# Automatically generated by apkbuild-cpan, template 1 # Contributor: Valery Kartel # Maintainer: Leonardo Arena pkgname=perl-time-hires _pkgreal=Time-HiRes pkgver=1.9742 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers" url="http://search.cpan.org/~jhi/Time-HiRes/" arch="all" license="GPL PerlArtistic" cpandepends="" cpanmakedepends=" " depends="$cpandepends" makedepends="perl-dev $cpanmakedepends" subpackages="$pkgname-doc" source="http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/J/JH/JHI/$_pkgreal-$pkgver.tar.gz" builddir="$srcdir/$_pkgreal-$pkgver" prepare() { default_prepare || return 1 cd "$builddir" export CFLAGS=$(perl -MConfig -E 'say $Config{ccflags}') PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor } build() { cd "$builddir" export CFLAGS=$(perl -MConfig -E 'say $Config{ccflags}') make } package() { cd "$builddir" make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1 find "$pkgdir" \( -name perllocal.pod -o -name .packlist \) -delete } check() { cd "$builddir" # tests depends on hi res support of timestamps in filesystem # we cannot guarantee that we have that so skip tests for now # make test return 0 } doc() { default_doc replaces="perl-doc" } sha512sums="5a68a35654864aad6937d3cd4c3901084e7d709fa02702ca099835fcb4b7651444bcda979c8a46e98e0ff5bc948bc882b558df44d5951e35ebf173e8b8fa95ae Time-HiRes-1.9742.tar.gz"