= List Styles ifndef::env-site,env-github[] include::_attributes.adoc[] endif::[] == Ordered list numeration The browser automatically numbers xref:antora:asciidoc:ordered-and-unordered-lists.adoc[ordered lists] and selects a numeration style by list depth in the following order: decimal, lower-alpha, lower-roman, upper-alpha, upper-roman. AsciiDoc allows the author to override the numeration style for an ordered list. Here's an example of that output: [source,html] ----
  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

---- In order to support this customization, you must assign the list-style-type property to the following classes on the `
    ` element in your stylesheet. |=== |
      class |list-style-type property value |arabic |decimal |decimal |decimal-leading-zero |loweralpha |lower-alpha |lowergreek |lower-greek |lowerroman |lower-roman |upperalpha |upper-alpha |upperroman |upper-roman |=== == Checklist A xref:antora:asciidoc:checklists.adoc[checklist] is an unordered list with items that are prefixed with a checkbox marker (checked or unchecked). Here's an AsciiDoc source example that produces a checklist: [source,asciidoc] ---- * [ ] todo * [x] done! ---- If font-based icons are enabled (`icons=font`), the checkbox gets inserted as the first element of the paragraph element that contains the list item text. [source,html] ----
      • todo

      • done!

      ---- The recommended approach is to hide the list markers (`list-style: none`), then add a checkbox glyph on the icon element using either a background image or a `before` pseudo element. Here's how it might appear: * [ ] todo * [*] done!