--- ACF2 utility functions. -- -- @module acf2.util --[[ Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Kaarle Ritvanen See LICENSE file for license details --]] local M = {} --- set default value for a key in a table unless it is already set. -- @param t the table -- @param k the key -- @param v the default value -- @return the value `t[k]` function M.setdefault(t, k, v) if t[k] == nil then t[k] = v end return t[k] end --- merge a table into another. -- Copy values for all keys from `src` to `dst` and optionally keep existing -- values. -- @param dst the destination table -- @param src the source table -- @param preserve a boolean. If true then will existing entries in `dst` be -- kept. -- @return the destination table, `dst` function M.update(dst, src, preserve) for k, v in pairs(src) do if not preserve or dst[k] == nil then dst[k] = v end end return dst end --- copy default vaules from one table to another. -- Copy all entries in `src` to `dst` but keep any already existing values -- in `dst`. -- @param dst the destination table -- @param src the source table containing the default values -- @return the destination table, `dst` function M.setdefaults(dst, src) return M.update(dst, src, true) end --- copy a varable. -- If `var` is a table, then the table is cloned, otherwise return the value -- of `var`. -- @param var the variable to copy -- @return a clone of `var` function M.copy(var) return type(var) == 'table' and M.setdefaults({}, var) or var end --- extend an array. -- inserts all elements in `src` into `dst` -- @param dst the destination array -- @param src the source array -- @return the destination array, `dst` function M.extend(dst, src) for _, v in ipairs(src) do table.insert(dst, v) end return dst end --- extract the keys of a table as an array. -- @param tbl a table -- @return an array of keys function M.keys(tbl) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(res, k) end return res end --- map a function over a table. -- @param func a function with one argument -- @param tbl the table -- @return the transformed table function M.map(func, tbl) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do res[k] = func(v) end return res end return M