--[[ Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kaarle Ritvanen See LICENSE file for license details --]] local M = {} local map = require('acf2.util').map local up = {} M.wildcard = {} local special = {['..']=up, ['*']=M.wildcard} function M.is_absolute(path) return path:sub(1, 1) == '/' end function M.escape(comp) for symbol, item in pairs(special) do if comp == item then return symbol end end if type(comp) == 'number' then return tostring(comp) end local res = comp:gsub('([\\/])', '\\%1') return (special[res] or tonumber(res)) and '\\'..res or res end function M.rawjoin(p1, p2, ...) if not p2 then return p1 end if not M.is_absolute(p2) then p2 = '/'..p2 end return M.rawjoin((p1 == '/' and '' or p1)..p2, ...) end function M.join(parent, ...) return M.rawjoin(parent, unpack(map(M.escape, {...}))) end function M.split(path) local res = {} local comp = '' local escaped local function merge(s) if s > '' then table.insert(res, not escaped and (special[s] or tonumber(s)) or s) end end while true do local prefix, sep, suffix = path:match('([^\\/]*)([\\/])(.*)') if not prefix then merge(comp..path) return res end comp = comp..prefix if sep == '\\' then comp = comp..suffix:sub(1, 1) escaped = true path = suffix:sub(2, -1) else merge(comp) comp = '' escaped = false path = suffix end end end function M.is_unique(path) for _, comp in ipairs(M.split(path)) do if comp == M.wildcard then return false end end return true end function M.to_absolute(path, base) if not M.is_absolute(path) then path = base..(base ~= '/' and '/' or '')..path end local comps = M.split(path) local i = 1 while i <= #comps do if comps[i] == up then if i == 1 then error('Invalid path: '..path) end table.remove(comps, i - 1) table.remove(comps, i - 1) i = i - 1 else i = i + 1 end end return M.join('/', unpack(comps)) end function M.parent(path) local comps = M.split(path) table.remove(comps) return M.join('/', unpack(comps)) end function M.name(path) local comps = M.split(path) return comps[#comps] end return M