= Antora Default UI // Project URIs: :uri-project: https://gitlab.com/antora/antora-ui-default :uri-preview: https://antora.gitlab.io/antora-ui-default :uri-ci-pipelines: {uri-project}/pipelines :img-ci-status: {uri-project}/badges/master/pipeline.svg image:{img-ci-status}[CI Status (GitLab CI), link={uri-ci-pipelines}] This project is an archetype that demonstrates how to produce a UI bundle for use in an Antora-based documentation pipeline. You can preview the default UI at {uri-preview}. == Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2017 OpenDevise Inc. and the Antora Project. Use of this software is granted under the terms of the https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/[Mozilla Public License Version 2.0] (MPL-2.0). See link:LICENSE[] to find the full license text. == Authors Development of Antora is led and sponsored by OpenDevise Inc.