# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_INIT(mod_backtrace.c) # Basic stuff AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_STDC_HEADERS # We use axps to compile source files, which may be in /usr/sbin AC_ARG_WITH(apxs, [ --with-apxs=PATH Specify path to apxs], [ APXS="$withval" ], [ AC_PATH_PROGS([APXS], [apxs2 apxs],, [$PATH:/usr/sbin]) ]) AC_ARG_WITH(apache, [ --with-apache=PATH Specify path to apache executable], [ HTTPD="$withval" ], [ AC_PATH_PROG([HTTPD], [httpd], [/usr/sbin/httpd], [$PATH:/usr/sbin]) ]) APACHE_VER=`${HTTPD} -v | grep version` if echo "$APACHE_VER" | grep -q "/2\." then APXS_FLAGS=-DAPACHE2 SODIR=.libs/ echo "Building for Apache 2." else echo "Building for Apache 1." fi # Check for some headers AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdlib.h unistd.h sys/socket.h sys/time.h grp.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(nss_common.h nss.h) # Determine size of basic types AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int,cross) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long,cross) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(short,cross) # Create Makefile AC_SUBST(APXS_FLAGS) AC_SUBST(SODIR) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile)