local M = {} local abuild = require('aports.abuild') -- return a key list with makedepends and depends function M.all_deps(p) local m = {} local k,v if p == nil then return m end if type(p.depends) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(p.depends) do m[v] = true end end if type(p.makedepends) == "table" then for k,v in pairs(p.makedepends) do m[v] = true end end return m end function M.is_remote(url) local _,pref for _,pref in pairs{ "^http://", "^ftp://", "^https://", ".*::.*" } do if string.match(url, pref) then return true end end return false end -- iterator for all remote sources of given pkg/aport function M.remote_sources(p) if p == nil or type(p.source) ~= "table" then return nil end return coroutine.wrap(function() for _,url in pairs(p.source) do if M.is_remote(url) then coroutine.yield(url) end end end) end function M.get_maintainer(pkg) if pkg == nil or pkg.dir == nil then return nil end local f = io.open(pkg.dir.."/APKBUILD") if f == nil then return nil end local line for line in f:lines() do local maintainer = line:match("^%s*#%s*Maintainer:%s*(.*)") if maintainer then f:close() return maintainer end end f:close() return nil end function M.get_repo_name(pkg) if pkg == nil or pkg.dir == nil then return nil end return string.match(pkg.dir, ".*/(.*)/.*") end function M.get_apk_file_name(pkg) return pkg.pkgname.."-"..pkg.pkgver.."-r"..pkg.pkgrel..".apk" end function M.get_apk_file_path(pkg) local pkgdest = abuild.get_conf("PKGDEST") if pkgdest ~= nil and pkgdest ~= "" then return pkgdest.."/"..M.get_apk_file_name(pkg) end local repodest = abuild.get_conf("REPODEST") if repodest ~= nil and repodest ~= "" then local arch = abuild.get_arch() return repodest.."/"..M.get_repo_name(pkg).."/"..arch.."/"..M.get_apk_file_name(pkg) end return pkg.dir.."/"..M.get_apk_file_name(pkg) end function M.apk_file_exists(pkg) -- technically we check if it is readable... local filepath = M.get_apk_file_path(pkg) local f = io.open(filepath) if f == nil then return false end f:close() return true end function M.init(pkg) pkg.all_deps = M.all_deps pkg.remote_sources = M.remote_sources pkg.get_maintainer = M.get_maintainer pkg.get_repo_name = M.get_repo_name pkg.get_apk_file_name = M.get_apk_file_name pkg.get_apk_file_path = M.get_apk_file_path pkg.apk_file_exists = M.apk_file_exists end return M