path: root/aports.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aports.lua')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aports.lua b/aports.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7a3a7d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aports.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env luajit
+-- lua turbo application
+local turbo = require "turbo"
+local inspect = require "inspect"
+local tpl = turbo.web.Mustache.TemplateHelper("./tpl")
+local ContentsRenderer = class("ContentsRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler)
+function ContentsRenderer:get()
+ local table = {}
+ local args = {
+ filename = self:get_argument("filename","", true),
+ arch = self:get_argument("arch", "x86", true),
+ }
+ if args.filename ~= "" then
+ local result = QueryContents(args)
+ if next(result) ~= nil then
+ table.rows = result
+ end
+ end
+ table.contents = true
+ table.filename = args.filename
+ table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl", table)
+ table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl", table)
+ local page = tpl:render(self.options, table)
+ self:write(page)
+local PackagesRenderer = class("PackagesRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler)
+function PackagesRenderer:get()
+ local table = {}
+ local args = {
+ package = self:get_argument("package","", true)
+ }
+ if args.package == "" then
+ args.package = "%"
+ end
+ local result = QueryPackages(args)
+ if next(result) ~= nil then
+ table.rows = result
+ end
+ table.packages = true
+ table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl", table)
+ table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl", table)
+ local page = tpl:render(self.options, table)
+ self:write(page)
+ print(inspect(table))
+local PackageRenderer = class("PackageRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler)
+function PackageRenderer:get(arch, pkgname)
+ local fields = {}
+ local table = {}
+ fields.arch = arch
+ fields.pkgname = pkgname
+ result = QueryPackage(fields)
+ if result ~= nil then
+ table = result
+ for k in pairs (table) do
+ if table[k] == "" then
+ table[k] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl")
+ table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl")
+ local page = tpl:render(self.options, table)
+ self:write(page)
+function QueryContents(terms)
+ require('DBI')
+ local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/filelist.db'))
+ local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select * from filelist where file like ? and arch like ? limit 100'))
+ sth:execute(terms.filename, terms.arch)
+ local r = {}
+ for row in sth:rows(true) do
+ r[#r + 1] = {
+ file = "/" .. row.path .. "/" .. row.file,
+ pkgname = row.pkgname,
+ repo = row.repo,
+ arch = row.arch,
+ }
+ end
+ return r
+function QueryPackages(terms)
+ require('DBI')
+ local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db'))
+ local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select name, version, url, lic, desc, arch, maintainer, datetime(build_time, \'unixepoch\') as build_time from apkindex where name like ? ORDER BY build_time DESC limit 100'))
+ sth:execute(terms.package)
+ local r = {}
+ for row in sth:rows(true) do
+ r[#r + 1] = {
+ package =,
+ version = row.version,
+ project = row.url,
+ license = row.lic,
+ desc = row.desc,
+ arch = row.arch,
+ repo = "unk",
+ maintainer = string.gsub(row.maintainer, '<.*>', ''),
+ bdate = row.build_time
+ }
+ end
+ return r
+function QueryPackage(fields)
+ require('DBI')
+ local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db'))
+ local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select *, datetime(build_time, \'unixepoch\') as build_time from apkindex where name like ? and arch like ? limit 1'))
+ sth:execute(fields.pkgname, fields.arch)
+ local r = {}
+ r = sth:fetch(true)
+ print(inspect(r))
+ return r
+ {"^/$", turbo.web.RedirectHandler, "/packages"},
+ {"^/contents$", ContentsRenderer, "contents.tpl"},
+ {"^/packages$", PackagesRenderer, "packages.tpl"},
+ {"^/package/(.*)/(.*)$", PackageRenderer, "package.tpl"},
+ {"/assets/(.*)$", turbo.web.StaticFileHandler, "assets/"},