Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* template: fix link to bugsNatanael Copa2014-11-251-1/+1
* style: fix navigation tabs so the dont go beyond blue lineNatanael Copa2014-11-251-1/+1
* frontpage: fix closing tr tag in news tableNatanael Copa2014-11-241-1/+1
* frontpage: use div class for small size on iso infoNatanael Copa2014-11-241-2/+2
* style: add block class for small fontNatanael Copa2014-11-241-0/+4
* frontpage: use CSS to center textNatanael Copa2014-11-241-6/+2
* style: add class for centered blockNatanael Copa2014-11-241-0/+4
* make: fix clean targetNatanael Copa2014-11-241-2/+5
* frontpage: fix urls for default isoNatanael Copa2014-11-241-7/+7
* generate_releases: add download urls for iso and sha sumsNatanael Copa2014-11-241-0/+9
* about: language, grammar and typo fixesNatanael Copa2014-11-041-12/+13
* frontpage: Small. Simple. Secure.Natanael Copa2014-11-041-1/+1
* downloads: list all available downloadsNatanael Copa2014-10-232-12/+56
* refactor generation of releases.yamlNatanael Copa2014-10-233-10/+33
* make: download release info from all supported archsNatanael Copa2014-10-231-5/+8
* posts: add release notes for 3.0.6Natanael Copa2014-10-231-0/+48
* about: fix typosNatanael Copa2014-10-091-2/+2
* downloads: fix temp download linksNatanael Copa2014-10-091-3/+6
* posts: add release 3.0.5Natanael Copa2014-10-081-0/+139
* frontpage: generate news from posts indexNatanael Copa2014-10-083-6/+25
* style: make background behind logo lighterNatanael Copa2014-10-071-7/+8
* frontpage: adjust padding on blocks on frontpageNatanael Copa2014-10-052-8/+15
* posts: clean up importNatanael Copa2014-10-052-25/+27
* initial import of news postsNatanael Copa2014-10-0158-1/+3179
* style: remove line under linksNatanael Copa2014-09-231-0/+5
* clean up and indent in htmlNatanael Copa2014-09-232-45/+50
* frontpage: fix indentationNatanael Copa2014-09-231-22/+21
* style: remove last occurance of pxNatanael Copa2014-09-231-1/+1
* style: fix the full width bar on front pageNatanael Copa2014-09-231-2/+6
* downloads: initial contentNatanael Copa2014-09-222-1/+23
* about: simplifyNatanael Copa2014-09-221-35/+20
* fetch last git commits from atom feedNatanael Copa2014-09-223-6/+71
* style: add light gradient to headerNatanael Copa2014-09-201-1/+10
* style: fix gradient on front page barNatanael Copa2014-09-201-3/+12
* remove small simple secure from headerNatanael Copa2014-09-202-4/+4
* tempate: move navigation bar up and to the right of logoNatanael Copa2014-09-202-39/+49
* frontpage: make blocks floatNatanael Copa2014-09-191-13/+11
* style: add space in tablesNatanael Copa2014-09-191-0/+4
* style: reduce font size, make blocks float on resizeNatanael Copa2014-09-191-1/+4
* frontpage: remove small from git logNatanael Copa2014-09-191-2/+0
* style: clean up unused definitionsNatanael Copa2014-09-191-7/+0
* frontpage: fix url to git commitNatanael Copa2014-09-191-1/+1
* frontpage: import last 5 commits for latest developmentNatanael Copa2014-09-191-1/+10
* frontpage: more space around textNatanael Copa2014-09-191-0/+2
* style: add more padding space in main page barNatanael Copa2014-09-191-1/+1
* frontpage: add header, center align and fix download urlsNatanael Copa2014-09-191-4/+16
* frontpage: add a wide bar at top of articleNatanael Copa2014-09-192-22/+39
* style: set maxwidth for article even if headers are full widthNatanael Copa2014-09-191-2/+4
* default template: simplifyNatanael Copa2014-09-192-11/+3
* rename _layout.template.html to _default.template.htmlNatanael Copa2014-09-193-2/+2