path: root/testing/hosts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/hosts')
-rw-r--r--testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-ocsp_vhost (renamed from testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/01_ocsp_vhost.conf)2
-rw-r--r--testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/ldif.txt (renamed from testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/ldif.txt)3
94 files changed, 680 insertions, 24813 deletions
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index 2012e0451..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e8887c4..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_ALICE broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_ALICE/16" )
-config_eth1=( "PH_IP_ALICE1 broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_ALICE1/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via PH_IP_MOON1" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/clients.conf b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/clients.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5fb47a2ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/clients.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+client {
+ secret = gv6URkSs
+ shortname = moon
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/dictionary b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/dictionary
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59a874b3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/dictionary
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# This is the master dictionary file, which references the
+# pre-defined dictionary files included with the server.
+# Any new/changed attributes MUST be placed in this file, as
+# the pre-defined dictionaries SHOULD NOT be edited.
+# $Id$
+# The filename given here should be an absolute path.
+$INCLUDE /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary
+# Place additional attributes or $INCLUDEs here. They will
+# over-ride the definitions in the pre-defined dictionaries.
+# See the 'man' page for 'dictionary' for information on
+# the format of the dictionary files.
+# If you want to add entries to the dictionary file,
+# which are NOT going to be placed in a RADIUS packet,
+# add them here. The numbers you pick should be between
+# 3000 and 4000.
+#ATTRIBUTE My-Local-String 3000 string
+#ATTRIBUTE My-Local-IPAddr 3001 ipaddr
+#ATTRIBUTE My-Local-Integer 3002 integer
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4f721738
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/freeradius/radiusd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+# radiusd.conf -- FreeRADIUS server configuration file.
+prefix = /usr
+exec_prefix = ${prefix}
+sysconfdir = /etc
+localstatedir = /var
+sbindir = ${exec_prefix}/sbin
+logdir = ${localstatedir}/log/freeradius
+raddbdir = ${sysconfdir}/freeradius
+radacctdir = ${logdir}/radacct
+# name of the running server. See also the "-n" command-line option.
+name = freeradius
+# Location of config and logfiles.
+confdir = ${raddbdir}
+run_dir = ${localstatedir}/run
+# Should likely be ${localstatedir}/lib/radiusd
+db_dir = ${raddbdir}
+# libdir: Where to find the rlm_* modules.
+libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
+# pidfile: Where to place the PID of the RADIUS server.
+pidfile = ${run_dir}/${name}.pid
+# max_request_time: The maximum time (in seconds) to handle a request.
+max_request_time = 30
+# cleanup_delay: The time to wait (in seconds) before cleaning up
+cleanup_delay = 5
+# max_requests: The maximum number of requests which the server keeps
+max_requests = 1024
+# listen: Make the server listen on a particular IP address, and send
+listen {
+ type = auth
+ ipaddr =
+ port = 0
+# This second "listen" section is for listening on the accounting
+# port, too.
+listen {
+ type = acct
+ ipaddr =
+ port = 0
+# hostname_lookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
+hostname_lookups = no
+# Core dumps are a bad thing. This should only be set to 'yes'
+allow_core_dumps = no
+# Regular expressions
+regular_expressions = yes
+extended_expressions = yes
+# Logging section. The various "log_*" configuration items
+log {
+ destination = files
+ file = ${logdir}/radius.log
+ syslog_facility = daemon
+ stripped_names = no
+ auth = yes
+ auth_badpass = yes
+ auth_goodpass = yes
+# The program to execute to do concurrency checks.
+checkrad = ${sbindir}/checkrad
+# Security considerations
+security {
+ max_attributes = 200
+ reject_delay = 1
+ status_server = yes
+proxy_requests = yes
+$INCLUDE proxy.conf
+$INCLUDE clients.conf
+thread pool {
+ start_servers = 5
+ max_servers = 32
+ min_spare_servers = 3
+ max_spare_servers = 10
+ max_requests_per_server = 0
+modules {
+ $INCLUDE ${confdir}/modules/
+ $INCLUDE eap.conf
+ $INCLUDE sql.conf
+ $INCLUDE sql/mysql/counter.conf
+# Instantiation
+instantiate {
+ exec
+ expr
+ expiration
+ logintime
+# Policies
+$INCLUDE policy.conf
+# Include all enabled virtual hosts
+$INCLUDE sites-enabled/
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9fc40bfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index 1097ac5a4..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow NAT-T
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth1 b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth1
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/net.eth1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/radiusd b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/radiusd
deleted file mode 100755
index 8334385f9..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/init.d/radiusd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-opts="${opts} reload"
-depend() {
- need net
- use dns
-checkconfig() {
- # set the location of log files
- if ! cd /var/log/radius ; then
- eerror "Failed to change current directory to /var/log/radius"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -d /var/run/radiusd ] && ! mkdir /var/run/radiusd ; then
- eerror "Failed to create /var/run/radiusd"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf ] ; then
- eerror "No /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf file exists!"
- return 1
- fi
- RADIUSD_USER=`grep '^ *user *=' /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
- RADIUSD_GROUP=`grep '^ *group *=' /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
- if [ -n "${RADIUSD_USER}" ] && ! getent passwd ${RADIUSD_USER} > /dev/null ; then
- eerror "${RADIUSD_USER} user missing!"
- return 1
- fi
- if [ -n "${RADIUSD_GROUP}" ] && ! getent group ${RADIUSD_GROUP} > /dev/null ; then
- eerror "${RADIUSD_GROUP} group missing!"
- return 1
- fi
- # radius.log is created before privileges are dropped - need to set proper permissions on it
- [ -f radius.log ] || touch radius.log || return 1
- chown -R "${RADIUSD_USER:-root}:${RADIUSD_GROUP:-root}" . /var/run/radiusd && \
- chmod -R u+rwX,g+rX . /var/run/radiusd || return 1
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting radiusd"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/radiusd -- ${RADIUSD_OPTS} >/dev/null
- eend $?
-stop () {
- ebegin "Stopping radiusd"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile=/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid
- eend $?
-reload () {
- ebegin "Reloading radiusd"
- kill -HUP `</var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid`
- eend $?
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/ipsec.conf
index 0671537e9..6d8aa629d 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ conn nat-t
- right=PH_IP_SUN
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9ee562bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_ALICE
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_ALICE
+ netmask 16
+iface eth1 inet static
+ address PH_IP_ALICE1
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+iface eth1 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_ALICE1
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/alice/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/alice/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index bbf5a2ea6..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index bd0b3a5ce..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_BOB broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_BOB/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via PH_IP_SUN1" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..696fb6baa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b8756b81..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow NAT-T
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/ipsec.conf
index 5896c3436..5896c3436 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/ipsec.conf
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e50c056a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_BOB
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_BOB
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/bob/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/bob/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index d5101b924..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index f7f685942..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_CAROL broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_CAROL/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da4b06358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ff11a424..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow esp
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow MobIKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/ipsec.conf
index 0848ee716..d2d481b68 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ conn %default
conn home
- left=PH_IP_CAROL
+ left=
- right=PH_IP_MOON
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3579153e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_CAROL
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_CAROL
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/carol/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/carol/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index c3fabf331..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b902525a..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_DAVE broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_DAVE/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fcf7b10e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index 6ff11a424..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow esp
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow MobIKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/ipsec.conf
index 96502581e..5c546e260 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ conn %default
conn home
- left=PH_IP_DAVE
+ left=
- right=PH_IP_MOON
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3a12454d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_DAVE
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_DAVE
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/dave/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/dave/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/default/slapd b/testing/hosts/default/etc/default/slapd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4a0a6e2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/default/slapd
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Default location of the slapd.conf file or slapd.d cn=config directory. If
+# empty, use the compiled-in default (/etc/ldap/slapd.d with a fallback to
+# /etc/ldap/slapd.conf).
+# System account to run the slapd server under. If empty the server
+# will run as root.
+# System group to run the slapd server under. If empty the server will
+# run in the primary group of its user.
+# Path to the pid file of the slapd server. If not set the init.d script
+# will try to figure it out from $SLAPD_CONF (/etc/ldap/slapd.conf by
+# default)
+# slapd normally serves ldap only on all TCP-ports 389. slapd can also
+# service requests on TCP-port 636 (ldaps) and requests via unix
+# sockets.
+# Example usage:
+# SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:// ldaps:/// ldapi:///"
+# If SLAPD_NO_START is set, the init script will not start or restart
+# slapd (but stop will still work). Uncomment this if you are
+# starting slapd via some other means or if you don't want slapd normally
+# started at boot.
+# If SLAPD_SENTINEL_FILE is set to path to a file and that file exists,
+# the init script will not start or restart slapd (but stop will still
+# work). Use this for temporarily disabling startup of slapd (when doing
+# maintenance, for example, or through a configuration management system)
+# when you don't want to edit a configuration file.
+# For Kerberos authentication (via SASL), slapd by default uses the system
+# keytab file (/etc/krb5.keytab). To use a different keytab file,
+# uncomment this line and change the path.
+#export KRB5_KTNAME=/etc/krb5.keytab
+# Additional options to pass to slapd
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.flush b/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.flush
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3ab63c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.flush
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.rules b/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.rules
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc3aa37e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/iptables.rules
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# default policy is DROP
+# allow esp
+-A INPUT -i eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
+-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
+# allow IKE
+-A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
+-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
+# allow MobIKE
+-A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
+-A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
+# allow ssh
+-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
+-A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/rsyslog.conf b/testing/hosts/default/etc/rsyslog.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f76da36e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/rsyslog.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# /etc/rsyslog.conf Configuration file for rsyslog.
+# For more information see
+# /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-doc/html/rsyslog_conf.html
+#### MODULES ####
+$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging
+$ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support
+#$ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability
+# Don't drop messages
+$SystemLogRateLimitInterval 0
+$RepeatedMsgReduction off
+# provides UDP syslog reception
+#$ModLoad imudp
+#$UDPServerRun 514
+# provides TCP syslog reception
+#$ModLoad imtcp
+#$InputTCPServerRun 514
+# Use traditional timestamp format.
+# To enable high precision timestamps, comment out the following line.
+$ActionFileDefaultTemplate RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat
+# Set the default permissions for all log files.
+$FileOwner root
+$FileGroup adm
+$FileCreateMode 0640
+$DirCreateMode 0755
+$Umask 0022
+# Where to place spool and state files
+$WorkDirectory /var/spool/rsyslog
+# Include all config files in /etc/rsyslog.d/
+$IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf
+#### RULES ####
+# First some standard log files. Log by facility.
+auth,authpriv.* /var/log/auth.log
+*.*;auth,authpriv.none -/var/log/syslog
+#cron.* /var/log/cron.log
+daemon.* /var/log/daemon.log
+kern.* -/var/log/kern.log
+lpr.* -/var/log/lpr.log
+mail.* -/var/log/mail.log
+user.* -/var/log/user.log
+# Logging for the mail system. Split it up so that
+# it is easy to write scripts to parse these files.
+mail.info -/var/log/mail.info
+mail.warn -/var/log/mail.warn
+mail.err /var/log/mail.err
+# Logging for INN news system.
+news.crit /var/log/news/news.crit
+news.err /var/log/news/news.err
+news.notice -/var/log/news/news.notice
+# Some "catch-all" log files.
+ auth,authpriv.none;\
+ news.none;mail.none -/var/log/debug
+ auth,authpriv.none;\
+ cron,daemon.none;\
+ mail,news.none -/var/log/messages
+# Emergencies are sent to everybody logged in.
+*.emerg :omusrmsg:*
+# I like to have messages displayed on the console, but only on a virtual
+# console I usually leave idle.
+# news.=crit;news.=err;news.=notice;\
+# *.=debug;*.=info;\
+# *.=notice;*.=warn /dev/tty8
+# The named pipe /dev/xconsole is for the `xconsole' utility. To use it,
+# you must invoke `xconsole' with the `-file' option:
+# $ xconsole -file /dev/xconsole [...]
+# NOTE: adjust the list below, or you'll go crazy if you have a reasonably
+# busy site..
+ news.err;\
+ *.=debug;*.=info;\
+ *.=notice;*.=warn |/dev/xconsole
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/security/limits.conf b/testing/hosts/default/etc/security/limits.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b8025d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/security/limits.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# /etc/security/limits.conf
+#Each line describes a limit for a user in the form:
+#<domain> <type> <item> <value>
+#<domain> can be:
+# - an user name
+# - a group name, with @group syntax
+# - the wildcard *, for default entry
+# - the wildcard %, can be also used with %group syntax,
+# for maxlogin limit
+# - NOTE: group and wildcard limits are not applied to root.
+# To apply a limit to the root user, <domain> must be
+# the literal username root.
+#<type> can have the two values:
+# - "soft" for enforcing the soft limits
+# - "hard" for enforcing hard limits
+#<item> can be one of the following:
+# - core - limits the core file size (KB)
+# - data - max data size (KB)
+# - fsize - maximum filesize (KB)
+# - memlock - max locked-in-memory address space (KB)
+# - nofile - max number of open files
+# - rss - max resident set size (KB)
+# - stack - max stack size (KB)
+# - cpu - max CPU time (MIN)
+# - nproc - max number of processes
+# - as - address space limit (KB)
+# - maxlogins - max number of logins for this user
+# - maxsyslogins - max number of logins on the system
+# - priority - the priority to run user process with
+# - locks - max number of file locks the user can hold
+# - sigpending - max number of pending signals
+# - msgqueue - max memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes)
+# - nice - max nice priority allowed to raise to values: [-20, 19]
+# - rtprio - max realtime priority
+# - chroot - change root to directory (Debian-specific)
+#<domain> <type> <item> <value>
+#* soft core 0
+#root hard core 100000
+#* hard rss 10000
+#@student hard nproc 20
+#@faculty soft nproc 20
+#@faculty hard nproc 50
+#ftp hard nproc 0
+#ftp - chroot /ftp
+#@student - maxlogins 4
+* hard core unlimited
+# End of file
diff --git a/testing/hosts/default/etc/sysctl.conf b/testing/hosts/default/etc/sysctl.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cefc73f5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/default/etc/sysctl.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# /etc/sysctl.conf - Configuration file for setting system variables
+# See /etc/sysctl.d/ for additonal system variables
+# See sysctl.conf (5) for information.
+#kernel.domainname = example.com
+# Uncomment the following to stop low-level messages on console
+#kernel.printk = 3 4 1 3
+# Functions previously found in netbase
+# Uncomment the next two lines to enable Spoof protection (reverse-path filter)
+# Turn on Source Address Verification in all interfaces to
+# prevent some spoofing attacks
+# Uncomment the next line to enable TCP/IP SYN cookies
+# See http://lwn.net/Articles/277146/
+# Note: This may impact IPv6 TCP sessions too
+# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv4
+# Uncomment the next line to enable packet forwarding for IPv6
+# Enabling this option disables Stateless Address Autoconfiguration
+# based on Router Advertisements for this host
+# Additional settings - these settings can improve the network
+# security of the host and prevent against some network attacks
+# including spoofing attacks and man in the middle attacks through
+# redirection. Some network environments, however, require that these
+# settings are disabled so review and enable them as needed.
+# Do not accept ICMP redirects (prevent MITM attacks)
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
+#net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0
+# _or_
+# Accept ICMP redirects only for gateways listed in our default
+# gateway list (enabled by default)
+# net.ipv4.conf.all.secure_redirects = 1
+# Do not send ICMP redirects (we are not a router)
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
+# Do not accept IP source route packets (we are not a router)
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
+#net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
+# Log Martian Packets
+#net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index 78e695337..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f09fd8a5..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_MOON broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_MOON/16" )
-config_eth1=( "PH_IP_MOON1 broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_MOON1/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..605185ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index f5fa80b26..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # enable IP forwarding
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow esp
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow MobIKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth1 b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth1
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/init.d/net.eth1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/ipsec.conf
index 6ee481e49..623e75d0a 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ conn %default
- left=PH_IP_MOON
+ left=
conn net-net
- right=PH_IP_SUN
+ right=
conn host-host
- right=PH_IP_SUN
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df85cc139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_MOON
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_MOON
+ netmask 16
+auto eth1
+iface eth1 inet static
+ address PH_IP_MOON1
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+iface eth1 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_MOON1
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1 b/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/moon/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub b/testing/hosts/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f71de4e..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEAsxKfTm05po6leGD8C+M0eAR5EE4s1pQXc0D/dVlqrmfZ65h5BFQY9lnwpCvapV6OVqKWx8ICmeIH3OhaPxPPNKlU81f3d0xgh8BRJpWh459DYkRVa5f7ax5eeFE1lelj9s1d0seUl/IZolpJ8Wmt9TN1hwJ0mrkwN4670rb3urc=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index bc042b68b..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6370ab7..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_SUN broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_SUN/16" )
-config_eth1=( "PH_IP_SUN1 broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_SUN1/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..692699759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index aeaf472fb..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # enable IP forwarding
- echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow esp
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p 50 -j ACCEPT
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow NAT-T
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth1 b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth1
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/init.d/net.eth1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/ipsec.conf
index 277928ec1..2f979f122 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ conn %default
- left=PH_IP_SUN
+ left=
conn net-net
- right=PH_IP_MOON
+ right=
conn host-host
- right=PH_IP_MOON
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd8186e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_SUN
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_SUN
+ netmask 16
+auto eth1
+iface eth1 inet static
+ address PH_IP_SUN1
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+iface eth1 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_SUN1
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1 b/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/sun/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e3dd1d4..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 43ec97807..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_VENUS broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_VENUS/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via PH_IP_MOON1" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/hostname b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/hostname
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acf16d8be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/hostname
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/iptables b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/iptables
deleted file mode 100755
index 1097ac5a4..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/iptables
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="start stop reload"
-depend() {
- before net
- need logger
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting firewall"
- # default policy is DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P INPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
- /sbin/iptables -P FORWARD DROP
- # allow IKE
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 500 --dport 500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 500 --sport 500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow NAT-T
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp --sport 4500 --dport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp --dport 4500 --sport 4500 -j ACCEPT
- # allow crl fetch from winnetou
- iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --sport 80 -s PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --dport 80 -d PH_IP_WINNETOU -j ACCEPT
- # allow ssh
- iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
- iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -j ACCEPT
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- if [ $a == nat ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t nat -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == mangle ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P PREROUTING ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t mangle -P POSTROUTING ACCEPT
- elif [ $a == filter ]; then
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
- /sbin/iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
- fi
- done
- eend $?
-reload() {
- ebegin "Flushing firewall"
- for a in `cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names`; do
- /sbin/iptables -F -t $a
- /sbin/iptables -X -t $a
- done;
- eend $?
- start
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/ipsec.conf b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/ipsec.conf
index dd6a82f89..e4604cb44 100755..100644
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/ipsec.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/ipsec.conf
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ conn nat-t
- right=PH_IP_SUN
+ right=
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13a1f7305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_VENUS
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_VENUS
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/venus/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/venus/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf.d/testresults-as-text b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf.d/testresults-as-text
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6f5f3011c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf.d/testresults-as-text
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+AddType text/plain .iptables .log .sql
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/ca.crt b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/ca.crt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de3b268d..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/ca.crt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt
deleted file mode 100644
index 956c217d9..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.crt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key
deleted file mode 100644
index 727027188..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/conf/ssl/server.key
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_mime.conf b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_mime.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b7e0ea4..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_mime.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# DefaultType: the default MIME type the server will use for a document
-# if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
-# If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
-# a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
-# or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
-# keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
-# text.
-DefaultType text/plain
-<IfModule mime_module>
-# TypesConfig points to the file containing the list of mappings from
-# filename extension to MIME-type.
-TypesConfig /etc/mime.types
-# AddType allows you to add to or override the MIME configuration
-# file specified in TypesConfig for specific file types.
-#AddType application/x-gzip .tgz
-# AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
-# information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
-#AddEncoding x-compress .Z
-#AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz
-# If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
-# probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
-AddType application/x-compress .Z
-AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz
-# AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to "handlers":
-# actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
-# or added with the Action directive (see below)
-# To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:
-# (You will also need to add "ExecCGI" to the "Options" directive.)
-AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
-# For files that include their own HTTP headers:
-#AddHandler send-as-is asis
-# For server-parsed imagemap files:
-#AddHandler imap-file map
-# For type maps (negotiated resources):
-AddHandler type-map var
-# Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
-# To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
-# (You will also need to add "Includes" to the "Options" directive.)
-#AddType text/html .shtml
-#AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
-<IfModule mime_magic_module>
-# The mod_mime_magic module allows the server to use various hints from the
-# contents of the file itself to determine its type. The MIMEMagicFile
-# directive tells the module where the hint definitions are located.
-MIMEMagicFile /etc/apache2/magic
-# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/01_ocsp_vhost.conf b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-ocsp_vhost
index 9a32412db..b76080e37 100644
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/01_ocsp_vhost.conf
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-ocsp_vhost
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
Listen 8880
+AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
<VirtualHost *:8880>
ServerAdmin root@strongswan.org
DocumentRoot /etc/openssl/ocsp
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/hostname b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/hostname
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bfa5acbd..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/hostname
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/net b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/net
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fbc37014..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/net
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/net:
-# This is basically the ifconfig argument without the ifconfig $iface
-config_eth0=( "PH_IP_WINNETOU broadcast netmask"
- "PH_IP6_WINNETOU/16" )
-# For setting the default gateway
-routes_eth0=( "default via" )
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/slapd b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/slapd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d9ac4787..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/conf.d/slapd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# conf.d file for the openldap-2.1 series
-# To enable both the standard unciphered server and the ssl encrypted
-# one uncomment this line or set any other server starting options
-# you may desire.
-# OPTS="-h 'ldaps:// ldap:// ldapi://%2fvar%2frun%2fopenldap%2fslapd.sock'"
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/apache2 b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/apache2
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f72d3090..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/apache2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="configtest fullstatus graceful gracefulstop modules reload"
-depend() {
- need net
- use mysql dns logger netmount postgresql
- after sshd
-configtest() {
- ebegin "Checking Apache Configuration"
- checkconfig
- eend $?
-checkconfig() {
- SERVERROOT="${SERVERROOT:-/usr/lib/apache2}"
- if [ ! -d ${SERVERROOT} ]; then
- eerror "SERVERROOT does not exist: ${SERVERROOT}"
- return 1
- fi
- CONFIGFILE="${CONFIGFILE:-/etc/apache2/httpd.conf}"
- if [ ! -r "${CONFIGFILE}" ]; then
- eerror "Unable to read configuration file: ${CONFIGFILE}"
- return 1
- fi
- APACHE2="/usr/sbin/apache2"
- ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -t 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
- eerror "Apache2 has detected a syntax error in your configuration files:"
- fi
- return $ret
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting apache2"
- [ -f /var/log/apache2/ssl_scache ] && rm /var/log/apache2/ssl_scache
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${APACHE2} -- ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k start
- eend $?
-stop() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Stopping apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --retry -TERM/5/-KILL/5 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-reload() {
- RELOAD_TYPE="${RELOAD_TYPE:-graceful}"
- checkconfig || return 1
- if [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "restart" ]; then
- ebegin "Restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --signal HUP --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
- elif [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "graceful" ]; then
- ebegin "Gracefully restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --signal USR1 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
- else
- eerror "${RELOAD_TYPE} is not a valid RELOAD_TYPE. Please edit /etc/conf.d/apache2"
- fi
-graceful() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Gracefully restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal USR1 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-gracefulstop() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- # zap!
- if service_started "${myservice}"; then
- mark_service_stopped "${myservice}"
- fi
- ebegin "Gracefully stopping apache2"
- # 28 is SIGWINCH
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 28 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-modules() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -M 2>&1
-status() {
- LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
- STATUSURL="${STATUSURL:-http://localhost/server-status}"
- ${LYNX} ${STATUSURL} | awk ' /process$/ { print; exit } { print } '
-fullstatus() {
- LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
- STATUSURL="${STATUSURL:-http://localhost/server-status}"
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/slapd b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/slapd
deleted file mode 100755
index d4c070b33..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/slapd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/strongswan/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/init.d/slapd,v 1.2 2005/05/31 14:04:43 as Exp $
-depend() {
- need net
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting ldap-server"
- eval start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid --exec /usr/lib/openldap/slapd -- -u ldap -g ldap "${OPTS}"
- eend $?
- if [ ! -e /var/lib/openldap-data/objectClass.bdb ]
- then
- sleep 5
- ldapadd -x -D "cn=Manager, o=Linux strongSwan, c=CH" -w tuxmux -f /etc/openldap/ldif.txt
- fi
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping ldap-server"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 2 --quiet --pidfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
- eend $?
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/ldif.txt b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/ldif.txt
index 3eca4d6c6..d06621adb 100644
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/ldif.txt
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/ldif.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ cACertificate;binary:< file:///etc/openssl/research/researchCert.der
dn: ou=Sales, o=Linux strongSwan, c=CH
objectclass: organizationalUnit
-ou: Sales
+ou: Sales
dn: cn=Sales CA, ou=Sales, o=Linux strongSwan, c=CH
objectClass: organizationalRole
@@ -37,4 +37,3 @@ objectClass: certificationAuthority
authorityRevocationList;binary:< file:///etc/openssl/sales/sales.crl
certificateRevocationList;binary:< file:///etc/openssl/sales/sales.crl
cACertificate;binary:< file:///etc/openssl/sales/salesCert.der
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/slapd.conf b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/slapd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..103d4573f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/ldap/slapd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
+# This file should NOT be world readable.
+moduleload back_bdb.la
+include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
+pidfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
+argsfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
+# BDB database definitions
+database bdb
+suffix "o=Linux strongSwan,c=CH"
+rootdn "cn=Manager,o=Linux strongSwan,c=CH"
+checkpoint 32 30
+rootpw tuxmux
+directory /var/lib/ldap
+index objectClass eq
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/network/interfaces b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/network/interfaces
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6fd14d0c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/network/interfaces
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+ address PH_IP_WINNETOU
+ netmask
+ broadcast
+ gateway
+iface eth0 inet6 static
+ address PH_IP6_WINNETOU
+ netmask 16
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/slapd.conf b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a99f955d..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openldap/slapd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
-# This file should NOT be world readable.
-include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
-# Define global ACLs to disable default read access.
-# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
-# service AND an understanding of referrals.
-#referral ldap://root.openldap.org
-pidfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.pid
-argsfile /var/run/openldap/slapd.args
-# Load dynamic backend modules:
-# modulepath /usr/lib/openldap/openldap
-# moduleload back_bdb.la
-# moduleload back_ldap.la
-# moduleload back_ldbm.la
-# moduleload back_passwd.la
-# moduleload back_shell.la
-# Sample security restrictions
-# Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
-# Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
-# Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
-# security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64
-# Sample access control policy:
-# Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
-# Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
-# Other DSEs:
-# Allow self write access
-# Allow authenticated users read access
-# Allow anonymous users to authenticate
-# Directives needed to implement policy:
-# access to dn.base="" by * read
-# access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read
-# access to *
-# by self write
-# by users read
-# by anonymous auth
-# if no access controls are present, the default policy
-# allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
-# updates to rootdn. (e.g., "access to * by * read")
-# rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!
-# BDB database definitions
-database bdb
-suffix "o=Linux strongSwan,c=CH"
-rootdn "cn=Manager,o=Linux strongSwan,c=CH"
-checkpoint 32 30 # <kbyte> <min>
-# Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
-# be avoid. See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
-# Use of strong authentication encouraged.
-rootpw tuxmux
-# The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND
-# should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
-# Mode 700 recommended.
-directory /var/lib/openldap-data
-# Indices to maintain
-index objectClass eq
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/generate-crl b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/generate-crl
index 60e53a0a4..839816bf5 100755
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/generate-crl
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/generate-crl
@@ -16,30 +16,32 @@
export COMMON_NAME=strongSwan
cd /etc/openssl
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 30 -config /etc/openssl/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan.crl
-cp strongswan.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
-cp strongswanCert.pem /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
-cp index.html /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp strongswan.crl ${ROOT}
+cp strongswanCert.pem ${ROOT}
+cp index.html ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/research
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/research/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out research.crl
-cp research.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp research.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/sales
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/sales/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out sales.crl
-cp sales.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp sales.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/ecdsa
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/ecdsa/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan_ec.crl
-cp strongswan_ec.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp strongswan_ec.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/monster
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/monster/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan-monster.crl
-cp strongswan-monster.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp strongswan-monster.crl ${ROOT}
cd /etc/openssl/rfc3779
openssl ca -gencrl -crldays 15 -config /etc/openssl/rfc3779/openssl.cnf -out crl.pem
openssl crl -in crl.pem -outform der -out strongswan_rfc3779.crl
-cp strongswan_rfc3779.crl /var/www/localhost/htdocs/
+cp strongswan_rfc3779.crl ${ROOT}
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/ocsp/ocsp.cgi b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
index cb585ed08..a62fe16bd 100755
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cd /etc/openssl
echo "Content-type: application/ocsp-response"
echo ""
-/usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA strongswanCert.pem \
- -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
- -nmin 5 \
- -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout
+cat | /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA strongswanCert.pem \
+ -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
+ -nmin 5 \
+ -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout | cat
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/research/ocsp/ocsp.cgi b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/research/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
index c193e8779..32405f81c 100755
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/research/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/research/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cd /etc/openssl/research
echo "Content-type: application/ocsp-response"
echo ""
-/usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA researchCert.pem \
- -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
- -nmin 5 \
- -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout
+cat | /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA researchCert.pem \
+ -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
+ -nmin 5 \
+ -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout | cat
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/sales/ocsp/ocsp.cgi b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/sales/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
index c53cb9a76..74a2aebc2 100755
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/sales/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
+++ b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/openssl/sales/ocsp/ocsp.cgi
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ cd /etc/openssl/sales
echo "Content-type: application/ocsp-response"
echo ""
-/usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA salesCert.pem \
- -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
- -nmin 5 \
- -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout
+cat | /usr/bin/openssl ocsp -index index.txt -CA salesCert.pem \
+ -rkey ocspKey.pem -rsigner ocspCert.pem \
+ -nmin 5 \
+ -reqin /dev/stdin -respout /dev/stdout | cat
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/apache2 b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/apache2
deleted file mode 100755
index 5f72d3090..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/apache2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-opts="configtest fullstatus graceful gracefulstop modules reload"
-depend() {
- need net
- use mysql dns logger netmount postgresql
- after sshd
-configtest() {
- ebegin "Checking Apache Configuration"
- checkconfig
- eend $?
-checkconfig() {
- SERVERROOT="${SERVERROOT:-/usr/lib/apache2}"
- if [ ! -d ${SERVERROOT} ]; then
- eerror "SERVERROOT does not exist: ${SERVERROOT}"
- return 1
- fi
- CONFIGFILE="${CONFIGFILE:-/etc/apache2/httpd.conf}"
- if [ ! -r "${CONFIGFILE}" ]; then
- eerror "Unable to read configuration file: ${CONFIGFILE}"
- return 1
- fi
- APACHE2="/usr/sbin/apache2"
- ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -t 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- ret=$?
- if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
- eerror "Apache2 has detected a syntax error in your configuration files:"
- fi
- return $ret
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting apache2"
- [ -f /var/log/apache2/ssl_scache ] && rm /var/log/apache2/ssl_scache
- start-stop-daemon --start --exec ${APACHE2} -- ${APACHE2_OPTS} -k start
- eend $?
-stop() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Stopping apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --retry -TERM/5/-KILL/5 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-reload() {
- RELOAD_TYPE="${RELOAD_TYPE:-graceful}"
- checkconfig || return 1
- if [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "restart" ]; then
- ebegin "Restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --signal HUP --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
- elif [ "${RELOAD_TYPE}" = "graceful" ]; then
- ebegin "Gracefully restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --signal USR1 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
- else
- eerror "${RELOAD_TYPE} is not a valid RELOAD_TYPE. Please edit /etc/conf.d/apache2"
- fi
-graceful() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Gracefully restarting apache2"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal USR1 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-gracefulstop() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- # zap!
- if service_started "${myservice}"; then
- mark_service_stopped "${myservice}"
- fi
- ebegin "Gracefully stopping apache2"
- # 28 is SIGWINCH
- start-stop-daemon --stop --signal 28 --exec ${APACHE2} --pidfile /var/run/apache2.pid
- eend $?
-modules() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ${APACHE2} ${APACHE2_OPTS} -M 2>&1
-status() {
- LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
- STATUSURL="${STATUSURL:-http://localhost/server-status}"
- ${LYNX} ${STATUSURL} | awk ' /process$/ { print; exit } { print } '
-fullstatus() {
- LYNX="${LYNX:-lynx -dump}"
- STATUSURL="${STATUSURL:-http://localhost/server-status}"
diff --git a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0 b/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
deleted file mode 100755
index 92b3851cf..000000000
--- a/testing/hosts/winnetou/etc/runlevels/default/net.eth0
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Contributed by Roy Marples (uberlord@gentoo.org)
-# Many thanks to Aron Griffis (agriffis@gentoo.org)
-# for help, ideas and patches
-#NB: Config is in /etc/conf.d/net
-# For pcmcia users. note that pcmcia must be added to the same
-# runlevel as the net.* script that needs it.
-depend() {
- need localmount
- after bootmisc hostname
- use isapnp isdn pcmcia usb wlan
- # Load any custom depend functions for the given interface
- # For example, br0 may need eth0 and eth1
- local iface="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- [[ $(type -t "depend_${iface}") == "function" ]] && depend_${iface}
- if [[ ${iface} != "lo" && ${iface} != "lo0" ]] ; then
- after net.lo net.lo0
- # Support new style RC_NEED and RC_USE in one net file
- local x="RC_NEED_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && need ${!x}
- x="RC_USE_${iface}"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && use ${!x}
- fi
- return 0
-# Define where our modules are
-# Make some wrappers to fudge after/before/need/use depend flags.
-# These are callbacks so MODULE will be set.
-after() {
- eval "${MODULE}_after() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-before() {
- eval "${MODULE}_before() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-need() {
- eval "${MODULE}_need() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-installed() {
- # We deliberately misspell this as _installed will probably be used
- # at some point
- eval "${MODULE}_instlled() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-provide() {
- eval "${MODULE}_provide() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-functions() {
- eval "${MODULE}_functions() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-variables() {
- eval "${MODULE}_variables() { echo \"$*\"; }"
-is_loopback() {
- [[ $1 == "lo" || $1 == "lo0" ]]
-# char* interface_device(char *iface)
-# Gets the base device of the interface
-# Can handle eth0:1 and eth0.1
-# Which returns eth0 in this case
-interface_device() {
- local dev="${1%%.*}"
- [[ ${dev} == "$1" ]] && dev="${1%%:*}"
- echo "${dev}"
-# char* interface_type(char* iface)
-# Returns the base type of the interface
-# eth, ippp, etc
-interface_type() {
- echo "${1%%[0-9]*}"
-# int calculate_metric(char *interface, int base)
-# Calculates the best metric for the interface
-# We use this when we add routes so we can prefer interfaces over each other
-calculate_metric() {
- local iface="$1" metric="$2"
- # Have we already got a metric?
- local m=$(awk '$1=="'${iface}'" && $2=="00000000" { print $7 }' \
- /proc/net/route)
- if [[ -n ${m} ]] ; then
- echo "${m}"
- return 0
- fi
- local i= dest= gw= flags= ref= u= m= mtu= metrics=
- while read i dest gw flags ref u m mtu ; do
- # Ignore lo
- is_loopback "${i}" && continue
- # We work out metrics from default routes only
- [[ ${dest} != "00000000" || ${gw} == "00000000" ]] && continue
- metrics="${metrics}\n${m}"
- done < /proc/net/route
- # Now, sort our metrics
- metrics=$(echo -e "${metrics}" | sort -n)
- # Now, find the lowest we can use
- local gotbase=false
- for m in ${metrics} ; do
- [[ ${m} -lt ${metric} ]] && continue
- [[ ${m} == ${metric} ]] && ((metric++))
- [[ ${m} -gt ${metric} ]] && break
- done
- echo "${metric}"
-# int netmask2cidr(char *netmask)
-# Returns the CIDR of a given netmask
-netmask2cidr() {
- local binary= i= bin=
- for i in ${1//./ }; do
- bin=""
- while [[ ${i} != "0" ]] ; do
- bin=$[${i}%2]${bin}
- (( i=i>>1 ))
- done
- binary="${binary}${bin}"
- done
- binary="${binary%%0*}"
- echo "${#binary}"
-# bool is_function(char* name)
-# Returns 0 if the given name is a shell function, otherwise 1
-is_function() {
- [[ -z $1 ]] && return 1
- [[ $(type -t "$1") == "function" ]]
-# void function_wrap(char* source, char* target)
-# wraps function calls - for example function_wrap(this, that)
-# maps function names this_* to that_*
-function_wrap() {
- local i=
- is_function "${2}_depend" && return
- for i in $(typeset -f | grep -o '^'"${1}"'_[^ ]*'); do
- eval "${2}${i#${1}}() { ${i} \"\$@\"; }"
- done
-# char[] * expand_parameters(char *cmd)
-# Returns an array after expanding parameters. For example
-# "192.168.{1..3}.{1..3}/24 brd +"
-# will return
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-# " brd +"
-expand_parameters() {
- local x=$(eval echo ${@// /_})
- local -a a=( ${x} )
- a=( "${a[@]/#/\"}" )
- a=( "${a[@]/%/\"}" )
- echo "${a[*]//_/ }"
-# void configure_variables(char *interface, char *option1, [char *option2])
-# Maps configuration options from <variable>_<option> to <variable>_<iface>
-# option2 takes precedence over option1
-configure_variables() {
- local iface="$1" option1="$2" option2="$3"
- local mod= func= x= i=
- local -a ivars=() ovars1=() ovars2=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "${iface}")
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- is_function ${mod}_variables || continue
- for v in $(${mod}_variables) ; do
- x=
- [[ -n ${option2} ]] && x="${v}_${option2}[@]"
- [[ -z ${!x} ]] && x="${v}_${option1}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && eval "${v}_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- done
- done
- return 0
-# bool module_load_minimum(char *module)
-# Does the minimum checking on a module - even when forcing
-module_load_minimum() {
- local f="$1.sh" MODULE="${1##*/}"
- if [[ ! -f ${f} ]] ; then
- eerror "${f} does not exist"
- return 1
- fi
- if ! source "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULE} failed a sanity check"
- return 1
- fi
- for f in depend; do
- is_function "${MODULE}_${f}" && continue
- eerror "${MODULE}.sh does not support the required function ${f}"
- return 1
- done
- return 0
-# bool modules_load_auto()
-# Load and check each module for sanity
-# If the module is not installed, the functions are to be removed
-modules_load_auto() {
- local i j inst
- # Populate the MODULES array
- # Basically we treat evey file in ${MODULES_DIR} as a module
- MODULES=( $( cd "${MODULES_DIR}" ; ls *.sh ) )
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- [[ ! -f ${MODULES[i]} ]] && unset MODULES[i]
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- # Each of these sources into the global namespace, so it's
- # important that module functions and variables are prefixed with
- # the module name, for example iproute2_
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- loaded_interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]%.sh*}"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]##*/} == "interface" ]] ; then
- eerror "interface is a reserved name - cannot load a module called interface"
- return 1
- fi
- (
- u=0;
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES[i]}" || u=1;
- if [[ ${u} == 0 ]] ; then
- inst="${MODULES[i]##*/}_check_installed";
- if is_function "${inst}" ; then
- ${inst} false || u=1;
- fi
- fi
- exit "${u}";
- )
- if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES[i]}.sh"
- MODULES[i]="${MODULES[i]##*/}"
- else
- unset MODULES[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# bool modules_check_installed(void)
-# Ensure that all modules have the required modules loaded
-# This enables us to remove modules from the MODULES array
-# Whilst other modules can still explicitly call them
-# One example of this is essidnet which configures network
-# settings for the specific ESSID connected to as the user
-# may be using a daemon to configure wireless instead of our
-# iwconfig module
-modules_check_installed() {
- local i j missingdeps nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_instlled" || continue
- for j in $( ${MODULES[i]}_instlled ); do
- missingdeps=true
- if is_function "${j}_check_installed" ; then
- ${j}_check_installed && missingdeps=false
- elif is_function "${j}_depend" ; then
- missingdeps=false
- fi
- ${missingdeps} && unset MODULES[i] && unset PROVIDES[i] && break
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_user(void)
-modules_check_user() {
- local iface="$1" ifvar=$(bash_variable "${IFACE}")
- local i= j= k= l= nmods="${#MODULES[@]}"
- local -a umods=()
- # Has the interface got any specific modules?
- umods="modules_${ifvar}[@]"
- umods=( "${!umods}" )
- # Global setting follows interface-specific setting
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${modules[@]}" )
- # Add our preferred modules
- local -a pmods=( "iproute2" "dhcpcd" "iwconfig" "netplugd" )
- umods=( "${umods[@]}" "${pmods[@]}" )
- # First we strip any modules that conflict from user settings
- # So if the user specifies pump then we don't use dhcpcd
- for (( i=0; i<${#umods[@]}; i++ )); do
- # Some users will inevitably put "dhcp" in their modules
- # list. To keep users from screwing up their system this
- # way, ignore this setting so that the default dhcp
- # module will be used.
- [[ ${umods[i]} == "dhcp" ]] && continue
- # We remove any modules we explicitly don't want
- if [[ ${umods[i]} == "!"* ]] ; then
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${umods[i]:1} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${umods[i]:1} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We may need to setup a class wrapper for it even though
- # we don't use it directly
- # However, we put it into an array and wrap later as
- # another module may provide the same thing
- ${MODULES[j]}_check_installed \
- "${WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- "${MODULES[j]} ${PROVIDES[j]}"
- )
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- fi
- done
- continue
- fi
- if ! is_function "${umods[i]}_depend" ; then
- # If the module is one of our preferred modules, then
- # ignore this error; whatever is available will be
- # used instead.
- (( i < ${#umods[@]} - ${#pmods[@]} )) || continue
- # The function may not exist because the modules software is
- # not installed. Load the module and report its error
- if [[ -e "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh" ]] ; then
- source "${MODULES_DIR}/${umods[i]}.sh"
- is_function "${umods[i]}_check_installed" \
- && ${umods[i]}_check_installed true
- else
- eerror "The module \"${umods[i]}\" does not exist"
- fi
- return 1
- fi
- if is_function "${umods[i]}_provide" ; then
- mod=$(${umods[i]}_provide)
- else
- mod="${umods[i]}"
- fi
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${mod}" && ${umods[i]} != "${MODULES[j]}" ]] ; then
- # We don't have a match - now ensure that we still provide an
- # alternative. This is to handle our preferred modules.
- for (( l=0; l<nmods; l++ )); do
- [[ ${l} == "${j}" || -z ${MODULES[l]} ]] && continue
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[l]} == "${mod}" ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[j]
- unset PROVIDES[j]
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- done
- # Then we strip conflicting modules.
- # We only need to do this for 3rd party modules that conflict with
- # our own modules and the preferred list AND the user modules
- # list doesn't specify a preference.
- for (( i=0; i<nmods-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( j=i+1; j<nmods; j++)); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[j]} ]] && continue
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] \
- && unset MODULES[j] && unset PROVIDES[j]
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- return 0
-# void modules_sort(void)
-# Sort our modules
-modules_sort() {
- local i= j= nmods=${#MODULES[@]} m=
- local -a provide=() provide_list=() after=() dead=() sorted=() sortedp=()
- # Make our provide list
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- dead[i]="false"
- if [[ ${MODULES[i]} != "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- local provided=false
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- if [[ ${provide[j]} == "${PROVIDES[i]}" ]] ; then
- provide_list[j]="${provide_list[j]} ${MODULES[i]}"
- provided=true
- fi
- done
- if ! ${provided}; then
- provide[j]="${PROVIDES[i]}"
- provide_list[j]="${MODULES[i]}"
- fi
- fi
- done
- # Create an after array, which holds which modules the module at
- # index i must be after
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_after" ; then
- after[i]=" ${after[i]} $(${MODULES[i]}_after) "
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_before" ; then
- for m in $(${MODULES[i]}_before); do
- for ((j=0; j<nmods; j++)) ; do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[j]} == "${m}" ]] ; then
- after[j]=" ${after[j]} ${MODULES[i]} "
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- fi
- done
- # Replace the after list modules with real modules
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- if [[ -n ${after[i]} ]] ; then
- for ((j=0; j<${#provide[@]}; j++)); do
- after[i]="${after[i]// ${provide[j]} / ${provide_list[j]} }"
- done
- fi
- done
- # We then use the below code to provide a topologial sort
- module_after_visit() {
- local name="$1" i= x=
- for ((i=0; i<nmods; i++)); do
- [[ ${MODULES[i]} == "$1" ]] && break
- done
- ${dead[i]} && return
- dead[i]="true"
- for x in ${after[i]} ; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- sorted=( "${sorted[@]}" "${MODULES[i]}" )
- sortedp=( "${sortedp[@]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}" )
- }
- for x in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- module_after_visit "${x}"
- done
- MODULES=( "${sorted[@]}" )
- PROVIDES=( "${sortedp[@]}" )
-# bool modules_check_depends(bool showprovides)
-modules_check_depends() {
- local showprovides="${1:-false}" nmods="${#MODULES[@]}" i= j= needmod=
- local missingdeps= p= interface=false
- for (( i=0; i<nmods; i++ )); do
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_need" ; then
- for needmod in $(${MODULES[i]}_need); do
- missingdeps=true
- for (( j=0; j<nmods; j++ )); do
- if [[ ${needmod} == "${MODULES[j]}" \
- || ${needmod} == "${PROVIDES[j]}" ]] ; then
- missingdeps=false
- break
- fi
- done
- if ${missingdeps} ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]} needs ${needmod} (dependency failure)"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_functions" ; then
- for f in $(${MODULES[i]}_functions); do
- if ! is_function "${f}" ; then
- eerror "${MODULES[i]}: missing required function \"${f}\""
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == "interface" ]] && interface=true
- if ${showprovides} ; then
- [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} != "${MODULES[i]}" ]] \
- && veinfo "${MODULES[i]} provides ${PROVIDES[i]}"
- fi
- done
- if ! ${interface} ; then
- eerror "no interface module has been loaded"
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-# bool modules_load(char *iface, bool starting)
-# Loads the defined handler and modules for the interface
-# Returns 0 on success, otherwise 1
-modules_load() {
- local iface="$1" starting="${2:-true}" MODULE= p=false i= j= k=
- local -a x=()
- local -a PROVIDES=() WRAP_MODULES=()
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- x="modules_force_${iface}[@]"
- [[ -n ${!x} ]] && modules_force=( "${!x}" )
- if [[ -n ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- ewarn "WARNING: You are forcing modules!"
- ewarn "Do not complain or file bugs if things start breaking"
- report=true
- fi
- fi
- veinfo "Loading networking modules for ${iface}"
- eindent
- if [[ -z ${modules_force} ]] ; then
- modules_load_auto || return 1
- else
- j="${#modules_force[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- module_load_minimum "${MODULES_DIR}/${modules_force[i]}" || return 1
- if is_function "${modules_force[i]}_check_installed" ; then
- ${modules_force[i]}_check_installed || unset modules_force[i]
- fi
- done
- MODULES=( "${modules_force[@]}" )
- fi
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- # Now load our dependencies - we need to use the MODULE variable
- # here as the after/before/need functions use it
- ${MODULE}_depend
- # expose does exactly the same thing as depend
- # However it is more "correct" as it exposes things to other modules
- # instead of depending on them ;)
- is_function "${MODULES[i]}_expose" && ${MODULES[i]}_expose
- # If no provide is given, assume module name
- if is_function "${MODULES[i]}_provide" ; then
- PROVIDES[i]=$(${MODULES[i]}_provide)
- else
- fi
- done
- if [[ -n ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- # Strip any duplicate modules providing the same thing
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j-1; i++ )); do
- [[ -z ${MODULES[i]} ]] && continue
- for (( k=i+1; k<j; k++ )); do
- if [[ ${PROVIDES[i]} == ${PROVIDES[k]} ]] ; then
- unset MODULES[k]
- unset PROVIDES[k]
- fi
- done
- done
- MODULES=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- else
- if ${starting}; then
- modules_check_user "${iface}" || return 1
- else
- # Always prefer iproute2 for taking down interfaces
- if is_function iproute2_provide ; then
- function_wrap iproute2 "$(iproute2_provide)"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- # Wrap our modules
- j="${#MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap "${MODULES[i]}" "${PROVIDES[i]}"
- done
- j="${#WRAP_MODULES[@]}"
- for (( i=0; i<j; i++ )); do
- function_wrap ${WRAP_MODULES[i]}
- done
- if [[ -z ${modules_force[@]} ]] ; then
- modules_check_installed || return 1
- modules_sort || return 1
- fi
- veinfo "modules: ${MODULES[@]}"
- eindent
- ${starting} && p=true
- modules_check_depends "${p}" || return 1
- return 0
-# bool iface_start(char *interface)
-# iface_start is called from start. It's expected to start the base
-# interface (for example "eth0"), aliases (for example "eth0:1") and to start
-# VLAN interfaces (for example eth0.0, eth0.1). VLAN setup is accomplished by
-# calling itself recursively.
-iface_start() {
- local iface="$1" mod config_counter="-1" x config_worked=false
- local -a config=() fallback=() fallback_route=() conf=() a=() b=()
- local ifvar=$(bash_variable "$1") i= j= metric=0
- # pre Start any modules with
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_start" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_start "${iface}" || { eend 1; return 1; }
- fi
- done
- x="metric_${ifvar}"
- # If we don't have a metric then calculate one
- # Our modules will set the metric variable to a suitable base
- # in their pre starts.
- if [[ -z ${!x} ]] ; then
- eval "metric_${ifvar}=\"$(calculate_metric "${iface}" "${metric}")\""
- fi
- # We now expand the configuration parameters and pray that the
- # fallbacks expand to the same number as config or there will be
- # trouble!
- a="config_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- config=( "${config[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- a="fallback_${ifvar}[@]"
- a=( "${!a}" )
- for (( i=0; i<${#a[@]}; i++ )); do
- eval b=( $(expand_parameters "${a[i]}") )
- fallback=( "${fallback[@]}" "${b[@]}" )
- done
- # We don't expand routes
- fallback_route="fallback_route_${ifvar}[@]"
- fallback_route=( "${!fallback_route}" )
- # We must support old configs
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- interface_get_old_config "${iface}" || return 1
- if [[ -n ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "You are using a deprecated configuration syntax for ${iface}"
- ewarn "You are advised to read /etc/conf.d/net.example and upgrade it accordingly"
- fi
- fi
- # Handle "noop" correctly
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- if interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- return 0
- fi
- # Remove noop from the config var
- config=( "${config[@]:1}" )
- fi
- # Provide a default of DHCP if no configuration is set and we're auto
- # Otherwise a default of NULL
- if [[ -z ${config} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Configuration not set for ${iface} - assuming DHCP"
- if is_function "dhcp_start" ; then
- config=( "dhcp" )
- else
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Bringing up ${iface}"
- eindent
- for (( config_counter=0; config_counter<${#config[@]}; config_counter++ )); do
- # Handle null and noop correctly
- if [[ ${config[config_counter]} == "null" \
- || ${config[config_counter]} == "noop" ]] ; then
- eend 0
- config_worked=true
- continue
- fi
- # We convert it to an array - this has the added
- # bonus of trimming spaces!
- conf=( ${config[config_counter]} )
- einfo "${conf[0]}"
- # Do we have a function for our config?
- if is_function "${conf[0]}_start" ; then
- eindent
- ${conf[0]}_start "${iface}" ; x=$?
- eoutdent
- [[ ${x} == 0 ]] && config_worked=true && continue
- # We need to test to see if it's an IP address or a function
- # We do this by testing if the 1st character is a digit
- elif [[ ${conf[0]:0:1} == [[:digit:]] || ${conf[0]} == *:* ]] ; then
- x="0"
- if ! is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ " ${MODULES[@]} " == *" arping "* ]] ; then
- if arping_address_exists "${iface}" "${conf[0]}" ; then
- eerror "${conf[0]%%/*} already taken on ${iface}"
- x="1"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${x} == "0" ]] && interface_add_address "${iface}" ${conf[@]}; x="$?"
- eend "${x}" && config_worked=true && continue
- else
- if [[ ${conf[0]} == "dhcp" ]] ; then
- eerror "No DHCP client installed"
- else
- eerror "No loaded modules provide \"${conf[0]}\" (${conf[0]}_start)"
- fi
- fi
- if [[ -n ${fallback[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- einfo "Trying fallback configuration"
- config[config_counter]="${fallback[config_counter]}"
- fallback[config_counter]=""
- # Do we have a fallback route?
- if [[ -n ${fallback_route[config_counter]} ]] ; then
- x="fallback_route[config_counter]"
- eval "routes_${ifvar}=( \"\${!x}\" )"
- fallback_route[config_counter]=""
- fi
- (( config_counter-- )) # since the loop will increment it
- continue
- fi
- done
- eoutdent
- # We return failure if no configuration parameters worked
- ${config_worked} || return 1
- # Start any modules with _post_start
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_post_start" ; then
- ${mod}_post_start "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
-# bool iface_stop(char *interface)
-# iface_stop: bring down an interface. Don't trust information in
-# /etc/conf.d/net since the configuration might have changed since
-# iface_start ran. Instead query for current configuration and bring
-# down the interface.
-iface_stop() {
- local iface="$1" i= aliases= need_begin=false mod=
- # pre Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_pre_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_pre_stop "${iface}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- einfo "Bringing down ${iface}"
- eindent
- # Collect list of aliases for this interface.
- # List will be in reverse order.
- if interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- aliases=$(interface_get_aliases_rev "${iface}")
- fi
- # Stop aliases before primary interface.
- # Note this must be done in reverse order, since ifconfig eth0:1
- # will remove eth0:2, etc. It might be sufficient to simply remove
- # the base interface but we're being safe here.
- for i in ${aliases} ${iface}; do
- # Stop all our modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- if is_function "${mod}_stop" ; then
- ${mod}_stop "${i}" || return 1
- fi
- done
- # A module may have removed the interface
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- eend 0
- continue
- fi
- # We don't delete ppp assigned addresses
- if ! is_function pppd_exists || ! pppd_exists "${i}" ; then
- # Delete all the addresses for this alias
- interface_del_addresses "${i}"
- fi
- # Do final shut down of this alias
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" \
- && ${RC_DOWN_INTERFACE} == "yes" ]] ; then
- ebegin "Shutting down ${i}"
- interface_iface_stop "${i}"
- eend "$?"
- fi
- done
- # post Stop any modules
- for mod in ${MODULES[@]}; do
- # We have already taken down the interface, so no need to error
- is_function "${mod}_post_stop" && ${mod}_post_stop "${iface}"
- done
- return 0
-# bool run_start(char *iface)
-# Brings up ${IFACE}. Calls preup, iface_start, then postup.
-# Returns 0 (success) unless preup or iface_start returns 1 (failure).
-# Ignores the return value from postup.
-# We cannot check that the device exists ourselves as modules like
-# tuntap make create it.
-run_start() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1")
- # We do this so users can specify additional addresses for lo if they
- # need too - additional routes too
- # However, no extra modules are loaded as they are just not needed
- if [[ ${iface} == "lo" ]] ; then
- metric_lo="0"
- config_lo=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- elif [[ ${iface} == "lo0" ]] ; then
- metric_lo0="0"
- config_lo0=( " brd" "${config_lo[@]}" )
- routes_lo0=( "" "${routes_lo[@]}" )
- fi
- # We may not have a loaded module for ${iface}
- # Some users may have "alias natsemi eth0" in /etc/modules.d/foo
- # so we can work with this
- # However, if they do the same with eth1 and try to start it
- # but eth0 has not been loaded then the module gets loaded as
- # eth0.
- # Not much we can do about this :(
- # Also, we cannot error here as some modules - such as bridge
- # create interfaces
- if ! interface_exists "${iface}" ; then
- /sbin/modprobe "${iface}" &>/dev/null
- fi
- # Call user-defined preup function if it exists
- if is_function preup ; then
- einfo "Running preup function"
- eindent
- ( preup "${iface}" )
- eend "$?" "preup ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- fi
- # If config is set to noop and the interface is up with an address
- # then we don't start it
- local config=
- config="config_${IFVAR}[@]"
- config=( "${!config}" )
- if [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] && interface_is_up "${iface}" true ; then
- einfo "Keeping current configuration for ${iface}"
- eend 0
- else
- # Remove noop from the config var
- [[ ${config[0]} == "noop" ]] \
- && eval "config_${IFVAR}=( "\"\$\{config\[@\]:1\}\"" )"
- # There may be existing ip address info - so we strip it
- if [[ ${RC_INTERFACE_KEEP_CONFIG} != "yes" \
- && ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_del_addresses "${iface}"
- fi
- # Start the interface
- if ! iface_start "${iface}" ; then
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] ; then
- interface_exists "${iface}" && interface_down "${iface}"
- fi
- eend 1
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- # Call user-defined postup function if it exists
- if is_function postup ; then
- # We need to mark the service as started incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- mark_service_started "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postup function"
- eindent
- ( postup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run_stop(char *iface) {
-# Brings down ${iface}. If predown call returns non-zero, then
-# stop returns non-zero to indicate failure bringing down device.
-# In all other cases stop returns 0 to indicate success.
-run_stop() {
- local iface="$1" IFVAR=$(bash_variable "$1") x
- # Load our ESSID variable so users can use it in predown() instead
- # of having to write code.
- local ESSID=$(get_options ESSID) ESSIDVAR=
- [[ -n ${ESSID} ]] && ESSIDVAR=$(bash_variable "${ESSID}")
- # Call user-defined predown function if it exists
- if is_function predown ; then
- einfo "Running predown function"
- eindent
- ( predown "${iface}" )
- eend $? "predown ${iface} failed" || return 1
- eoutdent
- elif is_net_fs / ; then
- eerror "root filesystem is network mounted -- can't stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- elif is_union_fs / ; then
- for x in $(unionctl "${dir}" --list \
- | sed -e 's/^\(.*\) .*/\1/') ; do
- if is_net_fs "${x}" ; then
- eerror "Part of the root filesystem is network mounted - cannot stop ${iface}"
- return 1
- fi
- done
- fi
- iface_stop "${iface}" || return 1 # always succeeds, btw
- # Release resolv.conf information.
- [[ -x /sbin/resolvconf ]] && resolvconf -d "${iface}"
- # Mark us as inactive if called from the background
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- # Call user-defined postdown function if it exists
- if is_function postdown ; then
- # We need to mark the service as stopped incase a
- # postdown function wants to restart services that depend on us
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} != "true" ]] && mark_service_stopped "net.${iface}"
- end_service "net.${iface}" 0
- einfo "Running postdown function"
- eindent
- ( postdown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- return 0
-# bool run(char *iface, char *cmd)
-# Main start/stop entry point
-# We load modules here and remove any functions that they
-# added as we may be called inside the same shell scope for another interface
-run() {
- local iface="$1" cmd="$2" r=1 RC_INDENTATION="${RC_INDENTATION}"
- local starting=true
- local -a MODULES=() mods=()
- if [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" || ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "1" ]] ; then
- else
- fi
- # We need to override the exit function as runscript.sh now checks
- # for it. We need it so we can mark the service as inactive ourselves.
- unset -f exit
- eindent
- [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] && starting=false
- # We force lo to only use these modules for a major speed boost
- if is_loopback "${iface}" ; then
- modules_force=( "iproute2" "ifconfig" "system" )
- fi
- if modules_load "${iface}" "${starting}" ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "stop" ]] ; then
- # Reverse the module list for stopping
- mods=( "${MODULES[@]}" )
- for ((i = 0; i < ${#mods[@]}; i++)); do
- MODULES[i]=${mods[((${#mods[@]} - i - 1))]}
- done
- run_stop "${iface}" && r=0
- else
- # Only hotplug on ethernet interfaces
- if [[ ${IN_HOTPLUG} == 1 ]] ; then
- if ! interface_is_ethernet "${iface}" ; then
- eerror "We only hotplug for ethernet interfaces"
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- run_start "${iface}" && r=0
- fi
- fi
- if [[ ${r} != "0" ]] ; then
- if [[ ${cmd} == "start" ]] ; then
- # Call user-defined failup if it exists
- if is_function failup ; then
- einfo "Running failup function"
- eindent
- ( failup "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- else
- # Call user-defined faildown if it exists
- if is_function faildown ; then
- einfo "Running faildown function"
- eindent
- ( faildown "${iface}" )
- eoutdent
- fi
- fi
- [[ ${IN_BACKGROUND} == "true" ]] \
- && mark_service_inactive "net.${iface}"
- fi
- return "${r}"
-# bool start(void)
-# Start entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-start() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Starting ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" start
-# bool stop(void)
-# Stop entry point so that we only have one function
-# which localises variables and unsets functions
-stop() {
- declare -r IFACE="${SVCNAME#*.}"
- einfo "Stopping ${IFACE}"
- run "${IFACE}" stop
-# vim:ts=4