path: root/dmvpn-pfx-decode
diff options
authorKaarle Ritvanen <kaarle.ritvanen@datakunkku.fi>2017-12-28 18:28:49 +0200
committerKaarle Ritvanen <kaarle.ritvanen@datakunkku.fi>2018-03-06 16:09:46 +0200
commit1dba01dd8267011eae1ae705faced2858173bf95 (patch)
tree4fa34151c1cf22bf5a1a7c64a69696fa2c646b4e /dmvpn-pfx-decode
parent9005bfe91119c56078bca29689e616eb0fce3353 (diff)
setup scriptv0.1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dmvpn-pfx-decode')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dmvpn-pfx-decode b/dmvpn-pfx-decode
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2ec13a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dmvpn-pfx-decode
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Kaarle Ritvanen
+See LICENSE file for license details
+dmvpn = require('dmvpn')
+pkcs12 = require('openssl.pkcs12')
+name = arg[1]
+file = io.open(name)
+data = file:read('*a')
+name = name:match('/([^/]+)$') or name
+password = name:match('^%w*_%d+%.(%w+)%.pfx$')
+if password then
+ success, key, cert, chain = pcall(pkcs12.parse, data, password)
+if not success then
+ io.stderr:write('Password: ')
+ os.execute('stty -echo')
+ password = io.read()
+ os.execute('stty echo')
+ io.stderr:write('\n')
+ key, cert, chain = pkcs12.parse(data, password)
+function write_pem_file(dir, data)
+ local file = io.open('/etc/swanctl/'..dir..'/dmvpn.pem', 'w')
+ file:write(data)
+ file:close()
+write_pem_file('private', key:toPEM('private'))
+write_pem_file('x509', tostring(cert))
+for i, ca_cert in pairs(chain) do
+ assert(i == 1)
+ write_pem_file('x509ca', tostring(ca_cert))
+function print_var(name, value)
+ print(name.."='"..value:gsub("'", "'\\''").."'")
+for tpe, value in pairs(cert:getSubjectAlt()) do
+ if tpe == 'IP' then
+ if value:match('^[%d%.]+$') then
+ print_var('GRE_IPV4_ADDRESS', value)
+ elseif value:match('^[%x:]+$') then
+ print_var('GRE_IPV6_ADDRESS', value)
+ else assert(false) end
+ end
+ basicConstraints=true,
+ ['sbgp-ipAddrBlock']={
+ IPV4_PREFIXES=function(v) return v[1] end,
+ IPV6_PREFIXES=function(v) return v[2] end
+ },
+ ['sbgp-autonomousSysNum']='AS_NUMBER',
+ [dmvpn.OID_IS_HUB]={
+ VPNC_TYPE=function(v) return v and 'hub' or 'spoke' end
+ },
+ [dmvpn.OID_HUB_HOSTS]='HUBS'
+for i=1,cert:getExtensionCount() do
+ ext = cert:getExtension(i)
+ k = ext:getName()
+ if v then
+ if type(v) == 'string' then
+ v = {[v]=function(v) return v end}
+ end
+ if type(v) == 'table' then
+ local data = dmvpn.decode_ext(k, ext)
+ for var, func in pairs(v) do
+ local d = func(data)
+ print_var(
+ var,
+ type(d) == 'table' and
+ table.concat(d, ' ') or
+ tostring(d)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ elseif ext:getCritical() then
+ error('Unrecognized critical extension: '..k)
+ end