path: root/patchwork/bin/pwclient
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'patchwork/bin/pwclient')
1 files changed, 744 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/patchwork/bin/pwclient b/patchwork/bin/pwclient
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8d1f476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patchwork/bin/pwclient
@@ -0,0 +1,744 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Patchwork command line client
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Nate Case <>
+# This file is part of the Patchwork package.
+# Patchwork is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Patchwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Patchwork; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
+import sys
+import xmlrpclib
+import argparse
+import string
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import base64
+import ConfigParser
+import shutil
+import re
+# Default Patchwork remote XML-RPC server URL
+# This script will check the PW_XMLRPC_URL environment variable
+# for the URL to access. If that is unspecified, it will fallback to
+# the hardcoded default value specified here.
+DEFAULT_URL = "http://patchwork/xmlrpc/"
+CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.pwclientrc')
+class Filter:
+ """Filter for selecting patches."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # These fields refer to specific objects, so they are special
+ # because we have to resolve them to IDs before passing the
+ # filter to the server
+ self.state = ""
+ self.project = ""
+ # The dictionary that gets passed to via XML-RPC
+ self.d = {}
+ def add(self, field, value):
+ if field == 'state':
+ self.state = value
+ elif field == 'project':
+ self.project = value
+ else:
+ # OK to add directly
+ self.d[field] = value
+ def resolve_ids(self, rpc):
+ """Resolve State, Project, and Person IDs based on filter strings."""
+ if self.state != "":
+ id = state_id_by_name(rpc, self.state)
+ if id == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Note: No State found matching %s*, " \
+ "ignoring filter\n" % self.state)
+ else:
+ self.d['state_id'] = id
+ if self.project != None:
+ id = project_id_by_name(rpc, self.project)
+ if id == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Note: No Project found matching %s, " \
+ "ignoring filter\n" % self.project)
+ else:
+ self.d['project_id'] = id
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return human-readable description of the filter."""
+ return str(self.d)
+class BasicHTTPAuthTransport(xmlrpclib.SafeTransport):
+ def __init__(self, username = None, password = None, use_https = False):
+ self.username = username
+ self.password = password
+ self.use_https = use_https
+ xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.__init__(self)
+ def authenticated(self):
+ return self.username != None and self.password != None
+ def send_host(self, connection, host):
+ xmlrpclib.Transport.send_host(self, connection, host)
+ if not self.authenticated():
+ return
+ credentials = '%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password)
+ auth = 'Basic ' + base64.encodestring(credentials).strip()
+ connection.putheader('Authorization', auth)
+ def make_connection(self, host):
+ if self.use_https:
+ fn = xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.make_connection
+ else:
+ fn = xmlrpclib.Transport.make_connection
+ return fn(self, host)
+def project_id_by_name(rpc, linkname):
+ """Given a project short name, look up the Project ID."""
+ if len(linkname) == 0:
+ return 0
+ projects = rpc.project_list(linkname, 0)
+ for project in projects:
+ if project['linkname'] == linkname:
+ return project['id']
+ return 0
+def state_id_by_name(rpc, name):
+ """Given a partial state name, look up the state ID."""
+ if len(name) == 0:
+ return 0
+ states = rpc.state_list(name, 0)
+ for state in states:
+ if state['name'].lower().startswith(name.lower()):
+ return state['id']
+ return 0
+def person_ids_by_name(rpc, name):
+ """Given a partial name or email address, return a list of the
+ person IDs that match."""
+ if len(name) == 0:
+ return []
+ people = rpc.person_list(name, 0)
+ return map(lambda x: x['id'], people)
+def list_patches(patches, format_str=None):
+ """Dump a list of patches to stdout."""
+ if format_str:
+ format_field_re = re.compile("%{([a-z0-9_]+)}")
+ def patch_field(matchobj):
+ fieldname =
+ if fieldname == "_msgid_":
+ # naive way to strip < and > from message-id
+ val = string.strip(str(patch["msgid"]), "<>")
+ else:
+ val = str(patch[fieldname])
+ return val
+ for patch in patches:
+ print(format_field_re.sub(patch_field, format_str))
+ else:
+ print("%-7s %-12s %s" % ("ID", "State", "Name"))
+ print("%-7s %-12s %s" % ("--", "-----", "----"))
+ for patch in patches:
+ print("%-7d %-12s %s" % (patch['id'], patch['state'], patch['name']))
+def action_list(rpc, filter, submitter_str, delegate_str, format_str=None):
+ filter.resolve_ids(rpc)
+ if submitter_str != None:
+ ids = person_ids_by_name(rpc, submitter_str)
+ if len(ids) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Note: Nobody found matching *%s*\n" % \
+ submitter_str)
+ else:
+ for id in ids:
+ person = rpc.person_get(id)
+ print "Patches submitted by %s <%s>:" % \
+ (unicode(person['name']).encode("utf-8"), \
+ unicode(person['email']).encode("utf-8"))
+ f = filter
+ f.add("submitter_id", id)
+ patches = rpc.patch_list(f.d)
+ list_patches(patches, format_str)
+ return
+ if delegate_str != None:
+ ids = person_ids_by_name(rpc, delegate_str)
+ if len(ids) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Note: Nobody found matching *%s*\n" % \
+ delegate_str)
+ else:
+ for id in ids:
+ person = rpc.person_get(id)
+ print "Patches delegated to %s <%s>:" % \
+ (person['name'], person['email'])
+ f = filter
+ f.add("delegate_id", id)
+ patches = rpc.patch_list(f.d)
+ list_patches(patches, format_str)
+ return
+ patches = rpc.patch_list(filter.d)
+ list_patches(patches, format_str)
+def action_projects(rpc):
+ projects = rpc.project_list("", 0)
+ print("%-5s %-24s %s" % ("ID", "Name", "Description"))
+ print("%-5s %-24s %s" % ("--", "----", "-----------"))
+ for project in projects:
+ print("%-5d %-24s %s" % (project['id'], \
+ project['linkname'], \
+ project['name']))
+def action_states(rpc):
+ states = rpc.state_list("", 0)
+ print("%-5s %s" % ("ID", "Name"))
+ print("%-5s %s" % ("--", "----"))
+ for state in states:
+ print("%-5d %s" % (state['id'], state['name']))
+def action_info(rpc, patch_id):
+ patch = rpc.patch_get(patch_id)
+ s = "Information for patch id %d" % (patch_id)
+ print(s)
+ print('-' * len(s))
+ for key, value in sorted(patch.iteritems()):
+ print("- %- 14s: %s" % (key, unicode(value).encode("utf-8")))
+def action_get(rpc, patch_id):
+ patch = rpc.patch_get(patch_id)
+ s = rpc.patch_get_mbox(patch_id)
+ if patch == {} or len(s) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to get patch %d\n" % patch_id)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ base_fname = fname = os.path.basename(patch['filename'])
+ i = 0
+ while os.path.exists(fname):
+ fname = "%s.%d" % (base_fname, i)
+ i += 1
+ try:
+ f = open(fname, "w")
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to open %s for writing\n" % fname)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ f.write(unicode(s).encode("utf-8"))
+ f.close()
+ print "Saved patch to %s" % fname
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failed to write to %s\n" % fname)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def action_apply(rpc, patch_id, apply_cmd=None):
+ patch = rpc.patch_get(patch_id)
+ if patch == {}:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error getting information on patch ID %d\n" % \
+ patch_id)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if apply_cmd is None:
+ print "Applying patch #%d to current directory" % patch_id
+ apply_cmd = ['patch', '-p1']
+ else:
+ print "Applying patch #%d using %s" % (
+ patch_id, repr(' '.join(apply_cmd)))
+ print "Description: %s" % patch['name']
+ s = rpc.patch_get_mbox(patch_id)
+ if len(s) > 0:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(apply_cmd, stdin = subprocess.PIPE)
+ proc.communicate(unicode(s).encode('utf-8'))
+ return proc.returncode
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: No patch content found\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def action_update_patch(rpc, patch_id, state = None, archived = None, commit = None):
+ patch = rpc.patch_get(patch_id)
+ if patch == {}:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error getting information on patch ID %d\n" % \
+ patch_id)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ params = {}
+ if state:
+ state_id = state_id_by_name(rpc, state)
+ if state_id == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: No State found matching %s*\n" % state)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ params['state'] = state_id
+ if commit:
+ params['commit_ref'] = commit
+ if archived:
+ params['archived'] = archived == 'yes'
+ success = False
+ try:
+ success = rpc.patch_set(patch_id, params)
+ except xmlrpclib.Fault, f:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error updating patch: %s\n" % f.faultString)
+ if not success:
+ sys.stderr.write("Patch not updated\n")
+def patch_id_from_hash(rpc, project, hash):
+ try:
+ patch = rpc.patch_get_by_project_hash(project, hash)
+ except xmlrpclib.Fault:
+ # the server may not have the newer patch_get_by_project_hash function,
+ # so fall back to hash-only.
+ patch = rpc.patch_get_by_hash(hash)
+ if patch == {}:
+ sys.stderr.write("No patch has the hash provided\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ patch_id = patch['id']
+ # be super paranoid
+ try:
+ patch_id = int(patch_id)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Invalid patch ID obtained from server\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return patch_id
+auth_actions = ['update']
+# unfortunately we currently have to revert to this ugly hack..
+class _RecursiveHelpAction(argparse._HelpAction):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ parser.print_help()
+ print
+ subparsers_actions = [
+ action for action in parser._actions
+ if isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction)
+ ]
+ hash_n_id_actions = set(['hash', 'id', 'help'])
+ for subparsers_action in subparsers_actions:
+ for choice, subparser in subparsers_action.choices.items():
+ # gross but the whole thing is..
+ if (len(subparser._actions) == 3 \
+ and set([a.dest for a in subparser._actions]) \
+ == hash_n_id_actions) \
+ or len(subparser._actions) == 0:
+ continue
+ print("command '{}'".format(choice))
+ print(subparser.format_help())
+ parser.exit()
+def main():
+ hash_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, version=False)
+ hash_parser.add_argument(
+ '-h', metavar='HASH', dest='hash', action='store',
+ help='''Lookup by patch hash'''
+ )
+ hash_parser.add_argument(
+ 'id', metavar='ID', nargs='*', action='store', type=int,
+ help='Patch ID',
+ )
+ hash_parser.add_argument(
+ '-p', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='''Lookup patch in project'''
+ )
+ filter_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, version=False)
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', metavar='STATE',
+ help='''Filter by patch state (e.g., 'New', 'Accepted', etc.)'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-a', choices=['yes','no'],
+ help='''Filter by patch archived state'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-p', metavar='PROJECT',
+ help='''Filter by project name (see 'projects' for list)'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-w', metavar='WHO',
+ help='''Filter by submitter (name, e-mail substring search)'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-d', metavar='WHO',
+ help='''Filter by delegate (name, e-mail substring search)'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-n', metavar='MAX#',
+ type=int,
+ help='''Restrict number of results'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-m', metavar='MESSAGEID',
+ help='''Filter by Message-Id'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ '-f', metavar='FORMAT',
+ help='''Print output in the given format. You can use tags matching '''
+ '''fields, e.g. %%{id}, %%{state}, or %%{msgid}.'''
+ )
+ filter_parser.add_argument(
+ 'patch_name', metavar='STR', nargs='?',
+ help='substring to search for patches by name',
+ )
+ help_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False, version=False)
+ help_parser.add_argument(
+ '--help', action='help', help=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+ #help='''show this help message and exit'''
+ )
+ action_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ prog='pwclient',
+ add_help=False,
+ version=False,
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ epilog='''(apply | get | info | view | update) (-h HASH | ID [ID ...])''',
+ )
+ action_parser.add_argument(
+ '--help',
+ #action='help',
+ action=_RecursiveHelpAction,
+ help='''Print this help text'''
+ )
+ subparsers = action_parser.add_subparsers(
+ title='Commands',
+ metavar=''
+ )
+ apply_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'apply', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Apply a patch (in the current dir, using -p1)'''
+ )
+ apply_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='apply')
+ git_am_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'git-am', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Apply a patch to current git branch using "git am".'''
+ )
+ git_am_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='git_am')
+ git_am_parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', '--signoff',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='''pass --signoff to git-am'''
+ )
+ get_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'get', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Download a patch and save it locally'''
+ )
+ get_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='get')
+ info_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'info', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Display patchwork info about a given patch ID'''
+ )
+ info_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='info')
+ projects_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'projects',
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''List all projects'''
+ )
+ projects_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='projects')
+ states_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'states',
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Show list of potential patch states'''
+ )
+ states_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='states')
+ view_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'view', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''View a patch'''
+ )
+ view_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='view')
+ update_parser = subparsers.add_parser(
+ 'update', parents=[hash_parser, help_parser],
+ add_help=False,
+ help='''Update patch''',
+ epilog='''Using a COMMIT-REF allows for only one ID to be specified''',
+ )
+ update_parser.add_argument(
+ '-c', metavar='COMMIT-REF',
+ help='''commit reference hash'''
+ )
+ update_parser.add_argument(
+ '-s', metavar='STATE',
+ required=True,
+ help='''Set patch state (e.g., 'Accepted', 'Superseded' etc.)'''
+ )
+ update_parser.add_argument(
+ '-a', choices=['yes', 'no'],
+ help='''Set patch archived state'''
+ )
+ update_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='update')
+ list_parser = subparsers.add_parser("list",
+ add_help=False,
+ #aliases=['search'],
+ parents=[filter_parser, help_parser],
+ help='''List patches, using the optional filters specified
+ below and an optional substring to search for patches
+ by name'''
+ )
+ list_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='list')
+ search_parser = subparsers.add_parser("search",
+ add_help=False,
+ parents=[filter_parser, help_parser],
+ help='''Alias for "list"'''
+ )
+ # Poor man's argparse aliases:
+ # We register the "search" parser but effectively use "list" for the
+ # help-text.
+ search_parser.set_defaults(subcmd='list')
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ action_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ args = action_parser.parse_args()
+ args = dict(vars(args))
+ action = args.get('subcmd')
+ if args.get('hash') and len(args.get('id')):
+ # mimic mutual exclusive group
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: [-h HASH] and [ID [ID ...]] " +
+ "are mutually exlusive\n")
+ locals()[action + '_parser'].print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # set defaults
+ filt = Filter()
+ commit_str = None
+ archived_str = args.get('a')
+ state_str = args.get('s')
+ project_str = args.get('p')
+ submitter_str = args.get('w')
+ delegate_str = args.get('d')
+ format_str = args.get('f')
+ hash_str = args.get('hash')
+ patch_ids = args.get('id')
+ msgid_str = args.get('m')
+ if args.get('c'):
+ # update multiple IDs with a single commit-hash does not make sense
+ if action == 'update' and patch_ids and len(patch_ids) > 1:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "Declining update with COMMIT-REF on multiple IDs\n"
+ )
+ update_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ commit_str = args.get('c')
+ if args.get('n') != None:
+ try:
+ filt.add("max_count", args.get('n'))
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Invalid maximum count '%s'\n" % args.get('n'))
+ action_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ do_signoff = args.get('signoff')
+ # grab settings from config files
+ config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ if not config.has_section('options'):
+ sys.stderr.write('~/.pwclientrc is in the old format. Migrating it...')
+ old_project = config.get('base','project')
+ new_config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
+ new_config.add_section('options')
+ new_config.set('options','default',old_project)
+ new_config.add_section(old_project)
+ new_config.set(old_project,'url',config.get('base','url'))
+ if config.has_option('auth', 'username'):
+ new_config.set(old_project,'username',config.get('auth','username'))
+ if config.has_option('auth', 'password'):
+ new_config.set(old_project,'password',config.get('auth','password'))
+ old_config_file = CONFIG_FILE + '.orig'
+ shutil.copy2(CONFIG_FILE,old_config_file)
+ with open(CONFIG_FILE, 'wb') as fd:
+ new_config.write(fd)
+ sys.stderr.write(' Done.\n')
+ sys.stderr.write('Your old ~/.pwclientrc was saved to %s\n' % old_config_file)
+ sys.stderr.write('and was converted to the new format. You may want to\n')
+ sys.stderr.write('inspect it before continuing.\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not project_str:
+ try:
+ project_str = config.get('options', 'default')
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("No default project configured in ~/.pwclientrc\n")
+ action_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not config.has_section(project_str):
+ sys.stderr.write("No section for project %s\n" % project_str)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not config.has_option(project_str, 'url'):
+ sys.stderr.write("No URL for project %s\n" % project_str)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not do_signoff and config.has_option('options', 'signoff'):
+ do_signoff = config.getboolean('options', 'signoff')
+ if not do_signoff and config.has_option(project_str, 'signoff'):
+ do_signoff = config.getboolean(project_str, 'signoff')
+ url = config.get(project_str, 'url')
+ transport = None
+ if action in auth_actions:
+ if config.has_option(project_str, 'username') and \
+ config.has_option(project_str, 'password'):
+ use_https = url.startswith('https')
+ transport = BasicHTTPAuthTransport( \
+ config.get(project_str, 'username'),
+ config.get(project_str, 'password'),
+ use_https)
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write(("The %s action requires authentication, "
+ "but no username or password\nis configured\n") % action)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if project_str:
+ filt.add("project", project_str)
+ if state_str:
+ filt.add("state", state_str)
+ if archived_str:
+ filt.add("archived", archived_str == 'yes')
+ if msgid_str:
+ filt.add("msgid", msgid_str)
+ try:
+ rpc = xmlrpclib.Server(url, transport = transport)
+ except:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unable to connect to %s\n" % url)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # It should be safe to assume hash_str is not zero, but who knows..
+ if hash_str != None:
+ patch_ids = [patch_id_from_hash(rpc, project_str, hash_str)]
+ # helper for non_empty() to print correct helptext
+ h = locals()[action + '_parser']
+ # Require either hash_str or IDs for
+ def non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ """Error out if no patch IDs were specified"""
+ if patch_ids == None or len(patch_ids) < 1:
+ sys.stderr.write("Error: Missing Argument! " +
+ "Either [-h HASH] or [ID [ID ...]] are required\n")
+ if h:
+ h.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return patch_ids
+ if action == 'list' or action == 'search':
+ if args.get('patch_name') != None:
+ filt.add("name__icontains", args.get('patch_name'))
+ action_list(rpc, filt, submitter_str, delegate_str, format_str)
+ elif action.startswith('project'):
+ action_projects(rpc)
+ elif action.startswith('state'):
+ action_states(rpc)
+ elif action == 'view':
+ pager = os.environ.get('PAGER')
+ if pager:
+ pager = subprocess.Popen(
+ pager.split(), stdin=subprocess.PIPE
+ )
+ if pager:
+ i = list()
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ s = rpc.patch_get_mbox(patch_id)
+ if len(s) > 0:
+ i.append(unicode(s).encode("utf-8"))
+ if len(i) > 0:
+ pager.communicate(input="\n".join(i))
+ pager.stdin.close()
+ else:
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ s = rpc.patch_get_mbox(patch_id)
+ if len(s) > 0:
+ print unicode(s).encode("utf-8")
+ elif action == 'info':
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ action_info(rpc, patch_id)
+ elif action == 'get':
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ action_get(rpc, patch_id)
+ elif action == 'apply':
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ ret = action_apply(rpc, patch_id)
+ if ret:
+ sys.stderr.write("Apply failed with exit status %d\n" % ret)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif action == 'git_am':
+ cmd = ['git', 'am']
+ if do_signoff:
+ cmd.append('-s')
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ ret = action_apply(rpc, patch_id, cmd)
+ if ret:
+ sys.stderr.write("'git am' failed with exit status %d\n" % ret)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif action == 'update':
+ for patch_id in non_empty(h, patch_ids):
+ action_update_patch(rpc, patch_id, state = state_str,
+ archived = archived_str, commit = commit_str
+ )
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("Unknown action '%s'\n" % action)
+ action_parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()