path: root/configure.in
diff options
authorTobias Brunner <tobias@strongswan.org>2012-08-13 10:39:34 +0200
committerTobias Brunner <tobias@strongswan.org>2012-08-13 10:45:39 +0200
commite4ef4c9877d5ccb773ace0edf655351428c39572 (patch)
tree9b3349ad0cafc1acebafb2ff2dc78a031f28c555 /configure.in
parent000668d3081422a3ac06fe16f038a4b1d6700f96 (diff)
parent6fbf4472ea785f3c75d278b1a7400534989bf26a (diff)
Merge branch 'android-ndk'
This branch comes with some preliminary changes for the user-land IPsec implementation and the Android App. One important change is that the UDP ports used by the socket-default plugin were made configurable (either via ./configure or strongswan.conf). Also, the plugin does randomly allocate a port if it is configured to 0, which is useful for client implementations. A consequence of these changes is that the local UDP port used when creating ike_cfg_t objects has to be fetched from the socket.
Diffstat (limited to 'configure.in')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
index e3b7d43f8..918bb04b6 100644
--- a/configure.in
+++ b/configure.in
@@ -71,6 +71,29 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(
[AC_SUBST(ipsecgroup, "root")]
+ [charon-udp-port],
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-charon-udp-port=port],[UDP port used by charon locally (default 500). Set to 0 to allocate randomly.]),
+ [AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CHARON_UDP_PORT, [$withval], [UDP port used by charon locally])
+ AC_SUBST(charon_udp_port, [$withval])],
+ [AC_SUBST(charon_udp_port, 500)]
+ [charon-natt-port],
+ AS_HELP_STRING([--with-charon-natt-port=port],[UDP port used by charon locally in case a NAT is detected (must be different from charon-udp-port, default 4500). Set to 0 to allocate randomly.]),
+ [AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CHARON_NATT_PORT, [$withval], [UDP post used by charon locally in case a NAT is detected])
+ AC_SUBST(charon_natt_port, [$withval])],
+ [AC_SUBST(charon_natt_port, 4500)]
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([configured UDP ports ($charon_udp_port, $charon_natt_port)])
+if test x$charon_udp_port != x0 -a x$charon_udp_port = x$charon_natt_port; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR(the ports have to be different)
# convert script name to uppercase
AC_SUBST(ipsec_script_upper, [`echo -n "$ipsec_script" | tr a-z A-Z`])
@@ -152,6 +175,7 @@ ARG_DISBL_SET([kernel-netlink], [disable the netlink kernel interface.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([kernel-pfkey], [enable the PF_KEY kernel interface.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([kernel-pfroute], [enable the PF_ROUTE kernel interface.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([kernel-klips], [enable the KLIPS kernel interface.])
+ARG_ENABL_SET([libipsec], [enable user space IPsec implementation.])
ARG_DISBL_SET([socket-default], [disable default socket implementation for charon.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([socket-raw], [enable raw socket implementation of charon])
ARG_ENABL_SET([socket-dynamic], [enable dynamic socket implementation for charon])
@@ -184,6 +208,7 @@ ARG_ENABL_SET([gcm], [enables the GCM AEAD wrapper crypto plugin.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([addrblock], [enables RFC 3779 address block constraint support.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([uci], [enable OpenWRT UCI configuration plugin.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([android], [enable Android specific plugin.])
+ARG_ENABL_SET([android-log], [enable Android specific logger plugin.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([maemo], [enable Maemo specific plugin.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([nm], [enable NetworkManager backend.])
ARG_ENABL_SET([ha], [enable high availability cluster plugin.])
@@ -914,6 +939,7 @@ ADD_PLUGIN([medsrv], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([medcli], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([dhcp], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([android], [c charon])
+ADD_PLUGIN([android-log], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([ha], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([whitelist], [c charon])
ADD_PLUGIN([certexpire], [c charon])
@@ -995,6 +1021,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_MEDSRV, test x$medsrv = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_MEDCLI, test x$medcli = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_UCI, test x$uci = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ANDROID, test x$android = xtrue)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_ANDROID_LOG, test x$android_log = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_MAEMO, test x$maemo = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SMP, test x$smp = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_SQL, test x$sql = xtrue)
@@ -1081,6 +1108,7 @@ AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_CONFTEST, test x$conftest = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBSTRONGSWAN, test x$charon = xtrue -o x$tools = xtrue -o x$conftest = xtrue -o x$fast = xtrue -o x$imcv = xtrue -o x$nm = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBHYDRA, test x$charon = xtrue -o x$nm = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBCHARON, test x$charon = xtrue -o x$conftest = xtrue -o x$nm = xtrue)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBIPSEC, test x$libipsec = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBTNCIF, test x$tnc_tnccs = xtrue -o x$imcv = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_LIBTNCCS, test x$tnc_tnccs = xtrue)
AM_CONDITIONAL(USE_FILE_CONFIG, test x$stroke = xtrue)
@@ -1172,6 +1200,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT(
+ src/libipsec/Makefile
@@ -1234,6 +1263,7 @@ AC_OUTPUT(
+ src/libcharon/plugins/android_log/Makefile