path: root/main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua
diff options
authorLeonardo Arena <>2014-06-12 07:56:57 +0000
committerLeonardo Arena <>2014-06-12 07:57:18 +0000
commit15f898ca8068419fc02364231bb2981cc54971cb (patch)
treee3ec5995d70831834d467d40615870b44bca7044 /main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua
parent94983a506d2e95be0a5864ae7bcc7d7d61dc6cce (diff)
testing/aaudit: move to main
Diffstat (limited to 'main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua b/main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..89f2fc021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/aaudit/aaudit-server.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+local M = {}
+local posix = require 'posix'
+local json = require 'cjson'
+local zlib = require 'zlib'
+local aac = require 'aaudit.common'
+local smtp = require 'socket.smtp'
+local HOME = os.getenv("HOME")
+M.serverconfig = aac.readconfig(("%s/aaudit-server.json"):format(HOME)) or {}
+local function merge_bool(a, b) return a or b end
+local function merge_array(a, b) if b then for i=1,#b do a[#a+1] = b[i] end end return a end
+local function match_file(fn, match_list)
+ if not match_list then return false end
+ local i, m
+ for i, pattern in ipairs(match_list) do
+ if posix.fnmatch(pattern, fn) then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+local function sortedpairs(t)
+ local i, keys, k = 0, {}
+ for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end
+ table.sort(keys)
+ return function()
+ i = i + 1
+ if keys[i] then return keys[i], t[keys[i]] end
+ end
+local function checksum_header(block)
+ local sum = 256
+ for i = 1,148 do sum = sum + block:byte(i) end
+ for i = 157,500 do sum = sum + block:byte(i) end
+ return sum
+local function nullterm(s) return s:match("^[^%z]*") end
+local function octal_to_number(str) return tonumber(nullterm(str), 8) end
+local function read_header_block(block)
+ local header = {
+ name = nullterm(block:sub(1,100)),
+ mode = octal_to_number(block:sub(101,108)),
+ uid = octal_to_number(block:sub(109,116)),
+ gid = octal_to_number(block:sub(117,124)),
+ size = octal_to_number(block:sub(125,136)),
+ mtime = octal_to_number(block:sub(137,148)),
+ chksum = octal_to_number(block:sub(149,156)),
+ typeflag = block:sub(157,157),
+ linkname = nullterm(block:sub(158,257)),
+ magic = block:sub(258,263),
+ version = block:sub(264,265),
+ uname = nullterm(block:sub(266,297)),
+ gname = nullterm(block:sub(298,329)),
+ devmajor = octal_to_number(block:sub(330,337)),
+ devminor = octal_to_number(block:sub(338,345)),
+ prefix = nullterm(block:sub(346,500)),
+ }
+ if header.magic ~= "ustar " and header.magic ~= "ustar\0" then
+ return false, "Invalid header magic "..header.magic
+ end
+ if header.version ~= "00" and header.version ~= " \0" then
+ return false, "Unknown version "..header.version
+ end
+ if not checksum_header(block) == header.chksum then
+ return false, "Failed header checksum"
+ end
+ return header
+local function rfc822_address(id)
+ local identities = M.serverconfig.identities
+ if id == nil then id = "_default" end
+ if identities and identities[id] then id = identities[id] end
+ local name, email = id:match("^(.-) *(<.*>)$")
+ if not email then return ("<%s>"):format(id) end
+ return ("%s %s"):format(name, email)
+local function rfc822_email(rfc822)
+ return rfc822:match("(<.*>)$")
+function M.sendemail(mail)
+ local to = {}
+ local m = {
+ headers = {
+ ["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain; charset=utf8',
+ ["X-RT-Command"] = mail.rtheader,
+ from = rfc822_address(mail.from),
+ subject = mail.subject,
+ },
+ body = mail.message,
+ }
+ local rcpt = {}
+ for _, addr in ipairs( do
+ local rfc822 = rfc822_address(addr)
+ table.insert(to, rfc822)
+ table.insert(rcpt, rfc822_email(rfc822))
+ end
+ = table.concat(to, ", ")
+ return smtp.send{
+ from = rfc822_email(m.headers.from),
+ rcpt = rcpt,
+ source = smtp.message(m)
+ }
+local rt_keywords = {
+ fix = true,
+ fixes = true,
+ close = true,
+ closes = true,
+ ref = false,
+ refs = false,
+ rt = false,
+local function sendcommitdiff(body, req, R, G)
+ if not body then return end
+ if not G.notify_emails then return end
+ local mail = {
+ from = req.committer,
+ to = G.notify_emails,
+ subject = ("config change - %s (%s)"):format(R.description, R.address),
+ message = table.concat(body, '\n')
+ }
+ -- Set Request Tracker headers if relevant
+ local rtqueue = M.serverconfig.rtqueue
+ if rtqueue then
+ for k,no in req.message:gmatch("(%a+) #(%d+)") do
+ local action = rt_keywords[k]
+ if action ~= nil then
+ mail.subject = ("[%s #%s] %s"):format(rtqueue, no, mail.subject)
+ if action == true then
+ mail.rtheader = "Status: resolved"
+ end
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Send email
+ return M.sendemail(mail)
+local function import_tar(TAR, GIT, req, G)
+ local branch_ref = "refs/heads/import"
+ local from_ref = "refs/heads/master"
+ local blocksize = 512
+ local nextmark = 1
+ local author_time = 0
+ local all_files = {}
+ local long_name, long_link_name
+ local symlinkmode = tonumber('0120000', 8)
+ local rwmode = tonumber('0755', 8)
+ local romode = tonumber('0644', 8)
+ local wandmode = tonumber('0111', 8)
+ while true do
+ local block = TAR:read(blocksize)
+ if not block then return false, "Premature end of archive" end
+ if not block:match("[^%z]") then break end
+ local header, err = read_header_block(block)
+ if not header then return false, err end
+ local file_data = TAR:read(math.ceil(header.size / blocksize) * blocksize):sub(1,header.size)
+ if header.typeflag == "L" then
+ long_name = nullterm(file_data)
+ elseif header.typeflag == "K" then
+ long_link_name = nullterm(file_data)
+ else
+ if long_name then
+ = long_name
+ long_name = nil
+ end
+ if long_link_name then
+ header.linkname = long_link_name
+ long_link_name = nil
+ end
+ end
+ if == "etc/aaudit/aaudit.json" then
+ local success, res = pcall(json.decode, file_data)
+ if success and then
+ local contact =
+ G.notify_emails = merge_array(G.notify_emails, {contact})
+ if req.local_change then
+ = rfc822_address(
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if header.typeflag:match("^[0-46]$") and
+ not match_file(, G.no_track) then
+ GIT:write('blob\n', 'mark :', nextmark, '\n')
+ if header.typeflag == "2" then
+ GIT:write('data ', tostring(#header.linkname), '\n', header.linkname, '\n')
+ header.mode = symlinkmode
+ else
+ GIT:write('data ', tostring(header.size), '\n', file_data, '\n')
+ end
+ local fn =
+ all_files[fn] = { mark=nextmark, mode=header.mode, uname=header.uname, gname=header.gname }
+ nextmark = nextmark + 1
+ if header.mtime > author_time then author_time = header.mtime end
+ end
+ end
+ if G.track_filemode then
+ GIT:write('blob\n', 'mark :', nextmark, '\n',
+ 'data <<END_OF_PERMISSONS\n')
+ for path, v in sortedpairs(all_files) do
+ GIT:write(("%o %s:%s %s\n"):format(v.mode, v.uname, v.gname, path))
+ end
+ end
+ GIT:write(([[
+commit %s
+author %s %d +0000
+committer %s %d +0000
+, author_time,
+ req.committer, os.time(),
+ req.message))
+ if not req.initial then GIT:write(("from %s^0\n"):format(from_ref)) end
+ GIT:write("deleteall\n")
+ if G.track_filemode then
+ GIT:write(("M %o :%i %s\n"):format(romode, nextmark, '.permissions.txt'))
+ end
+ local path, v
+ for path, v in pairs(all_files) do
+ local mode = v.mode
+ if mode ~= symlinkmode then
+ if, wandmode) then
+ mode = rwmode
+ else
+ mode = romode
+ end
+ end
+ GIT:write(("M %o :%i %s\n"):format(mode, v.mark, path))
+ end
+ GIT:write("\n")
+ return true
+local function generate_diff(repodir, commit, G)
+ local DIFF = io.popen(("git --git-dir='%s' show --patch-with-stat '%s' --"):format(repodir, commit), "r")
+ local visible = true
+ local has_changes, has_visible_changes = false, false
+ local text = {}
+ for l in DIFF:lines() do
+ local fn = l:match("^diff [^ \t]* a/([^ \t]*)")
+ if fn then
+ has_changes = true
+ visible = not match_file(fn, G.no_notify)
+ if visible then
+ has_visible_changes = true
+ visible = not match_file(fn, G.no_diff)
+ if not visible then
+ table.insert(text, "Private file "..fn.." changed")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if visible then table.insert(text, l) end
+ end
+ DIFF:close()
+ if not has_visible_changes then text = nil end
+ return has_changes, text
+function M.loadrepoconfig(repohome)
+ return aac.readconfig(("%s/aaudit-repo.json"):format(repohome))
+local function load_repo_configs(repohome)
+ local R = M.loadrepoconfig(repohome)
+ -- merge global and per-repository group configs
+ local G = (M.serverconfig.groups or {}).all or {}
+ for _, name in pairs(R.groups or {}) do
+ local g = M.serverconfig.groups[name] or {}
+ G.notify_emails = merge_array(G.notify_emails, g.notify_emails)
+ G.track_filemode = merge_bool(G.track_filemode, g.track_filemode)
+ G.no_track = merge_array(G.no_track, g.no_track)
+ G.no_notify = merge_array(G.no_notify, g.no_notify)
+ G.no_diff = merge_array(G.no_diff, g.no_diff)
+ end
+ return R, G
+function M.repo_update(req,clientstream)
+ local repodir = req.repositorydir
+ local R, G = load_repo_configs(repodir)
+ req.committer = rfc822_address(req.identity)
+ = req.committer
+ local TAR
+ if req.apkovl_follows then
+ TAR = zlib.inflate(clientstream)
+ else
+ TAR = io.popen(("ssh -T root@%s 'lbu package -' | gunzip"):format(R.address), "r")
+ end
+ local GIT = io.popen(("git --git-dir='%s' fast-import --quiet"):format(repodir), "w")
+ local rc, err = import_tar(TAR, GIT, req, G)
+ GIT:close()
+ TAR:close()
+ if not rc then return rc, err end
+ local stampfile = ("%s/lastcheck"):format(repodir)
+ if posix.utime(stampfile) ~= 0 then
+ posix.close(, posix.O_CREAT, "0644"))
+ end
+ local has_changes, email_body = generate_diff(repodir, "import", G)
+ if has_changes then
+ if not req.initial then
+ local res, err = sendcommitdiff(email_body, req, R, G)
+ if not res then
+ os.execute(("git --git-dir='%s' branch --quiet -D import;"..
+ "git --git-dir='%s' gc --quiet --prune=now")
+ :format(repodir, repodir))
+ return false, err
+ end
+ end
+ os.execute(("git --git-dir='%s' branch --quiet --force master import;"..
+ "git --git-dir='%s' branch --quiet -D import")
+ :format(repodir, repodir))
+ return true, "Committed"
+ end
+ os.execute(("git --git-dir='%s' branch --quiet -D import;"..
+ "git --git-dir='%s' gc --quiet --prune=now")
+ :format(repodir, repodir))
+ return true, "No changes detected"
+function M.repo_create(req)
+ -- Create repository + write config
+ local repodir = req.repositorydir
+ os.execute(("mkdir -p '%s'; git init --quiet --bare '%s'")
+ :format(repodir, repodir))
+ aac.writefile(
+ ("%s (%s)"):format(req.description, req.target_address),
+ ("%s/description"):format(repodir))
+ aac.writeconfig(
+ { address=req.target_address,
+ description=req.description,
+ groups=req.groups },
+ ("%s/aaudit-repo.json"):format(repodir))
+ -- Inject ssh identity to known_hosts
+ if req.ssh_host_key then
+ local f ="%s/.ssh/known_hosts"):format(HOME), "a")
+ f:write(("%s %s\n"):format(req.target_address, req.ssh_host_key))
+ f:close()
+ end
+function M.handle(req,clientstream)
+ req.target_address = req.target_address or req.remote_ip
+ req.repositorydir = ("%s/%s.git"):format(HOME, req.target_address)
+ req.initial = false
+ if req.command == "create" then
+ if posix.access(req.repositorydir, "rwx") then
+ return false, "Repository exists already"
+ end
+ M.repo_create(req)
+ req.initial = true
+ req.command = "commit"
+ end
+ if req.command == "commit" then
+ req.message = req.message or "Configuration change"
+ if not posix.access(req.repositorydir, "rwx") then
+ return false, "No such repository"
+ end
+ return M.repo_update(req,clientstream)
+ else
+ return false,"Invalid request command"
+ end
+return M