/* * Copy me if you can. * by 20h * * Copyright (c) 2015 Natanael Copa * Copyright (c) 2016 Timo Teräs */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "arg.h" #define MAX_EVENT_TIMEOUT 5000 #define DEFAULT_EVENT_TIMEOUT 250 /* usb mass storage needs 1 sec to settle */ #define USB_STORAGE_TIMEOUT 1000 #define FOUND_DEVICE 0x1 #define FOUND_BOOTREPO 0x2 #define FOUND_APKOVL 0x4 #define LVM_PATH "/sbin/lvm" #define MDADM_PATH "/sbin/mdadm" static int dodebug; static char *default_envp[2]; char *argv0; static int use_mdadm, use_lvm; #if defined(DEBUG) #include static void dbg(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list fmtargs; if (!dodebug) return; flockfile(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", argv0); va_start(fmtargs, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, fmtargs); va_end(fmtargs); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); funlockfile(stderr); } #else #define dbg(...) #endif #define envcmp(env, key) (strncmp(env, key "=", strlen(key "=")) == 0) #ifndef container_of #define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \ const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr); \ (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );}) #endif struct list_head { struct list_head *next, *prev; }; #define LIST_INITIALIZER(l) (struct list_head){ .next = &l, .prev = &l } static inline void list_init(struct list_head *list) { list->next = list; list->prev = list; } static inline void __list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next) { next->prev = new; new->next = next; new->prev = prev; prev->next = new; } static inline void list_add(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) { __list_add(new, head, head->next); } static inline void list_add_tail(struct list_head *new, struct list_head *head) { __list_add(new, head->prev, head); } static inline void __list_del(struct list_head * prev, struct list_head * next) { next->prev = prev; prev->next = next; } static inline void list_del(struct list_head *entry) { __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next); entry->next = NULL; entry->prev = NULL; } static inline int list_hashed(const struct list_head *n) { return n->next != n && n->next != NULL; } static inline int list_empty(const struct list_head *n) { return !list_hashed(n); } #define list_next(ptr, type, member) \ (list_hashed(ptr) ? container_of((ptr)->next,type,member) : NULL) #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) container_of(ptr,type,member) #define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \ for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member); \ &pos->member != (head); \ pos = list_entry(pos->member.next, typeof(*pos), member)) static char **clone_array(char *const *const a) { size_t i, s; char **c, *p; if (!a) return 0; s = sizeof(char*); for (i = 0; a[i]; i++) s += sizeof(char*) + strlen(a[i]) + 1; c = malloc(s); p = (char*)(c + i + 1); for (i = 0; a[i]; i++) { c[i] = p; p += sprintf(p, "%s", a[i]) + 1; } c[i] = 0; return c; } struct spawn_task { struct list_head node; void (*done)(void *ctx, int status); pid_t pid; void *ctx; char **argv, **envp; }; #define SPAWNMGR_PID_HASH_SIZE 32 struct spawn_manager { int num_running; int max_running; struct list_head queue; struct list_head running[SPAWNMGR_PID_HASH_SIZE]; }; static struct spawn_manager spawnmgr; static void dbgT(struct spawn_task *task, const char *fmt, ...) { #if defined(DEBUG) va_list fmtargs; int i; if (!dodebug) return; flockfile(stderr); fprintf(stderr, "%s: [%d] ", argv0, task->pid); va_start(fmtargs, fmt); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, fmtargs); va_end(fmtargs); for (i = 0; task->argv[i]; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %s", task->argv[i]); if (task->envp) { fprintf(stderr, ":"); for (i = 1; task->envp[i]; i++) fprintf(stderr, " %s", task->envp[i]); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); funlockfile(stderr); #endif } static void spawn_init(struct spawn_manager *mgr) { int i; mgr->max_running = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); list_init(&mgr->queue); for (i = 0; i < SPAWNMGR_PID_HASH_SIZE; i++) list_init(&mgr->running[i]); dbg("max_running=%d", mgr->max_running); } static void spawn_task_done(struct spawn_task *task, int status) { if (task->done) task->done(task->ctx, status); list_del(&task->node); free(task->argv); free(task->envp); free(task); } static void spawn_execute(struct spawn_manager *mgr, struct spawn_task *task) { pid_t pid; if (!(pid = fork())) { execve(task->argv[0], task->argv, task->envp ? task->envp : default_envp); err(127, task->argv[0]); } if (pid < 0) err(1, "fork"); task->pid = pid; list_add_tail(&task->node, &mgr->running[pid % SPAWNMGR_PID_HASH_SIZE]); mgr->num_running++; dbgT(task, "spawned (%d running):", mgr->num_running); } static void spawn_command_cb(struct spawn_manager *mgr, char **argv, char **envp, void (*done)(void *, int), void *ctx) { struct spawn_task *task; task = malloc(sizeof *task); if (!task) return; *task = (struct spawn_task) { .done = done, .node = LIST_INITIALIZER(task->node), .argv = clone_array(argv), .envp = clone_array(envp), .ctx = ctx, }; if (mgr->num_running < mgr->max_running) spawn_execute(mgr, task); else list_add_tail(&task->node, &mgr->queue); } static void spawn_command(struct spawn_manager *mgr, char **argv, char **envp) { spawn_command_cb(mgr, argv, envp, 0, 0); } static void spawn_reap(struct spawn_manager *mgr, pid_t pid, int status) { struct spawn_task *task; list_for_each_entry(task, &mgr->running[pid % SPAWNMGR_PID_HASH_SIZE], node) { if (task->pid == pid) goto found; } dbg("pid %d not found", pid); return; found: mgr->num_running--; dbgT(task, "reaped (%d running):", mgr->num_running); spawn_task_done(task, status); if (!list_empty(&mgr->queue) && mgr->num_running < mgr->max_running) { struct spawn_task *task = list_next(&mgr->queue, struct spawn_task, node); list_del(&task->node); spawn_execute(mgr, task); } } static int spawn_active(struct spawn_manager *mgr) { return mgr->num_running || !list_empty(&mgr->queue); } struct cryptconf { char *device; char *name; char devnode[256]; }; struct ueventconf { char **program_argv; char *search_device; blkid_cache blkid_cache; struct cryptconf crypt; char *subsystem_filter; int modalias_count; int fork_count; char *bootrepos; char *apkovls; int timeout; int usb_storage_timeout; int uevent_timeout; int efd; int found; int running_threads; pthread_mutex_t trigger_mutex; pthread_cond_t trigger_cond; struct list_head trigger_list; pthread_mutex_t cryptsetup_mutex; int cryptsetup_running; }; struct uevent { struct ueventconf *conf; int ref; size_t bufsize; char *message; char *subsystem; char *action; char *modalias; char *devname; char *devpath; char *major; char *minor; char devnode[256]; char *envp[64]; char buf[]; }; static struct uevent *uevent_ref(struct uevent *ev) { ev->ref++; return ev; } static void uevent_unref(struct uevent *ev) { ev->ref--; if (ev->ref != 0) return; free(ev); } static void sighandler(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: case SIGINT: case SIGQUIT: case SIGABRT: case SIGTERM: exit(0); default: break; } } static void initsignals(void) { signal(SIGHUP, sighandler); signal(SIGINT, sighandler); signal(SIGQUIT, sighandler); signal(SIGABRT, sighandler); signal(SIGTERM, sighandler); signal(SIGCHLD, sighandler); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); } static int init_netlink_socket(void) { struct sockaddr_nl nls; int fd, slen; memset(&nls, 0, sizeof(nls)); nls.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; nls.nl_pid = getpid(); nls.nl_groups = -1; fd = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK | SOCK_CLOEXEC, NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT); if (fd < 0) err(1, "socket"); /* kernel will not create events bigger than 16kb, but we need buffer up all events during coldplug */ slen = 512*1024; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUFFORCE, &slen, sizeof(slen)) < 0) { err(1, "setsockopt"); } slen = 1; if (setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PASSCRED, &slen, sizeof(slen)) < 0) { err(1, "setsockopt"); } if (bind(fd, (void *)&nls, sizeof(nls))) err(1, "bind"); return fd; } static int load_kmod(const char *modalias, char *driver, size_t len) { static struct kmod_ctx *ctx = NULL; struct kmod_list *list = NULL; struct kmod_list *node; int r, count=0; if (driver) driver[0] = 0; if (ctx == NULL) { dbg("initializing kmod"); ctx = kmod_new(NULL, NULL); if (ctx == NULL) return -1; kmod_set_log_fn(ctx, NULL, NULL); r = kmod_load_resources(ctx); } r = kmod_module_new_from_lookup(ctx, modalias, &list); if (r < 0) { dbg("alias '%s' lookup failure: %d", modalias, r); return r; } kmod_list_foreach(node, list) { struct kmod_module *mod = kmod_module_get_module(node); const char *fmt; r = kmod_module_probe_insert_module(mod, KMOD_PROBE_APPLY_BLACKLIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (r == 0) { fmt = "module '%s' inserted"; count++; } else if (r == KMOD_PROBE_APPLY_BLACKLIST) { fmt = "module '%s' is blacklisted"; } else { fmt = "module '%s' failed"; } dbg(fmt, kmod_module_get_name(mod)); if (driver) strlcpy(driver, kmod_module_get_name(mod), len); kmod_module_unref(mod); } kmod_module_unref_list(list); return count; } static void start_mdadm(char *devnode) { char *mdadm_argv[] = { MDADM_PATH, "--incremental", "--quiet", devnode, NULL }; if (use_mdadm) spawn_command(&spawnmgr, mdadm_argv, 0); } static void start_lvm2(char *devnode) { char *lvm2_argv[] = { LVM_PATH, "vgchange", "--activate" , "ay", "--noudevsync", "--sysinit", "-q", "-q", NULL }; if (use_lvm) spawn_command(&spawnmgr, lvm2_argv, 0); } static int read_pass(char *pass, size_t pass_size) { struct termios old_flags, new_flags; int r; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &old_flags); new_flags = old_flags; new_flags.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; new_flags.c_lflag |= ECHONL; r = tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &new_flags); if (r < 0) { warn("tcsetattr"); return r; } if (fgets(pass, pass_size, stdin) == NULL) { warn("fgets"); return -1; } pass[strlen(pass) - 1] = '\0'; if (tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &old_flags) < 0) { warn("tcsetattr"); return r; } return 0; } static void notify_main(struct ueventconf *conf) { uint64_t one = 1; write(conf->efd, &one, sizeof one); } static void *cryptsetup_thread(void *data) { struct ueventconf *c = (struct ueventconf *)data; struct crypt_device *cd; int r, passwd_tries = 5; r = crypt_init(&cd, c->crypt.devnode); if (r < 0) { warnx("crypt_init(%s)", c->crypt.devnode); goto notify_out; } r = crypt_load(cd, CRYPT_LUKS1, NULL); if (r < 0) { warnx("crypt_load(%s)", c->crypt.devnode); goto free_out; } while (passwd_tries > 0) { char pass[1024]; printf("Enter passphrase for %s: ", c->crypt.devnode); fflush(stdout); if (read_pass(pass, sizeof(pass)) < 0) goto free_out; passwd_tries--; pthread_mutex_lock(&c->cryptsetup_mutex); r = crypt_activate_by_passphrase(cd, c->crypt.name, CRYPT_ANY_SLOT, pass, strlen(pass), 0); pthread_mutex_unlock(&c->cryptsetup_mutex); if (r >= 0) break; printf("No key available with this passphrase.\n"); } free_out: crypt_free(cd); notify_out: c->cryptsetup_running = 0; notify_main(c); return NULL; } static void start_thread(struct ueventconf *conf, void *(*thread_main)(void *)) { pthread_t tid; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED); if (pthread_create(&tid, &attr, thread_main, conf) != 0) err(1, "failed to create thread"); pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); } static void start_cryptsetup(struct ueventconf *conf) { dbg("starting cryptsetup %s -> %s", conf->crypt.devnode, conf->crypt.name); load_kmod("dm-crypt", NULL, 0); conf->cryptsetup_running = 1; conf->running_threads = 1; start_thread(conf, cryptsetup_thread); } static int is_mounted(const char *devnode) { char line[PATH_MAX]; FILE *f = fopen("/proc/mounts", "r"); int r = 0; if (f == NULL) return 0; while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f) != NULL) { strtok(line, " "); if (strcmp(devnode, line) == 0) { r = 1; break; } } fclose(f); return r; } struct recurse_opts { const char *searchname; int matchdirs, matchdepth; int curdepth, maxdepth; void (*callback)(char *pathbuf, size_t pathlen, void *userdata); void *userdata; }; /* pathbuf needs hold PATH_MAX chars */ static void do_recurse_dir(char *pathbuf, struct recurse_opts *opts) { size_t pathlen, namelen; struct dirent *entry; DIR *d; int is_dir; d = opendir(pathbuf); if (!d) return; pathlen = strlen(pathbuf); while ((entry = readdir(d)) != NULL) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; namelen = strlen(entry->d_name); if (pathlen + 2 + namelen > PATH_MAX) { dbg("path length overflow"); continue; } pathbuf[pathlen] = '/'; strcpy(&pathbuf[pathlen+1], entry->d_name); if (entry->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) { /* some filesystems like iso9660 does not support the d_type so we use lstat */ struct stat st; if (lstat(pathbuf, &st) < 0) { dbg("%s: %s", pathbuf, strerror(errno)); goto next; } is_dir = S_ISDIR(st.st_mode); } else is_dir = entry->d_type & DT_DIR; if ((opts->matchdirs || !is_dir) && (opts->matchdepth == 0 || opts->matchdepth == opts->curdepth) && (!opts->searchname || strcmp(entry->d_name, opts->searchname) == 0)) opts->callback(pathbuf, pathlen+1+namelen, opts->userdata); if (is_dir && opts->curdepth < opts->maxdepth) { opts->curdepth++; do_recurse_dir(pathbuf, opts); opts->curdepth--; } next: pathbuf[pathlen] = '\0'; } closedir(d); } static void recurse_dir(char *pathbuf, struct recurse_opts *opts) { opts->curdepth = 1; do_recurse_dir(pathbuf, opts); } struct trigger_entry { struct list_head node; int max_depth; char pathname[]; }; static void trigger_uevent_cb(char *path, size_t pathlen, void *data) { int fd; if (pathlen + 1 + strlen("/uevent") > PATH_MAX) { dbg("path length overflow"); return; } strcpy(&path[pathlen], "/uevent"); fd = open(path, O_WRONLY); if (fd >= 0) { write(fd, "add", 3); close(fd); } path[pathlen] = 0; } static void trigger_path(struct ueventconf *conf, char *path, char *subdir, int max_depth) { struct trigger_entry *e; size_t pathlen = strlen(path); e = malloc(pathlen + (subdir ? strlen(subdir) : 0) + 1 + sizeof *e); if (!e) return; list_init(&e->node); e->max_depth = max_depth; strcpy(e->pathname, path); if (subdir) strcpy(&e->pathname[pathlen], subdir); pthread_mutex_lock(&conf->trigger_mutex); conf->running_threads = 1; list_add_tail(&e->node, &conf->trigger_list); pthread_cond_signal(&conf->trigger_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf->trigger_mutex); } static void *trigger_thread(void *data) { struct ueventconf *conf = data; struct recurse_opts opts; struct trigger_entry *entry = NULL; char path[PATH_MAX] = "/sys"; size_t prefixlen = strlen(path); while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&conf->trigger_mutex); if (entry) { list_del(&entry->node); free(entry); } entry = list_next(&conf->trigger_list, struct trigger_entry, node); while (!entry) { notify_main(conf); pthread_cond_wait(&conf->trigger_cond, &conf->trigger_mutex); entry = list_next(&conf->trigger_list, struct trigger_entry, node); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf->trigger_mutex); /* scan list */ strcpy(&path[prefixlen], entry->pathname); dbg("trigger_thread: scanning %s", path); opts = (struct recurse_opts) { .callback = trigger_uevent_cb, .matchdirs = 1, .userdata = entry, .maxdepth = entry->max_depth, .matchdepth = entry->max_depth, }; recurse_dir(path, &opts); } return NULL; } struct bootrepos { char *outfile; int count; }; static void bootrepo_cb(char *path, size_t pathlen, void *data) { struct bootrepos *repos = data; int fd = open(repos->outfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND); if (fd == -1) err(1, "%s", repos->outfile); write(fd, path, strlen(path) - strlen("/.boot_repository")); write(fd, "\n", 1); close(fd); dbg("added boot repository %s to %s\n", path, repos->outfile); repos->count++; } static int find_apkovl(const char *dir, const char *outfile) { char pattern[PATH_MAX]; glob_t gl; int r, fd; if (outfile == NULL) return 0; snprintf(pattern, sizeof(pattern), "%s/*.apkovl.tar.gz*", dir); r = glob(pattern, 0, NULL, &gl); if (r != 0) return 0; fd = open(outfile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND); if (fd == -1) err(1, "%s", outfile); for (r = 0; r < gl.gl_pathc; r++) { dbg("Found apkovl: %s", gl.gl_pathv[r]); write(fd, gl.gl_pathv[r], strlen(gl.gl_pathv[r])); write(fd, "\n", 1); } close(fd); globfree(&gl); return FOUND_APKOVL; } static int find_bootrepos(const char *devnode, const char *type, char *bootrepos, const char *apkovls) { char mountdir[PATH_MAX] = ""; char *devname; int r, rc = 0; struct bootrepos repos = { .outfile = bootrepos, .count = 0, }; struct recurse_opts opts = { .maxdepth = 2, .searchname = ".boot_repository", .callback = bootrepo_cb, .userdata = &repos, }; /* skip already mounted devices */ if (is_mounted(devnode)) { dbg("%s is mounted (%s). skipping", devnode, type); return 0; } devname = strrchr(devnode, '/'); if (devname) snprintf(mountdir, sizeof(mountdir), "/media%s", devname); dbg("mounting %s on %s. (%s)", devnode, mountdir, type); mkdir(mountdir, 0755); r = mount(devnode, mountdir, type, MS_RDONLY, NULL); if (r < 0) { dbg("Failed to mount %s on %s: %s", devnode, mountdir, strerror(errno)); return 0; } recurse_dir(mountdir, &opts); if (repos.count > 0) rc |= FOUND_BOOTREPO; if (find_apkovl(mountdir, apkovls)) rc |= FOUND_APKOVL; if (rc == 0) umount(mountdir); return rc; } static int is_same_device(const struct uevent *ev, const char *nodepath) { struct stat st; unsigned int maj, min; if (stat(nodepath, &st) < 0) return 0; if (ev->major == NULL || ev->minor == NULL) return 0; maj = atoi(ev->major); min = atoi(ev->minor); return S_ISBLK(st.st_mode) && makedev(maj, min) == st.st_rdev; } static void founddev(struct ueventconf *conf, int found) { conf->found |= found; if ((found & FOUND_DEVICE) || ((found & FOUND_BOOTREPO) && (found & FOUND_APKOVL))) { /* we have found everything we need, so no no need to wait for anything new event */ if (conf->timeout) dbg("FOUND! setting timeout to 0"); conf->timeout = 0; conf->usb_storage_timeout= 0; } else if ((found & FOUND_BOOTREPO) && conf->timeout) { /* we have found boot repo, but not apkovl we reduce timeout to default timeout */ if (conf->timeout != conf->uevent_timeout) dbg("Setting timeout to %d", conf->uevent_timeout); conf->timeout = conf->uevent_timeout; } } static int searchdev(struct uevent *ev, const char *searchdev, char *bootrepos, const char *apkovls) { struct ueventconf *conf = ev->conf; char *type = NULL, *label = NULL, *uuid = NULL; int rc = 0; if (searchdev == NULL && bootrepos == NULL && apkovls == NULL) return 0; if (searchdev && (strcmp(ev->devname, searchdev) == 0 || strcmp(ev->devnode, searchdev) == 0 || is_same_device(ev, searchdev))) { return FOUND_DEVICE; } if (conf->blkid_cache == NULL) blkid_get_cache(&conf->blkid_cache, NULL); type = blkid_get_tag_value(conf->blkid_cache, "TYPE", ev->devnode); if (searchdev != NULL) { if (strncmp("LABEL=", searchdev, 6) == 0) { label = blkid_get_tag_value(conf->blkid_cache, "LABEL", ev->devnode); if (label && strcmp(label, searchdev+6) == 0) rc = FOUND_DEVICE; } else if (strncmp("UUID=", searchdev, 5) == 0) { uuid = blkid_get_tag_value(conf->blkid_cache, "UUID", ev->devnode); if (uuid && strcmp(uuid, searchdev+5) == 0) rc = FOUND_DEVICE; } } dbg("searchdev: dev='%s' type='%s' label='%s' uuid='%s'", ev->devnode, type, label, uuid); if (!rc && type) { if (strcmp("linux_raid_member", type) == 0) { start_mdadm(ev->devnode); } else if (strcmp("LVM2_member", type) == 0) { start_lvm2(ev->devnode); } else if (bootrepos) { rc = find_bootrepos(ev->devnode, type, bootrepos, apkovls); } } if (type) free(type); if (label) free(label); if (uuid) free(uuid); return rc; } static void uevent_handle(struct uevent *ev) { struct ueventconf *conf = ev->conf; int found; if (!ev->subsystem || strcmp(ev->subsystem, "block") != 0) return; if (strcmp(ev->action, "add") != 0 && strcmp(ev->action, "change") != 0) return; snprintf(ev->devnode, sizeof(ev->devnode), "/dev/%s", ev->devname); pthread_mutex_lock(&conf->cryptsetup_mutex); found = searchdev(ev, conf->search_device, conf->bootrepos, conf->apkovls); pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf->cryptsetup_mutex); if (found) { founddev(conf, found); } else if (conf->crypt.devnode[0] == '\0' && searchdev(ev, conf->crypt.device, NULL, NULL)) { strncpy(conf->crypt.devnode, conf->crypt.device[0] == '/' ? conf->crypt.device : ev->devnode, sizeof(conf->crypt.devnode)); start_cryptsetup(conf); } } static void uevent_mdev_done_cb(void *ctx, int status) { struct uevent *ev = ctx; uevent_handle(ev); uevent_unref(ev); } static void uevent_dispatch(struct uevent *ev) { struct ueventconf *conf = ev->conf; int add; if (conf->subsystem_filter && ev->subsystem && strcmp(ev->subsystem, conf->subsystem_filter) != 0) { dbg("subsystem '%s' filtered out (by '%s').", ev->subsystem, conf->subsystem_filter); return; } if (ev->action == NULL) return; dbg("uevent: action='%s' subsystem='%s' devname='%s' devpath='%s'", ev->action, ev->subsystem, ev->devname, ev->devpath); add = strcmp(ev->action, "add") == 0; if (add && ev->subsystem && strcmp(ev->subsystem, "bus") == 0) { trigger_path(conf, ev->devpath, "/devices", 1); } else if (add && ev->modalias) { char buf[128]; load_kmod(ev->modalias, buf, sizeof buf); conf->modalias_count++; /* increase timeout so usb drives gets time to settle */ if (strcmp(buf, "usb_storage") == 0) conf->usb_storage_timeout = USB_STORAGE_TIMEOUT; } else if (ev->devname) { if (conf->program_argv[0] != NULL) { spawn_command_cb(&spawnmgr, conf->program_argv, ev->envp, uevent_mdev_done_cb, uevent_ref(ev)); conf->fork_count++; } else { uevent_handle(ev); } } } static void uevent_process(char *buf, const size_t len, struct ueventconf *conf) { struct uevent *ev; int i, nenvp, slen = 0; char *key, *value; ev = malloc(len + sizeof *ev); if (!ev) return; memset(ev, 0, sizeof *ev); memcpy(ev->buf, buf, len); ev->ref = 1; ev->conf = conf; ev->bufsize = len; nenvp = sizeof(default_envp) / sizeof(default_envp[0]) - 1; memcpy(&ev->envp, default_envp, nenvp * sizeof(default_envp[0])); for (i = 0; i < len; i += slen + 1) { key = ev->buf + i; value = strchr(key, '='); slen = strlen(ev->buf + i); if (i == 0 && slen != 0) { /* first line, the message */ ev->message = key; continue; } if (!slen || !value) continue; value++; if (envcmp(key, "MODALIAS")) { ev->modalias = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "ACTION")) { ev->action = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "SUBSYSTEM")) { ev->subsystem = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "DEVNAME")) { ev->devname = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "DEVPATH")) { ev->devpath = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "MAJOR")) { ev->major = value; } else if (envcmp(key, "MINOR")) { ev->minor = value; } if (!envcmp(key, "PATH")) ev->envp[nenvp++]= key; } ev->envp[nenvp++] = 0; uevent_dispatch(ev); uevent_unref(ev); } static void usage(int rc) { printf("coldplug system til given device is found\n" "usage: %s [options] DEVICE\n" "\n" "options:\n" " -a OUTFILE add paths to found apkovls to OUTFILE\n" " -b OUTFILE add found boot repositories to OUTFILE\n" " -c CRYPTDEVICE run cryptsetup luksOpen when CRYPTDEVICE is found\n" " -h show this help\n" " -m CRYPTNAME use CRYPTNAME name for crypto device mapping\n" " -d enable debugging ouput\n" " -f SUBSYSTEM filter subsystem\n" " -p PROGRAM use PROGRAM as handler for every event with DEVNAME\n" " -t TIMEOUT timeout after TIMEOUT milliseconds without uevents\n" "\n", argv0); exit(rc); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct pollfd fds[3]; int numfds = 3; int r; struct ueventconf conf; int event_count = 0; size_t total_bytes = 0; int not_found_is_ok = 0; char *program_argv[2] = {0,0}; sigset_t sigchldmask; for (r = 0; environ[r]; r++) { if (envcmp(environ[r], "PATH")) default_envp[0] = environ[r]; } spawn_init(&spawnmgr); memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(conf)); pthread_mutex_init(&conf.trigger_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&conf.trigger_cond, NULL); list_init(&conf.trigger_list); pthread_mutex_init(&conf.cryptsetup_mutex, NULL); conf.program_argv = program_argv; conf.timeout = MAX_EVENT_TIMEOUT; conf.usb_storage_timeout = 0; conf.uevent_timeout = DEFAULT_EVENT_TIMEOUT; use_lvm = access(LVM_PATH, X_OK) == 0; use_mdadm = access(MDADM_PATH, X_OK) == 0; argv0 = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); if (argv0++ == NULL) argv0 = argv[0]; ARGBEGIN { case 'a': conf.apkovls = EARGF(usage(1));; break; case 'b': conf.bootrepos = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'c': conf.crypt.device = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'h': usage(0); break; case 'm': conf.crypt.name = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'n': not_found_is_ok = 1; break; case 'd': dodebug = 1; break; case 'f': conf.subsystem_filter = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'p': conf.program_argv[0] = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 't': conf.uevent_timeout = atoi(EARGF(usage(1))); break; default: usage(1); } ARGEND; if (argc > 0) conf.search_device = argv[0]; initsignals(); sigemptyset(&sigchldmask); sigaddset(&sigchldmask, SIGCHLD); sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigchldmask, NULL); fds[0].fd = init_netlink_socket(); fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = signalfd(-1, &sigchldmask, SFD_NONBLOCK|SFD_CLOEXEC); fds[1].events = POLLIN; fds[2].fd = eventfd(0, EFD_CLOEXEC); fds[2].events = POLLIN; conf.efd = fds[2].fd; trigger_path(&conf, "/bus", NULL, 1); trigger_path(&conf, "/class", NULL, 2); start_thread(&conf, trigger_thread); while (1) { int t = conf.timeout + conf.usb_storage_timeout; r = poll(fds, numfds, (spawn_active(&spawnmgr) || conf.running_threads) ? -1 : t); if (r == -1) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == ERESTART) continue; err(1, "poll"); } if (r == 0) { dbg("exit due to timeout (%i)", t); break; } if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { size_t len; struct iovec iov; char cbuf[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct ucred))]; char buf[16384]; struct cmsghdr *chdr; struct ucred *cred; struct msghdr hdr; struct sockaddr_nl cnls; iov.iov_base = &buf; iov.iov_len = sizeof(buf); memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); hdr.msg_iov = &iov; hdr.msg_iovlen = 1; hdr.msg_control = cbuf; hdr.msg_controllen = sizeof(cbuf); hdr.msg_name = &cnls; hdr.msg_namelen = sizeof(cnls); len = recvmsg(fds[0].fd, &hdr, 0); if (len < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; err(1, "recvmsg"); } if (len < 32 || len >= sizeof(buf)) continue; total_bytes += len; chdr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&hdr); if (chdr == NULL || chdr->cmsg_type != SCM_CREDENTIALS) continue; /* filter out messages that are not from root or kernel */ cred = (struct ucred *)CMSG_DATA(chdr); if (cred->uid != 0 || cnls.nl_pid > 0) continue; event_count++; uevent_process(buf, len, &conf); } if (fds[0].revents & POLLHUP) { dbg("parent hung up\n"); break; } if (fds[1].revents & POLLIN) { struct signalfd_siginfo fdsi; pid_t pid; int status; while (read(fds[1].fd, &fdsi, sizeof fdsi) > 0) ; while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) spawn_reap(&spawnmgr, pid, status); } if (fds[2].revents & POLLIN) { uint64_t val = 0; if (read(fds[2].fd, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) warn("eventfd"); pthread_mutex_lock(&conf.trigger_mutex); conf.running_threads = !list_empty(&conf.trigger_list) || conf.cryptsetup_running; pthread_mutex_unlock(&conf.trigger_mutex); } } close(fds[2].fd); pthread_mutex_destroy(&conf.cryptsetup_mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&conf.trigger_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&conf.trigger_cond); if (conf.blkid_cache) blkid_put_cache(conf.blkid_cache); dbg("modaliases: %i, forks: %i, events: %i, total bufsize: %zu", conf.modalias_count, conf.fork_count, event_count, total_bytes); return conf.found || not_found_is_ok ? 0 : 1; }