aggr_to);
 			aggr_n->prefix = mask;
-			printk(KERN_INFO "netflow: add aggregation [%u.%u.%u.%u/%u=%u]\n",
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: add aggregation [%u.%u.%u.%u/%u=%u]\n",
 			       HIPQUAD(aggr_n->addr), mask, aggr_to);
 			list_add_tail(&aggr_n->list, &new_aggr_n_list);
@@ -809,7 +1046,7 @@ static int add_aggregation(char *ptr)
 			   sscanf(ptr, "%u=%u", &port2, &aggr_to) == 2) {
 			if (!(aggr_p = vmalloc(sizeof(*aggr_p)))) {
-				printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: can't vmalloc aggr\n");
+				printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: can't vmalloc aggr\n");
 				return -ENOMEM;
 			memset(aggr_p, 0, sizeof(*aggr_p));
@@ -817,11 +1054,11 @@ static int add_aggregation(char *ptr)
 			aggr_p->port1 = port1;
 			aggr_p->port2 = port2;
 			aggr_p->aggr_port = aggr_to;
-			printk(KERN_INFO "netflow: add aggregation [%u-%u=%u]\n",
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: add aggregation [%u-%u=%u]\n",
 			       port1, port2, aggr_to);
 			list_add_tail(&aggr_p->list, &new_aggr_p_list);
 		} else {
-			printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: bad aggregation rule: %s (ignoring)\n", ptr);
+			printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: bad aggregation rule: %s (ignoring)\n", ptr);
@@ -846,17 +1083,23 @@ static int add_aggregation(char *ptr)
 static inline u_int32_t hash_netflow(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple)
-	/* tuple is rounded to u32s */
-	return jhash2((u32 *)tuple, NETFLOW_TUPLE_SIZE, ipt_netflow_hash_rnd) % ipt_netflow_hash_size;
+	return murmur3(tuple, sizeof(struct ipt_netflow_tuple), ipt_netflow_hash_rnd) % ipt_netflow_hash_size;
 static struct ipt_netflow *
-ipt_netflow_find(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple, unsigned int hash)
+ipt_netflow_find(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple, const unsigned int hash)
 	struct ipt_netflow *nf;
+#define compat_hlist_for_each_entry		      hlist_for_each_entry
+#define compat_hlist_for_each_entry_safe	      hlist_for_each_entry_safe
 	struct hlist_node *pos;
+#else /* since 3.9.0 */
+#define compat_hlist_for_each_entry(a,pos,c,d)	      hlist_for_each_entry(a,c,d)
+#define compat_hlist_for_each_entry_safe(a,pos,c,d,e) hlist_for_each_entry_safe(a,c,d,e)
-	hlist_for_each_entry(nf, pos, &ipt_netflow_hash[hash], hlist) {
+	compat_hlist_for_each_entry(nf, pos, &ipt_netflow_hash[hash], hlist) {
 		if (ipt_netflow_tuple_equal(tuple, &nf->tuple) &&
 		    nf->nr_bytes < FLOW_FULL_WATERMARK) {
@@ -868,7 +1111,7 @@ ipt_netflow_find(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple, unsigned int hash)
 	return NULL;
-static struct hlist_head *alloc_hashtable(int size)
+static struct hlist_head *alloc_hashtable(const int size)
 	struct hlist_head *hash;
@@ -879,19 +1122,18 @@ static struct hlist_head *alloc_hashtable(int size)
 		for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
 	} else
-		printk(KERN_ERR "netflow: unable to vmalloc hash table.\n");
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: unable to vmalloc hash table.\n");
 	return hash;
-static int set_hashsize(int new_size)
+static int set_hashsize(const int new_size)
 	struct hlist_head *new_hash, *old_hash;
-	unsigned int hash;
 	struct ipt_netflow *nf;
 	int rnd;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "netflow: allocating new hash table %u -> %u buckets\n",
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: allocating new hash table %u -> %u buckets\n",
 	       ipt_netflow_hash_size, new_size);
 	new_hash = alloc_hashtable(new_size);
 	if (!new_hash)
@@ -900,19 +1142,24 @@ static int set_hashsize(int new_size)
 	get_random_bytes(&rnd, 4);
 	/* rehash */
-	spin_lock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+	write_lock_bh(&htable_rwlock);
 	old_hash = ipt_netflow_hash;
 	ipt_netflow_hash = new_hash;
 	ipt_netflow_hash_size = new_size;
 	ipt_netflow_hash_rnd = rnd;
 	/* hash_netflow() is dependent on ipt_netflow_hash_* values */
+	spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
 	list_for_each_entry(nf, &ipt_netflow_list, list) {
+		unsigned int hash;
 		hash = hash_netflow(&nf->tuple);
 		/* hlist_add_head overwrites hlist pointers for this node
 		 * so it's good */
 		hlist_add_head(&nf->hlist, &new_hash[hash]);
+		nf->lock = &htable_locks[hash & LOCK_COUNT_MASK];
-	spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+	spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
+	write_unlock_bh(&htable_rwlock);
@@ -920,14 +1167,14 @@ static int set_hashsize(int new_size)
 static struct ipt_netflow *
-ipt_netflow_alloc(struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple)
+ipt_netflow_alloc(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple)
 	struct ipt_netflow *nf;
 	long count;
 	nf = kmem_cache_alloc(ipt_netflow_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
 	if (!nf) {
-		printk(KERN_ERR "Can't allocate netflow.\n");
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: Can't allocate flow.\n");
 		return NULL;
@@ -945,13 +1192,15 @@ ipt_netflow_alloc(struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple)
 static void ipt_netflow_free(struct ipt_netflow *nf)
+	if (IS_DUMMY_FLOW(nf))
+		return;
 	kmem_cache_free(ipt_netflow_cachep, nf);
 static struct ipt_netflow *
-init_netflow(struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple,
-	     struct sk_buff *skb, unsigned int hash)
+init_netflow(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple,
+	     const struct sk_buff *skb, const unsigned int hash)
 	struct ipt_netflow *nf;
@@ -959,93 +1208,774 @@ init_netflow(struct ipt_netflow_tuple *tuple,
 	if (!nf)
 		return NULL;
+	nf->lock = &htable_locks[hash & LOCK_COUNT_MASK];
 	hlist_add_head(&nf->hlist, &ipt_netflow_hash[hash]);
+	spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
 	list_add(&nf->list, &ipt_netflow_list);
+	spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
 	return nf;
 /* cook pdu, send, and clean */
 /* only called in scan worker path */
-static void netflow_export_pdu(void)
+static void netflow_export_pdu_v5(void)
 	struct timeval tv;
 	int pdusize;
-	if (!pdu.nr_records)
+	if (!pdu_data_records)
 	if (debug > 1)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_export_pdu with %d records\n", pdu.nr_records);
-	do_gettimeofday(&tv);
-	pdu.version	= htons(5);
-	pdu.ts_uptime	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies));
-	pdu.ts_usecs	= htonl(tv.tv_sec);
-	pdu.ts_unsecs	= htonl(tv.tv_usec);
-	//pdu.eng_type	= 0;
-	//pdu.eng_id	= 0;
-	//pdu.padding	= 0;
+		printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_export_pdu_v5 with %d records\n", pdu_data_records);
-	pdusize = NETFLOW5_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct netflow5_record) * pdu.nr_records;
-	/* especially fix nr_records before export */
-	pdu.nr_records	= htons(pdu.nr_records);
+	pdu.v5.version		= htons(5);
+	pdu.v5.nr_records	= htons(pdu_data_records);
+	pdu.v5.ts_uptime	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies));
+	do_gettimeofday(&tv);
+	pdu.v5.ts_usecs		= htonl(tv.tv_sec);
+	pdu.v5.ts_unsecs	= htonl(tv.tv_usec);
+	pdu.v5.seq		= htonl(pdu_seq);
+	//pdu.v5.eng_type	= 0;
+	pdu.v5.eng_id		= engine_id;
+	//pdu.v5.padding	= 0;
-	if (netflow_send_pdu(&pdu, pdusize) == 0) {
-		/* not least one send succeded, account stat for dropped packets */
-		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(pkt_drop, pdu_packets);
-		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(traf_drop, pdu_traf);
-	}
+	pdusize = NETFLOW5_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(struct netflow5_record) * pdu_data_records;
-	pdu.seq = htonl(ntohl(pdu.seq) + ntohs(pdu.nr_records));
+	netflow_sendmsg(&pdu.v5, pdusize);
-	pdu.nr_records	= 0;
 	pdu_packets = 0;
-	pdu_traf = 0;
+	pdu_traf    = 0;
+	pdu_seq += pdu_data_records;
+	pdu_count++;
+	pdu_data_records = 0;
 /* only called in scan worker path */
-static void netflow_export_flow(struct ipt_netflow *nf)
+static void netflow_export_flow_v5(struct ipt_netflow *nf)
 	struct netflow5_record *rec;
-	if (debug > 2)
-		printk(KERN_INFO "adding flow to export (%d)\n", pdu.nr_records);
+	if (unlikely(debug > 2))
+		printk(KERN_INFO "adding flow to export (%d)\n", pdu_data_records);
 	pdu_packets += nf->nr_packets;
 	pdu_traf += nf->nr_bytes;
 	pdu_ts_mod = jiffies;
-	rec = &pdu.flow[pdu.nr_records++];
+	rec = &pdu.v5.flow[pdu_data_records++];
 	/* make V5 flow record */
-	rec->s_addr	= nf->tuple.s_addr;
-	rec->d_addr	= nf->tuple.d_addr;
-	//rec->nexthop	= 0;
+	rec->s_addr	= nf->tuple.src.ip;
+	rec->d_addr	= nf->tuple.dst.ip;
+	rec->nexthop	= nf->nh.ip;
 	rec->i_ifc	= htons(nf->tuple.i_ifc);
 	rec->o_ifc	= htons(nf->o_ifc);
 	rec->nr_packets = htonl(nf->nr_packets);
 	rec->nr_octets	= htonl(nf->nr_bytes);
-	rec->ts_first	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_first));
-	rec->ts_last	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_last));
+	rec->first_ms	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_first));
+	rec->last_ms	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_last));
 	rec->s_port	= nf->tuple.s_port;
 	rec->d_port	= nf->tuple.d_port;
-	//rec->reserved	= 0;
+	//rec->reserved	= 0; /* pdu is always zeroized for v5 in netflow_switch_version */
 	rec->tcp_flags	= nf->tcp_flags;
 	rec->protocol	= nf->tuple.protocol;
 	rec->tos	= nf->tuple.tos;
-	//rec->s_as	= 0;
-	//rec->d_as	= 0;
+	rec->s_as	= nf->s_as;
+	rec->d_as	= nf->d_as;
 	rec->s_mask	= nf->s_mask;
 	rec->d_mask	= nf->d_mask;
 	//rec->padding	= 0;
-	if (pdu.nr_records == NETFLOW5_RECORDS_MAX)
+	if (pdu_data_records == NETFLOW5_RECORDS_MAX)
+		netflow_export_pdu_v5();
+/* pdu is initially blank, export current pdu, and prepare next for filling. */
+static void netflow_export_pdu_v9(void)
+	struct timeval tv;
+	int pdusize;
+	if (pdu_data_used <= pdu.v9.data)
+		return;
+	if (debug > 1)
+		printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_export_pdu_v9 with %d records\n",
+		    pdu_data_records + pdu_tpl_records);
+	pdu.v9.version		= htons(9);
+	pdu.v9.nr_records	= htons(pdu_data_records + pdu_tpl_records);
+	pdu.v9.sys_uptime_ms	= htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(jiffies));
+	do_gettimeofday(&tv);
+	pdu.v9.export_time_s	= htonl(tv.tv_sec);
+	pdu.v9.seq		= htonl(pdu_seq);
+	pdu.v9.source_id	= engine_id;
+	pdusize = pdu_data_used - (unsigned char *)&pdu.v9;
+	netflow_sendmsg(&pdu.v9, pdusize);
+	pdu_packets = 0;
+	pdu_traf    = 0;
+	pdu_seq++;
+	pdu_count++;
+	pdu_data_records = pdu_tpl_records = 0;
+	pdu_data_used = pdu.v9.data;
+	pdu_flowset = NULL;
+static void netflow_export_pdu_ipfix(void)
+	struct timeval tv;
+	int pdusize;
+	if (pdu_data_used <= pdu.ipfix.data)
+		return;
+	if (debug > 1)
+		printk(KERN_INFO "netflow_export_pduX with %d records\n",
+		    pdu_data_records);
+	pdu.ipfix.version	= htons(10);
+	do_gettimeofday(&tv);
+	pdu.ipfix.export_time_s	= htonl(tv.tv_sec);
+	pdu.ipfix.seq		= htonl(pdu_seq);
+	pdu.ipfix.odomain_id	= engine_id;
+	pdusize = pdu_data_used - (unsigned char *)&pdu;
+	pdu.ipfix.length	= htons(pdusize);
+	netflow_sendmsg(&pdu.ipfix, pdusize);
+	pdu_packets = 0;
+	pdu_traf    = 0;
+	pdu_seq += pdu_data_records;
+	pdu_count++;
+	pdu_data_records = pdu_tpl_records = 0;
+	pdu_data_used = pdu.ipfix.data;
+	pdu_flowset = NULL;
+static inline int pdu_have_space(const size_t size)
+	return ((pdu_data_used + size) <= pdu_high_wm);
+static inline unsigned char *pdu_grab_space(const size_t size)
+	unsigned char *ptr = pdu_data_used;
+	pdu_data_used += size;
+	return ptr;
+// allocate data space in pdu, or fail if pdu is reallocated.
+static inline unsigned char *pdu_alloc_fail(const size_t size)
+	if (!pdu_have_space(size)) {
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return pdu_grab_space(size);
+/* doesn't fail, but can provide empty pdu. */
+static unsigned char *pdu_alloc(const size_t size)
+	return pdu_alloc_fail(size) ?: pdu_grab_space(size);
+/* global table of sizes of template field types */
+static u_int8_t tpl_element_sizes[] = {
+	[IN_BYTES]	= 4,
+	[IN_PKTS]	= 4,
+	[PROTOCOL]	= 1,
+	[TOS]		= 1,
+	[TCP_FLAGS]	= 1,
+	[L4_SRC_PORT]	= 2,
+	[IPV4_SRC_ADDR]	= 4,
+	[SRC_MASK]	= 1,
+	[INPUT_SNMP]	= 2,
+	[L4_DST_PORT]	= 2,
+	[IPV4_DST_ADDR]	= 4,
+	[DST_MASK]	= 1,
+	[OUTPUT_SNMP]	= 2,
+	[IPV4_NEXT_HOP]	= 4,
+	//[SRC_AS]		= 2,
+	//[DST_AS]		= 2,
+	//[BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP]	= 4,
+	//[MUL_DST_PKTS]	= 4,
+	//[MUL_DST_BYTES]	= 4,
+	[IPV6_SRC_ADDR]	= 16,
+	[IPV6_DST_ADDR]	= 16,
+	[IPV6_FLOW_LABEL] = 3,
+	[ICMP_TYPE]	= 2,
+	[MUL_IGMP_TYPE]	= 1,
+	//[TOTAL_BYTES_EXP]	= 4,
+	//[TOTAL_PKTS_EXP]	= 4,
+	//[TOTAL_FLOWS_EXP]	= 4,
+	[IPV6_NEXT_HOP]			   = 16,
+	[IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS]		   = 2,
+	[commonPropertiesId]		   = 4,
+	[ipv4Options]			   = 4,
+	[tcpOptions]			   = 4,
+	[postNATSourceIPv4Address]	   = 4,
+	[postNATDestinationIPv4Address]	   = 4,
+	[postNAPTSourceTransportPort]	   = 2,
+	[postNAPTDestinationTransportPort] = 2,
+	[natEvent]			   = 1,
+	[postNATSourceIPv6Address]	   = 16,
+	[postNATDestinationIPv6Address]	   = 16,
+	[IPSecSPI]			   = 4,
+	[observationTimeMilliseconds]	   = 8,
+	[observationTimeMicroseconds]	   = 8,
+	[observationTimeNanoseconds]	   = 8,
+static struct hlist_head templates_hash[TEMPLATES_HASH_SIZE];
+struct base_template {
+	int length; /* number of elements in template */
+	u_int16_t types[]; /* {type, size} pairs */
+/* base templates */
+#define BTPL_BASE	0x00000001	/* base stat */
+#define BTPL_IP4	0x00000002	/* IPv4 */
+#define BTPL_MASK4	0x00000004	/* Aggregated */
+#define BTPL_PORTS	0x00000008	/* UDP&TCP */
+#define BTPL_IP6	0x00000010	/* IPv6 */
+#define BTPL_ICMP	0x00000020	/* ICMP */
+#define BTPL_IGMP	0x00000040	/* IGMP */
+#define BTPL_IPSEC	0x00000080	/* AH&ESP */
+#define BTPL_NAT4	0x00000100	/* NAT IPv4 */
+#define BTPL_MARK	0x00000400	/* connmark */
+#define BTPL_LABEL6	0x00000800	/* IPv6 flow label */
+#define BTPL_OPTIONS4	0x00001000	/* IPv4 Options */
+#define BTPL_OPTIONS6	0x00002000	/* IPv6 Options */
+#define BTPL_TCPOPTIONS	0x00004000	/* TCP Options */
+#define BTPL_MAX	32
+static struct base_template template_base = {
+	.types = {
+		TOS,
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_ipv4 = {
+	.types = {
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_options4 = {
+	.types = { ipv4Options, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_tcpoptions = {
+	.types = { tcpOptions, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_ipv6 = {
+	.types = {
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_options6 = {
+	.types = { IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_label6 = {
+	.types = { IPV6_FLOW_LABEL, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_ipv4_mask = {
+	.types = {
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_ports = {
+	.types = {
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_icmp = {
+	.types = { ICMP_TYPE, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_igmp = {
+	.types = { MUL_IGMP_TYPE, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_ipsec = {
+	.types = { IPSecSPI, 0 }
+static struct base_template template_nat4 = {
+	.types = {
+		observationTimeMilliseconds,
+		postNATSourceIPv4Address,
+		postNATDestinationIPv4Address,
+		postNAPTSourceTransportPort,
+		postNAPTDestinationTransportPort,
+		natEvent,
+		0
+	}
+static struct base_template template_mark = {
+	.types = { commonPropertiesId, 0 }
+struct data_template {
+	struct hlist_node hlist;
+	int tpl_mask;
+	int length; /* number of elements in template */
+	int tpl_size; /* summary size of template with flowset header */
+	int rec_size; /* summary size of all recods of template (w/o flowset header) */
+	int template_id_n; /* assigned from template_ids, network order. */
+	int		exported_cnt;
+	unsigned long	exported_ts; /* jiffies */
+	u_int16_t fields[]; /* {type, size} pairs */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define TPL_FIELD_NSIZE 4 /* one complete template field's network size */
+static void free_templates(void)
+	int i;
+	struct hlist_node *pos;
+	struct hlist_node *tmp;
+	for (i = 0; i < TEMPLATES_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
+		struct hlist_head *thead = &templates_hash[i];
+		struct data_template *tpl;
+		compat_hlist_for_each_entry_safe(tpl, pos, tmp, thead, hlist)
+			kfree(tpl);
+		INIT_HLIST_HEAD(thead);
+	}
+	tpl_count = 0;
+/* create combined template from mask */
+static struct data_template *get_template(const int tmask)
+	struct base_template *tlist[BTPL_MAX];
+	struct data_template *tpl;
+	int tnum;
+	int length;
+	int i, j, k;
+	struct hlist_node *pos;
+	int hash = hash_long(tmask, TEMPLATES_HASH_BSIZE);
+	compat_hlist_for_each_entry(tpl, pos, &templates_hash[hash], hlist)
+		if (tpl->tpl_mask == tmask)
+			return tpl;
+	tnum = 0;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_IP4) {
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_ipv4;
+		if (tmask & BTPL_OPTIONS4)
+			tlist[tnum++] = &template_options4;
+		if (tmask & BTPL_MASK4)
+			tlist[tnum++] = &template_ipv4_mask;
+	} else if (tmask & BTPL_IP6) {
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_ipv6;
+		if (tmask & BTPL_LABEL6)
+			tlist[tnum++] = &template_label6;
+		if (tmask & BTPL_OPTIONS6)
+			tlist[tnum++] = &template_options6;
+	} else if (tmask & BTPL_NAT4)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_nat4;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_PORTS)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_ports;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_BASE)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_base;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_TCPOPTIONS)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_tcpoptions;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_ICMP)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_icmp;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_IGMP)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_igmp;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_IPSEC)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_ipsec;
+	if (tmask & BTPL_MARK)
+		tlist[tnum++] = &template_mark;
+	/* calc memory size */
+	length = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < tnum; i++) {
+		if (!tlist[i]->length) {
+			for (k = 0; tlist[i]->types[k]; k++);
+			tlist[i]->length = k;
+		}
+		length += tlist[i]->length;
+	}
+	/* elements are pairs + one termiantor */
+	tpl = kmalloc(sizeof(struct data_template) + (length * 2 + 1) * sizeof(u_int16_t), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!tpl) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: unable to kmalloc template.\n");
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	tpl->tpl_mask = tmask;
+	tpl->length = length;
+	tpl->tpl_size = sizeof(struct flowset_template);
+	tpl->rec_size = 0;
+	tpl->template_id_n = htons(template_ids++);
+	tpl->exported_cnt = 0;
+	tpl->exported_ts = 0;
+	j = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < tnum; i++) {
+		struct base_template *btpl = tlist[i];
+		for (k = 0; k < btpl->length; k++) {
+			int size;
+			int type = btpl->types[k];
+			tpl->fields[j++] = type;
+			size = tpl_element_sizes[type];
+			tpl->fields[j++] = size;
+			tpl->rec_size += size;
+		}
+		tpl->tpl_size += btpl->length * TPL_FIELD_NSIZE;
+	}
+	tpl->fields[j++] = 0;
+	hlist_add_head(&tpl->hlist, &templates_hash[hash]);
+	tpl_count++;
+	return tpl;
+static void pdu_add_template(struct data_template *tpl)
+	int i;
+	unsigned char *ptr;
+	struct flowset_template *ntpl;
+	__be16 *sptr;
+	ptr = pdu_alloc(tpl->tpl_size);
+	ntpl = (struct flowset_template *)ptr;
+	ntpl->flowset_id  = protocol == 9? htons(FLOWSET_TEMPLATE) : htons(IPFIX_TEMPLATE);
+	ntpl->length	  = htons(tpl->tpl_size);
+	ntpl->template_id = tpl->template_id_n;
+	ntpl->field_count = htons(tpl->length);
+	ptr += sizeof(struct flowset_template);
+	sptr = (__be16 *)ptr;
+	for (i = 0; ; ) {
+		int type = tpl->fields[i++];
+		if (!type)
+			break;
+		*sptr++ = htons(type);
+		*sptr++ = htons(tpl->fields[i++]);
+	}
+	tpl->exported_cnt = pdu_count;
+	tpl->exported_ts = jiffies;
+	pdu_flowset = NULL;
+	pdu_tpl_records++;
+static inline s64 portable_ktime_to_ms(const ktime_t kt)
+	struct timeval tv = ktime_to_timeval(kt);
+	return (s64) tv.tv_sec * MSEC_PER_SEC + tv.tv_usec / USEC_PER_MSEC;
+#define ktime_to_ms portable_ktime_to_ms
+/* encode one field */
+typedef struct in6_addr in6_t;
+static inline void add_ipv4_field(__u8 *ptr, const int type, const struct ipt_netflow *nf)
+	switch (type) {
+		case IN_BYTES:	     *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(nf->nr_bytes); break;
+		case IN_PKTS:	     *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(nf->nr_packets); break;
+		case FIRST_SWITCHED: *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_first)); break;
+		case LAST_SWITCHED:  *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(jiffies_to_msecs(nf->ts_last)); break;
+		case IPV4_SRC_ADDR:  *(__be32 *)ptr = nf->tuple.src.ip; break;
+		case IPV4_DST_ADDR:  *(__be32 *)ptr = nf->tuple.dst.ip; break;
+		case IPV4_NEXT_HOP:  *(__be32 *)ptr = nf->nh.ip; break;
+		case L4_SRC_PORT:    *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->tuple.s_port; break;
+		case L4_DST_PORT:    *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->tuple.d_port; break;
+		case INPUT_SNMP:     *(__be16 *)ptr = htons(nf->tuple.i_ifc); break;
+		case OUTPUT_SNMP:    *(__be16 *)ptr = htons(nf->o_ifc); break;
+		case PROTOCOL:	               *ptr = nf->tuple.protocol; break;
+		case TCP_FLAGS:	               *ptr = nf->tcp_flags; break;
+		case TOS:	               *ptr = nf->tuple.tos; break;
+		case IPV6_SRC_ADDR:   *(in6_t *)ptr = nf->tuple.src.in6; break;
+		case IPV6_DST_ADDR:   *(in6_t *)ptr = nf->tuple.dst.in6; break;
+		case IPV6_NEXT_HOP:   *(in6_t *)ptr = nf->nh.in6; break;
+		case IPV6_FLOW_LABEL:        *ptr++ = nf->flow_label >> 16;
+				     *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->flow_label;
+				      break;
+		case tcpOptions:     *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(nf->tcpoptions); break;
+		case ipv4Options:    *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(nf->options); break;
+		case IPV6_OPTION_HEADERS: *(__be16 *)ptr = htons(nf->options); break;
+		case commonPropertiesId:
+				     *(__be32 *)ptr = htonl(nf->mark); break;
+		case SRC_MASK:	               *ptr = nf->s_mask; break;
+		case DST_MASK:	               *ptr = nf->d_mask; break;
+		case ICMP_TYPE:	     *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->tuple.d_port; break;
+		case MUL_IGMP_TYPE:            *ptr = nf->tuple.d_port; break;
+		case postNATSourceIPv4Address:	       *(__be32 *)ptr = nf->nat->post.s_addr; break;
+		case postNATDestinationIPv4Address:    *(__be32 *)ptr = nf->nat->post.d_addr; break;
+		case postNAPTSourceTransportPort:      *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->nat->post.s_port; break;
+		case postNAPTDestinationTransportPort: *(__be16 *)ptr = nf->nat->post.d_port; break;
+		case natEvent:				         *ptr = nf->nat->nat_event; break;
+		case IPSecSPI:        *(__u32 *)ptr = (nf->tuple.s_port << 16) | nf->tuple.d_port; break;
+		case observationTimeMilliseconds:
+				      *(__be64 *)ptr = cpu_to_be64(ktime_to_ms(nf->ts_obs)); break;
+		case observationTimeMicroseconds:
+				      *(__be64 *)ptr = cpu_to_be64(ktime_to_us(nf->ts_obs)); break;
+		case observationTimeNanoseconds:
+				      *(__be64 *)ptr = cpu_to_be64(ktime_to_ns(nf->ts_obs)); break;
+		default:
+					memset(ptr, 0, tpl_element_sizes[type]);
+	}
+#define PAD_SIZE 4 /* rfc prescribes flowsets to be padded */
+/* cache timeout_rate in jiffies */
+static inline unsigned long timeout_rate_j(void)
+	static unsigned int t_rate = 0;
+	static unsigned long t_rate_j = 0;
+	if (unlikely(timeout_rate != t_rate)) {
+		struct timeval tv = { .tv_sec = timeout_rate * 60, .tv_usec = 0 };
+		t_rate = timeout_rate;
+		t_rate_j = timeval_to_jiffies(&tv);
+	}
+	return t_rate_j;
+#define IPPROTO_UDPLITE 136
+#ifndef time_is_before_jiffies
+#define time_is_before_jiffies(a) time_after(jiffies, a)
+static void netflow_export_flow_tpl(struct ipt_netflow *nf)
+	unsigned char *ptr;
+	int i;
+	struct data_template *tpl;
+	int tpl_mask = BTPL_BASE;
+	if (unlikely(debug > 2))
+		printk(KERN_INFO "adding flow to export (%d)\n",
+		    pdu_data_records + pdu_tpl_records);
+	if (likely(nf->tuple.l3proto == AF_INET)) {
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_IP4;
+		if (unlikely(nf->options))
+			tpl_mask |= BTPL_OPTIONS4;
+	} else {
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_IP6;
+		if (unlikely(nf->options))
+			tpl_mask |= BTPL_OPTIONS6;
+		if (unlikely(nf->flow_label))
+			tpl_mask |= BTPL_LABEL6;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(nf->tcpoptions))
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_TCPOPTIONS;
+	if (unlikely(nf->s_mask || nf->d_mask))
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_MASK4;
+	if (likely(nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ||
+		    nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_UDP ||
+		    nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP ||
+		    nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_UDPLITE))
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_PORTS;
+	else if (nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP)
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_ICMP;
+	else if (nf->tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_IGMP)
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_IGMP;
+	if (nf->mark)
+		tpl_mask |= BTPL_MARK;
+	if (nf->nat)
+		tpl_mask = BTPL_NAT4;
+	tpl = get_template(tpl_mask);
+	if (unlikely(!tpl)) {
+		printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: template allocation failed.\n");
+		NETFLOW_STAT_INC(alloc_err);
+		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(pkt_drop, nf->nr_packets);
+		NETFLOW_STAT_ADD_ATOMIC(traf_drop, nf->nr_bytes);
+		ipt_netflow_free(nf);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (unlikely(!pdu_flowset ||
+	    pdu_flowset->flowset_id != tpl->template_id_n ||
+	    !(ptr = pdu_alloc_fail(tpl->rec_size)))) {
+		/* if there was previous data template we should pad it to 4 bytes */
+		if (pdu_flowset) {
+			int padding = (PAD_SIZE - ntohs(pdu_flowset->length) % PAD_SIZE) % PAD_SIZE;
+			if (padding && (ptr = pdu_alloc_fail(padding))) {
+				pdu_flowset->length = htons(ntohs(pdu_flowset->length) + padding);
+				for (; padding; padding--)
+					*ptr++ = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if (!tpl->exported_ts ||
+		    pdu_count > (tpl->exported_cnt + refresh_rate) ||
+		    time_is_before_jiffies(tpl->exported_ts + timeout_rate_j())) {
+			pdu_add_template(tpl);
+		}
+		ptr = pdu_alloc(sizeof(struct flowset_data) + tpl->rec_size);
+		pdu_flowset = (struct flowset_data *)ptr;
+		pdu_flowset->flowset_id = tpl->template_id_n;
+		pdu_flowset->length     = htons(sizeof(struct flowset_data));
+		ptr += sizeof(struct flowset_data);
+	}
+	/* encode all fields */
+	for (i = 0; ; ) {
+		int type = tpl->fields[i++];
+		if (!type)
+			break;
+		add_ipv4_field(ptr, type, nf);
+		ptr += tpl->fields[i++];
+	}
+	pdu_data_records++;
+	pdu_flowset->length = htons(ntohs(pdu_flowset->length) + tpl->rec_size);
+	pdu_packets += nf->nr_packets;
+	pdu_traf    += nf->nr_bytes;
+	ipt_netflow_free(nf);
+	pdu_ts_mod = jiffies;
+static void netflow_switch_version(const int ver)
+	protocol = ver;
+	if (protocol == 5) {
+		memset(&pdu, 0, sizeof(pdu));
+		netflow_export_flow = &netflow_export_flow_v5;
+		netflow_export_pdu = &netflow_export_pdu_v5;
+	} else if (protocol == 9) {
+		pdu_data_used = pdu.v9.data;
+		pdu_max_size = sizeof(pdu.v9);
+		pdu_high_wm = (unsigned char *)&pdu + pdu_max_size;
+		netflow_export_flow = &netflow_export_flow_tpl;
+		netflow_export_pdu = &netflow_export_pdu_v9;
+	} else { /* IPFIX */
+		pdu_data_used = pdu.ipfix.data;
+		pdu_max_size = sizeof(pdu.ipfix);
+		pdu_high_wm = (unsigned char *)&pdu + pdu_max_size;
+		netflow_export_flow = &netflow_export_flow_tpl;
+		netflow_export_pdu = &netflow_export_pdu_ipfix;
+	}
+	if (protocol != 5)
+		free_templates();
+	pdu_data_records = pdu_tpl_records = 0;
+	pdu_flowset = NULL;
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW protocol version %d (%s) enabled.\n",
+	    protocol, protocol == 10? "IPFIX" : "NetFlow");
+static void export_nat_event(struct nat_event *nel)
+	static struct ipt_netflow nf = { { NULL } };
+	nf.tuple.l3proto = AF_INET;
+	nf.tuple.protocol = nel->protocol;
+	nf.nat = nel; /* this is also flag of dummy flow */
+	nf.tcp_flags = (nel->nat_event == NAT_DESTROY)? TCP_FIN_RST : TCP_SYN_ACK;
+	if (protocol >= 9) {
+		nf.ts_obs = nel->ts_ktime;
+		nf.tuple.src.ip = nel->pre.s_addr;
+		nf.tuple.dst.ip = nel->pre.d_addr;
+		nf.tuple.s_port = nel->pre.s_port;
+		nf.tuple.d_port = nel->pre.d_port;
+		netflow_export_flow(&nf);
+	} else { /* v5 */
+		/* The weird v5 packet(s).
+		 * src and dst will be same as in data flow from the FORWARD chain
+		 * where src is pre-nat src ip and dst is post-nat dst ip.
+		 * What we lacking here is external src ip for SNAT, or
+		 * pre-nat dst ip for DNAT. We will put this into Nexthop field
+		 * with port into src/dst AS field. tcp_flags will distinguish it's
+		 * start or stop event. Two flows in case of full nat. */
+		nf.tuple.src.ip = nel->pre.s_addr;
+		nf.tuple.s_port = nel->pre.s_port;
+		nf.tuple.dst.ip = nel->post.d_addr;
+		nf.tuple.d_port = nel->post.d_port;
+		nf.ts_first = nel->ts_jiffies;
+		nf.ts_last = nel->ts_jiffies;
+		if (nel->pre.s_addr != nel->post.s_addr ||
+		    nel->pre.s_port != nel->post.s_port) {
+			nf.nh.ip = nel->post.s_addr;
+			nf.s_as  = nel->post.s_port;
+			nf.d_as  = 0;
+			netflow_export_flow(&nf);
+		}
+		if (nel->pre.d_addr != nel->post.d_addr ||
+		    nel->pre.d_port != nel->post.d_port) {
+			nf.nh.ip = nel->pre.d_addr;
+			nf.s_as  = 0;
+			nf.d_as  = nel->pre.d_port;
+			netflow_export_flow(&nf);
+		}
+	}
+	kfree(nel);
+#endif /* CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED */
-static inline int active_needs_export(struct ipt_netflow *nf, long a_timeout)
+static inline int active_needs_export(const struct ipt_netflow *nf, const long a_timeout)
 	/* active too long, finishing, or having too much bytes */
 	return ((jiffies - nf->ts_first) > a_timeout) ||
@@ -1057,42 +1987,77 @@ static inline int active_needs_export(struct ipt_netflow *nf, long a_timeout)
 /* could be called with zero to flush cache and pdu */
 /* this function is guaranteed to be called non-concurrently */
-static void netflow_scan_and_export(int flush)
+/* return -1 is trylockfailed, 0 if nothin gexported, >=1 if exported something */
+static int netflow_scan_and_export(const int flush)
 	long i_timeout = inactive_timeout * HZ;
 	long a_timeout = active_timeout * HZ;
+	int trylock_failed = 0;
+	int pdu_c = pdu_count;
 	if (flush)
 		i_timeout = 0;
-	spin_lock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
-	while (!list_empty(&ipt_netflow_list)) {
+	local_bh_disable();
+	spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
+	/* This is different order of locking than elsewhere,
+	 * so we trylock&break to avoid deadlock. */
+	while (likely(!list_empty(&ipt_netflow_list))) {
 		struct ipt_netflow *nf;
+		/* Last entry, which is usually oldest. */
 		nf = list_entry(ipt_netflow_list.prev, struct ipt_netflow, list);
+		if (!spin_trylock(nf->lock)) {
+			trylock_failed = 1;
+			break;
+		}
 		/* Note: i_timeout checked with >= to allow specifying zero timeout
 		 * to purge all flows on module unload */
 		if (((jiffies - nf->ts_last) >= i_timeout) ||
 		    active_needs_export(nf, a_timeout)) {
+			spin_unlock(nf->lock);
+			spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
+			local_bh_enable();
 			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(pkt_out, nf->nr_packets);
 			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_out, nf->nr_bytes);
-			spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
-			spin_lock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+			local_bh_disable();
+			spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
 		} else {
+			spin_unlock(nf->lock);
 			/* all flows which need to be exported is always at the tail
 			 * so if no more exportable flows we can break */
-	spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+	spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
+	local_bh_enable();
+	spin_lock_bh(&nat_lock);
+	while (!list_empty(&nat_list)) {
+		struct nat_event *nel;
+		nel = list_entry(nat_list.next, struct nat_event, list);
+		list_del(&nel->list);
+		spin_unlock_bh(&nat_lock);
+		export_nat_event(nel);
+		spin_lock_bh(&nat_lock);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_bh(&nat_lock);
 	/* flush flows stored in pdu if there no new flows for too long */
 	/* Note: using >= to allow flow purge on zero timeout */
 	if ((jiffies - pdu_ts_mod) >= i_timeout)
+	return trylock_failed? -1 : pdu_count - pdu_c;
@@ -1101,8 +2066,10 @@ static void netflow_work_fn(void *dummy)
 static void netflow_work_fn(struct work_struct *dummy)
-	netflow_scan_and_export(0);
-	__start_scan_worker();
+	int status;
+	status = netflow_scan_and_export(DONT_FLUSH);
+	_schedule_scan_worker(status);
 #define RATESHIFT 2
@@ -1154,7 +2121,7 @@ static void rate_timer_calc(unsigned long dummy)
 	old_found = found;
 	old_notfound = notfound;
 	/* if there is no access to hash keep rate steady */
-	metric = (dfnd + dnfnd)? 10 * (dsrch + dfnd + dnfnd) / (dfnd + dnfnd) : metric;
+	metric = (dfnd + dnfnd)? 100 * (dsrch + dfnd + dnfnd) / (dfnd + dnfnd) : metric;
 	CALC_RATE(min15_metric, (unsigned long long)metric, 15);
 	CALC_RATE(min5_metric, (unsigned long long)metric, 5);
 	CALC_RATE(min_metric, (unsigned long long)metric, 1);
@@ -1162,6 +2129,262 @@ static void rate_timer_calc(unsigned long dummy)
 	mod_timer(&rate_timer, jiffies + (HZ * SAMPLERATE));
+static struct nf_ct_event_notifier *saved_event_cb __read_mostly = NULL;
+static int netflow_conntrack_event(const unsigned int events, struct nf_ct_event *item)
+static int netflow_conntrack_event(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long events, void *ptr)
+	struct nf_conn *ct = item->ct;
+	struct nf_conn *ct = (struct nf_conn *)ptr;
+	struct nat_event *nel;
+	const struct nf_conntrack_tuple *t;
+	int ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
+	struct nf_ct_event_notifier *notifier;
+	/* Call netlink first. */
+	notifier = rcu_dereference(saved_event_cb);
+	if (likely(notifier))
+		ret = notifier->fcn(events, item);
+	if (unlikely(!natevents))
+		return ret;
+	if (!(events & ((1 << IPCT_NEW) | (1 << IPCT_RELATED) | (1 << IPCT_DESTROY))))
+		return ret;
+	if (!(ct->status & IPS_NAT_MASK))
+		return ret;
+	if (unlikely(ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src.l3num != AF_INET ||
+		    ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple.src.l3num != AF_INET)) {
+		/* Well, there is no linux NAT for IPv6 anyway. */
+		return ret;
+	}
+	if (!(nel = kmalloc(sizeof(struct nat_event), GFP_ATOMIC))) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: can't kmalloc nat event\n");
+		return ret;
+	}
+	memset(nel, 0, sizeof(struct nat_event));
+	nel->ts_ktime = ktime_get_real();
+	nel->ts_jiffies = jiffies;
+	t = &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple;
+	nel->protocol = t->dst.protonum;
+	nel->pre.s_addr = t->src.u3.ip;
+	nel->pre.d_addr = t->dst.u3.ip;
+	nel->pre.s_port = t->src.u.all;
+	nel->pre.d_port = t->dst.u.all;
+	t = &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple;
+	/* reply is reversed */
+	nel->post.s_addr = t->dst.u3.ip;
+	nel->post.d_addr = t->src.u3.ip;
+	nel->post.s_port = t->dst.u.all;
+	nel->post.d_port = t->src.u.all;
+	if (events & (1 << IPCT_DESTROY)) {
+		nel->nat_event = NAT_DESTROY;
+		nat_events_stop++;
+	} else {
+		nel->nat_event = NAT_CREATE;
+		nat_events_start++;
+	}
+	spin_lock_bh(&nat_lock);
+	list_add_tail(&nel->list, &nat_list);
+	spin_unlock_bh(&nat_lock);
+	return ret;
+static struct notifier_block ctnl_notifier = {
+	.notifier_call = netflow_conntrack_event
+static struct nf_ct_event_notifier ctnl_notifier = {
+	.fcn = netflow_conntrack_event
+#endif /* since 2.6.31 */
+#endif /* CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED */
+static bool
+static int
+netflow_target_check(const char *tablename, const void *entry, const struct xt_target *target,
+    void *targinfo,
+    unsigned int targinfosize,
+    unsigned int hook_mask)
+netflow_target_check(const struct xt_tgchk_param *par)
+	const char *tablename = par->table;
+	const struct xt_target *target = par->target;
+	if (strcmp("nat", tablename) == 0) {
+		/* In the nat table we only see single packet per flow, which is useless. */
+		printk(KERN_ERR "%s target: is not valid in %s table\n", target->name, tablename);
+#define CHECK_FAIL	0
+#define CHECK_OK	1
+#define CHECK_OK	0
+		return CHECK_FAIL;
+	}
+	if (target->family == AF_INET6 && protocol == 5) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ip6tables NETFLOW target is meaningful for protocol 9 or 10 only.\n");
+		return CHECK_FAIL;
+	}
+	return CHECK_OK;
+#define SetXBit(x) (0x8000 >> (x)) /* Proper bit for htons later. */
+#ifndef IPPROTO_MH
+#define IPPROTO_MH	135
+static inline __u16 observed_hdrs(const __u8 currenthdr)
+	switch (currenthdr) {
+		/* For speed, in case switch is not optimized. */
+		return 0;
+	case IPPROTO_DSTOPTS:  return SetXBit(0);
+	case IPPROTO_HOPOPTS:  return SetXBit(1);
+	case IPPROTO_ROUTING:  return SetXBit(5);
+	case IPPROTO_MH:       return SetXBit(12);
+	case IPPROTO_ESP:      return SetXBit(13);
+	case IPPROTO_AH:       return SetXBit(14);
+	case IPPROTO_COMP:     return SetXBit(15);
+	case IPPROTO_FRAGMENT: /* Handled elsewhere. */
+		/* Next is known headers. */
+#ifdef IPPROTO_L2TP
+	case IPPROTO_L2TP:
+	       return 0;
+	}
+	return SetXBit(3); /* Unknown header. */
+/* http://www.iana.org/assignments/ip-parameters/ip-parameters.xhtml */
+static const __u8 ip4_opt_table[] = {
+	[7]	= 0,	/* RR */ /* parsed manually becasue of 0 */
+	[134]	= 1,	/* CIPSO */
+	[133]	= 2,	/* E-SEC */
+	[68]	= 3,	/* TS */
+	[131]	= 4,	/* LSR */
+	[130]	= 5,	/* SEC */
+	[1]	= 6,	/* NOP */
+	[0]	= 7,	/* EOOL */
+	[15]	= 8,	/* ENCODE */
+	[142]	= 9,	/* VISA */
+	[205]	= 10,	/* FINN */
+	[12]	= 11,	/* MTUR */
+	[11]	= 12,	/* MTUP */
+	[10]	= 13,	/* ZSU */
+	[137]	= 14,	/* SSR */
+	[136]	= 15,	/* SID */
+	[151]	= 16,	/* DPS */
+	[150]	= 17,	/* NSAPA */
+	[149]	= 18,	/* SDB */
+	[147]	= 19,	/* ADDEXT */
+	[148]	= 20,	/* RTRALT */
+	[82]	= 21,	/* TR */
+	[145]	= 22,	/* EIP */
+	[144]	= 23,	/* IMITD */
+	[30]	= 25,	/* EXP */
+	[94]	= 25,	/* EXP */
+	[158]	= 25,	/* EXP */
+	[222]	= 25,	/* EXP */
+	[25]	= 30,	/* QS */
+	[152]	= 31,	/* UMP */
+/* Parse IPv4 Options array int ipv4Options IPFIX value. */
+static inline __u32 ip4_options(const u_int8_t *p, const unsigned int optsize)
+	__u32 ret = 0;
+	unsigned int i;
+	for (i = 0; likely(i < optsize); ) {
+		u_int8_t op = p[i++];
+		if (op == 7) /* RR: bit 0 */
+			ret |= 1;
+		else if (likely(op < ARRAY_SIZE(ip4_opt_table))) {
+			/* Btw, IANA doc is messed up in a crazy way:
+			 *   http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/ipfix/current/msg06008.html (2011)
+			 * I decided to follow IANA _text_ description from
+			 *   http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipfix/ipfix.xhtml (2013-09-18)
+			 *
+			 * Set proper bit for htonl later. */
+			if (ip4_opt_table[op])
+				ret |= 1 << (32 - ip4_opt_table[op]);
+		}
+		if (likely(i >= optsize || op == 0))
+			break;
+		else if (unlikely(op == 1))
+			continue;
+		else if (unlikely(p[i] < 2))
+			break;
+		else
+			i += p[i] - 1;
+	}
+	return ret;
+#define TCPHDR_MAXSIZE (4 * 15)
+/* List of options: http://www.iana.org/assignments/tcp-parameters/tcp-parameters.xhtml */
+static inline __u32 tcp_options(const struct sk_buff *skb, const unsigned int ptr, const struct tcphdr *th)
+	const unsigned int optsize = th->doff * 4 - sizeof(struct tcphdr);
+	__u8 _opt[TCPHDR_MAXSIZE];
+	const u_int8_t *p;
+	__u32 ret;
+	unsigned int i;
+	p = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr + sizeof(struct tcphdr), optsize, _opt);
+	if (unlikely(!p))
+		return 0;
+	ret = 0;
+	for (i = 0; likely(i < optsize); ) {
+		u_int8_t opt = p[i++];
+		if (likely(opt < 32)) {
+			/* IANA doc is messed up, see above. */
+			ret |= 1 << (32 - opt);
+		}
+		if (likely(i >= optsize || opt == 0))
+			break;
+		else if (unlikely(opt == 1))
+			continue;
+		else if (unlikely(p[i] < 2)) /* "silly options" */
+			break;
+		else
+			i += p[i] - 1;
+	}
+	return ret;
 /* packet receiver */
 static unsigned int netflow_target(
@@ -1192,27 +2415,38 @@ static unsigned int netflow_target(
-	struct sk_buff *skb = *pskb;
+	const struct sk_buff *skb = *pskb;
+	union {
+		struct iphdr ip;
+		struct ipv6hdr ip6;
+	} _iph, *iph;
+	unsigned int hash;
+	const int family = target->family;
+	const int family = par->family;
-	struct iphdr _iph, *iph;
 	struct ipt_netflow_tuple tuple;
 	struct ipt_netflow *nf;
 	__u8 tcp_flags;
 	struct netflow_aggr_n *aggr_n;
 	struct netflow_aggr_p *aggr_p;
 	__u8 s_mask, d_mask;
-	unsigned int hash;
-	iph = skb_header_pointer(skb, 0, sizeof(_iph), &_iph); //iph = ip_hdr(skb);
-	if (iph == NULL) {
+	unsigned int ptr;
+	int fragment;
+	size_t pkt_len;
+	int options = 0;
+	int tcpoptions = 0;
+	iph = skb_header_pointer(skb, 0, (likely(family == AF_INET))? sizeof(_iph.ip) : sizeof(_iph.ip6), &iph);
+	if (unlikely(iph == NULL)) {
 		return IPT_CONTINUE;
-	tuple.s_addr	= iph->saddr;
-	tuple.d_addr	= iph->daddr;
+	tuple.l3proto	= family;
 	tuple.s_port	= 0;
 	tuple.d_port	= 0;
@@ -1220,30 +2454,118 @@ static unsigned int netflow_target(
 	tuple.i_ifc	= par->in? par->in->ifindex : -1;
-	tuple.protocol	= iph->protocol;
-	tuple.tos	= iph->tos;
 	tcp_flags	= 0; /* Cisco sometimes have TCP ACK for non TCP packets, don't get it */
 	s_mask		= 0;
 	d_mask		= 0;
-	if (iph->frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET))
+	if (likely(family == AF_INET)) {
+		tuple.src	= (union nf_inet_addr){ .ip = iph->ip.saddr };
+		tuple.dst	= (union nf_inet_addr){ .ip = iph->ip.daddr };
+		tuple.tos	= iph->ip.tos;
+		tuple.protocol	= iph->ip.protocol;
+		fragment	= unlikely(iph->ip.frag_off & htons(IP_OFFSET));
+		ptr		= iph->ip.ihl * 4;
+		pkt_len		= ntohs(iph->ip.tot_len);
+#define IPHDR_MAXSIZE (4 * 15)
+		if (unlikely(iph->ip.ihl * 4 > sizeof(struct iphdr))) {
+			u_int8_t _opt[IPHDR_MAXSIZE - sizeof(struct iphdr)];
+			const u_int8_t *op;
+			unsigned int optsize = iph->ip.ihl * 4 - sizeof(struct iphdr);
+			op = skb_header_pointer(skb, sizeof(struct iphdr), optsize, _opt);
+			if (likely(op))
+				options = ip4_options(op, optsize);
+		}
+	} else {
+		__u8 currenthdr;
+		tuple.src.in6	= iph->ip6.saddr;
+		tuple.dst.in6	= iph->ip6.daddr;
+		tuple.tos	= iph->ip6.priority;
+		fragment	= 0;
+		ptr		= sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
+		pkt_len		= ntohs(iph->ip6.payload_len) + sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
+		currenthdr	= iph->ip6.nexthdr;
+		while (currenthdr != NEXTHDR_NONE && ipv6_ext_hdr(currenthdr)) {
+			struct ipv6_opt_hdr _hdr;
+			const struct ipv6_opt_hdr *hp;
+			unsigned int hdrlen = 0;
+			options |= observed_hdrs(currenthdr);
+			hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_hdr), &_hdr);
+			if (hp == NULL) {
+				/* We have src/dst, so must account something. */
+				tuple.protocol = currenthdr;
+				fragment = 3;
+				goto do_protocols;
+			}
+			switch (currenthdr) {
+				struct frag_hdr _fhdr;
+				const struct frag_hdr *fh;
+				fh = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, sizeof(_fhdr),
+						&_fhdr);
+				if (fh == NULL) {
+					tuple.protocol = currenthdr;
+					fragment = 2;
+					goto do_protocols;
+				}
+				fragment = 1;
+#define FRA0 SetXBit(4) /* Fragment header - first fragment */
+#define FRA1 SetXBit(6) /* Fragmentation header - not first fragment */
+				options |= (ntohs(fh->frag_off) & 0xFFF8)? FRA1 : FRA0;
+				hdrlen = 8;
+				break;
+			}
+			case IPPROTO_AH: {
+				struct ip_auth_hdr _hdr, *hp;
+				if (likely(hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 8, &_hdr))) {
+					tuple.s_port = hp->spi >> 16;
+					tuple.d_port = hp->spi;
+				}
+				hdrlen = (hp->hdrlen + 2) << 2;
+				break;
+			}
+			default:
+				hdrlen = ipv6_optlen(hp);
+			}
+			currenthdr = hp->nexthdr;
+			ptr += hdrlen;
+		}
+		tuple.protocol	= currenthdr;
+		options |= observed_hdrs(currenthdr);
+	}
+	if (fragment) {
+		/* if conntrack is enabled it should defrag on pre-routing and local-out */
-	else {
+	} else {
 		switch (tuple.protocol) {
 		    case IPPROTO_TCP: {
 			struct tcphdr _hdr, *hp;
-			if ((hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, iph->ihl * 4, 14, &_hdr))) {
+			if (likely(hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 14, &_hdr))) {
 				tuple.s_port = hp->source;
 				tuple.d_port = hp->dest;
 				tcp_flags = (u_int8_t)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(hp)) >> 16);
+				if (unlikely(hp->doff * 4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)))
+					tcpoptions = tcp_options(skb, ptr, hp);
-		    case IPPROTO_UDP: {
+		    case IPPROTO_UDP:
+		    case IPPROTO_UDPLITE:
+		    case IPPROTO_SCTP: {
 			struct udphdr _hdr, *hp;
-			if ((hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, iph->ihl * 4, 4, &_hdr))) {
+			if (likely(hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 4, &_hdr))) {
 				tuple.s_port = hp->source;
 				tuple.d_port = hp->dest;
@@ -1252,72 +2574,111 @@ static unsigned int netflow_target(
 		    case IPPROTO_ICMP: {
 			struct icmphdr _hdr, *hp;
-			if ((hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, iph->ihl * 4, 2, &_hdr)))
-				tuple.d_port = (hp->type << 8) | hp->code;
+			if (likely(family == AF_INET &&
+				    (hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 2, &_hdr))))
+				tuple.d_port = htons((hp->type << 8) | hp->code);
+		    case IPPROTO_ICMPV6: {
+			    struct icmp6hdr _icmp6h, *ic;
+			    if (likely(family == AF_INET6 &&
+					(ic = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 2, &_icmp6h))))
+				    tuple.d_port = htons((ic->icmp6_type << 8) | ic->icmp6_code);
+			    break;
+		    }
 		    case IPPROTO_IGMP: {
-			struct igmphdr *_hdr, *hp;
+			struct igmphdr _hdr, *hp;
-			if ((hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, iph->ihl * 4, 1, &_hdr)))
+			if (likely(hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 1, &_hdr)))
 				tuple.d_port = hp->type;
+		    case IPPROTO_AH: { /* IPSEC */
+			struct ip_auth_hdr _hdr, *hp;
+			if (likely(family == AF_INET && /* For IPv6 it's parsed above. */
+				    (hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 8, &_hdr)))) {
+				tuple.s_port = hp->spi >> 16;
+				tuple.d_port = hp->spi;
+			}
+			break;
+		    }
+		    case IPPROTO_ESP: {
+			struct ip_esp_hdr _hdr, *hp;
+			if (likely(hp = skb_header_pointer(skb, ptr, 4, &_hdr)))
+				tuple.s_port = hp->spi >> 16;
+				tuple.d_port = hp->spi;
+			}
+			break;
 	} /* not fragmented */
 	/* aggregate networks */
-	list_for_each_entry(aggr_n, &aggr_n_list, list)
-		if ((ntohl(tuple.s_addr) & aggr_n->mask) == aggr_n->addr) {
-			tuple.s_addr &= htonl(aggr_n->aggr_mask);
-			s_mask = aggr_n->prefix;
-			break; 
-		}
-	list_for_each_entry(aggr_n, &aggr_n_list, list)
-		if ((ntohl(tuple.d_addr) & aggr_n->mask) == aggr_n->addr) {
-			tuple.d_addr &= htonl(aggr_n->aggr_mask);
-			d_mask = aggr_n->prefix;
-			break; 
-		}
+	if (family == AF_INET) {
+		list_for_each_entry(aggr_n, &aggr_n_list, list)
+			if (unlikely((ntohl(tuple.src.ip) & aggr_n->mask) == aggr_n->addr)) {
+				tuple.src.ip &= htonl(aggr_n->aggr_mask);
+				s_mask = aggr_n->prefix;
+				atomic_inc(&aggr_n->usage);
+				break;
+			}
+		list_for_each_entry(aggr_n, &aggr_n_list, list)
+			if (unlikely((ntohl(tuple.dst.ip) & aggr_n->mask) == aggr_n->addr)) {
+				tuple.dst.ip &= htonl(aggr_n->aggr_mask);
+				d_mask = aggr_n->prefix;
+				atomic_inc(&aggr_n->usage);
+				break;
+			}
+	}
-	/* aggregate ports */
-	list_for_each_entry(aggr_p, &aggr_p_list, list)
-		if (ntohs(tuple.s_port) >= aggr_p->port1 &&
-		    ntohs(tuple.s_port) <= aggr_p->port2) {
-			tuple.s_port = htons(aggr_p->aggr_port);
-			break;
-		}
+	if (tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_TCP ||
+	    tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_UDP ||
+	    tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_SCTP ||
+	    tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_UDPLITE) {
+		/* aggregate ports */
+		list_for_each_entry(aggr_p, &aggr_p_list, list)
+			if (unlikely(ntohs(tuple.s_port) >= aggr_p->port1 &&
+			    ntohs(tuple.s_port) <= aggr_p->port2)) {
+				tuple.s_port = htons(aggr_p->aggr_port);
+				atomic_inc(&aggr_p->usage);
+				break;
+			}
-	list_for_each_entry(aggr_p, &aggr_p_list, list)
-		if (ntohs(tuple.d_port) >= aggr_p->port1 &&
-		    ntohs(tuple.d_port) <= aggr_p->port2) {
-			tuple.d_port = htons(aggr_p->aggr_port);
-			break;
-		}
+		list_for_each_entry(aggr_p, &aggr_p_list, list)
+			if (unlikely(ntohs(tuple.d_port) >= aggr_p->port1 &&
+			    ntohs(tuple.d_port) <= aggr_p->port2)) {
+				tuple.d_port = htons(aggr_p->aggr_port);
+				atomic_inc(&aggr_p->usage);
+				break;
+			}
+	}
 	hash = hash_netflow(&tuple);
-	spin_lock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+	read_lock_bh(&htable_rwlock);
+	spin_lock(&htable_locks[hash & LOCK_COUNT_MASK]);
 	/* record */
 	nf = ipt_netflow_find(&tuple, hash);
-	if (!nf) {
-		if (maxflows > 0 && atomic_read(&ipt_netflow_count) >= maxflows) {
+	if (unlikely(!nf)) {
+		struct rtable *rt;
+		if (unlikely(maxflows > 0 && atomic_read(&ipt_netflow_count) >= maxflows)) {
 			/* This is DOS attack prevention */
-			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_drop, ntohs(iph->tot_len));
-			spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
-			return IPT_CONTINUE;
+			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_drop, pkt_len);
+			goto unlock_return;
 		nf = init_netflow(&tuple, skb, hash);
-		if (!nf || IS_ERR(nf)) {
+		if (unlikely(!nf || IS_ERR(nf))) {
-			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_drop, ntohs(iph->tot_len));
-			spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
-			return IPT_CONTINUE;
+			NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_drop, pkt_len);
+			goto unlock_return;
 		nf->ts_first = jiffies;
@@ -1330,31 +2691,68 @@ static unsigned int netflow_target(
 		nf->s_mask = s_mask;
 		nf->d_mask = d_mask;
-		if (debug > 2)
-			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_netflow: new (%u) %hd:%hd SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u:%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n",
+		rt = (struct rtable *)skb->dst;
+#else /* since 2.6.26 */
+		rt = skb->rtable;
+#else /* since 2.6.31 */
+		rt = skb_rtable(skb);
+		if (likely(family == AF_INET)) {
+			if (rt)
+				nf->nh.ip = rt->rt_gateway;
+		} else {
+			if (rt)
+				nf->nh.in6 = ((struct rt6_info *)rt)->rt6i_gateway;
+			nf->flow_label = (iph->ip6.flow_lbl[0] << 16) |
+			       	(iph->ip6.flow_lbl[1] << 8) | (iph->ip6.flow_lbl[2]);
+		}
+#if 0
+		if (unlikely(debug > 2))
+			printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: new (%u) %hd:%hd SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u:%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n",
 			       tuple.i_ifc, nf->o_ifc,
 			       NIPQUAD(tuple.s_addr), ntohs(tuple.s_port),
 			       NIPQUAD(tuple.d_addr), ntohs(tuple.d_port));
 	} else {
 		/* ipt_netflow_list is sorted by access time:
 		 * most recently accessed flows are at head, old flows remain at tail
 		 * this function bubble up flow to the head */
+		spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
 		list_move(&nf->list, &ipt_netflow_list);
+		spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
+	{
+		struct nf_conn *ct;
+		enum ip_conntrack_info ctinfo;
+		ct = nf_ct_get(skb, &ctinfo);
+		if (ct)
+			nf->mark = ct->mark;
+	}
-	nf->nr_bytes += ntohs(iph->tot_len);
+	nf->nr_bytes += pkt_len;
 	nf->ts_last = jiffies;
 	nf->tcp_flags |= tcp_flags;
+	nf->options |= options;
+	if (tuple.protocol == IPPROTO_TCP)
+		nf->tcpoptions |= tcpoptions;
-	NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_total, ntohs(iph->tot_len));
+	NETFLOW_STAT_ADD(traf_total, pkt_len);
-	if (active_needs_export(nf, active_timeout * HZ)) {
+	if (likely(active_needs_export(nf, active_timeout * HZ))) {
 		/* ok, if this active flow to be exported
 		 * bubble it to the tail */
+		spin_lock(&hlist_lock);
 		list_move_tail(&nf->list, &ipt_netflow_list);
+		spin_unlock(&hlist_lock);
 		/* Blog: I thought about forcing timer to wake up sooner if we have
 		 * enough exportable flows, but in fact this doesn't have much sense,
@@ -1363,35 +2761,194 @@ static unsigned int netflow_target(
 		 * limited size). But yes, this is disputable. */
-	spin_unlock_bh(&ipt_netflow_lock);
+	spin_unlock(&htable_locks[hash & LOCK_COUNT_MASK]);
+	read_unlock_bh(&htable_rwlock);
 	return IPT_CONTINUE;
-static struct ipt_target ipt_netflow_reg = {
-	.name		= "NETFLOW",
-	.target		= netflow_target,
-	.family		= AF_INET,
-	.table		= "filter",
-#ifndef NF_IP_LOCAL_IN /* 2.6.25 */
-	.hooks		= (1 << NF_INET_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_INET_FORWARD) |
-				(1 << NF_INET_LOCAL_OUT),
-	.hooks		= (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
-				(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT),
-#endif /* NF_IP_LOCAL_IN */
+	/* Below 2.6.31 we don't need to handle callback chain manually. */
+#define NET_STRUCT struct net *net
+#define NET_ARG net,
+#define nf_conntrack_event_cb net->ct.nf_conntrack_event_cb
-	.table          = "raw",
-#ifndef NF_IP_LOCAL_IN
-	.hooks          = (1 << NF_INET_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_INET_FORWARD) |
+#define NET_STRUCT void
+#define NET_ARG
+static int set_notifier_cb(NET_STRUCT)
+	struct nf_ct_event_notifier *notifier;
+	notifier = rcu_dereference(nf_conntrack_event_cb);
+	if (notifier == NULL) {
+		/* Polite mode. */
+		nf_conntrack_register_notifier(NET_ARG &ctnl_notifier);
+	} else if (notifier != &ctnl_notifier) {
+		if (!saved_event_cb)
+			saved_event_cb = notifier;
+		else if (saved_event_cb != notifier)
+			printk(KERN_ERR "natevents_net_init: %p != %p (report error.)\n",
+			    saved_event_cb, notifier);
+		rcu_assign_pointer(nf_conntrack_event_cb, &ctnl_notifier);
+	} else
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: natevents already enabled.\n");
+	return 0;
+static void unset_notifier_cb(NET_STRUCT)
+	struct nf_ct_event_notifier *notifier;
+	notifier = rcu_dereference(nf_conntrack_event_cb);
+	if (notifier == &ctnl_notifier) {
+		if (saved_event_cb == NULL)
+			nf_conntrack_unregister_notifier(NET_ARG &ctnl_notifier);
+		else
+			rcu_assign_pointer(nf_conntrack_event_cb, saved_event_cb);
+	} else
+		printk(KERN_ERR "ipt_NETFLOW: natevents already disabled.\n");
+#undef nf_conntrack_event_cb
+static struct pernet_operations natevents_net_ops = {
+	.init = set_notifier_cb,
+	.exit = unset_notifier_cb
+#endif /* since 2.6.31 */
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(events_lock);
+/* Both functions may be called multiple times. */
+static void register_ct_events(void)
+#define NETLINK_M "nf_conntrack_netlink"
+	struct module *netlink_m;
+	static int referenced = 0;
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: enable natevents.\n");
+	mutex_lock(&events_lock);
+	/* Pre-load netlink module who will be first notifier
+	 * user, and then hijack nf_conntrack_event_cb from it. */
+	if (
+	    !rcu_dereference(nf_conntrack_event_cb) ||
+	    !(netlink_m = find_module(NETLINK_M))) {
+		printk("Loading " NETLINK_M "\n");
+		request_module(NETLINK_M);
+	}
+	/* Reference netlink module to prevent it's unsafe unload before us. */
+	if (!referenced && (netlink_m = find_module(NETLINK_M))) {
+		referenced++;
+#define use_module ref_module
+		use_module(THIS_MODULE, netlink_m);
+	}
+	/* Register ct events callback. */
+	register_pernet_subsys(&natevents_net_ops);
-	.hooks          = (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
-				(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT) | (1 << NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING),
-#endif /* NF_IP_LOCAL_IN */
-#endif /* !RAW_PROMISC_HACK */
-	.me		= THIS_MODULE
+	set_notifier_cb();
+#else /* below v2.6.31 */
+	if (!natevents && nf_conntrack_register_notifier(&ctnl_notifier) < 0)
+		printk(KERN_ERR "Can't register conntrack notifier, natevents disabled.\n");
+	else
+	natevents = 1;
+	mutex_unlock(&events_lock);
+static void unregister_ct_events(void)
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: disable natevents.\n");
+	mutex_lock(&events_lock);
+	unregister_pernet_subsys(&natevents_net_ops);
+#else /* < v3.2 */
+	unset_notifier_cb();
+#endif /* v3.2 */
+	rcu_assign_pointer(saved_event_cb, NULL);
+#else /* < v2.6.31 */
+	nf_conntrack_unregister_notifier(&ctnl_notifier);
+	natevents = 0;
+	mutex_unlock(&events_lock);
+#endif /* CONFIG_NF_NAT_NEEDED */
+#ifndef NF_IP_LOCAL_IN /* 2.6.25 */
+/* net/netfilter/x_tables.c */
+static void xt_unregister_targets(struct xt_target *target, unsigned int n)
+	unsigned int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		xt_unregister_target(&target[i]);
+static int xt_register_targets(struct xt_target *target, unsigned int n)
+	unsigned int i;
+	int err = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		if ((err = xt_register_target(&target[i])))
+			goto err;
+	return err;
+	if (i > 0)
+		xt_unregister_targets(target, i);
+	return err;
+static struct ipt_target ipt_netflow_reg[] __read_mostly = {
+	{
+		.name		= "NETFLOW",
+		.target		= netflow_target,
+		.checkentry	= netflow_target_check,
+		.family		= AF_INET,
+		.hooks		=
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING) |
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) |
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
+			(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT) |
+			(1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING),
+		.me		= THIS_MODULE
+	},
+	{
+		.name		= "NETFLOW",
+		.target		= netflow_target,
+		.checkentry	= netflow_target_check,
+		.family		= AF_INET6,
+		.hooks		=
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING) |
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) |
+		       	(1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
+			(1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT) |
+			(1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING),
+		.me		= THIS_MODULE
+	},
 static int __init ipt_netflow_init(void)
@@ -1399,11 +2956,16 @@ static int __init ipt_netflow_init(void)
 	struct proc_dir_entry *proc_stat;
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW version %s, srcversion %s\n",
 	get_random_bytes(&ipt_netflow_hash_rnd, 4);
 	/* determine hash size (idea from nf_conntrack_core.c) */
 	if (!hashsize) {
+#define num_physpages totalram_pages
 		hashsize = (((num_physpages << PAGE_SHIFT) / 16384)
 					 / sizeof(struct hlist_head));
 		if (num_physpages > (1024 * 1024 * 1024 / PAGE_SIZE))
@@ -1411,8 +2973,7 @@ static int __init ipt_netflow_init(void)
 	if (hashsize < 16)
 		hashsize = 16;
-	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_netflow version %s (%u buckets)\n",
-		IPT_NETFLOW_VERSION, hashsize);
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW: hashsize %u\n", hashsize);
 	ipt_netflow_hash_size = hashsize;
 	ipt_netflow_hash = alloc_hashtable(ipt_netflow_hash_size);
@@ -1434,12 +2995,18 @@ static int __init ipt_netflow_init(void)
 	proc_stat = create_proc_entry("ipt_netflow", S_IRUGO, INIT_NET(proc_net_stat));
+	proc_stat = proc_create("ipt_netflow", S_IRUGO, INIT_NET(proc_net_stat), &nf_seq_fops);
 	if (!proc_stat) {
 		printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create /proc/net/stat/ipt_netflow entry\n");
 		goto err_free_netflow_slab;
 	proc_stat->proc_fops = &nf_seq_fops;
 	proc_stat->owner = THIS_MODULE;
@@ -1480,21 +3047,28 @@ static int __init ipt_netflow_init(void)
-	__start_scan_worker();
+	netflow_switch_version(protocol);
+	_schedule_scan_worker(0);
 	setup_timer(&rate_timer, rate_timer_calc, 0);
 	mod_timer(&rate_timer, jiffies + (HZ * SAMPLERATE));
-	if (xt_register_target(&ipt_netflow_reg))
+	peakflows_at = jiffies;
+	if (xt_register_targets(ipt_netflow_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_netflow_reg)))
 		goto err_stop_timer;
-	peakflows_at = jiffies;
+	if (natevents)
+		register_ct_events();
-	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_netflow loaded.\n");
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW is loaded.\n");
 	return 0;
-	__stop_scan_worker();
+	_unschedule_scan_worker();
+	netflow_scan_and_export(AND_FLUSH);
+	free_templates();
@@ -1506,17 +3080,18 @@ err_free_proc_stat:
 	remove_proc_entry("ipt_netflow", INIT_NET(proc_net_stat));
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW is not loaded.\n");
 	return -ENOMEM;
 static void __exit ipt_netflow_fini(void)
-	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_netflow unloading..\n");
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW unloading..\n");
@@ -1524,14 +3099,18 @@ static void __exit ipt_netflow_fini(void)
 	remove_proc_entry("ipt_netflow", INIT_NET(proc_net_stat));
-	xt_unregister_target(&ipt_netflow_reg);
-	__stop_scan_worker();
-	netflow_scan_and_export(1);
+	xt_unregister_targets(ipt_netflow_reg, ARRAY_SIZE(ipt_netflow_reg));
+	if (natevents)
+		unregister_ct_events();
+	_unschedule_scan_worker();
+	netflow_scan_and_export(AND_FLUSH);
+	free_templates();
@@ -1539,7 +3118,7 @@ static void __exit ipt_netflow_fini(void)
-	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_netflow unloaded.\n");
+	printk(KERN_INFO "ipt_NETFLOW unloaded.\n");
diff --git a/ipt_NETFLOW.h b/ipt_NETFLOW.h
index 4a7b645..749f985 100644
--- a/ipt_NETFLOW.h
+++ b/ipt_NETFLOW.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ struct netflow5_record {
 	__be16		o_ifc;
 	__be32		nr_packets;
 	__be32		nr_octets;
-	__be32		ts_first;
-	__be32		ts_last;
+	__be32		first_ms;
+	__be32		last_ms;
 	__be16		s_port;
 	__be16		d_port;
 	__u8		reserved;
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ struct netflow5_record {
 struct netflow5_pdu {
 	__be16			version;
 	__be16			nr_records;
-	__be32			ts_uptime;
-	__be32			ts_usecs;
-	__be32			ts_unsecs;
+	__be32			ts_uptime; /* ms */
+	__be32			ts_usecs;  /* s  */
+	__be32			ts_unsecs; /* ns */
 	__be32			seq;
 	__u8			eng_type;
 	__u8			eng_id;
@@ -65,42 +65,185 @@ struct netflow5_pdu {
 } __attribute__ ((packed));
 #define NETFLOW5_HEADER_SIZE (sizeof(struct netflow5_pdu) - NETFLOW5_RECORDS_MAX * sizeof(struct netflow5_record))
+/* NetFlow v9 RFC http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3954.txt */
+enum {
+	IN_BYTES = 1,
+	IN_PKTS = 2,
+	TOS = 5,
+	TCP_FLAGS = 6,
+	L4_SRC_PORT = 7,
+	IPV4_SRC_ADDR = 8,
+	SRC_MASK = 9,
+	INPUT_SNMP = 10,
+	L4_DST_PORT = 11,
+	IPV4_DST_ADDR = 12,
+	DST_MASK = 13,
+	IPV4_NEXT_HOP = 15,
+	//SRC_AS = 16,
+	//DST_AS = 17,
+	//BGP_IPV4_NEXT_HOP = 18,
+	//MUL_DST_PKTS = 19,
+	//MUL_DST_BYTES = 20,
+	IPV6_SRC_ADDR = 27,
+	IPV6_DST_ADDR = 28,
+	ICMP_TYPE = 32,
+	//TOTAL_PKTS_EXP = 41,
+	IPV6_NEXT_HOP = 62,
+	commonPropertiesId = 137, /* for MARK */
+	ipv4Options = 208,
+	tcpOptions = 209,
+	postNATSourceIPv4Address = 225,
+	postNATDestinationIPv4Address = 226,
+	postNAPTSourceTransportPort = 227,
+	postNAPTDestinationTransportPort = 228,
+	natEvent = 230,
+	postNATSourceIPv6Address = 281,
+	postNATDestinationIPv6Address = 282,
+	IPSecSPI = 295,
+	observationTimeMilliseconds = 323,
+	observationTimeMicroseconds = 324,
+	observationTimeNanoseconds = 325,
+enum {
+struct flowset_template {
+	__be16	flowset_id;
+	__be16	length;
+	__be16	template_id;
+	__be16	field_count;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct flowset_data {
+	__be16	flowset_id;
+	__be16	length;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* NetFlow v9 packet. */
+struct netflow9_pdu {
+	__be16		version;
+	__be16		nr_records;
+	__be32		sys_uptime_ms;
+	__be32		export_time_s;
+	__be32		seq;
+	__be32		source_id; /* Exporter Observation Domain */
+	__u8		data[1400];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* IPFIX packet. */
+struct ipfix_pdu {
+	__be16		version;
+	__be16		length;
+	__be32		export_time_s;
+	__be32		seq;
+	__be32		odomain_id; /* Observation Domain ID */
+	__u8		data[1400];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+/* Maximum bytes flow can have, after it's reached flow will become
+ * not searchable and will be exported soon. */
+#define FLOW_FULL_WATERMARK 0xffefffff
+union nf_inet_addr {
+	__be32          ip;
+	__be32          ip6[4];
+	struct in_addr  in;
+	struct in6_addr in6;
 /* hashed data which identify unique flow */
+/* 16+16 + 2+2 + 2+1+1+1 = 41 */
 struct ipt_netflow_tuple {
-	__be32		s_addr;	// Network byte order
-	__be32		d_addr; // -"-
-	__be16		s_port; // -"-
+	union nf_inet_addr src;
+	union nf_inet_addr dst;
+	__be16		s_port; // Network byte order
 	__be16		d_port; // -"-
-	__be16		i_ifc;	// Local byte order
+	__u16		i_ifc;	// Host byte order
 	__u8		protocol;
 	__u8		tos;
+	__u8		l3proto;
-/* tuple size is rounded to u32s */
-#define NETFLOW_TUPLE_SIZE (sizeof(struct ipt_netflow_tuple) / 4)
-/* maximum bytes flow can have, after it reached flow become not searchable and will be exported soon */
-#define FLOW_FULL_WATERMARK 0xffefffff
-/* flow entry */
+/* hlist[2] + tuple[]: 8+8 + 41 = 57 (less than usual cache line, 64) */
 struct ipt_netflow {
 	struct hlist_node hlist; // hashtable search chain
-	struct list_head list; // all flows chain
 	/* unique per flow data (hashed, NETFLOW_TUPLE_SIZE) */
 	struct ipt_netflow_tuple tuple;
 	/* volatile data */
-	__be16		o_ifc;
+	union nf_inet_addr nh;
+	__u16		o_ifc;
 	__u8		s_mask;
 	__u8		d_mask;
+	__u8		tcp_flags; /* `OR' of all tcp flags */
 	/* flow statistics */
 	u_int32_t	nr_packets;
 	u_int32_t	nr_bytes;
-	unsigned long	ts_first;
-	unsigned long	ts_last;
-	__u8		tcp_flags; /* `OR' of all tcp flags */
+	union {
+		struct {
+			unsigned long first;
+			unsigned long last;
+		} ts;
+		ktime_t	ts_obs;
+	} _ts_un;
+#define ts_first _ts_un.ts.first
+#define ts_last  _ts_un.ts.last
+#define ts_obs   _ts_un.ts_obs
+	u_int32_t	flow_label; /* IPv6 */
+	u_int32_t	options; /* IPv4(16) & IPv6(32) Options */
+	u_int32_t	tcpoptions;
+	u_int32_t	mark; /* Exported as commonPropertiesId */
+	__be32		s_as;
+	__be32		d_as;
+	struct nat_event *nat;
+	struct list_head list; // all flows chain
+	spinlock_t	*lock;
+enum {
+struct nat_event {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct {
+		__be32	s_addr;
+		__be32	d_addr;
+		__be16	s_port;
+		__be16	d_port;
+	} pre, post;
+	ktime_t		ts_ktime;
+	unsigned long	ts_jiffies;
+	__u8	protocol;
+	__u8	nat_event;
+#define IS_DUMMY_FLOW(nf) (nf->nat)
+#define IS_DUMMY_FLOW(nf) 0
 static inline int ipt_netflow_tuple_equal(const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *t1,
 				    const struct ipt_netflow_tuple *t2)
@@ -115,11 +258,13 @@ struct ipt_netflow_sock {
 	unsigned short port;
 	atomic_t wmem_peak;	// sk_wmem_alloc peak value
 	atomic_t err_full;	// socket filled error
+	atomic_t err_connect;	// connect errors
 	atomic_t err_other;	// other socket errors
 struct netflow_aggr_n {
 	struct list_head list;
+	atomic_t usage;
 	__u32 mask;
 	__u32 addr;
 	__u32 aggr_mask;
@@ -128,6 +273,7 @@ struct netflow_aggr_n {
 struct netflow_aggr_p {
 	struct list_head list;
+	atomic_t usage;
 	__u16 port1;
 	__u16 port2;
 	__u16 aggr_port;
diff --git a/libipt_NETFLOW.c b/libipt_NETFLOW.c
index d85b6d9..a0f9e5d 100644
--- a/libipt_NETFLOW.c
+++ b/libipt_NETFLOW.c
@@ -58,24 +58,24 @@
 #define _IPT_IP struct ipt_ip
 static struct option opts[] = {
-  {0}
+  { 0 }
 static void help(void)
-	printf( "NETFLOW target\n");
+	printf("NETFLOW target\n");
-//static int parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags,
-//      const _IPT_ENTRY *entry,
-//      struct ipt_entry_target **target)
 static int parse(int c, char **argv, int invert, unsigned int *flags,
 	     const _IPT_ENTRY  *entry,
 	     struct ipt_entry_target **targetinfo)
 	return 1;
@@ -95,16 +95,9 @@ static void print(const _IPT_IP *ip,
 static struct iptables_target netflow = { 
-#ifdef MOD140
-	.family		= AF_INET,
 	.next		= NULL,
 	.name		= "NETFLOW",
-	.version	= XTABLES_VERSION,
 	.version	= IPTABLES_VERSION,
 	.size           = IPT_ALIGN(0),
 	.userspacesize  = IPT_ALIGN(0),
 	.help		= &help,
diff --git a/murmur3.h b/murmur3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57a6006
--- /dev/null
+++ b/murmur3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* MurmurHash3, based on https://code.google.com/p/smhasher of Austin Appleby. */
+static __always_inline uint32_t rotl32(const uint32_t x, const int8_t r)
+	return (x << r) | (x >> (32 - r));
+static __always_inline uint32_t fmix32(register uint32_t h)
+	h ^= h >> 16;
+	h *= 0x85ebca6b;
+	h ^= h >> 13;
+	h *= 0xc2b2ae35;
+	h ^= h >> 16;
+	return h;
+static inline uint32_t murmur3(const void *key, const uint32_t len, const uint32_t seed)
+	const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
+	const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
+	const uint32_t *blocks;
+	const uint8_t *tail;
+	register uint32_t h1 = seed;
+	uint32_t k1 = 0;
+	uint32_t i;
+	blocks = (const uint32_t *)key;
+	for (i = len / 4; i; --i) {
+		h1 ^= rotl32(*blocks++ * c1, 15) * c2;
+		h1 = rotl32(h1, 13) * 5 + 0xe6546b64;
+	}
+	tail = (const uint8_t*)blocks;
+	switch (len & 3) {
+		case 3: k1 ^= tail[2] << 16;
+		case 2: k1 ^= tail[1] << 8;
+		case 1: k1 ^= tail[0];
+			h1 ^= rotl32(k1 * c1, 15) * c2;
+	}
+	return fmix32(h1^ len);
diff --git a/raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch b/raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69d0d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ Short manual and patch for Debian Squeeze
+ suggested by Pavel Odintsov:
+On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 07:46:30PM +0400, Pavel Odintsov wrote:
+> ������� ������ ��� �������� Debian Squeeze ���� ������ promisc.
+> cd /usr/src
+> apt-get install -y dpkg-dev
+> apt-get build-dep  linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64
+> cd linux-2.6-2.6.32/
+> apt-get source  linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64
+> wget .... /root/raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch
+> patch -p1 < raw_promisc_debian_squeeze6.patch
+> ����������� ����� �������:
+> debian/rules source
+> ��������� ������:
+> debian/rules binary
+diff -rupN linux-2.6-2.6.32/net/ipv4/ip_input.c linux-2.6-2.6.32_promisc_raw//net/ipv4/ip_input.c
+--- linux-2.6-2.6.32/net/ipv4/ip_input.c	2009-12-03 04:51:21.000000000 +0100
++++ linux-2.6-2.6.32_promisc_raw//net/ipv4/ip_input.c	2012-06-25 19:13:49.000000000 +0200
+@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@ int ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct n
+ 	/* When the interface is in promisc. mode, drop all the crap
+ 	 * that it receives, do not try to analyse it.
+ 	 */
+-	if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST)
+-		goto drop;
++	//if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_OTHERHOST)
++	//	goto drop;
+ 	IP_UPD_PO_STATS_BH(dev_net(dev), IPSTATS_MIB_IN, skb->len);