# This configuration is based on the official example configuration. More information can be found # at http://code.google.com/p/umurmur/wiki/Configuring02x max_bandwidth = 48000; welcometext = "Welcome to uMurmur!"; certificate = "/etc/umurmur/cert.crt"; private_key = "/etc/umurmur/key.key"; password = ""; max_users = 10; # Specify port and/or address to bind to. Typically not needed. # Default is '*' for address and 64738 for port. # Can also be specified on the command line, which takes precedence if # both are specified. # bindport = 64738; # bindaddr = ""; # Specify this for privilege dropping. If username is specified but not # the groupname, the user's login group is used. username = "murmur"; groupname = "murmur"; # Root channel must always be defined first. # If a channel has a parent, the parent must be defined before the child channel(s). channels = ( { name = "Root"; parent = ""; description = "The Root of all channels"; noenter = true; }, { name = "Lobby"; parent = "Root"; description = "Lobby channel"; }, { name = "Red team"; parent = "Lobby"; description = "The Red team channel"; }, { name = "Blue team"; parent = "Lobby"; description = "The Blue team channel"; } ); # Channel links configuration. channel_links = ( { source = "Lobby"; destination = "Red team"; }, { source = "Lobby"; destination = "Blue team"; } ); default_channel = "Lobby";