# vim: set ts=4: readonly ALPINE_ROOT='/mnt/alpine' readonly CLONE_DIR="${CLONE_DIR:-$(pwd)}" readonly MIRROR_URI='http://nl.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge' # Runs commands inside the Alpine chroot. alpine_run() { local user="${1:-root}" local cmd="${2:-sh}" local _sudo= [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ] || _sudo='sudo' $_sudo chroot "$ALPINE_ROOT" /usr/bin/env -i su -l $user \ sh -c "cd $CLONE_DIR; $cmd" } die() { print -s1 -c1 "$@\n" 1>&2 exit 1 } # Marks start of named folding section for Travis and prints title. fold_start() { local name="$1" local title="$2" printf "\ntravis_fold:start:$name " print -s1 -c6 "> $title\n" } # Marks end of the named folding section. fold_end() { local name="$1" printf "travis_fold:end:$name\n" } # Prints formatted and colored text. print() { local style=0 local fcolor=9 local opt; while getopts 's:c:' opt; do case "$opt" in s) style="$OPTARG";; c) fcolor="$OPTARG";; esac done shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) local text="$@" printf "\033[${style};3${fcolor}m$text\033[0m" } title() { printf '\n' print -s1 -c6 "==> $@\n" }