--[[ Host address resolver for Alpine Wall Copyright (C) 2012 Kaarle Ritvanen Licensed under the terms of GPL2 ]]-- module(..., package.seeall) local familypatterns = {inet='%d[%.%d/]+', inet6='[:%x/]+', domain='[%a-][%.%w-]*'} local function getfamily(addr, context) for k, v in pairs(familypatterns) do if string.match(addr, '^'..v..'$') then return k end end context:error('Malformed host specification: '..addr) end local dnscache = {} function resolve(host, context) local family = getfamily(host, context) if family == 'domain' then if not dnscache[host] then dnscache[host] = {} for rec in io.popen('dig -t ANY '..host):lines() do local name, rtype, addr = string.match(rec, '^('..familypatterns.domain..')%s+%d+%s+IN%s+(A+)%s+(.+)') if name and string.sub(name, 1, string.len(host) + 1) == host..'.' then if rtype == 'A' then family = 'inet' elseif rtype == 'AAAA' then family = 'inet6' else family = nil end if family then assert(getfamily(addr, context) == family) table.insert(dnscache[host], {family, addr}) end end end if not dnscache[host][1] then context:error('Invalid host name: '..host) end end return dnscache[host] end return {{family, host}} end