--[[ Ipset file dumper for Alpine Wall Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Kaarle Ritvanen Licensed under the terms of GPL2 ]]-- module(..., package.seeall) require 'awall.object' IPSet = awall.object.class() function IPSet:init(config) self.config = config or {} end function IPSet:dumpfile(name, ipsfile) ipsfile:write('# ipset '..name..'\n') ipsfile:write(table.concat(self.config[name].options, ' ')) ipsfile:write('\n') end function IPSet:create() for name, ipset in pairs(self.config) do local pid = lpc.run('ipset', '-!', 'create', name, unpack(ipset.options)) if lpc.wait(pid) ~= 0 then io.stderr:write('ipset creation failed: '..name) end end end function IPSet:print() for name, ipset in pairs(self.config) do self:dumpfile(name, io.stdout) io.stdout:write('\n') end end function IPSet:dump(ipsdir) for name, ipset in pairs(self.config) do local fname = ipsdir..'/'..name local file = io.open(fname) if not file then file = io.open(fname, 'w') self:dumpfile(name, file) end file:close() end end