# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system # Copyright (C) 2008 Jeremy Kerr # # This file is part of the Patchwork package. # # Patchwork is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Patchwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Patchwork; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import unittest import os from email import message_from_string from patchwork.models import Project, Person, Patch, Comment from patchwork.tests.utils import read_patch, create_email, defaults try: from email.mime.text import MIMEText except ImportError: # Python 2.4 compatibility from email.MIMEText import MIMEText class PatchTest(unittest.TestCase): default_sender = defaults.sender default_subject = defaults.subject project = defaults.project from patchwork.bin.parsemail import find_content, find_author, parse_mail class InlinePatchTest(PatchTest): patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test for attached patch' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email(self.test_comment + '\n' + self.orig_patch) (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) def testPatchPresence(self): self.assertTrue(self.patch is not None) def testPatchContent(self): self.assertEquals(self.patch.content, self.orig_patch) def testCommentPresence(self): self.assertTrue(self.comment is not None) def testCommentContent(self): self.assertEquals(self.comment.content, self.test_comment) class AttachmentPatchTest(InlinePatchTest): patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test for attached patch' content_subtype = 'x-patch' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email(self.test_comment, multipart = True) attachment = MIMEText(self.orig_patch, _subtype = self.content_subtype) email.attach(attachment) (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) class AttachmentXDiffPatchTest(AttachmentPatchTest): content_subtype = 'x-diff' class UTF8InlinePatchTest(InlinePatchTest): patch_filename = '0002-utf-8.patch' patch_encoding = 'utf-8' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename, self.patch_encoding) email = create_email(self.test_comment + '\n' + self.orig_patch, content_encoding = self.patch_encoding) (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) class NoCharsetInlinePatchTest(InlinePatchTest): """ Test mails with no content-type or content-encoding header """ patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email(self.test_comment + '\n' + self.orig_patch) del email['Content-Type'] del email['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) class SignatureCommentTest(InlinePatchTest): patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test comment\nmore comment' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email( \ self.test_comment + '\n' + \ '-- \nsig\n' + self.orig_patch) (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) class ListFooterTest(InlinePatchTest): patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test comment\nmore comment' def setUp(self): self.orig_patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email( \ self.test_comment + '\n' + \ '_______________________________________________\n' + \ 'Linuxppc-dev mailing list\n' + \ self.orig_patch) (self.patch, self.comment) = find_content(self.project, email) class UpdateCommentTest(InlinePatchTest): """ Test for '---\nUpdate: v2' style comments to patches. """ patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test comment\nmore comment\n---\nUpdate: test update' class UpdateSigCommentTest(SignatureCommentTest): """ Test for '---\nUpdate: v2' style comments to patches, with a sig """ patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' test_comment = 'Test comment\nmore comment\n---\nUpdate: test update' class SenderEncodingTest(unittest.TestCase): sender_name = u'example user' sender_email = 'user@example.com' from_header = 'example user ' def setUp(self): mail = 'From: %s\n' % self.from_header + \ 'Subject: test\n\n' + \ 'test' self.email = message_from_string(mail) (self.person, new) = find_author(self.email) self.person.save() def tearDown(self): self.person.delete() def testName(self): self.assertEquals(self.person.name, self.sender_name) def testEmail(self): self.assertEquals(self.person.email, self.sender_email) def testDBQueryName(self): db_person = Person.objects.get(name = self.sender_name) self.assertEquals(self.person, db_person) def testDBQueryEmail(self): db_person = Person.objects.get(email = self.sender_email) self.assertEquals(self.person, db_person) class SenderUTF8QPEncodingTest(SenderEncodingTest): sender_name = u'\xe9xample user' from_header = '=?utf-8?q?=C3=A9xample=20user?= ' class SenderUTF8QPSplitEncodingTest(SenderEncodingTest): sender_name = u'\xe9xample user' from_header = '=?utf-8?q?=C3=A9xample?= user ' class SenderUTF8B64EncodingTest(SenderUTF8QPEncodingTest): from_header = '=?utf-8?B?w6l4YW1wbGUgdXNlcg==?= ' class SenderCorrelationTest(unittest.TestCase): existing_sender = 'Existing Sender ' non_existing_sender = 'Non-existing Sender ' def mail(self, sender): return message_from_string('From: %s\nSubject: Test\n\ntest\n' % sender) def setUp(self): self.existing_sender_mail = self.mail(self.existing_sender) self.non_existing_sender_mail = self.mail(self.non_existing_sender) (self.person, new) = find_author(self.existing_sender_mail) self.person.save() def testExisingSender(self): (person, new) = find_author(self.existing_sender_mail) self.assertEqual(new, False) self.assertEqual(person.id, self.person.id) def testNonExisingSender(self): (person, new) = find_author(self.non_existing_sender_mail) self.assertEqual(new, True) self.assertEqual(person.id, None) def testExistingDifferentFormat(self): mail = self.mail('existing@example.com') (person, new) = find_author(mail) self.assertEqual(new, False) self.assertEqual(person.id, self.person.id) def testExistingDifferentCase(self): mail = self.mail(self.existing_sender.upper()) (person, new) = find_author(mail) self.assertEqual(new, False) self.assertEqual(person.id, self.person.id) def tearDown(self): self.person.delete() class MultipleProjectPatchTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Test that patches sent to multiple patchwork projects are handled correctly """ test_comment = 'Test Comment' patch_filename = '0001-add-line.patch' msgid = '<1@example.com>' def setUp(self): self.p1 = Project(linkname = 'test-project-1', name = 'Project 1', listid = '1.example.com', listemail='1@example.com') self.p2 = Project(linkname = 'test-project-2', name = 'Project 2', listid = '2.example.com', listemail='2@example.com') self.p1.save() self.p2.save() patch = read_patch(self.patch_filename) email = create_email(self.test_comment + '\n' + patch) email['Message-Id'] = self.msgid del email['List-ID'] email['List-ID'] = '<' + self.p1.listid + '>' parse_mail(email) del email['List-ID'] email['List-ID'] = '<' + self.p2.listid + '>' parse_mail(email) def testParsedProjects(self): self.assertEquals(Patch.objects.filter(project = self.p1).count(), 1) self.assertEquals(Patch.objects.filter(project = self.p2).count(), 1) def tearDown(self): self.p1.delete() self.p2.delete() class MultipleProjectPatchCommentTest(MultipleProjectPatchTest): """ Test that followups to multiple-project patches end up on the correct patch """ comment_msgid = '<2@example.com>' comment_content = 'test comment' def setUp(self): super(MultipleProjectPatchCommentTest, self).setUp() for project in [self.p1, self.p2]: email = MIMEText(self.comment_content) email['From'] = defaults.sender email['Subject'] = defaults.subject email['Message-Id'] = self.comment_msgid email['List-ID'] = '<' + project.listid + '>' email['In-Reply-To'] = self.msgid parse_mail(email) def testParsedComment(self): for project in [self.p1, self.p2]: patch = Patch.objects.filter(project = project)[0] # we should see two comments now - the original mail with the patch, # and the one we parsed in setUp() self.assertEquals(Comment.objects.filter(patch = patch).count(), 2)