--[[ * If user exist in acf db and passwd field is not 'x' then use this password. * If user exist in acf db and passwd field is 'x' then use password hash in /etc/shadow. * If user does not exit in acf db, then authenticate against /etc/shadow ]]-- ml = require("ml") sha256 = require("sha256") shadow = require("auth.shadow") acfdb = require("auth.acfpasswd") base64url = require("base64url") local privkey_file = "/etc/acf/session-privkey" -- log function. If global 'logger' is a function, then use that, otherwise -- log to stderr. local function log(format, ...) io.stderr:write(string.format(tostring(format), ...).."\n") end if type(logger) == "function" then local log = logger end local session = {} session.ttl = 600 session.privkey = nil --"supersecret" -- not an exported function as we dont want reveal our privkey local function get_privkey() if session.privkey ~= nil then return session.privkey end session.privkey = ml.readfile(privkey_file) if session.privkey == nil then local f = io.open("/dev/urandom") session.privkey = f:read(128) f:close() posix.umask("rw-------") f = io.open(privkey_file, "w") if f then f:write(session.privkey) f:close() end end return session.privkey end local function token_hash(user, expire) local sha = sha256.new() sha:update(string.format("%s:%s:%s", expire, user, get_privkey())) return sha:digest() end local function generate_token(user, ttl) local expire = os.time() + ttl local tokenstr = string.format("%s:%s:%s", expire, user, token_hash(user, expire)) return base64url.encode(tokenstr) end function session.new(user, cleartextpassw) local entry, errmsg = acfdb.getent(user) local authenticate = acfdb.authenticate if entry == nil then log("User '%s' not found in %s", user, acfdb.file) if not shadow.getent(user) then log("User '%s' not found in %s. Authentication failed.", user, shadow.file) return nil end authenticate = shadow.authenticate elseif entry.passwd == "x" then -- if passwd field is set to 'x' it means we use password in shadow authenticate = shadow.authenticate end if not authenticate(user, cleartextpassw) then log("User '%s' authentication failed.", user) return nil end return generate_token(user, session.ttl) end function session.renew(token) local tmp = base64url.decode(token) local expire, user, hash = string.match(tmp, "(%d+):([^:]+):(.*)") if os.time() > tonumber(expire) then return nil, "Token expired" end if hash ~= token_hash(user, expire) then return nil, "Invalid token hash" end return generate_token(user, session.ttl) end return session