#!/bin/sh # Contributor: Stuart Cardall # dnscrypt-proxy setup script to choose DNS Resolver & install / configure / remove DNS Caching ############################################################################################### config='/etc/conf.d/dnscrypt-proxy' dhcpconfig='/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf' unboundconfig='/etc/unbound/unbound.conf' SCRIPT=$(echo "`basename $0`") NORMAL="\033[1;0m" STRONG="\033[1;1m" RED="\033[1;31m" GREEN="\033[1;32m" print_question() { local prompt="${STRONG}$1 ${RED}$2${NORMAL}" printf "${prompt} %s" } print_strong() { local prompt="${STRONG}$1 ${RED}$2${NORMAL}" printf "${prompt} %s\n" } print_green() { local prompt="${GREEN}${STRONG}$1 ${NORMAL}" printf "${prompt} %s\n" } print_table() { local choice="${RED}${STRONG}$1${NORMAL}" local resolver="${STRONG}$2" local location="${GREEN}$3" printf "${choice} ${resolver} ${location} %s\n" } die() { print_table "ERROR:" "$1" > /dev/null 1>&2 exit 1 } restart_interface(){ INTERFACES=$(echo | ifconfig | grep "Link encap" | sed '/lo/d' | cut -d"L" -f1) print_question "\nChoose external interface to restart from the following:" print_question "\n\n$INTERFACES" "[ default: eth0 ]" while : do read RESTART # Sanitize input export RESTART_CLEAN="`echo "${RESTART}" | tr -cd '[:[alnum]:]'`" if [ ! $RESTART ] ;then RESTART_CLEAN=eth0 fi # tr will strip invalid input to nothing which passes grep if [ "$RESTART_CLEAN" != "" ] && echo "$INTERFACES" | grep -e "$RESTART_CLEAN" 1>/dev/null; then break else #move the cursor & clear the line echo -en "\033[1A\033[28C\022[K" fi done } choose_ip(){ IPADDR=$(ifconfig |grep -B1 "inet addr" |awk '{ if ( $1 == "inet" ) { print $2 } else if ( $2 == "Link" ) { printf "%s:" ,$1 } }' |awk -F" " '{ print $1 ": " $3 }'| sed 's/addr//') if echo "$IPADDR" | grep -e "" 1>/dev/null && which unbound 1> /dev/null; then defaultip='' IPADDR_CHOICE=$(echo "$IPADDR" | sed '/lo::') else defaultip='' IPADDR_CHOICE=$(echo "$IPADDR" | sed '/lo:1::') fi print_question "\nChoose Dnscrypt IP from the following addresses:\n" print_question "\n$IPADDR_CHOICE\t" "[ default: $defaultip ]" while : do read IP # Sanitize input export IP_CLEAN="`echo "${IP}" | tr -cd '[:xdigit:] [:\::] [:\.:]'`" if [ ! $IP ]; then IP_CLEAN=$defaultip fi # tr will strip invalid input to nothing which passes grep if [ "$IP_CLEAN" != "" ] && echo "$IPADDR_CHOICE" | grep -e "$IP_CLEAN" 1>/dev/null; then print_green "\nIP: $IP_CLEAN Selected"; break else #move the cursor & clear the line echo -en "\033[1A\033[49C\033[K" fi done } choose_port(){ if grep -e "" /etc/network/interfaces 1>/dev/null; then defaultport=40 else defaultport=53 fi print_question "\nChoose Dnscrypt Port:" "[ default: $defaultport ]" while : do read DNSPORT # Sanitize input to an integer and assign to new variable export DNSPORT_CLEAN="`echo "${DNSPORT}" | tr -cd '[:[0-9]:]'`" if [ ! $DNSPORT ]; then DNSPORT_CLEAN=$defaultport fi if [ $DNSPORT_CLEAN -gt 0 2>/dev/null ] && [ $DNSPORT_CLEAN -le 65535 2>/dev/null ]; then print_green "\nPort: $DNSPORT_CLEAN Selected"; break else #move the cursor & clear the line echo -en "\033[1A\033[39C\033[K" fi done } update_unbound(){ if [ -f $unboundconfig ]; then if grep "Settings from "$SCRIPT"" $unboundconfig 1>/dev/null; then #update forward zone START=$(sed -n "\%Settings from $SCRIPT%=" $unboundconfig) LINE=$(expr $START + 3 ) sed "$LINE c \ forward-addr: $IP_CLEAN@$DNSPORT_CLEAN" $unboundconfig -i else # allow querying of localhost START=$(sed -n '/do-not-query-localhost:/=' $unboundconfig) sed "$START c \do-not-query-localhost: no #set by $SCRIPT" $unboundconfig -i # create catch all forward zone echo -e "##### Settings from $SCRIPT #####" >> $unboundconfig echo -e 'forward-zone:' >> $unboundconfig echo -e ' name: "."' >> $unboundconfig echo -e " forward-addr: $IP_CLEAN@$DNSPORT_CLEAN" >> $unboundconfig fi print_strong "\n$unboundconfig settings updated to:" print_green "--------------------------------------------------------" print_table "do-not-query-localhost: no" print_table "" print_table 'forward-zone:' print_table ' name: "."' print_table " forward-addr: $IP_CLEAN@$DNSPORT_CLEAN" print_green "--------------------------------------------------------" fi } restart_services(){ # add / restart services - dnscrypt must be restarted first echo "" for srv in "dnscrypt-proxy" "unbound"; do if which $srv 1> /dev/null; then rc-status default | grep $srv 1> /dev/null if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then print_green "Adding $srv to Default Run Level" rc-update add $srv default fi rc-service $srv restart fi done } modify_config(){ choose_ip; choose_port # update dnscrypt listening ip & port LINE=$(sed -n '/DNSCRYPT_LOCALIP=/=' $config) sed "$LINE c DNSCRYPT_LOCALIP=$IP_CLEAN:$DNSPORT_CLEAN" $config -i # update dhclient.conf if [ -f $dhcpconfig ]; then if grep 'supersede domain-name-servers' $dhcpconfig 1>/dev/null; then LINE=$(sed -n '/supersede domain-name-servers/=' $dhcpconfig) sed "$LINE c supersede domain-name-servers $IP" $dhcpconfig -i else echo "supersede domain-name-servers $IP" >> $dhcpconfig fi fi # update resolv.conf & unbound LINE=$(sed -n '/nameserver/=' /etc/resolv.conf) sed "$LINE c nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf -i if [ "$removecache" != "Y" ] && [ "$removecache" != "y" ]; then update_unbound fi restart_interface print_strong "\n/etc/conf.d/dnscrypt-proxy Listening Address updated to:" print_green "--------------------------------------------------------" print_table "DNSCRYPT_LOCALIP=$IP_CLEAN:$DNSPORT_CLEAN" print_green "--------------------------------------------------------\n" } rm_loopback(){ START=$(sed -n "\%Settings from $SCRIPT%=" /etc/network/interfaces) LINE=$(expr $START + 4) sed -i ''$START','$LINE'd' /etc/network/interfaces print_green "2nd Loopback interface removed" } # END Functions ################################################################################### # Do some sanity checking. if [ $(/usr/bin/id -u) != "0" ]; then die 'DNScrypt Setup must be run by root' fi ##### Download DNS Resolver details ################################################################ url='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jedisct1/dnscrypt-proxy/master/dnscrypt-resolvers.csv' output='/tmp/dnscrypt.list' echo -e "Retrieving current list of free DNS Resolvers\n" wget -q --no-check-certificate $url -O $output totalservers=$(cat $output | tail +2 | wc -l) if [ $totalservers = 0 ]; then die "Could not contact $url" fi #clear # colour table ################################################################################## colourheading=$(awk 'BEGIN { format = "%-8s%-40s%-18s%-10s%-10s%-10s%-25s\n" printf format, "#", "Name", "Location", "DNSSEC", "No Logs", "Namecoin", "Resolver Address" }') colourline=$(awk 'BEGIN { format = "%-8s%-40s%-18s%-10s%-10s%-10s%-25s\n" printf format, "---", "----------------------------------------", "------------------", "----------",\ "----------", "----------", "------------------------------------------" }') print_green "$colourheading" print_green "$colourline" sed -i -e "s/..$//g" $output tmpfile=$(mktemp) cat $output | awk 'BEGIN{FS=""}{gsub(/,\ /,"\ "); print}'|tail +2 > $tmpfile awk -F"\," 'BEGIN {format="%-8s%-40s%-18s%-10s%-10s%-10s%-25s\n"}{ printf format, "\["NR"\]",$1,$4,$8,$9,$10,$11}' $tmpfile print_green "$colourline" print_question "Please choose a DNS Resolver for dnscrypt-proxy to query:" "[1 - $totalservers]" ###### Process Input ############################################################################# while : do read DNS # Sanitize input to an integer export DNS_CLEAN="`echo "${DNS}" | tr -cd '[:[0-9]:]'`" if [ $DNS_CLEAN -gt 0 2>/dev/null ] && [ $DNS_CLEAN -le $totalservers 2>/dev/null ]; then break else #move the cursor & clear the line echo -en "\033[1A\033[67C\033[K" fi done RESOLVER=$(cat $tmpfile | tr -d "\"" | tr "," ";" | sed -n "$DNS_CLEAN"p |awk -F';' '{print $11}') PROVIDER=$(cat $tmpfile | tr -d "\"" | tr "," ";" | sed -n "$DNS_CLEAN"p |awk -F';' '{print $12}') PUBKEY=$(cat $tmpfile | tr -d "\"" | tr "," ";" | sed -n "$DNS_CLEAN"p |awk -F';' '{print $13}') ######## END Changes ########################################################################### if [ ! -f "$config" ]; then touch $config echo "DNSCRYPT_LOGFILE=/var/log/dnscrypt-proxy/dnscrypt-proxy.log" >> $config echo "DNSCRYPT_LOCALIP=" >> $config fi # remove existing Resolver config if grep "RESOLVER" $config 1> /dev/null; then sed -e '/RESOLVER/d' -e '/PROVIDER/d' -e '/PUBKEY/d' $config -i fi # update Resolver config echo "RESOLVER=$RESOLVER" >> $config echo "PROVIDER=$PROVIDER" >> $config echo "PUBKEY=$PUBKEY" >> $config print_strong "\nResolver Settings updated in:" "$config" print_green "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" print_table "RESOLVER :" "$RESOLVER" print_table "PROVIDER :" "$PROVIDER" print_table "PUBLIC KEY :" "$PUBKEY" print_green "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" # install unbound if ! which unbound 1> /dev/null; then print_question "Install Unbound (Caching DNS Server)" "[ Y / N: Default ]" read installsrv if [ "$(echo $installsrv | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" = "y" ]; then apk add -q unbound else echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf fi fi # check for / setup secondary loopback for dns caching if which unbound 1> /dev/null && ! grep "address" /etc/network/interfaces 1> /dev/null; then IP= echo "##### Settings from $SCRIPT #####" >> /etc/network/interfaces echo "auto lo:1" >> /etc/network/interfaces echo "iface lo:1 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces echo "address $IP" >> /etc/network/interfaces echo "netmask" >> /etc/network/interfaces ifconfig lo:1 $IP up fi # modify caching if grep "address" /etc/network/interfaces 1> /dev/null && [ ! $installsrv ]; then print_question "\nRemove DNS Caching (Unbound) / Secondary loopback device ?" "[ Y / N: Default ]"; read removecache if [ "$(echo $removecache | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" = "y" ]; then # remove loopback settings rm_loopback echo -e ""; rc-service unbound stop; apk del unbound else print_green "\nSecondary Loopback for DNS Caching configured @" IP= fi fi # modify ip / ports if [ $installsrv ] || [ "$(echo $removecache | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" = "y" ]; then modify_config elif grep -q /etc/network/interfaces && ! which unbound 1> /dev/null; then rm_loopback kill $(cat /var/run/unbound/unbound.pid) modify_config else print_question "\nModify dnscrypt-proxy ip / port ?" "[ Y / N: default ]"; read updateip if [ "$(echo $updateip | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')" = "y" ]; then modify_config fi fi if [ "$RESTART_CLEAN" != "" ]; then ifdown $RESTART_CLEAN && ifup $RESTART_CLEAN print_green "Interface $RESTART_CLEAN restarted" fi restart_services exit 0