# Patchwork - automated patch tracking system # Copyright (C) 2009 Jeremy Kerr # # This file is part of the Patchwork package. # # Patchwork is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Patchwork is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Patchwork; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import unittest import datetime from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import Client from django.utils.http import urlencode from django.conf import settings from patchwork.models import Patch, Bundle, BundlePatch, Person from patchwork.tests.utils import defaults, create_user, find_in_context def bundle_url(bundle): return '/bundle/%s/%s/' % (bundle.owner.username, bundle.name) class BundleListTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.user = create_user() self.client.login(username = self.user.username, password = self.user.username) def testNoBundles(self): response = self.client.get('/user/bundles/') self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.failUnlessEqual( len(find_in_context(response.context, 'bundles')), 0) def testSingleBundle(self): defaults.project.save() bundle = Bundle(owner = self.user, project = defaults.project) bundle.save() response = self.client.get('/user/bundles/') self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.failUnlessEqual( len(find_in_context(response.context, 'bundles')), 1) def tearDown(self): self.user.delete() class BundleTestBase(TestCase): fixtures = ['default_states'] def setUp(self, patch_count=3): patch_names = ['testpatch%d' % (i) for i in range(1, patch_count+1)] self.user = create_user() self.client.login(username = self.user.username, password = self.user.username) defaults.project.save() self.bundle = Bundle(owner = self.user, project = defaults.project, name = 'testbundle') self.bundle.save() self.patches = [] for patch_name in patch_names: patch = Patch(project = defaults.project, msgid = patch_name, name = patch_name, submitter = Person.objects.get(user = self.user), content = '') patch.save() self.patches.append(patch) def tearDown(self): for patch in self.patches: patch.delete() self.bundle.delete() self.user.delete() class BundleViewTest(BundleTestBase): def testEmptyBundle(self): response = self.client.get(bundle_url(self.bundle)) self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200) page = find_in_context(response.context, 'page') self.failUnlessEqual(len(page.object_list), 0) def testNonEmptyBundle(self): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) response = self.client.get(bundle_url(self.bundle)) self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200) page = find_in_context(response.context, 'page') self.failUnlessEqual(len(page.object_list), 1) def testBundleOrder(self): for patch in self.patches: self.bundle.append_patch(patch) response = self.client.get(bundle_url(self.bundle)) pos = 0 for patch in self.patches: next_pos = response.content.find(patch.name) # ensure that this patch is after the previous self.failUnless(next_pos > pos) pos = next_pos # reorder and recheck i = 0 for patch in self.patches.__reversed__(): bundlepatch = BundlePatch.objects.get(bundle = self.bundle, patch = patch) bundlepatch.order = i bundlepatch.save() i += 1 response = self.client.get(bundle_url(self.bundle)) pos = len(response.content) for patch in self.patches: next_pos = response.content.find(patch.name) # ensure that this patch is now *before* the previous self.failUnless(next_pos < pos) pos = next_pos class BundleUpdateTest(BundleTestBase): def setUp(self): super(BundleUpdateTest, self).setUp() self.newname = 'newbundlename' def checkPatchformErrors(self, response): formname = 'patchform' if not formname in response.context: return form = response.context[formname] if not form: return self.assertEquals(form.errors, {}) def publicString(self, public): if public: return 'on' return '' def testNoAction(self): data = { 'form': 'bundle', 'name': self.newname, 'public': self.publicString(not self.bundle.public) } response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(pk = self.bundle.pk) self.assertEqual(bundle.name, self.bundle.name) self.assertEqual(bundle.public, self.bundle.public) def testUpdateName(self): newname = 'newbundlename' data = { 'form': 'bundle', 'action': 'update', 'name': newname, 'public': self.publicString(self.bundle.public) } response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), data) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(pk = self.bundle.pk) self.assertRedirects(response, bundle_url(bundle)) self.assertEqual(bundle.name, newname) self.assertEqual(bundle.public, self.bundle.public) def testUpdatePublic(self): newname = 'newbundlename' data = { 'form': 'bundle', 'action': 'update', 'name': self.bundle.name, 'public': self.publicString(not self.bundle.public) } response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(pk = self.bundle.pk) self.assertEqual(bundle.name, self.bundle.name) self.assertEqual(bundle.public, not self.bundle.public) # check other forms for errors self.checkPatchformErrors(response) class BundleMaintainerUpdateTest(BundleUpdateTest): def setUp(self): super(BundleMaintainerUpdateTest, self).setUp() profile = self.user.profile profile.maintainer_projects.add(defaults.project) profile.save() class BundlePublicViewTest(BundleTestBase): def setUp(self): super(BundlePublicViewTest, self).setUp() self.client.logout() self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) self.url = bundle_url(self.bundle) def testPublicBundle(self): self.bundle.public = True self.bundle.save() response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertContains(response, self.patches[0].name) def testPrivateBundle(self): self.bundle.public = False self.bundle.save() response = self.client.get(self.url) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) class BundlePublicViewMboxTest(BundlePublicViewTest): def setUp(self): super(BundlePublicViewMboxTest, self).setUp() self.url = bundle_url(self.bundle) + "mbox/" class BundlePublicModifyTest(BundleTestBase): """Ensure that non-owners can't modify bundles""" def setUp(self): super(BundlePublicModifyTest, self).setUp() self.bundle.public = True self.bundle.save() self.other_user = create_user() def testBundleFormPresence(self): """Check for presence of the modify form on the bundle""" self.client.login(username = self.other_user.username, password = self.other_user.username) response = self.client.get(bundle_url(self.bundle)) self.assertNotContains(response, 'name="form" value="bundle"') self.assertNotContains(response, 'Change order') def testBundleFormSubmission(self): oldname = 'oldbundlename' newname = 'newbundlename' data = { 'form': 'bundle', 'action': 'update', 'name': newname, } self.bundle.name = oldname self.bundle.save() # first, check that we can modify with the owner self.client.login(username = self.user.username, password = self.user.username) response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), data) self.bundle = Bundle.objects.get(pk = self.bundle.pk) self.assertEqual(self.bundle.name, newname) # reset bundle name self.bundle.name = oldname self.bundle.save() # log in with a different user, and check that we can no longer modify self.client.login(username = self.other_user.username, password = self.other_user.username) response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), data) self.bundle = Bundle.objects.get(pk = self.bundle.pk) self.assertNotEqual(self.bundle.name, newname) class BundleCreateFromListTest(BundleTestBase): def testCreateEmptyBundle(self): newbundlename = 'testbundle-new' params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'bundle_name': newbundlename, 'action': 'Create', 'project': defaults.project.id} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) def testCreateNonEmptyBundle(self): newbundlename = 'testbundle-new' patch = self.patches[0] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'bundle_name': newbundlename, 'action': 'Create', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle %s' % newbundlename, count = 1) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(name = newbundlename) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.count(), 1) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.all()[0], patch) def testCreateNonEmptyBundleEmptyName(self): newbundlename = 'testbundle-new' patch = self.patches[0] n_bundles = Bundle.objects.count() params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'bundle_name': '', 'action': 'Create', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'No bundle name was specified', status_code = 200) # test that no new bundles are present self.failUnlessEqual(n_bundles, Bundle.objects.count()) def testCreateDuplicateName(self): newbundlename = 'testbundle-dup' patch = self.patches[0] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'bundle_name': newbundlename, 'action': 'Create', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) n_bundles = Bundle.objects.count() self.assertContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle %s' % newbundlename, count = 1) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(name = newbundlename) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.count(), 1) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.all()[0], patch) response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertNotContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) self.assertContains(response, 'You already have a bundle called') self.assertEqual(Bundle.objects.count(), n_bundles) self.assertEqual(bundle.patches.count(), 1) class BundleCreateFromPatchTest(BundleTestBase): def testCreateNonEmptyBundle(self): newbundlename = 'testbundle-new' patch = self.patches[0] params = {'name': newbundlename, 'action': 'createbundle'} response = self.client.post('/patch/%d/' % patch.id, params) self.assertContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(name = newbundlename) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.count(), 1) self.failUnlessEqual(bundle.patches.all()[0], patch) def testCreateWithExistingName(self): newbundlename = self.bundle.name patch = self.patches[0] params = {'name': newbundlename, 'action': 'createbundle'} response = self.client.post('/patch/%d/' % patch.id, params) self.assertContains(response, 'A bundle called %s already exists' % newbundlename) count = Bundle.objects.count() self.failUnlessEqual(Bundle.objects.count(), 1) class BundleAddFromListTest(BundleTestBase): def testAddToEmptyBundle(self): patch = self.patches[0] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'action': 'Add', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle %s' % self.bundle.name, count = 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.count(), 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.all()[0], patch) def testAddToNonEmptyBundle(self): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) patch = self.patches[1] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'action': 'Add', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle %s' % self.bundle.name, count = 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.count(), 2) self.failUnless(self.patches[0] in self.bundle.patches.all()) self.failUnless(self.patches[1] in self.bundle.patches.all()) # check order bps = [ BundlePatch.objects.get(bundle = self.bundle, patch = self.patches[i]) \ for i in [0, 1] ] self.failUnless(bps[0].order < bps[1].order) def testAddDuplicate(self): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) count = self.bundle.patches.count() patch = self.patches[0] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'action': 'Add', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'Patch '%s' already in bundle' \ % patch.name, count = 1, status_code = 200) self.assertEquals(count, self.bundle.patches.count()) def testAddNewAndDuplicate(self): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) count = self.bundle.patches.count() patch = self.patches[0] params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'action': 'Add', 'project': defaults.project.id, 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id, 'patch_id:%d' % patch.id: 'checked', 'patch_id:%d' % self.patches[1].id: 'checked'} response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, params) self.assertContains(response, 'Patch '%s' already in bundle' \ % patch.name, count = 1, status_code = 200) self.assertContains(response, 'Patch '%s' added to bundle' \ % self.patches[1].name, count = 1, status_code = 200) self.assertEquals(count + 1, self.bundle.patches.count()) class BundleAddFromPatchTest(BundleTestBase): def testAddToEmptyBundle(self): patch = self.patches[0] params = {'action': 'addtobundle', 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id} response = self.client.post('/patch/%d/' % patch.id, params) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle "%s"' % self.bundle.name, count = 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.count(), 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.all()[0], patch) def testAddToNonEmptyBundle(self): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[0]) patch = self.patches[1] params = {'action': 'addtobundle', 'bundle_id': self.bundle.id} response = self.client.post('/patch/%d/' % patch.id, params) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle "%s"' % self.bundle.name, count = 1) self.failUnlessEqual(self.bundle.patches.count(), 2) self.failUnless(self.patches[0] in self.bundle.patches.all()) self.failUnless(self.patches[1] in self.bundle.patches.all()) # check order bps = [ BundlePatch.objects.get(bundle = self.bundle, patch = self.patches[i]) \ for i in [0, 1] ] self.failUnless(bps[0].order < bps[1].order) class BundleInitialOrderTest(BundleTestBase): """When creating bundles from a patch list, ensure that the patches in the bundle are ordered by date""" def setUp(self): super(BundleInitialOrderTest, self).setUp(5) # put patches in an arbitrary order idxs = [2, 4, 3, 1, 0] self.patches = [ self.patches[i] for i in idxs ] # set dates to be sequential last_patch = self.patches[0] for patch in self.patches[1:]: patch.date = last_patch.date + datetime.timedelta(0, 1) patch.save() last_patch = patch def _testOrder(self, ids, expected_order): newbundlename = 'testbundle-new' # need to define our querystring explicity to enforce ordering params = {'form': 'patchlistform', 'bundle_name': newbundlename, 'action': 'Create', 'project': defaults.project.id, } data = urlencode(params) + \ ''.join([ '&patch_id:%d=checked' % i for i in ids ]) response = self.client.post( '/project/%s/list/' % defaults.project.linkname, data = data, content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', ) self.assertContains(response, 'Bundle %s created' % newbundlename) self.assertContains(response, 'added to bundle %s' % newbundlename, count = 5) bundle = Bundle.objects.get(name = newbundlename) # BundlePatches should be sorted by .order by default bps = BundlePatch.objects.filter(bundle = bundle) for (bp, p) in zip(bps, expected_order): self.assertEqual(bp.patch.pk, p.pk) bundle.delete() def testBundleForwardOrder(self): ids = map(lambda p: p.id, self.patches) self._testOrder(ids, self.patches) def testBundleReverseOrder(self): ids = map(lambda p: p.id, self.patches) ids.reverse() self._testOrder(ids, self.patches) class BundleReorderTest(BundleTestBase): def setUp(self): super(BundleReorderTest, self).setUp(5) for i in range(5): self.bundle.append_patch(self.patches[i]) def checkReordering(self, neworder, start, end): neworder_ids = [ self.patches[i].id for i in neworder ] firstpatch = BundlePatch.objects.get(bundle = self.bundle, patch = self.patches[start]).patch slice_ids = neworder_ids[start:end] params = {'form': 'reorderform', 'order_start': firstpatch.id, 'neworder': slice_ids} response = self.client.post(bundle_url(self.bundle), params) self.failUnlessEqual(response.status_code, 200) bps = BundlePatch.objects.filter(bundle = self.bundle) \ .order_by('order') # check if patch IDs are in the expected order: bundle_ids = [ bp.patch.id for bp in bps ] self.failUnlessEqual(neworder_ids, bundle_ids) # check if order field is still sequential: order_numbers = [ bp.order for bp in bps ] expected_order = range(1, len(neworder)+1) # [1 ... len(neworder)] self.failUnlessEqual(order_numbers, expected_order) def testBundleReorderAll(self): # reorder all patches: self.checkReordering([2,1,4,0,3], 0, 5) def testBundleReorderEnd(self): # reorder only the last three patches self.checkReordering([0,1,3,2,4], 2, 5) def testBundleReorderBegin(self): # reorder only the first three patches self.checkReordering([2,0,1,3,4], 0, 3) def testBundleReorderMiddle(self): # reorder only 2nd, 3rd, and 4th patches self.checkReordering([0,2,3,1,4], 1, 4) class BundleRedirTest(BundleTestBase): # old URL: private bundles used to be under /user/bundle/ def setUp(self): super(BundleRedirTest, self).setUp() @unittest.skipIf(not settings.COMPAT_REDIR, "compat redirections disabled") def testBundleRedir(self): url = '/user/bundle/%d/' % self.bundle.id response = self.client.get(url) self.assertRedirects(response, bundle_url(self.bundle)) @unittest.skipIf(not settings.COMPAT_REDIR, "compat redirections disabled") def testMboxRedir(self): url = '/user/bundle/%d/mbox/' % self.bundle.id response = self.client.get(url) self.assertRedirects(response,'/bundle/%s/%s/mbox/' % (self.bundle.owner.username, self.bundle.name))