#!/usr/bin/lua5.2 local abuild = require("aports.abuild") local apkrepo = require("aports.apkrepo") local lfs = require("lfs") local function warn(formatstr, ...) io.stderr:write(("WARNING: %s\n"):format(formatstr:format(...))) end local function err(formatstr, ...) io.stderr:write(("ERROR: %s\n"):format(formatstr:format(...))) end local function fatal(exitcode, formatstr, ...) err(formatstr, ...) os.exit(exitcode) end local function parse_opts(opthelp, raw_args) local valid_opts = {} local opts = {} local args = {} local moreopts = true for optc, separator in opthelp:gmatch("%s+%-(%a)(%s+)") do valid_opts[optc] = { hasarg = (separator == " ") } end local i = 1 while i <= #raw_args do local a = raw_args[i] i = i + 1 if a == "--" then moreopts = false elseif moreopts and a:sub(1,1) == "-" then for j = 2, #a do local opt = a:sub(j,j) if not valid_opts[opt] then return nil, opt, "invalid option" end if valid_opts[opt].hasarg then opts[opt] = raw_args[i] i = i + 1 else opts[opt] = true end if not opts[opt] then return nil, opt, "optarg required" end end else args[#args + 1] = a end end return opts, args end local function skip_aport(aport) local dirattr = lfs.attributes(aport.dir.."/src/") local fileattr = lfs.attributes(aport.dir.."/APKBUILD") if not dirattr or not fileattr then return false end if os.difftime(fileattr.modification, dirattr.modification) > 0 then return false end warn("%s: Skipped due to previous build failure", aport.pkgname) return true end local function build_aport(aport, repodest, logdir, skip_failed) local success, errmsg = lfs.chdir(aport.dir) if not success then err("%s", errmsg) return nil end if skip_failed and skip_aport(aport) then return nil end local logredirect = "" if logdir ~= nil then local dir = ("%s/%s"):format(logdir, aport.pkgname) if not lfs.attributes(dir) then assert(lfs.mkdir(dir), dir) end local logfile = ("%s/%s-%s-r%s.log"):format(dir, aport.pkgname, aport.pkgver, aport.pkgrel) logredirect = ("> '%s' 2>&1"):format(logfile) end local cmd = ("REPODEST='%s' abuild -r -m %s"):format(repodest, logredirect) success = os.execute(cmd) if not success then err("%s: Failed to build", aport.pkgname) end return success end ----------------------------------------------------------------- local opthelp = [[ -a DIR Set the aports base dir to DIR instead of $HOME/aports -d DIR Set destination repository base to DIR instead of $HOME/packages -h Show this help and exit -l DIR Create build logs in DIR/REPO/pkgname/ instead of stdout -k Keep going, even if packages fails -n Dry run. Don't acutally build or delete, just print -p Purge obsolete packages from REPODIR after build -r REPO Dependencies are found in REPO -s Skip those who previously failed (src dir exists) ]] local function usage(exitcode) io.stdout:write(("options:\n%s\n"):format(opthelp)) os.exit(exitcode) end opts, args, errmsg = parse_opts(opthelp, arg) if opts == nil then io.stderr:write(("%s: -%s\n"):format(errmsg, args)) usage(1) end if opts.h then usage(0) end if #args == 0 then usage(1) end homedir = os.getenv("HOME") aportsdir = opts.a or ("%s/aports"):format(homedir) repodest = opts.d or abuild.repodest or ("%s/packages"):format(homedir) logdirbase = opts.l if opts.n then build_aport = function() return true end end stats = {} for _,repo in pairs(args) do local db = require('aports.db').new(aportsdir, repo) local pkgs = {} local unsorted = {} local logdir = nil stats[repo] = {} local start_time = os.clock() -- count total aports relevant_aports = 0 total_aports = 0 for aport in db:each_aport() do total_aports = total_aports + 1 if aport:relevant() then relevant_aports = relevant_aports + 1 end end stats[repo].relevant_aports = relevant_aports stats[repo].total_aports = total_aports -- find out what needs to be built for aport in db:each_need_build() do table.insert(pkgs, aport.pkgname) if unsorted[aport.pkgname] then warn("more than one aport provides %s", aport.pkgname) end unsorted[aport.pkgname] = true end if logdirbase ~= nil then logdir = ("%s/%s"):format(logdirbase, repo) if not lfs.attributes(logdir) then assert(lfs.mkdir(logdir), logdir) end end -- build packages local built = 0 local tried = 0 for aport in db:each_in_build_order(pkgs) do tried = tried + 1 local totally_built = stats[repo].relevant_aports - #pkgs + built io.write(("%d/%d %d/%d %s\n"):format(tried, #pkgs, totally_built, stats[repo].relevant_aports, aport.pkgname)) if not db:known_deps_exists(aport) then warn("%s: Skipped due to missing dependencies", aport.pkgname) elseif build_aport(aport, repodest, logdir, opts.s) then built = built + 1 else if not opts.k then os.exit(1) end end end -- purge old packages local deleted = 0 if opts.p then local keep = {} for aport,name in db:each() do keep[aport:get_apk_file_name(name)] = true end local apkrepodir = ("%s/%s/%s"):format(repodest, repo, abuild.arch) for file in lfs.dir(apkrepodir) do if file:match("%.apk$") and not keep[file] then print("Deleting ", file) if not opts.n then os.remove(("%s/%s"):format(apkrepodir, file)) deleted = deleted + 1 end end end end -- generate new apkindex if not opts.n then print("Updating apk index") apkrepo.update_index(("%s/%s"):format(repodest, repo), abuild.arch, db:git_describe()) end stats[repo].built = built stats[repo].tried = tried stats[repo].deleted = deleted stats[repo].time = os.clock() - start_time end for repo,stat in pairs(stats) do print(repo.." built:", stat.built) print(repo.." tried:", stat.tried) print(repo.." deleted:", stat.deleted) print(repo.." time:", stat.time) print(repo.." total built:", stat.relevant_aports - stat.tried + stat.built) print(repo.." total relevant aports:", stat.relevant_aports) print(repo.." total aports:", stat.total_aports) end