path: root/aconf/modules/strongswan.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'aconf/modules/strongswan.lua')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/aconf/modules/strongswan.lua b/aconf/modules/strongswan.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1c9e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/aconf/modules/strongswan.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2019 Kaarle Ritvanen
+See LICENSE file for license details
+local M = require('aconf.model')
+local util = require('aconf.util')
+local cipher_suites
+local function combine(ciphers, ...)
+ if not ciphers then return {{{}, {}}} end
+ local res = {}
+ for _, a in ipairs(cipher_suites(ciphers)) do
+ for _, b in ipairs(combine(...)) do
+ local c = {}
+ for i=1,2 do
+ c[i] = {a[i]}
+ util.extend(c[i], b[i])
+ end
+ table.insert(res, c)
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+function cipher_suites(ciphers)
+ local res = {}
+ for _, cs in ipairs(ciphers) do
+ if type(cs) ~= 'table' then cs = {cs} end
+ if #cs < 3 then table.insert(res, {cs[1], cs[2] or cs[1]})
+ else
+ local variants = {}
+ for i=3,#cs do table.insert(variants, cs[i]) end
+ for _, c in ipairs(combine(table.unpack(variants))) do
+ table.insert(
+ res,
+ {
+ cs[1]:format(table.unpack(c[1])),
+ cs[2]:format(table.unpack(c[2]))
+ }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+local Connection =
+Connection.esp_proposals = M.List{
+ type=M.List{
+ type=M.String{
+ choice=cipher_suites{
+ {'null', 'No encryption'},
+ {'3des', '168-bit 3DES-EDE-CBC'},
+ {'cast128', '128-bit CAST-CBC'},
+ {'blowfish%d', '%d-bit Blowfish-CBC', {128, 192, 256}},
+ {
+ 'aes%d%s',
+ '%d-bit AES-%s',
+ {128, 192, 256},
+ {
+ {'', 'CBC'},
+ {'ctr', 'CTR'},
+ {
+ '%s%d',
+ '%s with %d-bit ICV',
+ {{'ccm', 'CCM'}, {'gcm', 'GCM'}},
+ {{8, 64}, {12, 96}, {16, 128}}
+ },
+ {'gmac', 'GMAC (no encryption)'}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'camellia%d%s',
+ '%d-bit Camellia-%s',
+ {128, 192, 256},
+ {
+ {'', 'CBC'},
+ {'ctr', 'CTR'},
+ {
+ 'ccm%d',
+ 'CCM with %d-bit ICV',
+ {{8, 64}, {12, 96}, {16, 128}}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {'chacha20poly1305', '256-bit ChaCha20/Poly1305 with 128-bit ICV'},
+ {'md5%s', '%d-bit HMAC-MD5', {{'', 96}, {'_128', 128}}},
+ {'sha1%s', '%d-bit HMAC-SHA1', {{'', 96}, {'_160', 160}}},
+ {'aes%s', '96-bit AES-%s', {{'xcbc', 'XCBC'}, {'cmac', 'CMAC'}}},
+ {'sha256%s', '%d-bit HMAC-SHA256', {{'_96', 96}, {'', 128}}},
+ {'sha384', '192-bit HMAC-SHA384'},
+ {'sha512', '256-bit HMAC-SHA512'},
+ {
+ 'prf%s',
+ '%s PRF',
+ {
+ {'md5', 'MD5'},
+ {'sha1', 'SHA1'},
+ {'aes%s', 'AES-%s', {{'xcbc', 'XCBC'}, {'cmac', 'CMAC'}}},
+ {'sha%d', 'SHA%d', {256, 384, 512}}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ 'modp%d',
+ '%d-bit modulo prime group',
+ {768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192}
+ },
+ {
+ 'modp1024s160',
+ '1024-bit group with 160-bit prime order subgroup'
+ },
+ {
+ 'modp2048s%d',
+ '2048-bit group with %d-bit prime order subgroup',
+ {224, 256}
+ },
+ {
+ 'ecp%d',
+ '%d-bit NIST elliptic curve group',
+ {192, 224, 256, 384, 521}
+ },
+ {
+ 'ecp%dbp',
+ '%d-bit Brainpool elliptic curve group',
+ {224, 256, 384, 512}
+ },
+ {'curve25519', '256-bit elliptic curve 25519'},
+ {'curve448', '448-bit elliptic curve 25519'},
+ {
+ 'ntru%d',
+ '%d-bit post-quantum key exchange using NTRU encryption',
+ {112, 128, 192, 256}
+ },
+ {'newhope128', '128-bit post-quantum key exchange using NewHope'}
+ }
+ },
+ ui_member='Algorithm'
+ },
+ addr='children/default/#proposals/esp_proposals',
+ ui_name='ESP proposals',
+ ui_member='Proposal',
+ widget='inline'
+Connection.pools = M.Set{
+ type=M.Reference{scope='../../../pools'}, addr='#list/pools'
+local Credentials =
+Credentials.priv_keys = M.Collection{
+ type=M.String{widget='textarea'},
+ addr='private',
+ ui_name='Private keys',
+ widget='inline'
+Credentials.certs = M.Collection{
+ type=M.String{widget='textarea'},
+ addr='x509',
+ ui_name='Certificates',
+ widget='inline'
+Credentials.ca_certs = M.Collection{
+ type=M.String{widget='textarea'},
+ addr='x509ca',
+ ui_name='Authority certificates',
+ widget='inline'
+local Pool =
+Pool.addresses = M.Union{
+ types={{cidr=true}, M.Range{}},
+ required=true,
+ addr='addrs',
+ error='Invalid IP address range'
+local IPsec = M.service('charon')
+IPsec.connections = M.Collection{
+ type=M.Model{
+ model=Connection,
+ be_mode={['#list']='value', ['children/default/#proposals']='value'}
+ }
+IPsec.credentials = M.Model{model=Credentials, addr='/files/etc/swanctl'}
+IPsec.pools = M.Collection{type=Pool}
+ 'ipsec', IPsec, {addr='/augeas/etc/swanctl/swanctl.conf', ui_name='IPsec'}