{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}User Profile: {{ user.username }}{% endblock %} {% block heading %}User Profile: {{ user.username }}{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if user.get_profile.maintainer_projects.count %} Maintainer of {% for project in user.get_profile.maintainer_projects.all %} {{ project.linkname }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}. {% endif %} {% if user.get_profile.contributor_projects.count %} Contributor to {% for project in user.get_profile.contributor_projects.all %} {{ project.linkname }}{% if not forloop.last %},{% endif %}{% endfor %}. {% endif %}
Your todo list contains {{ user.get_profile.n_todo_patches }} patch{{ user.get_profile.n_todo_patches|pluralize:"es" }}.
{% else %}Your todo list contains patches that have been delegated to you. You have no items in your todo list at present.
{% endif %}The following email addresses are associated with this patchwork account. Adding alternative addresses allows patchwork to group contributions that you have made under different addresses.
The "notify?" column allows you to opt-in or -out of automated patchwork notification emails. Setting it to "no" will disable automated notifications for that address.
Adding a new email address will send a confirmation email to that address.
action | notify? | |
{{ email.email }} | {% ifnotequal user.email email.email %} {% endifnotequal %} | {% if email.is_optout %} {% else %} {% endif %} |
You have the following bundle{{ bundle|length|pluralize }}:
Visit the bundles page to manage your bundles.
{% else %}You have no bundles.
{% endif %}