#!/usr/bin/lua --[[ Alpine Wall Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Kaarle Ritvanen See LICENSE file for license details ]]-- get_opts = require('alt_getopt').get_opts lpc = require('lpc') posix = require('posix') signal = posix.signal stat = posix.stat stringy = require('stringy') -- Lua 5.1 compatibility if not table.unpack then table.unpack = unpack end function help() io.stderr:write([[ Alpine Wall Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Kaarle Ritvanen This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, available under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 Usage: Translate policy files to firewall configuration files: awall translate [-o|--output ] [-V|--verify] The --verify option makes awall verify the configuration using the test mode of iptables-restore before overwriting the old files. Specifying the output directory allows testing awall policies without overwriting the current iptables and ipset configuration files. By default, awall generates the configuration to /etc/iptables and /etc/ipset.d, which are read by the init scripts. Run-time activation of new firewall configuration: awall activate [-f|--force] This command genereates firewall configuration from the policy files and enables it. If the user confirms the new configuration by hitting RETURN within 10 seconds or the --force option is used, the configuration is saved to the files. Otherwise, the old configuration is restored. Flush firewall configuration: awall flush [-a|--all] Normally, this command deletes all firewall rules and configures it to drop all packets. If awall is configured to co-exist with other firewall management tools, this command flushes only the rules installed by awall. Specifying --all overrides this behavior and causes all rules to be flushed. Enable/disable optional policies: awall {enable|disable} ... List optional policies: awall list [-a|--all] The 'enabled' status means that the policy has been enabled by the user. The 'disabled' status means that the policy is not in use. The 'required' status means that the policy has not been enabled by the user but is in use because it is required by another policy which is in use. Normally, the command lists only optional policies. Specifying --all makes it list all policies and more information about them. Dump variable and zone definitions: awall dump [level] Verbosity level is an integer in range 0-5 and defaults to 0. Show difference between modified and saved configurations: awall diff [-o|--output ] Displays the difference in the input policy files and generated output files since the last 'translate' or 'activate' command. When the --output option is used, the updated configuration is compared to the generated files in the specified directory (generated by the equivalent 'translate' command). ]]) os.exit(2) end if not arg[1] then help() end if not stringy.startswith(arg[1], '-') then mode = arg[1] table.remove(arg, 1) end opts, opind = get_opts( arg, 'afo:V', {all='a', force='f', ['output-dir']='o', verify='V'} ) for switch, value in pairs(opts) do if switch == 'a' then all = true elseif switch == 'f' then force = true elseif switch == 'c' then verbose = true elseif switch == 'V' then verify = true elseif switch == 'o' then outputdir = value else assert(false) end end if not mode then mode = arg[opind] opind = opind + 1 end dev_mode = stringy.endswith(arg[0], '/awall-cli') if dev_mode then basedir = arg[0]:sub(1, -11) package.path = basedir..'/?/init.lua;'..basedir..'/?.lua;'..package.path end util = require('awall.util') contains = util.contains printmsg = util.printmsg if not contains( { 'translate', 'activate', 'fallback', 'flush', 'enable', 'disable', 'list', 'dump', 'diff' }, mode ) then help() end pol_paths = {} for i, cls in ipairs{'mandatory', 'optional', 'private'} do path = os.getenv('AWALL_PATH_'..cls:upper()) if path then pol_paths[cls] = util.split(path, ':') end end if dev_mode then util.setdefault(pol_paths, 'mandatory', {'/etc/awall'}) table.insert(pol_paths.mandatory, basedir..'/mandatory') end uerror = require('awall.uerror') call = uerror.call raise = uerror.raise if not call( function() local awall = require('awall') local printtabular = util.printtabular local sortedkeys = util.sortedkeys local policyset = awall.PolicySet(pol_paths) if mode == 'list' then local imported = policyset:load().policies local data = {} for i, name in sortedkeys(policyset.policies) do local policy = policyset.policies[name] if all or policy.type == 'optional' then if policy.enabled then status = 'enabled' elseif contains(imported, name) then status = 'required' else status = 'disabled' end local polinfo = {name, status, policy:load().description} if all then table.insert(polinfo, 2, policy.type) table.insert(polinfo, 4, policy.path) end table.insert(data, polinfo) end end printtabular(data) os.exit() end if contains({'disable', 'enable'}, mode) then if opind > #arg then help() end repeat local name = arg[opind] local policy = policyset.policies[name] if not policy then raise('No such policy: '..name) end policy[mode](policy) opind = opind + 1 until opind > #arg os.exit() end local iptables = require('awall.iptables') if mode == 'fallback' then for _, sig in ipairs{'HUP', 'INT', 'PIPE'} do signal(posix['SIG'..sig], 'SIG_IGN') end posix.sleep(10) printmsg('\nTimeout, reverting to the old configuration') iptables.revert() os.exit() end local input = policyset:load() if mode == 'dump' then level = 0 + (arg[opind] or 0) end local config if mode ~= 'dump' or level > 3 then awall.loadmodules(basedir) config = awall.Config(input) end local function dump(level) local json = require('cjson').new() json.encode_sort_keys(true) local expinput = input:expand() local function capitalize(cls) return cls:sub(1, 1):upper()..cls:sub(2, -1) end for _, cls in sortedkeys(input.data) do if level > 2 or (level == 2 and cls ~= 'service') or contains( {'variable', 'zone'}, cls ) then if level == 0 then io.write(capitalize(cls)..'s:\n') end local clsdata = input.data[cls] local items = {} for _, key in sortedkeys(clsdata) do local exp = expinput[cls][key] local expj = json.encode(exp) local src = input.source[cls][key] if level == 0 then table.insert(items, {key, expj, src}) else local value = clsdata[key] local data = { {capitalize(cls)..' '..key, json.encode(value)}, { '('..src..')', util.compare(exp, value) and '' or '-> '..expj } } if level > 3 then local obj = config.objects[cls][key] if type(obj) == 'table' and obj.info then util.extend(data, obj:info()) end end table.insert(items, {key, data}) end end table.sort(items, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end) if level == 0 then printtabular(items) else util.printtabulars( util.map(items, function(x) return x[2] end) ) io.write('\n') end end end if level > 4 then config:print() end end local function filedump(file) io.output(file) dump(5) end local sysdumpfile = '/etc/iptables/awall-save' local dumpfile = outputdir and outputdir..'/dump' or sysdumpfile if mode == 'dump' then dump(level) elseif mode == 'diff' then if not stat(dumpfile) then printmsg('Please translate or activate first') os.exit(2) end local pid, stdin, stdout = lpc.run( 'diff', '-w', '--', dumpfile, '/proc/self/fd/0' ) filedump(stdin) stdin:close() local data repeat -- Lua 5.2 compatibility: prefix with * data = stdout:read('*a') io.stdout:write(data) until data == '' stdout:close() os.exit(lpc.wait(pid) / 256) elseif mode == 'translate' then if verify then config:test() end config:dump(outputdir) filedump(dumpfile) elseif mode == 'activate' then local function translate() config:dump() filedump(sysdumpfile) end local interrupted if not force then for _, sig in ipairs{'INT', 'TERM'} do signal( posix['SIG'..sig], function() interrupted = true io.stdin:close() end ) end end if not iptables.isenabled() then local INIT = '/usr/libexec/awall-init' if not force and stat(INIT) then printmsg('Firewall is not active') io.stderr:write( 'Press RETURN to perform initial configuration and activation: ' ) if io.read() then translate() for _, family in ipairs(require('awall.family').ACTIVE) do os.execute( INIT..' '.. ({inet='iptables', inet6='ip6tables'})[family] ) end os.exit(0) end printmsg('\nCanceled') os.exit(2) end raise('Firewall not enabled in kernel') end iptables.backup() local pid if not force then signal( posix.SIGCHLD, function() if pid and lpc.wait(pid, 1) then os.exit(1) end end ) pid = util.run(arg[0], 'fallback') end local function kill() signal(posix.SIGCHLD, 'SIG_DFL') posix.kill(pid, posix.SIGTERM) lpc.wait(pid) end local function revert() iptables.revert() os.exit(2) end if call(config.activate, config) then if not force then printmsg('New firewall configuration activated') io.stderr:write('Press RETURN to commit changes permanently: ') interrupted = not io.read() kill() if interrupted then printmsg( '\nActivation canceled, reverting to the old configuration' ) revert() end end translate() else if not force then kill() end revert() end elseif mode == 'flush' then if all then iptables.flush() else config:flush() end else assert(false) end end ) then os.exit(2) end