How to set the color, page width and enable drop menus. Colour: Pixture Reloaded uses the color module - this allows you to modify the colour of the theme to your liking. There are 18 preset colour combinations and you can genearet your own by using the colour picker in the theme settings page - admin/build/themes/settings/pixture_reloaded Width: You can also set the overall width of your site (scroll to the bottom of the theme settings page). Specify the page width in percent ratio (50-100%) for liquid layout, or in px (800-1600px) for fixed width layout. If an invalid value is specified, the default value (85%) is used instead. You can leave this field blank to use the default value. You need to add either % or px after the number. If you use percentages be aware that the layout could break if the user re-sizes the browser window down to less than 450px or so, depending on how many sidebars you have active and your actual content. Superfish Drop Menu: 1) Build a standard drupal menu. Set the correct levels to "expanded". 2) Disable Primary links in the theme settings AND check the setting to enable Superfish (scroll to the bottom of the Pixture Reloaded theme settins page). 3) Place the menu block in the Superfish region (using Drupals normal block configuration system). Your menu will be automagically rendered as a Drop menu. 4) To modify the animation style and speed please see the following site for a full run down on configuring the Superfish plugin: Pixture Reloaded is a CSS port of the original Pixture theme for Drupal, ported by (drupal user jmburnz).