# Maintenance The playbooks in this directory performs maintenance task, like updating packages, upgrading systems, cleaning systems, or what else is useful. No task is depending on other files. ## update.yml All installed packages are updated and the system will reboot after the package update task is over. In the current configuration it doesn't make sense to run this playbook every hour because of the system reboot. For additional details please refer to this [section](http://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux_package_management#Upgrade_a_Running_System) in the Alpine Linux wiki. ## clean-cache.yml The cache directory is storing all versions of a package. Over time the cache is filled because newer packages will replace older ones. This playbook is cleaning the cache. For additional details please refer to this [section](http://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Alpine_Linux_package_management#Delete_old_packages) in the Alpine Linux wiki. ## lighttpd.yml The *lighttpd.yml* playbook installs the [lighttpd](http://www.lighttpd.net/) web server with [FastCGI](www.fastcgi.com/) support and PHP. ## linfo.yml [Linfo](http://linfo.sourceforge.net/) is a simple PHP application that displays information about the host it's running on. A running lighttpd server is needed. This means, run the **lighttpd.yml** first. ## phpsysinfo.yml [PhpSysInfo](http://rk4an.github.com/phpsysinfo/) displays various operating system details like CPU, memory, disk, and network usage. As well are SMART data, temperatures, and rpm of fans shown. Running the **lighttpd.yml** first is mandatory because a running lighttpd server is needed.