path: root/yarn.lock
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* add support for writing preview pages in AsciiDocDan Allen2018-12-301-1/+32
* lock version of gifsicle to fix compilation error on Alpine LinuxDan Allen2018-12-301-12/+22
* enforce minimum version for gulp-vinyl-zip [skip ci]Dan Allen2018-12-301-1/+1
* reorganize Gulp buildDan Allen2018-12-301-1/+1
* use tilde ranges instead caret ranges for dependency versions [skip ci]Dan Allen2018-12-281-44/+44
* migrate build to Gulp 4Dan Allen2018-12-281-1370/+1127
* upgrade dependenciesDan Allen2018-12-261-2502/+3817
* switch from browser-sync to gulp-connectDan Allen2018-02-141-707/+976
* use map-stream onlyDan Allen2018-02-111-6/+0
* upgrade dependenciesDan Allen2017-11-201-184/+682
* update postcss-calc dependencyDan Allen2017-10-241-3/+3
* add CSS for UI shellDan Allen2017-10-241-0/+8
* load fonts from node modules, include fonts in UI bundle, rewrite font pathDan Allen2017-10-121-0/+24
* integrate highlight.js as vendor scriptDan Allen2017-10-111-0/+4
* process vendor scripts with browserify in build taskDan Allen2017-10-111-14/+700
* add missing stylelint dependency; update resolved dependenciesDan Allen2017-10-071-64/+94
* add lint:css build taskDan Allen2017-10-071-8/+189
* add format build taskDan Allen2017-10-071-5/+95
* add lint build taskDan Allen2017-10-071-15/+618
* resolves #1 add initial Gulp buildDan Allen2017-10-071-0/+4544