strongswan-4.0.4 ---------------- - Implemented full support for IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnels. - Added configuration options for dead peer detection in IKEv2. dpd_action types "clear", "hold" and "restart" are supported. The dpd_timeout value is not used, as the normal retransmission policy applies to detect dead peers. The dpd_delay parameter enables sending of empty informational message to detect dead peers in case of inactivity. - Added support for preshared keys in IKEv2. PSK keys configured in ipsec.secrets are loaded. The authby parameter specifies the authentication method to authentificate ourself, the other peer may use PSK or RSA. - Changed retransmission policy to respect the keyingtries parameter. - Added private key decryption. PEM keys encrypted with AES-128/192/256 or 3DES are supported. - Implemented DES/3DES algorithms in libstrongswan. 3DES can be used to encrypt IKE traffic. - Implemented SHA-256/384/512 in libstrongswan, allows usage of certificates signed with such a hash algorithm. - Added initial support for updown scripts. The actions up-host/client and down-host/client are executed. The leftfirewall=yes parameter uses the default updown script to insert dynamic firewall rules, a custom updown script may be specified with the leftupdown parameter. strongswan-4.0.3 ---------------- - Added support for the auto=route ipsec.conf parameter and the ipsec route/unroute commands for IKEv2. This allows to set up IKE_SAs and CHILD_SAs dynamically on demand when traffic is detected by the kernel. - Added support for rekeying IKE_SAs in IKEv2 using the ikelifetime parameter. As specified in IKEv2, no reauthentication is done (unlike in IKEv1), only new keys are generated using perfect forward secrecy. An optional flag which enforces reauthentication will be implemented later. - "sha" and "sha1" are now treated as synonyms in the ike= and esp= algorithm configuration statements. strongswan-4.0.2 ---------------- - Full X.509 certificate trust chain verification has been implemented. End entity certificates can be exchanged via CERT payloads. The current default is leftsendcert=always, since CERTREQ payloads are not supported yet. Optional CRLs must be imported locally into /etc/ipsec.d/crls. - Added support for leftprotoport/rightprotoport parameters in IKEv2. IKEv2 would offer more possibilities for traffic selection, but the Linux kernel currently does not support it. That's why we stick with these simple ipsec.conf rules for now. - Added Dead Peer Detection (DPD) which checks liveliness of remote peer if no IKE or ESP traffic is received. DPD is currently hardcoded (dpdaction=clear, dpddelay=60s). - Initial NAT traversal support in IKEv2. Charon includes NAT detection notify payloads to detect NAT routers between the peers. It switches to port 4500, uses UDP encapsulated ESP packets, handles peer address changes gracefully and sends keep alive message periodically. - Reimplemented IKE_SA state machine for charon, which allows simultaneous rekeying, more shared code, cleaner design, proper retransmission and a more extensible code base. - The mixed PSK/RSA roadwarrior detection capability introduced by the strongswan-2.7.0 release necessitated the pre-parsing of the IKE proposal payloads by the responder right before any defined IKE Main Mode state had been established. Although any form of bad proposal syntax was being correctly detected by the payload parser, the subsequent error handler didn't check the state pointer before logging current state information, causing an immediate crash of the pluto keying daemon due to a NULL pointer. strongswan-4.0.1 ---------------- - Added algorithm selection to charon: New default algorithms for ike=aes128-sha-modp2048, as both daemons support it. The default for IPsec SAs is now esp=aes128-sha,3des-md5. charon handles the ike/esp parameter the same way as pluto. As this syntax does not allow specification of a pseudo random function, the same algorithm as for integrity is used (currently sha/md5). Supported algorithms for IKE: Encryption: aes128, aes192, aes256 Integrity/PRF: md5, sha (using hmac) DH-Groups: modp768, 1024, 1536, 2048, 4096, 8192 and for ESP: Encryption: aes128, aes192, aes256, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256 Integrity: md5, sha1 More IKE encryption algorithms will come after porting libcrypto into libstrongswan. - initial support for rekeying CHILD_SAs using IKEv2. Currently no perfect forward secrecy is used. The rekeying parameters rekey, rekeymargin, rekeyfuzz and keylife from ipsec.conf are now supported when using IKEv2. WARNING: charon currently is unable to handle simultaneous rekeying. To avoid such a situation, use a large rekeyfuzz, or even better, set rekey=no on one peer. - support for host2host, net2net, host2net (roadwarrior) tunnels using predefined RSA certificates (see uml scenarios for configuration examples). - new build environment featuring autotools. Features such as HTTP, LDAP and smartcard support may be enabled using the ./configure script. Changing install directories is possible, too. See ./configure --help for more details. - better integration of charon with ipsec starter, which allows (almost) transparent operation with both daemons. charon handles ipsec commands up, down, status, statusall, listall, listcerts and allows proper load, reload and delete of connections via ipsec starter. strongswan-4.0.0 ---------------- - initial support of the IKEv2 protocol. Connections in ipsec.conf designated by keyexchange=ikev2 are negotiated by the new IKEv2 charon keying daemon whereas those marked by keyexchange=ikev1 or the default keyexchange=ike are handled thy the IKEv1 pluto keying daemon. Currently only a limited subset of functions are available with IKEv2 (Default AES encryption, authentication based on locally imported X.509 certificates, unencrypted private RSA keys in PKCS#1 file format, limited functionality of the ipsec status command). strongswan-2.7.0 ---------------- - the dynamic iptables rules from the _updown_x509 template for KLIPS and the _updown_policy template for NETKEY have been merged into the default _updown script. The existing left|rightfirewall keyword causes the automatic insertion and deletion of ACCEPT rules for tunneled traffic upon the successful setup and teardown of an IPsec SA, respectively. left|rightfirwall can be used with KLIPS under any Linux 2.4 kernel or with NETKEY under a Linux kernel version >= 2.6.16 in conjuction with iptables >= 1.3.5. For NETKEY under a Linux kernel version < 2.6.16 which does not support IPsec policy matching yet, please continue to use a copy of the _updown_espmark template loaded via the left|rightupdown keyword. - a new left|righthostaccess keyword has been introduced which can be used in conjunction with left|rightfirewall and the default _updown script. By default leftfirewall=yes inserts a bi-directional iptables FORWARD rule for a local client network with a netmask different from (single host). This does not allow to access the VPN gateway host via its internal network interface which is part of the client subnet because an iptables INPUT and OUTPUT rule would be required. lefthostaccess=yes will cause this additional ACCEPT rules to be inserted. - mixed PSK|RSA roadwarriors are now supported. The ISAKMP proposal payload is preparsed in order to find out whether the roadwarrior requests PSK or RSA so that a matching connection candidate can be found. strongswan-2.6.4 ---------------- - the new _updown_policy template allows ipsec policy based iptables firewall rules. Required are iptables version >= 1.3.5 and linux kernel >= 2.6.16. This script obsoletes the _updown_espmark template, so that no INPUT mangle rules are required any more. - added support of DPD restart mode - ipsec starter now allows the use of wildcards in include statements as e.g. in "include /etc/my_ipsec/*.conf". Patch courtesy of Matthias Haas. - the Netscape OID 'employeeNumber' is now recognized and can be used as a Relative Distinguished Name in certificates. strongswan-2.6.3 ---------------- - /etc/init.d/ipsec or /etc/rc.d/ipsec is now a copy of the ipsec command and not of ipsec setup any more. - ipsec starter now supports AH authentication in conjunction with ESP encryption. AH authentication is configured in ipsec.conf via the auth=ah parameter. - The command ipsec scencrypt|scdecrypt is now an alias for ipsec whack --scencrypt|scdecrypt . - get_sa_info() now determines for the native netkey IPsec stack the exact time of the last use of an active eroute. This information is used by the Dead Peer Detection algorithm and is also displayed by the ipsec status command. strongswan-2.6.2 ---------------- - running under the native Linux 2.6 IPsec stack, the function get_sa_info() is called by ipsec auto --status to display the current number of transmitted bytes per IPsec SA. - get_sa_info() is also used by the Dead Peer Detection process to detect recent ESP activity. If ESP traffic was received from the peer within the last dpd_delay interval then no R_Y_THERE notification must be sent. - strongSwan now supports the Relative Distinguished Name "unstructuredName" in ID_DER_ASN1_DN identities. The following notations are possible: rightid="unstructuredName=John Doe" rightid="UN=John Doe" - fixed a long-standing bug which caused PSK-based roadwarrior connections to segfault in the function id.c:same_id() called by keys.c:get_secret() if an FQDN, USER_FQDN, or Key ID was defined, as in the following example. conn rw right=%any authby=secret - the ipsec command now supports most ipsec auto commands (e.g. ipsec listall). - ipsec starter didn't set host_addr and client.addr ports in whack msg. - in order to guarantee backwards-compatibility with the script-based auto function (e.g. auto --replace), the ipsec starter scripts stores the defaultroute information in the temporary file /var/run/ - The compile-time option USE_XAUTH_VID enables the sending of the XAUTH Vendor ID which is expected by Cisco PIX 7 boxes that act as IKE Mode Config servers. - the ipsec starter now also recognizes the parameters authby=never and type=passthrough|pass|drop|reject. strongswan-2.6.1 ---------------- - ipsec starter now supports the also parameter which allows a modular structure of the connection definitions. Thus "ipsec start" is now ready to replace "ipsec setup". strongswan-2.6.0 ---------------- - Mathieu Lafon's popular ipsec starter tool has been added to the strongSwan distribution. Many thanks go to Stephan Scholz from astaro for his integration work. ipsec starter is a C program which is going to replace the various shell and awk starter scripts (setup, _plutoload, _plutostart, _realsetup, _startklips, _confread, and auto). Since ipsec.conf is now parsed only once, the starting of multiple tunnels is accelerated tremedously. - Added support of %defaultroute to the ipsec starter. If the IP address changes, a HUP signal to the ipsec starter will automatically reload pluto's connections. - moved most compile time configurations from pluto/Makefile to by defining the options USE_LIBCURL, USE_LDAP, USE_SMARTCARD, and USE_NAT_TRAVERSAL_TRANSPORT_MODE. - removed the ipsec verify and ipsec newhostkey commands - fixed some 64-bit issues in formatted print statements - The scepclient functionality implementing the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) is nearly complete but hasn't been documented yet. strongswan-2.5.7 ---------------- - CA certicates are now automatically loaded from a smartcard or USB crypto token and appear in the ipsec auto --listcacerts listing. strongswan-2.5.6 ---------------- - when using "ipsec whack --scencrypt " with a PKCS#11 library that does not support the C_Encrypt() Cryptoki function (e.g. OpenSC), the RSA encryption is done in software using the public key fetched from the smartcard. - The scepclient function now allows to define the validity of a self-signed certificate using the --days, --startdate, and --enddate options. The default validity has been changed from one year to five years. strongswan-2.5.5 ---------------- - the config setup parameter pkcs11proxy=yes opens pluto's PKCS#11 interface to other applications for RSA encryption and decryption via the whack interface. Notation: ipsec whack --scencrypt [--inbase 16|hex|64|base64|256|text|ascii] [--outbase 16|hex|64|base64|256|text|ascii] [--keyid ] ipsec whack --scdecrypt [--inbase 16|hex|64|base64|256|text|ascii] [--outbase 16|hex|64|base64|256|text|ascii] [--keyid ] The default setting for inbase and outbase is hex. The new proxy interface can be used for securing symmetric encryption keys required by the cryptoloop or dm-crypt disk encryption schemes, especially in the case when pkcs11keepstate=yes causes pluto to lock the pkcs11 slot permanently. - if the file /etc/ipsec.secrets is lacking during the startup of pluto then the root-readable file /etc/ipsec.d/private/myKey.der containing a 2048 bit RSA private key and a matching self-signed certificate stored in the file /etc/ipsec.d/certs/selfCert.der is automatically generated by calling the function ipsec scepclient --out pkcs1 --out cert-self scepclient was written by Jan Hutter and Martin Willi, students at the University of Applied Sciences in Rapperswil, Switzerland. strongswan-2.5.4 ---------------- - the current extension of the PKCS#7 framework introduced a parsing error in PKCS#7 wrapped X.509 certificates that are e.g. transmitted by Windows XP when multi-level CAs are used. the parsing syntax has been fixed. - added a patch by Gerald Richter which tolerates multiple occurrences of the ipsec0 interface when using KLIPS. strongswan-2.5.3 ---------------- - with gawk-3.1.4 the word "default2 has become a protected keyword for use in switch statements and cannot be used any more in the strongSwan scripts. This problem has been solved by renaming "default" to "defaults" and "setdefault" in the scripts _confread and auto, respectively. - introduced the parameter leftsendcert with the values always|yes (the default, always send a cert) ifasked (send the cert only upon a cert request) never|no (never send a cert, used for raw RSA keys and self-signed certs) - fixed the initialization of the ESP key length to a default of 128 bits in the case that the peer does not send a key length attribute for AES encryption. - applied Herbert Xu's uniqueIDs patch - applied Herbert Xu's CLOEXEC patches strongswan-2.5.2 ---------------- - CRLs can now be cached also in the case when the issuer's certificate does not contain a subjectKeyIdentifier field. In that case the subjectKeyIdentifier is computed by pluto as the 160 bit SHA-1 hash of the issuer's public key in compliance with section of RFC 3280. - Fixed a bug introduced by strongswan-2.5.1 which eliminated not only multiple Quick Modes of a given connection but also multiple connections between two security gateways. strongswan-2.5.1 ---------------- - Under the native IPsec of the Linux 2.6 kernel, a %trap eroute installed either by setting auto=route in ipsec.conf or by a connection put into hold, generates an XFRM_AQUIRE event for each packet that wants to use the not-yet exisiting tunnel. Up to now each XFRM_AQUIRE event led to an entry in the Quick Mode queue, causing multiple IPsec SA to be established in rapid succession. Starting with strongswan-2.5.1 only a single IPsec SA is established per host-pair connection. - Right after loading the PKCS#11 module, all smartcard slots are searched for certificates. The result can be viewed using the command ipsec auto --listcards The certificate objects found in the slots are numbered starting with #1, #2, etc. This position number can be used to address certificates (leftcert=%smartcard) and keys (: PIN %smartcard) in ipsec.conf and ipsec.secrets, respectively: %smartcard (selects object #1) %smartcard#1 (selects object #1) %smartcard#3 (selects object #3) As an alternative the existing retrieval scheme can be used: %smartcard:45 (selects object with id=45) %smartcard0 (selects first object in slot 0) %smartcard4:45 (selects object in slot 4 with id=45) - Depending on the settings of CKA_SIGN and CKA_DECRYPT private key flags either C_Sign() or C_Decrypt() is used to generate a signature. - The output buffer length parameter siglen in C_Sign() is now initialized to the actual size of the output buffer prior to the function call. This fixes the CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL error that could occur when using the OpenSC PKCS#11 module. - Changed the initialization of the PKCS#11 CK_MECHANISM in C_SignInit() to mech = { CKM_RSA_PKCS, NULL_PTR, 0 }. - Refactored the RSA public/private key code and transferred it from keys.c to the new pkcs1.c file as a preparatory step towards the release of the SCEP client. strongswan-2.5.0 ---------------- - The loading of a PKCS#11 smartcard library module during runtime does not require OpenSC library functions any more because the corresponding code has been integrated into smartcard.c. Also the RSAREF pkcs11 header files have been included in a newly created pluto/rsaref directory so that no external include path has to be defined any longer. - A long-awaited feature has been implemented at last: The local caching of CRLs fetched via HTTP or LDAP, activated by the parameter cachecrls=yes in the config setup section of ipsec.conf. The dynamically fetched CRLs are stored under a unique file name containing the issuer's subjectKeyID in /etc/ipsec.d/crls. - Applied a one-line patch courtesy of Michael Richardson from the Openswan project which fixes the kernel-oops in KLIPS when an snmp daemon is running on the same box. strongswan-2.4.4 ---------------- - Eliminated null length CRL distribution point strings. - Fixed a trust path evaluation bug introduced with 2.4.3 strongswan-2.4.3 ---------------- - Improved the joint OCSP / CRL revocation policy. OCSP responses have precedence over CRL entries. - Introduced support of CRLv2 reason codes. - Fixed a bug with key-pad equipped readers which caused pluto to prompt for the pin via the console when the first occasion to enter the pin via the key-pad was missed. - When pluto is built with LDAP_V3 enabled, the library liblber required by newer versions of openldap is now included. strongswan-2.4.2 ---------------- - Added the _updown_espmark template which requires all incoming ESP traffic to be marked with a default mark value of 50. - Introduced the pkcs11keepstate parameter in the config setup section of ipsec.conf. With pkcs11keepstate=yes the PKCS#11 session and login states are kept as long as possible during the lifetime of pluto. This means that a PIN entry via a key pad has to be done only once. - Introduced the pkcs11module parameter in the config setup section of ipsec.conf which specifies the PKCS#11 module to be used with smart cards. Example: pkcs11module=/usr/lib/pkcs11/opensc-pkcs11.lo - Added support of smartcard readers equipped with a PIN pad. - Added patch by Jay Pfeifer which detects when netkey modules have been statically built into the Linux 2.6 kernel. - Added two patches by Herbert Xu. The first uses ip xfrm instead of setkey to flush the IPsec policy database. The second sets the optional flag in inbound IPComp SAs only. - Applied Ulrich Weber's patch which fixes an interoperability problem between native IPsec and KLIPS systems caused by setting the replay window to 32 instead of 0 for ipcomp. strongswan-2.4.1 ---------------- - Fixed a bug which caused an unwanted Mode Config request to be initiated in the case where "right" was used to denote the local side in ipsec.conf and "left" the remote side, contrary to the recommendation that "right" be remote and "left" be"local". strongswan-2.4.0a ----------------- - updated Vendor ID to strongSwan-2.4.0 - updated copyright statement to include David Buechi and Michael Meier strongswan-2.4.0 ---------------- - strongSwan now communicates with attached smartcards and USB crypto tokens via the standardized PKCS #11 interface. By default the OpenSC library from is used but any other PKCS#11 library could be dynamically linked. strongSwan's PKCS#11 API was implemented by David Buechi and Michael Meier, both graduates of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. - When a %trap eroute is triggered by an outgoing IP packet then the native IPsec stack of the Linux 2.6 kernel [often/ always?] returns an XFRM_ACQUIRE message with an undefined protocol family field and the connection setup fails. As a workaround IPv4 (AF_INET) is now assumed. - the results of the UML test scenarios are now enhanced with block diagrams of the virtual network topology used in a particular test. strongswan-2.3.2 ---------------- - fixed IV used to decrypt informational messages. This bug was introduced with Mode Config functionality. - fixed NCP Vendor ID. - undid one of Ulrich Weber's maximum udp size patches because it caused a segmentation fault with NAT-ed Delete SA messages. - added UML scenarios wildcards and attr-cert which demonstrate the implementation of IPsec policies based on wildcard parameters contained in Distinguished Names and on X.509 attribute certificates, respectively. strongswan-2.3.1 ---------------- - Added basic Mode Config functionality - Added Mathieu Lafon's patch which upgrades the status of the NAT-Traversal implementation to RFC 3947. - The _startklips script now also loads the xfrm4_tunnel module. - Added Ulrich Weber's netlink replay window size and maximum udp size patches. - UML testing now uses the Linux 2.6.10 UML kernel by default. strongswan-2.3.0 ---------------- - Eric Marchionni and Patrik Rayo, both recent graduates from the Zuercher Hochschule Winterthur in Switzerland, created a User-Mode-Linux test setup for strongSwan. For more details please read the INSTALL and README documents in the testing subdirectory. - Full support of group attributes based on X.509 attribute certificates. Attribute certificates can be generated using the openac facility. For more details see man ipsec_openac. The group attributes can be used in connection definitions in order to give IPsec access to specific user groups. This is done with the new parameter left|rightgroups as in rightgroups="Research, Sales" giving access to users possessing the group attributes Research or Sales, only. - In Quick Mode clients with subnet mask /32 are now coded as IP_V4_ADDRESS or IP_V6_ADDRESS. This should fix rekeying problems with the SafeNet/SoftRemote and NCP Secure Entry Clients. - Changed the defaults of the ikelifetime and keylife parameters to 3h and 1h, respectively. The maximum allowable values are now both set to 24 h. - Suppressed notification wars between two IPsec peers that could e.g. be triggered by incorrect ISAKMP encryption. - Public RSA keys can now have identical IDs if either the issuing CA or the serial number is different. The serial number of a certificate is now shown by the command ipsec auto --listpubkeys strongswan-2.2.2 ---------------- - Added Tuomo Soini's sourceip feature which allows a strongSwan roadwarrior to use a fixed Virtual IP (see README section 2.6) and reduces the well-known four tunnel case on VPN gateways to a single tunnel definition (see README section 2.4). - Fixed a bug occuring with NAT-Traversal enabled when the responder suddenly turns initiator and the initiator cannot find a matching connection because of the floated IKE port 4500. - Removed misleading ipsec verify command from barf. - Running under the native IP stack, ipsec --version now shows the Linux kernel version (courtesy to the Openswan project). strongswan-2.2.1 ---------------- - Introduced the ipsec auto --listalgs monitoring command which lists all currently registered IKE and ESP algorithms. - Fixed a bug in the ESP algorithm selection occuring when the strict flag is set and the first proposed transform does not match. - Fixed another deadlock in the use of the lock_certs_and_keys() mutex, occuring when a smartcard is present. - Prevented that a superseded Phase1 state can trigger a DPD_TIMEOUT event. - Fixed the printing of the notification names (null) - Applied another of Herbert Xu's Netlink patches. strongswan-2.2.0 ---------------- - Support of Dead Peer Detection. The connection parameter dpdaction=clear|hold activates DPD for the given connection. - The default Opportunistic Encryption (OE) policy groups are not automatically included anymore. Those wishing to activate OE can include the policy group with the following statement in ipsec.conf: include /etc/ipsec.d/examples/oe.conf The default for [right|left]rsasigkey is now set to %cert. - strongSwan now has a Vendor ID of its own which can be activated using the compile option VENDORID - Applied Herbert Xu's patch which sets the compression algorithm correctly. - Applied Herbert Xu's patch fixing an ESPINUDP problem - Applied Herbert Xu's patch setting source/destination port numbers. - Reapplied one of Herbert Xu's NAT-Traversal patches which got lost during the migration from SuperFreeS/WAN. - Fixed a deadlock in the use of the lock_certs_and_keys() mutex. - Fixed the unsharing of alg parameters when instantiating group connection. strongswan-2.1.5 ---------------- - Thomas Walpuski made me aware of a potential DoS attack via a PKCS#7-wrapped certificate bundle which could overwrite valid CA certificates in Pluto's authority certificate store. This vulnerability was fixed by establishing trust in CA candidate certificates up to a trusted root CA prior to insertion into Pluto's chained list. - replaced the --assign option by the -v option in the auto awk script in order to make it run with mawk under debian/woody. strongswan-2.1.4 ---------------- - Split of the status information between ipsec auto --status (concise) and ipsec auto --statusall (verbose). Both commands can be used with an optional connection selector: ipsec auto --status[all] - Added the description of X.509 related features to the ipsec_auto(8) man page. - Hardened the ASN.1 parser in debug mode, especially the printing of malformed distinguished names. - The size of an RSA public key received in a certificate is now restricted to 512 bits <= modulus length <= 8192 bits. - Fixed the debug mode enumeration. strongswan-2.1.3 ---------------- - Fixed another PKCS#7 vulnerability which could lead to an endless loop while following the X.509 trust chain. strongswan-2.1.2 ---------------- - Fixed the PKCS#7 vulnerability discovered by Thomas Walpuski that accepted end certificates having identical issuer and subject distinguished names in a multi-tier X.509 trust chain. strongswan-2.1.1 ---------------- - Removed all remaining references to ipsec_netlink.h in KLIPS. strongswan-2.1.0 ---------------- - The new "ca" section allows to define the following parameters: ca kool cacert=koolCA.pem # cacert of kool CA ocspuri= # ocsp server # default ldap server crluri= # crl distribution point crluri2="ldap:///O=Kool, C= .." # crl distribution point #2 auto=add # add, ignore The ca definitions can be monitored via the command ipsec auto --listcainfos - Fixed cosmetic corruption of /proc filesystem by integrating D. Hugh Redelmeier's freeswan-2.06 kernel fixes. strongswan-2.0.2 ---------------- - Added support for the 818043 NAT-Traversal update of Microsoft's Windows 2000/XP IPsec client which sends an ID_FQDN during Quick Mode. - A symbolic link to libcrypto is now added in the kernel sources during kernel compilation - Fixed a couple of 64 bit issues (mostly casts to int). Thanks to Ken Bantoft who checked my sources on a 64 bit platform. - Replaced s[n]printf() statements in the kernel by ipsec_snprintf(). Credits go to D. Hugh Redelmeier, Michael Richardson, and Sam Sgro of the FreeS/WAN team who solved this problem with the 2.4.25 kernel. strongswan-2.0.1 ---------------- - an empty ASN.1 SEQUENCE OF or SET OF object (e.g. a subjectAltName certificate extension which contains no generalName item) can cause a pluto crash. This bug has been fixed. Additionally the ASN.1 parser has been hardened to make it more robust against malformed ASN.1 objects. - applied Herbert Xu's NAT-T patches which fixes NAT-T under the native Linux 2.6 IPsec stack. strongswan-2.0.0 ---------------- - based on freeswan-2.04, x509-1.5.3, nat-0.6c, alg-0.8.1rc12