#!/usr/bin/env luajit -- lua turbo application local turbo = require "turbo" local inspect = require "inspect" function string.begins(str, prefix) return str:sub(1,#prefix)==prefix end function human_bytes(bytes) local mult = 10^(2) local size = { 'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB' } local factor = math.floor((string.len(bytes) -1) /3) local result = bytes/math.pow(1024, factor) return math.floor(result * mult + 0.5) / mult.." "..size[factor+1] end local tpl = turbo.web.Mustache.TemplateHelper("./tpl") local ContentsRenderer = class("ContentsRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler) function ContentsRenderer:get() local args = { filename = self:get_argument("filename","", true), pkgname = self:get_argument("pkgname", "", true), arch = self:get_argument("arch", "x86", true), page = self:get_argument("page", 1, true), } -- assign different variables for db query local fname = (args.filename == "") and "%" or args.filename local pname = (args.pkgname == "") and "%" or args.pkgname local table = {} if not (fname == "%" and pname == "%") then table.rows = QueryContents(fname, pname, args.arch, args.page) local rows = (table.rows ~= nil) and (#table.rows) or 0 table.pager = CreatePagerUri(args, rows) end table.filename = args.filename table.pkgname = args.pkgname table[args.arch] = true table.contents = true table.pkgname = args.pkgname table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl", table) table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl", table) self:write(tpl:render(self.options, table)) end local PackagesRenderer = class("PackagesRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler) function PackagesRenderer:get() local args = { package = self:get_argument("package","", true), arch = self:get_argument("arch", "x86", true), page = self:get_argument("page", 1, true), } local table = { [args.arch] = true } if args.package == "" then args.package = "%" end local result = QueryPackages(args) if next(result) ~= nil then table.rows = result local rows = (table.rows ~= nil) and (#table.rows) or 0 table.pager = CreatePagerUri(args, rows) end table.packages = true table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl", table) table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl", table) local page = tpl:render(self.options, table) self:write(page) end local PackageRenderer = class("PackageRenderer", turbo.web.RequestHandler) function PackageRenderer:get(arch, name) local table = QueryPackage(name, arch) if table ~= nil then table.install_size = human_bytes(table.install_size) table.size = human_bytes(table.size) table.deps = QueryDeps(table.deps, arch) table.deps_qty = (table.deps ~= nil) and #table.deps or "0" table.reqbys = QueryRequiredBy(table.provides, arch) table.reqbys_qty = (table.reqbys ~= nil) and #table.reqbys or "0" table.subpkgs = QuerySubPackages(table.origin, table.name, arch) table.subpkgs_qty = (table.subpkgs ~= nil) and #table.subpkgs or "0" table.maintainer = (table.maintainer ~= "") and string.gsub(table.maintainer, '<.*>', '') or "None" for k in pairs (table) do if table[k] == "" then table[k] = nil end end else table = {} end table.header = tpl:render("header.tpl") table.footer = tpl:render("footer.tpl") local page = tpl:render(self.options, table) self:write(page) end function QueryContents(filename, pkgname, arch, page) require('DBI') local offset = (tonumber(page) == nil) and 0 or tonumber(page)*50 local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/filelist.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select * from filelist where file like ? and pkgname like ? and arch like ? limit ?,50')) sth:execute(filename, pkgname, arch, offset) local r = {} for row in sth:rows(true) do r[#r + 1] = { file = "/" .. row.path .. "/" .. row.file, pkgname = row.pkgname, repo = row.repo, arch = row.arch, } end sth:close() if next(r) ~= nil then return r end end function QueryPackages(args) require('DBI') local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select name, version, url, lic, desc, arch, repo, maintainer, datetime(build_time, \'unixepoch\') as build_time from apkindex where name like ? and arch like ? ORDER BY build_time DESC limit ?,50')) local offset = (tonumber(args.page) == nil) and 0 or tonumber(args.page)*50 sth:execute(args.package, args.arch, offset) local r = {} for row in sth:rows(true) do r[#r+1] = { package = row.name, version = row.version, project = row.url, license = row.lic, desc = row.desc, arch = row.arch, repo = row.repo, maintainer = (row.maintainer ~= "") and string.gsub(row.maintainer, '<.*>', '') or "None", bdate = row.build_time } end sth:close() return r end function QueryPackage(name, arch) require('DBI') local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select *, datetime(build_time, \'unixepoch\') as build_time from apkindex where name like ? and arch like ? limit 1')) sth:execute(name, arch) local r = sth:fetch(true) sth:close() return r end function QueryDeps(deps, arch) require('DBI') local names = {} local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select name from apkindex where provides like ? and arch like ?')) for _,k in pairs (deps:split(" ")) do if k:begins('so:') then sth:execute("%"..k.."%", arch) local l = sth:fetch(true) if l ~= nil then names[l.name] = l.name end else names[k] = k end end sth:close() local r = {} for _,name in pairs (names) do r[#r+1] = {dep=name} end if next(r) ~= nil then return r end end function QueryRequiredBy(provides, arch) require('DBI') local names = {} local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select name from apkindex where deps like ? and arch like ?')) for _,d in pairs (provides:split(" ")) do if d:begins('so:') then d = string.gsub(d, '=.*', '') sth:execute("%"..d.."%", arch) for row in sth:rows(true) do if row ~= nil then names[row.name] = row.name end end end end sth:close() local r = {} for _,name in pairs (names) do r[#r+1] = {reqby=name} end if next(r) ~= nil then return r end end function QuerySubPackages(origin, name, arch) require('DBI') local names = {} local dbh = assert(DBI.Connect('SQLite3', 'db/apkindex.db')) local sth = assert(dbh:prepare('select name from apkindex where origin like ? and arch like ?')) sth:execute(origin, arch) local r = {} for row in sth:rows(true) do if row.name ~= name then r[#r+1] = {subpkg=row.name} end end sth:close() if next(r) ~= nil then return r end end function CreatePagerUri(args, rows) local r,p,n,page = {},{},{} for get,value in pairs (args) do if (get == 'page') then page = tonumber(value) -- do not include page on first page if page > 2 then p[#p + 1] = get.."="..(page-1) end n[#n + 1] = get.."="..(page+1) else p[#p + 1] = get.."="..(value) n[#n + 1] = get.."="..(value) end end -- show pager when rows are 50+ if rows >= 50 then r.next = table.concat(n, '&') r.prev = table.concat(p, '&') end -- do not show prev on first page if args.page == "" and rows >= 50 then r.prev = nil end -- show prev on last page if args.page ~= "" and (rows >= 0 and rows <= 50) then r.prev = table.concat(p, '&') end if next(r) ~= nil then r.page = page return {r} end end turbo.web.Application({ {"^/$", turbo.web.RedirectHandler, "/packages"}, {"^/contents$", ContentsRenderer, "contents.tpl"}, {"^/packages$", PackagesRenderer, "packages.tpl"}, {"^/package/(.*)/(.*)$", PackageRenderer, "package.tpl"}, {"/assets/(.*)$", turbo.web.StaticFileHandler, "assets/"}, }):listen(8888) turbo.ioloop.instance():start()