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-<html><head><title>Opportunistic Encryption using The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)</title>
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-<table width="66%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1">
-<tr valign="top"><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">Independent submission</td><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">M. Richardson</td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">Internet-Draft</td><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">SSW</td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">Expires: November 19, 2003</td><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">D. Redelmeier</td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">&nbsp;</td><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">Mimosa</td></tr>
-<tr valign="top"><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">&nbsp;</td><td width="33%" bgcolor="#666666" class="header">May 21, 2003</td></tr>
-<div align="right"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#990000" size="+3"><b><br><span class="title">Opportunistic Encryption using The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)</span></b></font></div>
-<div align="right"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#666666" size="+2"><b><span class="filename">draft-richardson-ipsec-opportunistic-11.txt</span></b></font></div>
-<font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<h3>Status of this Memo</h3>
-This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.</p>
-Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
-Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.
-Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as
-Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
-and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time.
-It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to cite
-them other than as "work in progress."</p>
-The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
-<a href='http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt'>http://www.ietf.org/ietf/1id-abstracts.txt</a>.</p>
-The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
-<a href='http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html'>http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html</a>.</p>
-This Internet-Draft will expire on November 19, 2003.</p>
-<h3>Copyright Notice</h3>
-Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.</p>
-This document describes opportunistic encryption (OE) using the Internet Key
-Exchange (IKE) and IPsec.
-Each system administrator adds new
-resource records to his or her Domain Name System (DNS) to support
-opportunistic encryption. The objective is to allow encryption for secure communication without
-any pre-arrangement specific to the pair of systems involved.
-DNS is used to distribute the public keys of each
-system involved. This is resistant to passive attacks. The use of DNS
-Security (DNSSEC) secures this system against active attackers as well.
-As a result, the administrative overhead is reduced
-from the square of the number of systems to a linear dependence, and it becomes
-possible to make secure communication the default even
-when the partner is not known in advance.
-This document is offered up as an Informational RFC.
-</p><a name="toc"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<h3>Table of Contents</h3>
-<ul compact class="toc">
-<b><a href="#anchor1">1.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#anchor6">2.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#anchor13">3.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#anchor31">4.</a>&nbsp;
-Impacts on IKE<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor38">5.</a>&nbsp;
-DNS issues<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor42">6.</a>&nbsp;
-Network address translation interaction<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor46">7.</a>&nbsp;
-Host implementations<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor47">8.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#anchor48">9.</a>&nbsp;
-Failure modes<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor52">10.</a>&nbsp;
-Unresolved issues<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor54">11.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#securityconsiderations">12.</a>&nbsp;
-Security considerations<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor79">13.</a>&nbsp;
-IANA Considerations<br></b>
-<b><a href="#anchor80">14.</a>&nbsp;
-<b><a href="#rfc.references1">&#167;</a>&nbsp;
-Normative references<br></b>
-<b><a href="#rfc.authors">&#167;</a>&nbsp;
-Authors' Addresses<br></b>
-<b><a href="#rfc.copyright">&#167;</a>&nbsp;
-Full Copyright Statement<br></b>
-<br clear="all">
-<a name="anchor1"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.1"></a><h3>1.&nbsp;Introduction</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.1.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor2">1.1</a>&nbsp;Motivation</h4>
-The objective of opportunistic encryption is to allow encryption without
-any pre-arrangement specific to the pair of systems involved. Each
-system administrator adds
-public key information to DNS records to support opportunistic
-encryption and then enables this feature in the nodes' IPsec stack.
-Once this is done, any two such nodes can communicate securely.
-This document describes opportunistic encryption as designed and
-mostly implemented by the Linux FreeS/WAN project.
-For project information, see http://www.freeswan.org.
-The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and Internet Engineering
-Steering Group (IESG) have taken a strong stand that the Internet
-should use powerful encryption to provide security and
-privacy <a href="#RFC1984">[4]</a>.
-The Linux FreeS/WAN project attempts to provide a practical means to implement this policy.
-The project uses the IPsec, ISAKMP/IKE, DNS and DNSSEC
-protocols because they are
-standardized, widely available and can often be deployed very easily
-without changing hardware or software or retraining users.
-The extensions to support opportunistic encryption are simple. No
-changes to any on-the-wire formats are needed. The only changes are to
-the policy decision making system. This means that opportunistic
-encryption can be implemented with very minimal changes to an existing
-IPsec implementation.
-Opportunistic encryption creates a "fax effect". The proliferation
-of the fax machine was possible because it did not require that everyone
-buy one overnight. Instead, as each person installed one, the value
-of having one increased - as there were more people that could receive faxes.
-Once opportunistic encryption is installed it
-automatically recognizes
-other boxes using opportunistic encryption, without any further configuration
-by the network
-administrator. So, as opportunistic encryption software is installed on more
-boxes, its value
-as a tool increases.
-This document describes the infrastructure to permit deployment of
-Opportunistic Encryption.
-The term S/WAN is a trademark of RSA Data Systems, and is used with permission
-by this project.
-<a name="rfc.section.1.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor3">1.2</a>&nbsp;Types of network traffic</h4>
- To aid in understanding the relationship between security processing and IPsec
- we divide network traffic into four categories:
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dt>* Deny:</dt>
-<dd> networks to which traffic is always forbidden.
-<dt>* Permit:</dt>
-<dd> networks to which traffic in the clear is permitted.
-<dt>* Opportunistic tunnel:</dt>
-<dd> networks to which traffic is encrypted if possible, but otherwise is in the clear
- or fails depending on the default policy in place.
-<dt>* Configured tunnel:</dt>
-<dd> networks to which traffic must be encrypted, and traffic in the clear is never permitted.
-Traditional firewall devices handle the first two categories. No authentication is required.
-The permit policy is currently the default on the Internet.
-This document describes the third category - opportunistic tunnel, which is
-proposed as the new default for the Internet.
- Category four, encrypt traffic or drop it, requires authentication of the
- end points. As the number of end points is typically bounded and is typically
- under a single authority, arranging for distribution of
- authentication material, while difficult, does not require any new
- technology. The mechanism described here provides an additional way to
- distribute the authentication materials, that of a public key method that does not
- require deployment of an X.509 based infrastructure.
-Current Virtual Private Networks can often be replaced by an "OE paranoid"
-policy as described herein.
-<a name="rfc.section.1.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor4">1.3</a>&nbsp;Peer authentication in opportunistic encryption</h4>
- Opportunistic encryption creates tunnels between nodes that
- are essentially strangers. This is done without any prior bilateral
- arrangement.
- There is, therefore, the difficult question of how one knows to whom one is
- talking.
- One possible answer is that since no useful
- authentication can be done, none should be tried. This mode of operation is
- named "anonymous encryption". An active man-in-the-middle attack can be
- used to thwart the privacy of this type of communication.
- Without peer authentication, there is no way to prevent this kind of attack.
-Although a useful mode, anonymous encryption is not the goal of this
-project. Simpler methods are available that can achieve anonymous
-encryption only, but authentication of the peer is a desireable goal.
-The latter is achieved through key distribution in DNS, leveraging upon
-the authentication of the DNS in DNSSEC.
- Peers are, therefore, authenticated with DNSSEC when available. Local policy
-determines how much trust to extend when DNSSEC is not available.
- However, an essential premise of building private connections with
- strangers is that datagrams received through opportunistic tunnels
- are no more special than datagrams that arrive in the clear.
- Unlike in a VPN, these datagrams should not be given any special
- exceptions when it comes to auditing, further authentication or
- firewalling.
- When initiating outbound opportunistic encryption, local
- configuration determines what happens if tunnel setup fails. It may be that
- the packet goes out in the clear, or it may be dropped.
-<a name="rfc.section.1.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor5">1.4</a>&nbsp;Use of RFC2119 terms</h4>
- SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, when they appear in this
- document, are to be interpreted as described in <a href="#RFC2119">[5]</a>
-<a name="anchor6"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.2"></a><h3>2.&nbsp;Overview</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.2.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor7">2.1</a>&nbsp;Reference diagram</h4>
-<br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="networkdiagram"></a>
-<p>The following network diagram is used in the rest of
- this document as the canonical diagram:
- [Q] [R]
- . . AS2
- [A]----+----[SG-A].......+....+.......[SG-B]-------[B]
- | ......
- AS1 | ..PI..
- | ......
- [D]----+----[SG-D].......+....+.......[C] AS3
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-</p><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Reference Network Diagram&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
- In this diagram, there are four end-nodes: A, B, C and D.
- There are three gateways, SG-A, SG-B, SG-D. A, D, SG-A and SG-D are part
- of the same administrative authority, AS1. SG-A and SG-D are on two different exit
- paths from organization 1. SG-B/B is an independent organization, AS2.
- Nodes Q and R are nodes on the Internet. PI is the Public
- Internet ("The Wild").
-<a name="rfc.section.2.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor8">2.2</a>&nbsp;Terminology</h4>
- The following terminology is used in this document:
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dt>Security gateway:</dt>
-<dd> a system that performs IPsec tunnel
- mode encapsulation/decapsulation. [SG-x] in the diagram.
-<dd> node [A] in the diagram. When an IP address is needed, this is
-<dd> node [B] in the diagram. When an IP address is needed, this is
-<dd> node [C] in the diagram. When an IP address is needed, this is
-<dd> node [D] in the diagram. When an IP address is needed, this is
-<dd> Alice's security gateway. Internally it is, externally it is
-<dd> Bob's security gateway. Internally it is, externally it is
-<dd> Dave's security gateway. Also Alice's backup security gateway. Internally it is, externally it is
-<dd> A single dash represents clear-text datagrams.
-<dd> An equals sign represents phase 2 (IPsec) cipher-text
- datagrams.
-<dd> A single tilde represents clear-text phase 1 datagrams.
-<dd> A hash sign represents phase 1 (IKE) cipher-text
- datagrams.
-<dd> A period represents an untrusted network of unknown
- type.
-<dt>Configured tunnel:</dt>
-<dd> a tunnel that
- is directly and deliberately hand configured on participating gateways.
- Configured tunnels are typically given a higher level of
- trust than opportunistic tunnels.
-<dt>Road warrior tunnel:</dt>
-<dd> a configured tunnel connecting one
- node with a fixed IP address and one node with a variable IP address.
- A road warrior (RW) connection must be initiated by the
- variable node, since the fixed node cannot know the
- current address for the road warrior.
-<dt>Anonymous encryption:</dt>
- the process of encrypting a session without any knowledge of who the
- other parties are. No authentication of identities is done.
-<dt>Opportunistic encryption:</dt>
- the process of encrypting a session with authenticated knowledge of
- who the other parties are.
- the period in seconds (bytes or datagrams) for which a security
- association will remain alive before needing to be re-keyed.
- the effective time for which a security association remains useful. A
- security association with a lifespan shorter than its lifetime would
- be removed when no longer needed. A security association with a
- lifespan longer than its lifetime would need to be re-keyed one or
- more times.
-<dt>Phase 1 SA:</dt>
-<dd> an ISAKMP/IKE security association sometimes
- referred to as a keying channel.
-<dt>Phase 2 SA:</dt>
-<dd> an IPsec security association.
-<dd> another term for a set of phase 2 SA (one in each direction).
-<dd> Network Address Translation
- (see <a href="#RFC2663">[20]</a>).
-<dd> Network Address and Port Translation
- (see <a href="#RFC2663">[20]</a>).
-<dd> an autonomous system (AS) is a group of systems (a network) that
- are under the administrative control of a single organization.
-<dt>Default-free zone:</dt>
- a set of routers that maintain a complete set of routes to
- all currently reachable destinations. Having such a list, these routers
- never make use of a default route. A datagram with a destination address
- not matching any route will be dropped by such a router.
-<a name="rfc.section.2.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor9">2.3</a>&nbsp;Model of operation</h4>
-The opportunistic encryption security gateway (OE gateway) is a regular
-gateway node as described in <a href="#RFC0791">[2]</a> section 2.4 and
-<a href="#RFC1009">[3]</a> with the additional capabilities described here and
-in <a href="#RFC2401">[7]</a>.
-The algorithm described here provides a way to determine, for each datagram,
-whether or not to encrypt and tunnel the datagram. Two important things
-that must be determined are whether or not to encrypt and tunnel and, if
-so, the destination address or name of the tunnel end point which should be used.
-<a name="rfc.section.2.3.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor10">2.3.1</a>&nbsp;Tunnel authorization</h4>
-The OE gateway determines whether or not to create a tunnel based on
-the destination address of each packet. Upon receiving a packet with a destination
-address not recently seen, the OE gateway performs a lookup in DNS for an
-authorization resource record (see <a href="#TXT">Use of TXT delegation record</a>). The record is located using
-the IP address to perform a search in the in-addr.arpa (IPv4) or ip6.arpa
-(IPv6) maps. If an authorization record is found, the OE gateway
-interprets this as a request for a tunnel to be formed.
-<a name="rfc.section.2.3.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor11">2.3.2</a>&nbsp;Tunnel end-point discovery</h4>
-The authorization resource record also provides the address or name of the tunnel
-end point which should be used.
-The record may also provide the public RSA key of the tunnel end point
-itself. This is provided for efficiency only. If the public RSA key is not
-present, the OE gateway performs a second lookup to find a KEY
-resource record for the end point address or name.
-Origin and integrity protection of the resource records is provided by
-DNSSEC (<a href="#RFC2535">[16]</a>). <a href="#nodnssec">Restriction on unauthenticated TXT delegation records</a>
-documents an optional restriction on the tunnel end point if DNSSEC signatures
-are not available for the relevant records.
-<a name="rfc.section.2.3.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor12">2.3.3</a>&nbsp;Caching of authorization results</h4>
-The OE gateway maintains a cache, in the forwarding plane, of
-source/destination pairs for which opportunistic encryption has been
-attempted. This cache maintains a record of whether or not OE was
-successful so that subsequent datagrams can be forwarded properly
-without additional delay.
-Successful negotiation of OE instantiates a new security association.
-Failure to negotiate OE results in creation of a
-forwarding policy entry either to drop or transmit in the clear future
-datagrams. This negative cache is necessary to avoid the possibly lengthy process of repeatedly looking
-up the same information.
-The cache is timed out periodically, as described in <a href="#teardown">Renewal and teardown</a>.
-This removes entries that are no longer
-being used and permits the discovery of changes in authorization policy.
-<a name="anchor13"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.3"></a><h3>3.&nbsp;Specification</h3>
-The OE gateway is modeled to have a forwarding plane and a control
-plane. A control channel, such as PF_KEY, connects the two planes.
-(See <a href="#RFC2367">[6]</a>.)
-The forwarding plane performs per datagram operations. The control plane
-contains a keying
-daemon, such as ISAKMP/IKE, and performs all authorization, peer authentication and
-key derivation functions.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor14">3.1</a>&nbsp;Datagram state machine</h4>
-Let the OE gateway maintain a collection of objects -- a superset of the
-security policy database (SPD) specified in <a href="#RFC2401">[7]</a>. For
-each combination of source and destination address, an SPD
-object exists in one of five following states.
-Prior to forwarding each datagram, the
-responder uses the source and destination addresses to pick an entry from the SPD.
-The SPD then determines if and how the packet is forwarded.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor15">3.1.1</a>&nbsp;Non-existent policy</h4>
-If the responder does not find an entry, then this policy applies.
-The responder creates an entry with an initial state of "hold policy" and requests
-keying material from the keying daemon. The responder does not forward the datagram,
-rather it attaches the datagram to the SPD entry as the "first" datagram and retains it
-for eventual transmission in a new state.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor16">3.1.2</a>&nbsp;Hold policy</h4>
-The responder requests keying material. If the interface to the keying
-system is lossy (PF_KEY, for instance, can be), the implementation
-SHOULD include a mechanism to retransmit the
-keying request at a rate limited to less than 1 request per second.
-The responder does not forward the datagram. It attaches the
-datagram to the SPD entry as the "last" datagram where it is retained
-for eventual transmission. If there is
-a datagram already so stored, then that already stored datagram is discarded.
-Because the "first" datagram is probably a TCP SYN packet, the
-responder retains the "first" datagram in an attempt to avoid waiting for a
-TCP retransmit. The responder retains the "last"
-datagram in deference to streaming protocols that find it useful to know
-how much data has been lost. These are recommendations to
-decrease latency. There are no operational requirements for this.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor17">3.1.3</a>&nbsp;Pass-through policy</h4>
-The responder forwards the datagram using the normal forwarding table.
-The responder enters this state only by command from the keying daemon,
-and upon entering this state, also forwards the "first" and "last" datagrams.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor18">3.1.4</a>&nbsp;Deny policy</h4>
-The responder discards the datagram. The responder enters this state only by
-from the keying daemon, and upon entering this state, discards the "first"
-and "last" datagrams.
-Local administration decides if further datagrams cause ICMP messages
-to be generated (i.e. ICMP Destination Unreachable, Communication
-Administratively Prohibited. type=3, code=13).
-<a name="rfc.section.3.1.5"></a><h4><a name="anchor19">3.1.5</a>&nbsp;Encrypt policy</h4>
-The responder encrypts the datagram using the indicated security association database
-(SAD) entry. The responder enters this state only by command from the keying daemon, and upon entering
-this state, releases and forwards the "first" and "last" datagrams using the
-new encrypt policy.
-If the associated SAD entry expires because of byte, packet or time limits, then
-the entry returns to the Hold policy, and an expire message is sent to the keying daemon.
-All states may be created directly by the keying daemon while acting as a
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2"></a><h4><a name="initclasses">3.2</a>&nbsp;Keying state machine - initiator</h4>
-Let the keying daemon maintain a collection of objects. Let them be
-called "connections" or "conn"s. There are two categories of
-connection objects: classes and instances. A class represents an
-abstract policy - what could be. An instance represents an actual connection -
-what is implemented at the time.
-Let there be two further subtypes of connections: keying channels (Phase
-1 SAs) and data channels (Phase 2 SAs). Each data channel object may have
-a corresponding SPD and SAD entry maintained by the datagram state machine.
-For the purposes of opportunistic encryption, there MUST, at least, be
-connection classes known as "deny", "always-clear-text", "OE-permissive", and
-The latter two connection classes define a set of source and/or destination
-addresses for which opportunistic encryption will be attempted. The administrator MAY set policy
-options in a number of additional places. An implementation MAY create additional connection classes to further refine
-these policies.
-The simplest system may need only the "OE-permissive" connection, and would
-list its own (single) IP address as the source address of this policy and
-the wild-card address as the destination IPv4 address. That is, the
-simplest policy is to try opportunistic encryption with all destinations.
-The distinction between permissive and paranoid OE use will become clear
-in the state transition differences. In general a permissive OE will, on
-failure, install a pass-through policy, while a paranoid OE will, on failure,
-install a drop policy.
-In this description of the keying machine's state transitions, the states
-associated with the keying system itself are omitted because they are best documented in the keying system
-(<a href="#RFC2407">[8]</a>,
-<a href="#RFC2408">[9]</a> and <a href="#RFC2409">[10]</a> for ISAKMP/IKE),
-and the details are keying system specific. Opportunistic encryption is not
-dependent upon any specific keying protocol, but this document does provide
-requirements for those using ISAKMP/IKE to assure that implementations inter-operate.
-The state transitions that may be involved in communicating with the
-forwarding plane are omitted. PF_KEY and similar protocols have their own
-set of states required for message sends and completion notifications.
-Finally, the retransmits and recursive lookups that are normal for DNS are
-not included in this description of the state machine.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor20">3.2.1</a>&nbsp;Nonexistent connection</h4>
-There is no connection instance for a given source/destination address pair.
-Upon receipt of a request for keying material for this
-source/destination pair, the initiator searches through the connection classes to
-determine the most appropriate policy. Upon determining an appropriate
-connection class, an instance object is created of that type.
-Both of the OE types result in a potential OE connection.
-<p>Failure to find an appropriate connection class results in an
-administrator defined default.
-In each case, when the initiator finds an appropriate class for the new flow,
-an instance connection is made of the class which matched.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor21">3.2.2</a>&nbsp;Clear-text connection</h4>
-The non-existent connection makes a transition to this state when an
-always-clear-text class is instantiated, or when an OE-permissive
-connection fails. During the transition, the initiator creates a pass-through
-policy object in the forwarding plane for the appropriate flow.
-Timing out is the only way to leave this state
-(see <a href="#expiring">Expiring connection</a>).
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor22">3.2.3</a>&nbsp;Deny connection</h4>
-The empty connection makes a transition to this state when a
-deny class is instantiated, or when an OE-paranoid connection fails.
-During the transition, the initiator creates a deny policy object in the forwarding plane
-for the appropriate flow.
-Timing out is the only way to leave this state
-(see <a href="#expiring">Expiring connection</a>).
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor23">3.2.4</a>&nbsp;Potential OE connection</h4>
-The empty connection makes a transition to this state when one of either OE class is instantiated.
-During the transition to this state, the initiator creates a hold policy object in the
-forwarding plane for the appropriate flow.
-In addition, when making a transition into this state, DNS lookup is done in
-the reverse-map for a TXT delegation resource record (see <a href="#TXT">Use of TXT delegation record</a>).
-The lookup key is the destination address of the flow.
-There are three ways to exit this state:
-<ol class="text">
-<li>DNS lookup finds a TXT delegation resource record.
-<li>DNS lookup does not find a TXT delegation resource record.
-<li>DNS lookup times out.
-Based upon the results of the DNS lookup, the potential OE connection makes a
-transition to the pending OE connection state. The conditions for a
-successful DNS look are:
-<ol class="text">
-<li>DNS finds an appropriate resource record
-<li>It is properly formatted according to <a href="#TXT">Use of TXT delegation record</a>
-<li> if DNSSEC is enabled, then the signature has been vouched for.
-Note that if the initiator does not find the public key
-present in the TXT delegation record, then the public key must
-be looked up as a sub-state. Only successful completion of all the
-DNS lookups is considered a success.
-If DNS lookup does not find a resource record or DNS times out, then the
-initiator considers the receiver not OE capable. If this is an OE-paranoid instance,
-then the potential OE connection makes a transition to the deny connection state.
-If this is an OE-permissive instance, then the potential OE connection makes a transition to the
-clear-text connection state.
-If the initiator finds a resource record but it is not properly formatted, or
-if DNSSEC is
-enabled and reports a failure to authenticate, then the potential OE
-connection should make a
-transition to the deny connection state. This action SHOULD be logged. If the
-administrator wishes to override this transition between states, then an
-always-clear class can be installed for this flow. An implementation MAY make
-this situation a new class.
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="nodnssec"></a>&nbsp;Restriction on unauthenticated TXT delegation records</h4>
-An implementation SHOULD also provide an additional administrative control
-on delegation records and DNSSEC. This control would apply to delegation
-records (the TXT records in the reverse-map) that are not protected by
-Records of this type are only permitted to delegate to their own address as
-a gateway. When this option is enabled, an active attack on DNS will be
-unable to redirect packets to other than the original destination.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.5"></a><h4><a name="anchor24">3.2.5</a>&nbsp;Pending OE connection</h4>
-The potential OE connection makes a transition to this state when
-the initiator determines that all the information required from the DNS lookup is present.
-Upon entering this state, the initiator attempts to initiate keying to the gateway
-Exit from this state occurs either with a successfully created IPsec SA, or
-with a failure of some kind. Successful SA creation results in a transition
-to the key connection state.
-Three failures have caused significant problems. They are clearly not the
-only possible failures from keying.
-Note that if there are multiple gateways available in the TXT delegation
-records, then a failure can only be declared after all have been
-tried. Further, creation of a phase 1 SA does not constitute success. A set
-of phase 2 SAs (a tunnel) is considered success.
-The first failure occurs when an ICMP port unreachable is consistently received
-without any other communication, or when there is silence from the remote
-end. This usually means that either the gateway is not alive, or the
-keying daemon is not functional. For an OE-permissive connection, the initiator makes a transition
-to the clear-text connection but with a low lifespan. For an OE-pessimistic connection,
-the initiator makes a transition to the deny connection again with a low lifespan. The lifespan in both
-cases is kept low because the remote gateway may
-be in the process of rebooting or be otherwise temporarily unavailable.
-The length of time to wait for the remote keying daemon to wake up is
-a matter of some debate. If there is a routing failure, 5 minutes is usually long enough for the network to
-re-converge. Many systems can reboot in that amount of
-time as well. However, 5 minutes is far too long for most users to wait to
-hear that they can not connect using OE. Implementations SHOULD make this a
-tunable parameter.
-The second failure occurs after a phase 1 SA has been created, but there is
-either no response to the phase 2 proposal, or the initiator receives a
-negative notify (the notify must be
-authenticated). The remote gateway is not prepared to do OE at this time.
-As before, the initiator makes a transition to the clear-text or the deny
-connection based upon connection class, but this
-time with a normal lifespan.
-The third failure occurs when there is signature failure while authenticating
-the remote gateway. This can occur when there has been a
-key roll-over, but DNS has not caught up. In this case again, the initiator makes a
-transition to the clear-text or the deny connection based
-upon the connection class. However, the lifespan depends upon the remaining
-time to live in the DNS. (Note that DNSSEC signed resource records have a different
-expiry time than non-signed records.)
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.6"></a><h4><a name="keyed">3.2.6</a>&nbsp;Keyed connection</h4>
-The pending OE connection makes a transition to this state when
-session keying material (the phase 2 SAs) is derived. The initiator creates an encrypt
-policy in the forwarding plane for this flow.
-There are three ways to exit this state. The first is by receipt of an
-authenticated delete message (via the keying channel) from the peer. This is
-normal teardown and results in a transition to the expired connection state.
-The second exit is by expiry of the forwarding plane keying material. This
-starts a re-key operation with a transition back to pending OE
-connection. In general, the soft expiry occurs with sufficient time left
-to continue to use the keys. A re-key can fail, which may
-result in the connection failing to clear-text or deny as
-appropriate. In the event of a failure, the forwarding plane
-policy does not change until the phase 2 SA (IPsec SA) reaches its
-hard expiry.
-The third exit is in response to a negotiation from a remote
-gateway. If the forwarding plane signals the control plane that it has received an
-unknown SPI from the remote gateway, or an ICMP is received from the remote gateway
-indicating an unknown SPI, the initiator should consider that
-the remote gateway has rebooted or restarted. Since these
-indications are easily forged, the implementation must
-exercise care. The initiator should make a cautious
-(rate-limited) attempt to re-key the connection.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.7"></a><h4><a name="expiring">3.2.7</a>&nbsp;Expiring connection</h4>
-The initiator will periodically place each of the deny, clear-text, and keyed
-connections into this
-sub-state. See <a href="#teardown">Renewal and teardown</a> for more details of how often this
-The initiator queries the forwarding plane for last use time of the
-policy. If the last use time is relatively recent, then the connection
-returns to the
-previous deny, clear-text or keyed connection state. If not, then the
-connection enters
-the expired connection state.
-The DNS query and answer that lead to the expiring connection state are also
-examined. The DNS query may become stale. (A negative, i.e. no such record, answer
-is valid for the period of time given by the MINIMUM field in an attached SOA
-record. See <a href="#RFC1034">[12]</a> section 4.3.4.)
-If the DNS query is stale, then a new query is made. If the results change, then the connection
-makes a transition to a new state as described in potential OE connection state.
-Note that when considering how stale a connection is, both outgoing SPD and
-incoming SAD must be queried as some flows may be unidirectional for some time.
-Also note that the policy at the forwarding plane is not updated unless there
-is a conclusion that there should be a change.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.2.8"></a><h4><a name="anchor25">3.2.8</a>&nbsp;Expired connection</h4>
-Entry to this state occurs when no datagrams have been forwarded recently via the
-appropriate SPD and SAD objects. The objects in the forwarding plane are
-removed (logging any final byte and packet counts if appropriate) and the
-connection instance in the keying plane is deleted.
-The initiator sends an ISAKMP/IKE delete to clean up the phase 2 SAs as described in
-<a href="#teardown">Renewal and teardown</a>.
-Whether or not to delete the phase 1 SAs
-at this time is left as a local implementation issue. Implementations
-that do delete the phase 1 SAs MUST send authenticated delete messages to
-indicate that they are doing so. There is an advantage to keeping
-the phase 1 SAs until they expire - they may prove useful again in the
-near future.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor26">3.3</a>&nbsp;Keying state machine - responder</h4>
-The responder has a set of objects identical to those of the initiator.
-The responder receives an invitation to create a keying channel from an initiator.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.3.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor27">3.3.1</a>&nbsp;Unauthenticated OE peer</h4>
-Upon entering this state, the responder starts a DNS lookup for a KEY record for the
-The responder looks in the reverse-map for a KEY record for the initiator if the
-initiator has offered an ID_IPV4_ADDR, and in the forward map if the
-initiator has offered an ID_FQDN type. (See <a href="#RFC2407">[8]</a> section
-The responder exits this state upon successful receipt of a KEY from DNS, and use of the key
-to verify the signature of the initiator.
-Successful authentication of the peer results in a transition to the
-authenticated OE Peer state.
-Note that the unauthenticated OE peer state generally occurs in the middle of the key negotiation
-protocol. It is really a form of pseudo-state.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.3.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor28">3.3.2</a>&nbsp;Authenticated OE Peer</h4>
-The peer will eventually propose one or more phase 2 SAs. The responder uses the source and
-destination address in the proposal to
-finish instantiating the connection state
-using the connection class table.
-The responder MUST search for an identical connection object at this point.
-If an identical connection is found, then the responder deletes the old instance,
-and the new object makes a transition to the pending OE connection state. This means
-that new ISAKMP connections with a given peer will always use the latest
-instance, which is the correct one if the peer has rebooted in the interim.
-If an identical connection is not found, then the responder makes the transition according to the
-rules given for the initiator.
-Note that if the initiator is in OE-paranoid mode and the responder is in
-either always-clear-text or deny, then no communication is possible according
-to policy. An implementation is permitted to create new types of policies
-such as "accept OE but do not initiate it". This is a local matter.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.4"></a><h4><a name="teardown">3.4</a>&nbsp;Renewal and teardown</h4>
-<a name="rfc.section.3.4.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor29">3.4.1</a>&nbsp;Aging</h4>
-A potentially unlimited number of tunnels may exist. In practice, only a few
-tunnels are used during a period of time. Unused tunnels MUST, therefore, be
-torn down. Detecting when tunnels are no longer in use is the subject of this section.
-There are two methods for removing tunnels: explicit deletion or expiry.
-Explicit deletion requires an IKE delete message. As the deletes
-MUST be authenticated, both ends of the tunnel must maintain the
-key channel (phase 1 ISAKMP SA). An implementation which refuses to either maintain or
-recreate the keying channel SA will be unable to use this method.
-The tunnel expiry method, simply allows the IKE daemon to
-expire normally without attempting to re-key it.
-Regardless of which method is used to remove tunnels, the implementation requires
-a method to determine if the tunnel is still in use. The specifics are a
-local matter, but the FreeS/WAN project uses the following criteria. These
-criteria are currently implemented in the key management daemon, but could
-also be implemented at the SPD layer using an idle timer.
-Set a short initial (soft) lifespan of 1 minute since many net flows last
-only a few seconds.
-At the end of the lifespan, check to see if the tunnel was used by
-traffic in either direction during the last 30 seconds. If so, assign a
-longer tentative lifespan of 20 minutes after which, look again. If the
-tunnel is not in use, then close the tunnel.
-The expiring state in the key management
-system (see <a href="#expiring">Expiring connection</a>) implements these timeouts.
-The timer above may be in the forwarding plane,
-but then it must be re-settable.
-The tentative lifespan is independent of re-keying; it is just the time when
-the tunnel's future is next considered.
-(The term lifespan is used here rather than lifetime for this reason.)
-Unlike re-keying, this tunnel use check is not costly and should happen
-reasonably frequently.
-A multi-step back-off algorithm is not considered worth the effort here.
-If the security gateway and the client host are the
-same and not a Bump-in-the-Stack or Bump-in-the-Wire implementation, tunnel
-teardown decisions MAY pay attention to TCP connection status as reported
-by the local TCP layer. A still-open TCP connection is almost a guarantee that more traffic is
-expected. Closing of the only TCP connection through a tunnel is a
-strong hint that no more traffic is expected.
-<a name="rfc.section.3.4.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor30">3.4.2</a>&nbsp;Teardown and cleanup</h4>
-Teardown should always be coordinated between the two ends of the tunnel by
-interpreting and sending delete notifications. There is a
-detailed sub-state in the expired connection state of the key manager that
-relates to retransmits of the delete notifications, but this is considered to
-be a keying system detail.
-On receiving a delete for the outbound SAs of a tunnel (or some subset of
-them), tear down the inbound ones also and notify the remote end with a
-delete. If the local system receives a delete for a tunnel which is no longer in
-existence, then two delete messages have crossed paths. Ignore the delete.
-The operation has already been completed. Do not generate any messages in this
-Tunnels are to be considered as bidirectional entities, even though the
-low-level protocols don't treat them this way.
-When the deletion is initiated locally, rather than as a
-response to a received delete, send a delete for (all) the
-inbound SAs of a tunnel. If the local system does not receive a responding delete
-for the outbound SAs, try re-sending the original
-delete. Three tries spaced 10 seconds apart seems a reasonable
-level of effort. A failure of the other end to respond after 3 attempts,
-indicates that the possibility of further communication is unlikely. Remove the outgoing SAs.
-(The remote system may be a mobile node that is no longer present or powered on.)
-After re-keying, transmission should switch to using the new
-outgoing SAs (ISAKMP or IPsec) immediately, and the old leftover
-outgoing SAs should be cleared out promptly (delete should be sent
-for the outgoing SAs) rather than waiting for them to expire. This
-reduces clutter and minimizes confusion for the operator doing diagnostics.
-<a name="anchor31"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.4"></a><h3>4.&nbsp;Impacts on IKE</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.4.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor32">4.1</a>&nbsp;ISAKMP/IKE protocol</h4>
- The IKE wire protocol needs no modifications. The major changes are
- implementation issues relating to how the proposals are interpreted, and from
- whom they may come.
- As opportunistic encryption is designed to be useful between peers without
- prior operator configuration, an IKE daemon must be prepared to negotiate
- phase 1 SAs with any node. This may require a large amount of resources to
- maintain cookie state, as well as large amounts of entropy for nonces,
- cookies and so on.
- The major changes to support opportunistic encryption are at the IKE daemon
- level. These changes relate to handling of key acquisition requests, lookup
- of public keys and TXT records, and interactions with firewalls and other
- security facilities that may be co-resident on the same gateway.
-<a name="rfc.section.4.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor33">4.2</a>&nbsp;Gateway discovery process</h4>
- In a typical configured tunnel, the address of SG-B is provided
- via configuration. Furthermore, the mapping of an SPD entry to a gateway is
- typically a 1:1 mapping. When the SPD entry technique is used, then
- the mapping to a gateway is determined by the reverse DNS records.
- The need to do a DNS lookup and wait for a reply will typically introduce a
- new state and a new event source (DNS replies) to IKE. Although a
-synchronous DNS request can be implemented for proof of concept, experience
-is that it can cause very high latencies when a queue of queries must
-all timeout in series.
- Use of an asynchronous DNS lookup will also permit overlap of DNS lookups with
- some of the protocol steps.
-<a name="rfc.section.4.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor34">4.3</a>&nbsp;Self identification</h4>
- SG-A will have to establish its identity. Use an
- IPv4 ID in phase 1.
-<p> There are many situations where the administrator of SG-A may not be
- able to control the reverse DNS records for SG-A's public IP address.
- Typical situations include dialup connections and most residential-type broadband Internet access
- (ADSL, cable-modem) connections. In these situations, a fully qualified domain
- name that is under the control of SG-A's administrator may be used
- when acting as an initiator only.
- The FQDN ID should be used in phase 1. See <a href="#fqdn">Use of FQDN IDs</a>
- for more details and restrictions.
-<a name="rfc.section.4.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor35">4.4</a>&nbsp;Public key retrieval process</h4>
- Upon receipt of a phase 1 SA proposal with either an IPv4 (IPv6) ID or
- an FQDN ID, an IKE daemon needs to examine local caches and
- configuration files to determine if this is part of a configured tunnel.
- If no configured tunnels are found, then the implementation should attempt to retrieve
- a KEY record from the reverse DNS in the case of an IPv4/IPv6 ID, or
- from the forward DNS in the case of FQDN ID.
- It is reasonable that if other non-local sources of policy are used
- (COPS, LDAP), they be consulted concurrently but some
- clear ordering of policy be provided. Note that due to variances in
- latency, implementations must wait for positive or negative replies from all sources
- of policy before making any decisions.
-<a name="rfc.section.4.5"></a><h4><a name="anchor36">4.5</a>&nbsp;Interactions with DNSSEC</h4>
- The implementation described (1.98) neither uses DNSSEC directly to
- explicitly verify the authenticity of zone information, nor uses the NXT
- records to provide authentication of the absence of a TXT or KEY
- record. Rather, this implementation uses a trusted path to a DNSSEC
- capable caching resolver.
- To distinguish between an authenticated and an unauthenticated DNS
- resource record, a stub resolver capable of returning DNSSEC
- information MUST be used.
-<a name="rfc.section.4.6"></a><h4><a name="anchor37">4.6</a>&nbsp;Required proposal types</h4>
-<a name="rfc.section.4.6.1"></a><h4><a name="phase1id">4.6.1</a>&nbsp;Phase 1 parameters</h4>
- Main mode MUST be used.
- The initiator MUST offer at least one proposal using some combination
- of: 3DES, HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1, DH group 2 or 5. Group 5 SHOULD be
- proposed first.
- <a href="#RFC3526">[11]</a>
- The initiator MAY offer additional proposals, but the cipher MUST not
- be weaker than 3DES. The initiator SHOULD limit the number of proposals
- such that the IKE datagrams do not need to be fragmented.
- The responder MUST accept one of the proposals. If any configuration
- of the responder is required then the responder is not acting in an
- opportunistic way.
- SG-A SHOULD use an ID_IPV4_ADDR (ID_IPV6_ADDR for IPv6) of the external
- interface of SG-A for phase 1. (There is an exception, see <a href="#fqdn">Use of FQDN IDs</a>.) The authentication method MUST be RSA public key signatures.
- The RSA key for SG-A SHOULD be placed into a DNS KEY record in
- the reverse space of SG-A (i.e. using in-addr.arpa).
-<a name="rfc.section.4.6.2"></a><h4><a name="phase2id">4.6.2</a>&nbsp;Phase 2 parameters</h4>
- SG-A MUST propose a tunnel between Alice and Bob, using 3DES-CBC
- mode, MD5 or SHA1 authentication. Perfect Forward Secrecy MUST be specified.
- Tunnel mode MUST be used.
- Identities MUST be ID_IPV4_ADDR_SUBNET with the mask being /32.
- Authorization for SG-A to act on Alice's behalf is determined by
- looking for a TXT record in the reverse-map at Alice's address.
- Compression SHOULD NOT be mandatory. It may be offered as an option.
-<a name="anchor38"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.5"></a><h3>5.&nbsp;DNS issues</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.5.1"></a><h4><a name="KEY">5.1</a>&nbsp;Use of KEY record</h4>
- In order to establish their own identities, SG-A and SG-B SHOULD publish
- their public keys in their reverse DNS via
- DNSSEC's KEY record.
- See section 3 of <a href="#RFC2535">RFC 2535</a>[16].
-<p>For example:
-KEY 0x4200 4 1 AQNJjkKlIk9...nYyUkKK8
-</pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dd> The flag bits, indicating that this key is prohibited
- for confidentiality use (it authenticates the peer only, a separate
- Diffie-Hellman exchange is used for
- confidentiality), and that this key is associated with the non-zone entity
- whose name is the RR owner name. No other flags are set.
-<dd>This indicates that this key is for use by IPsec.
-<dd>An RSA key is present.
-<dd>The public key of the host as described in <a href="#RFC3110">[17]</a>.
-<p>Use of several KEY records allows for key rollover. The SIG Payload in
- IKE phase 1 SHOULD be accepted if the public key given by any KEY RR
- validates it.
-<a name="rfc.section.5.2"></a><h4><a name="TXT">5.2</a>&nbsp;Use of TXT delegation record</h4>
-Alice publishes a TXT record to provide authorization for SG-A to act on
-Alice's behalf.
-Bob publishes a TXT record to provide authorization for SG-B to act on Bob's
-These records are located in the reverse DNS (in-addr.arpa) for their
-respective IP addresses. The reverse DNS SHOULD be secured by DNSSEC, when
-it is deployed. DNSSEC is required to defend against active attacks.
- If Alice's address is P.Q.R.S, then she can authorize another node to
- act on her behalf by publishing records at:
- </p>
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
- The contents of the resource record are expected to be a string that
- uses the following syntax, as suggested in <a href="#RFC1464">[15]</a>.
- (Note that the reply to query may include other TXT resource
- records used by other applications.)
- <br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="txtformat"></a>
-X-IPsec-Server(P)=A.B.C.D KEY
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Format of reverse delegation record&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dd> Specifies a precedence for this record. This is
- similar to MX record preferences. Lower numbers have stronger
- preference.
-<dd> Specifies the IP address of the Security Gateway
- for this client machine.
-<dd> Is the encoded RSA Public key of the Security
- Gateway. The key is provided here to avoid a second DNS lookup. If this
- field is absent, then a KEY resource record should be looked up in the
- reverse-map of A.B.C.D. The key is transmitted in base64 format.
- The pieces of the record are separated by any whitespace
- (space, tab, newline, carriage return). An ASCII space SHOULD
- be used.
- In the case where Alice is located at a public address behind a
- security gateway that has no fixed address (or no control over its
- reverse-map), then Alice may delegate to a public key by domain name.
- <br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="txtfqdnformat"></a>
-X-IPsec-Server(P)=@FQDN KEY
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Format of reverse delegation record (FQDN version)&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dd> Is as above.
-<dd> Specifies the FQDN that the Security Gateway
- will identify itself with.
-<dd> Is the encoded RSA Public key of the Security
- Gateway.
- If there is more than one such TXT record with strongest (lowest
- numbered) precedence, one Security Gateway is picked arbitrarily from
- those specified in the strongest-preference records.
-<a name="rfc.section.5.2.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor39">5.2.1</a>&nbsp;Long TXT records</h4>
- When packed into transport format, TXT records which are longer than 255
- characters are divided into smaller &lt;character-strings&gt;.
- (See <a href="#RFC1035">[13]</a> section 3.3 and 3.3.14.) These MUST
- be reassembled into a single string for processing.
- Whitespace characters in the base64 encoding are to be ignored.
-<a name="rfc.section.5.2.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor40">5.2.2</a>&nbsp;Choice of TXT record</h4>
- It has been suggested to use the KEY, OPT, CERT, or KX records
- instead of a TXT record. None is satisfactory.
-<p> The KEY RR has a protocol field which could be used to indicate a new protocol,
-and an algorithm field which could be used to
- indicate different contents in the key data. However, the KEY record
- is clearly not intended for storing what are really authorizations,
- it is just for identities. Other uses have been discouraged.
-<p> OPT resource records, as defined in <a href="#RFC2671">[14]</a> are not
- intended to be used for storage of information. They are not to be loaded,
- cached or forwarded. They are, therefore, inappropriate for use here.
- CERT records <a href="#RFC2538">[18]</a> can encode almost any set of
- information. A custom type code could be used permitting any suitable
- encoding to be stored, not just X.509. According to
- the RFC, the certificate RRs are to be signed internally which may add undesirable
-and unnecessary bulk. Larger DNS records may require TCP instead of UDP transfers.
- At the time of protocol design, the CERT RR was not widely deployed and
- could not be counted upon. Use of CERT records will be investigated,
- and may be proposed in a future revision of this document.
- KX records are ideally suited for use instead of TXT records, but had not been deployed at
- the time of implementation.
-<a name="rfc.section.5.3"></a><h4><a name="fqdn">5.3</a>&nbsp;Use of FQDN IDs</h4>
- Unfortunately, not every administrator has control over the contents
- of the reverse-map. Where the initiator (SG-A) has no suitable reverse-map, the
- authorization record present in the reverse-map of Alice may refer to a
- FQDN instead of an IP address.
- In this case, the client's TXT record gives the fully qualified domain
- name (FQDN) in place of its security gateway's IP address.
- The initiator should use the ID_FQDN ID-payload in phase 1.
- A forward lookup for a KEY record on the FQDN must yield the
- initiator's public key.
- This method can also be used when the external address of SG-A is
- dynamic.
- If SG-A is acting on behalf of Alice, then Alice must still delegate
- authority for SG-A to do so in her reverse-map. When Alice and SG-A
- are one and the same (i.e. Alice is acting as an end-node) then there
- is no need for this when initiating only.
-<p>However, Alice must still delegate to herself if she wishes others to
- initiate OE to her. See <a href="#txtfqdnformat">Format of reverse delegation record (FQDN version)</a>.
-<a name="rfc.section.5.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor41">5.4</a>&nbsp;Key roll-over</h4>
-Good cryptographic hygiene says that one should replace public/private key pairs
-periodically. Some administrators may wish to do this as often as daily. Typical DNS
-propagation delays are determined by the SOA Resource Record MINIMUM
-parameter, which controls how long DNS replies may be cached. For reasonable
-operation of DNS servers, administrators usually want this value to be at least several
-hours, sometimes as a long as a day. This presents a problem - a new key MUST
-not be used prior to it propagating through DNS.
-This problem is dealt with by having the Security Gateway generate a new
-public/private key pair at least MINIMUM seconds in advance of using it. It
-then adds this key to the DNS (both as a second KEY record and in additional TXT
-delegation records) at key generation time. Note: only one key is allowed in
-each TXT record.
-When authenticating, all gateways MUST have available all public keys
-that are found in DNS for this entity. This permits the authenticating end
-to check both the key for "today" and the key for "tomorrow". Note that it is
-the end which is creating the signature (possesses the private key) that
-determines which key is to be used.
-<a name="anchor42"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.6"></a><h3>6.&nbsp;Network address translation interaction</h3>
- There are no fundamentally new issues for implementing opportunistic encryption
- in the presence of network address translation. Rather there are
- only the regular IPsec issues with NAT traversal.
- There are several situations to consider for NAT.
-<a name="rfc.section.6.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor43">6.1</a>&nbsp;Co-located NAT/NAPT</h4>
- If SG-A is also performing network address translation on
- behalf of Alice, then the packet should be translated prior to
- being subjected to opportunistic encryption. This is in contrast to
- typically configured tunnels which often exist to bridge islands of
- private network address space. SG-A will use the translated source
- address for phase 2, and so SG-B will look up that address to
- confirm SG-A's authorization.
-<p> In the case of NAT (1:1), the address space into which the
- translation is done MUST be globally unique, and control over the
- reverse-map is assumed.
- Placing of TXT records is possible.
-<p> In the case of NAPT (m:1), the address will be SG-A. The ability to get
- KEY and TXT records in place will again depend upon whether or not
- there is administrative control over the reverse-map. This is
- identical to situations involving a single host acting on behalf of
- itself.
- FQDN style can be used to get around a lack of a reverse-map for
- initiators only.
-<a name="rfc.section.6.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor44">6.2</a>&nbsp;SG-A behind NAT/NAPT</h4>
- If there is a NAT or NAPT between SG-A and SG-B, then normal IPsec
- NAT traversal rules apply. In addition to the transport problem
- which may be solved by other mechanisms, there
- is the issue of what phase 1 and phase 2 IDs to use. While FQDN could
- be used during phase 1 for SG-A, there is no appropriate ID for phase 2
- that permits SG-B to determine that SG-A is in fact authorized to speak for Alice.
-<a name="rfc.section.6.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor45">6.3</a>&nbsp;Bob is behind a NAT/NAPT</h4>
- If Bob is behind a NAT (perhaps SG-B), then there is, in fact, no way for
- Alice to address a packet to Bob. Not only is opportunistic encryption
- impossible, but it is also impossible for Alice to initiate any
- communication to Bob. It may be possible for Bob to initiate in such
- a situation. This creates an asymmetry, but this is common for
-<a name="anchor46"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.7"></a><h3>7.&nbsp;Host implementations</h3>
- When Alice and SG-A are components of the same system, they are
- considered to be a host implementation. The packet sequence scenario remains unchanged.
- Components marked Alice are the upper layers (TCP, UDP, the
- application), and SG-A is the IP layer.
- Note that tunnel mode is still required.
- As Alice and SG-A are acting on behalf of themselves, no TXT based delegation
- record is necessary for Alice to initiate. She can rely on FQDN in a
- forward map. This is particularly attractive to mobile nodes such as
- notebook computers at conferences.
- To respond, Alice/SG-A will still need an entry in Alice's reverse-map.
-<a name="anchor47"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.8"></a><h3>8.&nbsp;Multi-homing</h3>
-If there are multiple paths between Alice and Bob (as illustrated in
-the diagram with SG-D), then additional DNS records are required to establish
-In <a href="#networkdiagram">Reference Network Diagram</a>, Alice has two ways to
-exit her network: SG-A and SG-D. Previously SG-D has been ignored. Postulate
-that there are routers between Alice and her set of security gateways
-(denoted by the + signs and the marking of an autonomous system number for
-Alice's network). Datagrams may, therefore, travel to either SG-A or SG-D en
-route to Bob.
-As long as all network connections are in good order, it does not matter how
-datagrams exit Alice's network. When they reach either security gateway, the
-security gateway will find the TXT delegation record in Bob's reverse-map,
-and establish an SA with SG-B.
-SG-B has no problem establishing that either of SG-A or SG-D may speak for
-Alice, because Alice has published two equally weighted TXT delegation records:
- <br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="txtmultiexample"></a>
-X-IPsec-Server(10)= AQMM...3s1Q==
-X-IPsec-Server(10)= AAJN...j8r9==
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Multiple gateway delegation example for Alice&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
-Alice's routers can now do any kind of load sharing needed. Both SG-A and SG-D send datagrams addressed to Bob through
-their tunnel to SG-B.
-Alice's use of non-equal weight delegation records to show preference of one gateway over another, has relevance only when SG-B
-is initiating to Alice.
-If the precedences are the same, then SG-B has a more difficult time. It
-must decide which of the two tunnels to use. SG-B has no information about
-which link is less loaded, nor which security gateway has more cryptographic
-resources available. SG-B, in fact, has no knowledge of whether both gateways
-are even reachable.
-The Public Internet's default-free zone may well know a good route to Alice,
-but the datagrams that SG-B creates must be addressed to either SG-A or SG-D;
-they can not be addressed to Alice directly.
-SG-B may make a number of choices:
-<ol class="text">
-<li>It can ignore the problem and round robin among the tunnels. This
- causes losses during times when one or the other security gateway is
- unreachable. If this worries Alice, she can change the weights in her
- TXT delegation records.
-<li>It can send to the gateway from which it most recently received datagrams.
- This assumes that routing and reachability are symmetrical.
-<li>It can listen to BGP information from the Internet to decide which
- system is currently up. This is clearly much more complicated, but if SG-B is already participating
- in the BGP peering system to announce Bob, the results data may already
- be available to it.
-<li>It can refuse to negotiate the second tunnel. (It is unclear whether or
-not this is even an option.)
-<li>It can silently replace the outgoing portion of the first tunnel with the
-second one while still retaining the incoming portions of both. SG-B can,
-thus, accept datagrams from either SG-A or SG-D, but
-send only to the gateway that most recently re-keyed with it.
-Local policy determines which choice SG-B makes. Note that even if SG-B has perfect
-knowledge about the reachability of SG-A and SG-D, Alice may not be reachable
-from either of these security gateways because of internal reachability
-FreeS/WAN implements option 5. Implementing a different option is
-being considered. The multi-homing aspects of OE are not well developed and may
-be the subject of a future document.
-<a name="anchor48"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.9"></a><h3>9.&nbsp;Failure modes</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.9.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor49">9.1</a>&nbsp;DNS failures</h4>
- If a DNS server fails to respond, local policy decides
- whether or not to permit communication in the clear as embodied in
- the connection classes in <a href="#initclasses">Keying state machine - initiator</a>.
- It is easy to mount a denial of service attack on the DNS server
- responsible for a particular network's reverse-map.
- Such an attack may cause all communication with that network to go in
- the clear if the policy is permissive, or fail completely
- if the policy is paranoid. Please note that this is an active attack.
- There are still many networks
- that do not have properly configured reverse-maps. Further, if the policy is not to communicate,
- the above denial of service attack isolates the target network. Therefore, the decision of whether
-or not to permit communication in the clear MUST be a matter of local policy.
-<a name="rfc.section.9.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor50">9.2</a>&nbsp;DNS configured, IKE failures</h4>
- DNS records claim that opportunistic encryption should
- occur, but the target gateway either does not respond on port 500, or
- refuses the proposal. This may be because of a crash or reboot, a
- faulty configuration, or a firewall filtering port 500.
- The receipt of ICMP port, host or network unreachable
- messages indicates a potential problem, but MUST NOT cause communication
- to fail
- immediately. ICMP messages are easily forged by attackers. If such a
- forgery caused immediate failure, then an active attacker could easily
- prevent any
- encryption from ever occurring, possibly preventing all communication.
- In these situations a clear log should be produced
- and local policy should dictate if communication is then
- permitted in the clear.
-<a name="rfc.section.9.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor51">9.3</a>&nbsp;System reboots</h4>
-Tunnels sometimes go down because the remote end crashes,
-disconnects, or has a network link break. In general there is no
-notification of this. Even in the event of a crash and successful reboot,
-other SGs don't hear about it unless the rebooted SG has specific
-reason to talk to them immediately. Over-quick response to temporary
-network outages is undesirable. Note that a tunnel can be torn
-down and then re-established without any effect visible to the user
-except a pause in traffic. On the other hand, if one end reboots,
-the other end can't get datagrams to it at all (except via
-IKE) until the situation is noticed. So a bias toward quick
-response is appropriate even at the cost of occasional
-false alarms.
-A mechanism for recovery after reboot is a topic of current research and is not specified in this
-A deliberate shutdown should include an attempt, using deletes, to notify all other SGs
-currently connected by phase 1 SAs that communication is
-about to fail. Again, a remote SG will assume this is a teardown. Attempts by the
-remote SGs to negotiate new tunnels as replacements should be ignored. When possible,
-SGs should attempt to preserve information about currently-connected SGs in non-volatile storage, so
-that after a crash, an Initial-Contact can be sent to previous partners to
-indicate loss of all previously established connections.
-<a name="anchor52"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.10"></a><h3>10.&nbsp;Unresolved issues</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.10.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor53">10.1</a>&nbsp;Control of reverse DNS</h4>
- The method of obtaining information by reverse DNS lookup causes
- problems for people who cannot control their reverse DNS
- bindings. This is an unresolved problem in this version, and is out
- of scope.
-<a name="anchor54"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.11"></a><h3>11.&nbsp;Examples</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.11.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor55">11.1</a>&nbsp;Clear-text usage (permit policy)</h4>
-Two example scenarios follow. In the first example GW-A
-(Gateway A) and GW-B (Gateway B) have always-clear-text policies, and in the second example they have an OE
-</p><br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="regulartiming"></a>
- Alice SG-A DNS SG-B Bob
- (1)
- ------(2)-------------->
- &lt;-----(3)---------------
- (4)----(5)----->
- ----------(6)------>
- ------(7)----->
- &lt;------(8)------
- &lt;----------(9)------
- &lt;----(10)-----
- (11)----------->
- ----------(12)----->
- -------------->
- &lt;---------------
- &lt;-------------------
- &lt;-------------
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Timing of regular transaction&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
-Alice wants to communicate with Bob. Perhaps she wants to retrieve a
-web page from Bob's web server. In the absence of opportunistic
-encryptors, the following events occur:
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dd>Human or application 'clicks' with a name.
-<dd>Application looks up name in DNS to get IP address.
-<dd>Resolver returns A record to application.
-<dd>Application starts a TCP session or UDP session and OS sends datagram.
-<dd>Datagram is seen at first gateway from Alice (SG-A). (SG-A
-makes a transition through Empty connection to always-clear connection and
-instantiates a pass-through policy at the forwarding plane.)
-<dd>Datagram is seen at last gateway before Bob (SG-B).
-<dd>First datagram from Alice is seen by Bob.
-<dd>First return datagram is sent by Bob.
-<dd>Datagram is seen at Bob's gateway. (SG-B makes a transition through
-Empty connection to always-clear connection and instantiates a pass-through
-policy at the forwarding plane.)
-<dd>Datagram is seen at Alice's gateway.
-<dd>OS hands datagram to application. Alice sends another datagram.
-<dd>A second datagram traverses the Internet.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor56">11.2</a>&nbsp;Opportunistic encryption</h4>
-In the presence of properly configured opportunistic encryptors, the
-event list is extended.
-<br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="opportunistictiming"></a>
- Alice SG-A DNS SG-B Bob
- (1)
- ------(2)-------------->
- &lt;-----(3)---------------
- (4)----(5)----->+
- ----(5B)->
- &lt;---(5C)--
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(5D)~~~>
- &lt;~~~~~~~~~~~~(5E1)~~~
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~(5E2)~~>
- &lt;~~~~~~~~~~~~(5E3)~~~
- #############(5E4)##>
- &lt;############(5E5)###
- &lt;----(5F1)--
- -----(5F2)->
- #############(5G1)##>
- &lt;----(5H1)--
- -----(5H2)->
- &lt;############(5G2)###
- #############(5G3)##>
- ============(6)====>
- ------(7)----->
- &lt;------(8)------
- &lt;==========(9)======
- &lt;-----(10)----
- (11)----------->
- ==========(12)=====>
- -------------->
- &lt;---------------
- &lt;===================
- &lt;-------------
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Timing of opportunistic encryption transaction&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<blockquote class="text"><dl>
-<dd>Human or application clicks with a name.
-<dd>Application initiates DNS mapping.
-<dd>Resolver returns A record to application.
-<dd>Application starts a TCP session or UDP.
-<dd>SG-A (host or SG) sees datagram to target, and buffers it.
-<dd>SG-A asks DNS for TXT record.
-<dd>DNS returns TXT record(s).
-<dd>Initial IKE Main Mode Packet goes out.
-<dd>IKE ISAKMP phase 1 succeeds.
-<dd>SG-B asks DNS for TXT record to prove SG-A is an agent for Alice.
-<dd>IKE phase 2 negotiation.
-<dd>DNS lookup by responder (SG-B).
-<dd>Buffered datagram is sent by SG-A.
-<dd>Datagram is received by SG-B, decrypted, and sent to Bob.
-<dd>Bob replies, and datagram is seen by SG-B.
-<dd>SG-B already has tunnel up with SG-A, and uses it.
-<dd>SG-A decrypts datagram and gives it to Alice.
-<dd>Alice receives datagram. Sends new packet to Bob.
-<dd>SG-A gets second datagram, sees that tunnel is up, and uses it.
- For the purposes of this section, we will describe only the changes that
- occur between <a href="#regulartiming">Timing of regular transaction</a> and
- <a href="#opportunistictiming">Timing of opportunistic encryption transaction</a>. This corresponds to time points 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 on the list above.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor57">11.2.1</a>&nbsp;(5) IPsec datagram interception</h4>
- At point (5), SG-A intercepts the datagram because this source/destination pair lacks a policy
-(the non-existent policy state). SG-A creates a hold policy, and buffers the datagram. SG-A requests keys from the keying daemon.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor58">11.2.2</a>&nbsp;(5B) DNS lookup for TXT record</h4>
- SG-A's IKE daemon, having looked up the source/destination pair in the connection
- class list, creates a new Potential OE connection instance. SG-A starts DNS
- queries.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor59">11.2.3</a>&nbsp;(5C) DNS returns TXT record(s)</h4>
- DNS returns properly formed TXT delegation records, and SG-A's IKE daemon
- causes this instance to make a transition from Potential OE connection to Pending OE
- connection.
- Using the example above, the returned record might contain:
- <br><hr size="1" shade="0">
-<a name="txtexample"></a>
-X-IPsec-Server(10)= AQMM...3s1Q==
- </pre><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif" size="2">
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" align="center"><tr><td align="center"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" size="1"><b>&nbsp;Example of reverse delegation record for Bob&nbsp;</b></font><br></td></tr></table><hr size="1" shade="0">
- with SG-B's IP address and public key listed.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.4"></a><h4><a name="anchor60">11.2.4</a>&nbsp;(5D) Initial IKE main mode packet goes out</h4>
-<p>Upon entering Pending OE connection, SG-A sends the initial ISAKMP
- message with proposals. See <a href="#phase1id">Phase 1 parameters</a>.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.5"></a><h4><a name="anchor61">11.2.5</a>&nbsp;(5E1) Message 2 of phase 1 exchange</h4>
- SG-B receives the message. A new connection instance is created in the
- unauthenticated OE peer state.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.6"></a><h4><a name="anchor62">11.2.6</a>&nbsp;(5E2) Message 3 of phase 1 exchange</h4>
- SG-A sends a Diffie-Hellman exponent. This is an internal state of the
- keying daemon.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.7"></a><h4><a name="anchor63">11.2.7</a>&nbsp;(5E3) Message 4 of phase 1 exchange</h4>
- SG-B responds with a Diffie-Hellman exponent. This is an internal state of the
- keying protocol.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.8"></a><h4><a name="anchor64">11.2.8</a>&nbsp;(5E4) Message 5 of phase 1 exchange</h4>
- SG-A uses the phase 1 SA to send its identity under encryption.
- The choice of identity is discussed in <a href="#phase1id">Phase 1 parameters</a>.
- This is an internal state of the keying protocol.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.9"></a><h4><a name="anchor65">11.2.9</a>&nbsp;(5F1) Responder lookup of initiator key</h4>
- SG-B asks DNS for the public key of the initiator.
- DNS looks for a KEY record by IP address in the reverse-map.
- That is, a KEY resource record is queried for
- (recall that SG-A's external address is
- SG-B uses the resulting public key to authenticate the initiator. See <a href="#KEY">Use of KEY record</a> for further details.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.10"></a><h4><a name="anchor66">11.2.10</a>&nbsp;(5F2) DNS replies with public key of initiator</h4>
-Upon successfully authenticating the peer, the connection instance makes a
-transition to authenticated OE peer on SG-B.
-The format of the TXT record returned is described in
-<a href="#TXT">Use of TXT delegation record</a>.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.11"></a><h4><a name="anchor67">11.2.11</a>&nbsp;(5E5) Responder replies with ID and authentication</h4>
- SG-B sends its ID along with authentication material. This is an internal
- state for the keying protocol.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.12"></a><h4><a name="anchor68">11.2.12</a>&nbsp;(5G) IKE phase 2</h4>
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor69"></a>&nbsp;(5G1) Initiator proposes tunnel</h4>
- Having established mutually agreeable authentications (via KEY) and
- authorizations (via TXT), SG-A proposes to create an IPsec tunnel for
- datagrams transiting from Alice to Bob. This tunnel is established only for
- the Alice/Bob combination, not for any subnets that may be behind SG-A and SG-B.
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor70"></a>&nbsp;(5H1) Responder determines initiator's authority</h4>
- While the identity of SG-A has been established, its authority to
- speak for Alice has not yet been confirmed. SG-B does a reverse
- lookup on Alice's address for a TXT record.
-<p>Upon receiving this specific proposal, SG-B's connection instance
- makes a transition into the potential OE connection state. SG-B may already have an
- instance, and the check is made as described above.
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor71"></a>&nbsp;(5H2) DNS replies with TXT record(s)</h4>
- The returned key and IP address should match that of SG-A.
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor72"></a>&nbsp;(5G2) Responder agrees to proposal</h4>
- Should additional communication occur between, for instance, Dave and Bob using
- SG-A and SG-B, a new tunnel (phase 2 SA) would be established. The phase 1 SA
- may be reusable.
-<p>SG-A, having successfully keyed the tunnel, now makes a transition from
- Pending OE connection to Keyed OE connection.
-<p>The responder MUST setup the inbound IPsec SAs before sending its reply.
-<a name="rfc.section."></a><h4><a name="anchor73"></a>&nbsp;(5G3) Final acknowledgment from initiator</h4>
- The initiator agrees with the responder's choice and sets up the tunnel.
- The initiator sets up the inbound and outbound IPsec SAs.
- The proper authorization returned with keys prompts SG-B to make a transition
- to the keyed OE connection state.
-<p>Upon receipt of this message, the responder may now setup the outbound
- IPsec SAs.
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.13"></a><h4><a name="anchor74">11.2.13</a>&nbsp;(6) IPsec succeeds, and sets up tunnel for communication between Alice and Bob</h4>
- SG-A sends the datagram saved at step (5) through the newly created
- tunnel to SG-B, where it gets decrypted and forwarded.
- Bob receives it at (7) and replies at (8).
-<a name="rfc.section.11.2.14"></a><h4><a name="anchor75">11.2.14</a>&nbsp;(9) SG-B already has tunnel up with G1 and uses it</h4>
- At (9), SG-B has already established an SPD entry mapping Bob->Alice via a
- tunnel, so this tunnel is simply applied. The datagram is encrypted to SG-A,
- decrypted by SG-A and passed to Alice at (10).
-<a name="securityconsiderations"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.12"></a><h3>12.&nbsp;Security considerations</h3>
-<a name="rfc.section.12.1"></a><h4><a name="anchor76">12.1</a>&nbsp;Configured vs opportunistic tunnels</h4>
- Configured tunnels are those which are setup using bilateral mechanisms: exchanging
-public keys (raw RSA, DSA, PKIX), pre-shared secrets, or by referencing keys that
-are in known places (distinguished name from LDAP, DNS). These keys are then used to
-configure a specific tunnel.
-A pre-configured tunnel may be on all the time, or may be keyed only when needed.
-The end points of the tunnel are not necessarily static: many mobile
-applications (road warrior) are considered to be configured tunnels.
-The primary characteristic is that configured tunnels are assigned specific
-security properties. They may be trusted in different ways relating to exceptions to
-firewall rules, exceptions to NAT processing, and to bandwidth or other quality of service restrictions.
-Opportunistic tunnels are not inherently trusted in any strong way. They are
-created without prior arrangement. As the two parties are strangers, there
-MUST be no confusion of datagrams that arrive from opportunistic peers and
-those that arrive from configured tunnels. A security gateway MUST take care
-that an opportunistic peer can not impersonate a configured peer.
-Ingress filtering MUST be used to make sure that only datagrams authorized by
-negotiation (and the concomitant authentication and authorization) are
-accepted from a tunnel. This is to prevent one peer from impersonating another.
-An implementation suggestion is to treat opportunistic tunnel
-datagrams as if they arrive on a logical interface distinct from other
-configured tunnels. As the number of opportunistic tunnels that may be
-created automatically on a system is potentially very high, careful attention
-to scaling should be taken into account.
-As with any IKE negotiation, opportunistic encryption cannot be secure
-without authentication. Opportunistic encryption relies on DNS for its
-authentication information and, therefore, cannot be fully secure without
-a secure DNS. Without secure DNS, opportunistic encryption can protect against passive
-eavesdropping but not against active man-in-the-middle attacks.
-<a name="rfc.section.12.2"></a><h4><a name="anchor77">12.2</a>&nbsp;Firewalls versus Opportunistic Tunnels</h4>
- Typical usage of per datagram access control lists is to implement various
-kinds of security gateways. These are typically called "firewalls".
- Typical usage of a virtual private network (VPN) within a firewall is to
-bypass all or part of the access controls between two networks. Additional
-trust (as outlined in the previous section) is given to datagrams that arrive
-in the VPN.
- Datagrams that arrive via opportunistically configured tunnels MUST not be
-trusted. Any security policy that would apply to a datagram arriving in the
-clear SHOULD also be applied to datagrams arriving opportunistically.
-<a name="rfc.section.12.3"></a><h4><a name="anchor78">12.3</a>&nbsp;Denial of service</h4>
- There are several different forms of denial of service that an implementor
- should concern themselves with. Most of these problems are shared with
- security gateways that have large numbers of mobile peers (road warriors).
- The design of ISAKMP/IKE, and its use of cookies, defend against many kinds
- of denial of service. Opportunism changes the assumption that if the phase 1 (ISAKMP)
- SA is authenticated, that it was worthwhile creating. Because the gateway will communicate with any machine, it is
- possible to form phase 1 SAs with any machine on the Internet.
-<a name="anchor79"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.13"></a><h3>13.&nbsp;IANA Considerations</h3>
- There are no known numbers which IANA will need to manage.
-<a name="anchor80"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<a name="rfc.section.14"></a><h3>14.&nbsp;Acknowledgments</h3>
- Substantive portions of this document are based upon previous work by
- Henry Spencer.
- Thanks to Tero Kivinen, Sandy Harris, Wes Hardarker, Robert Moskowitz,
- Jakob Schlyter, Bill Sommerfeld, John Gilmore and John Denker for their
- comments and constructive criticism.
- Sandra Hoffman and Bill Dickie did the detailed proof reading and editing.
-<a name="rfc.references1"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<h3>Normative references</h3>
-<table width="99%" border="0">
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="OEspec">[1]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:hugh@mimosa.com">Redelmeier, D.</a> and <a href="mailto:henry@spsystems.net">H. Spencer</a>, "Opportunistic Encryption", paper http://www.freeswan.org/freeswan_trees/freeswan-1.91/doc/opportunism.spec, May 2001.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC0791">[2]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text">Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Information Processing Techniques Office and University of Southern California (USC)/Information Sciences Institute, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc791.txt">Internet Protocol</a>", STD 5, RFC 791, September 1981.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC1009">[3]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:">Braden, R.</a> and <a href="mailto:">J. Postel</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1009.txt">Requirements for Internet gateways</a>", RFC 1009, June 1987.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC1984">[4]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text">IAB, IESG, <a href="mailto:brian@dxcoms.cern.ch">Carpenter, B.</a> and <a href="mailto:fred@cisco.com">F. Baker</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1984.txt">IAB and IESG Statement on Cryptographic Technology and the Internet</a>", RFC 1984, August 1996.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2119">[5]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:-">Bradner, S.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2119.txt">Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels</a>", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2367">[6]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:danmcd@eng.sun.com">McDonald, D.</a>, <a href="mailto:cmetz@inner.net">Metz, C.</a> and <a href="mailto:phan@itd.nrl.navy.mil">B. Phan</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2367.txt">PF_KEY Key Management API, Version 2</a>", RFC 2367, July 1998.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2401">[7]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:kent@bbn.com">Kent, S.</a> and <a href="mailto:rja@corp.home.net">R. Atkinson</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2401.txt">Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol</a>", RFC 2401, November 1998.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2407">[8]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:ddp@network-alchemy.com">Piper, D.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2407.txt">The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP</a>", RFC 2407, November 1998.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2408">[9]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:wdm@tycho.ncsc.mil">Maughan, D.</a>, <a href="mailto:mss@tycho.ncsc.mil">Schneider, M.</a> and <a href="er@raba.com">M. Schertler</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2408.txt">Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP)</a>", RFC 2408, November 1998.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2409">[10]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:dharkins@cisco.com">Harkins, D.</a> and <a href="mailto:carrel@ipsec.org">D. Carrel</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2409.txt">The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)</a>", RFC 2409, November 1998.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC3526">[11]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:kivinen@ssh.fi">Kivinen, T.</a> and <a href="mailto:mrskojo@cc.helsinki.fi">M. Kojo</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc3526.txt">More MODP Diffie-Hellman groups for IKE</a>", RFC 3526, March 2003.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC1034">[12]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text">Mockapetris, P., "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1034.txt">Domain names - concepts and facilities</a>", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC1035">[13]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:">Mockapetris, P.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1035.txt">Domain names - implementation and specification</a>", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2671">[14]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:vixie@isc.org">Vixie, P.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2671.txt">Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)</a>", RFC 2671, August 1999.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC1464">[15]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:rosenbaum@lkg.dec.com">Rosenbaum, R.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1464.txt">Using the Domain Name System To Store Arbitrary String Attributes</a>", RFC 1464, May 1993.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2535">[16]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:dee3@us.ibm.com">Eastlake, D.</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2535.txt">Domain Name System Security Extensions</a>", RFC 2535, March 1999.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC3110">[17]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text">Eastlake, D., "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc3110.txt">RSA/SHA-1 SIGs and RSA KEYs in the Domain Name System (DNS)</a>", RFC 3110, May 2001.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2538">[18]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:dee3@us.ibm.com">Eastlake, D.</a> and <a href="mailto:ogud@tislabs.com">O. Gudmundsson</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2538.txt">Storing Certificates in the Domain Name System (DNS)</a>", RFC 2538, March 1999.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2748">[19]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:David.Durham@intel.com">Durham, D.</a>, <a href="mailto:jboyle@Level3.net">Boyle, J.</a>, <a href="mailto:ronc@cisco.com">Cohen, R.</a>, <a href="mailto:herzog@iphighway.com">Herzog, S.</a>, <a href="mailto:rajan@research.att.com">Rajan, R.</a> and <a href="mailto:asastry@cisco.com">A. Sastry</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2748.txt">The COPS (Common Open Policy Service) Protocol</a>", RFC 2748, January 2000.</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text" valign="top"><b><a name="RFC2663">[20]</a></b></td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:srisuresh@lucent.com">Srisuresh, P.</a> and <a href="mailto:holdrege@lucent.com">M. Holdrege</a>, "<a href="ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2663.txt">IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and Considerations</a>", RFC 2663, August 1999.</td></tr>
-<a name="rfc.authors"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<h3>Authors' Addresses</h3>
-<table width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">Michael C. Richardson</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">Sandelman Software Works</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">470 Dawson Avenue</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">Ottawa, ON K1Z 5V7</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">CA</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author" align="right">EMail:&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca">mcr@sandelman.ottawa.on.ca</a></td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author" align="right">URI:&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/">http://www.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca/</a></td></tr>
-<tr cellpadding="3"><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">D. Hugh Redelmeier</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">Mimosa</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">Toronto, ON</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author-text">&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text">CA</td></tr>
-<tr><td class="author" align="right">EMail:&nbsp;</td>
-<td class="author-text"><a href="mailto:hugh@mimosa.com">hugh@mimosa.com</a></td></tr>
-<a name="rfc.copyright"><br><hr size="1" shade="0"></a>
-<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="30" height="15" align="right"><tr><td bgcolor="#990000" align="center" width="30" height="15"><a href="#toc" CLASS="link2"><font face="monaco, MS Sans Serif" color="#ffffff" size="1"><b>&nbsp;TOC&nbsp;</b></font></a><br></td></tr></table>
-<h3>Full Copyright Statement</h3>
-<p class='copyright'>
-Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.</p>
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