/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * * $Id$ */ #include "auth_info.h" #include #include #include #include ENUM(auth_item_names, AUTHN_CA_CERT, AUTHZ_AC_GROUP, "AUTHN_CA_CERT", "AUTHN_CA_CERT_KEYID", "AUTHN_CA_CERT_NAME", "AUTHN_IM_CERT", "AUTHN_SUBJECT_CERT", "AUTHZ_PUBKEY", "AUTHZ_PSK", "AUTHZ_EAP", "AUTHZ_CA_CERT", "AUTHZ_CA_CERT_NAME", "AUTHZ_IM_CERT", "AUTHZ_SUBJECT_CERT", "AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION", "AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION", "AUTHZ_AC_GROUP", ); typedef struct private_auth_info_t private_auth_info_t; /** * private data of item_set */ struct private_auth_info_t { /** * public functions */ auth_info_t public; /** * list of item_t's */ linked_list_t *items; }; typedef struct item_t item_t; struct item_t { /** type of this item */ auth_item_t type; /** associated privlege value, if any */ void *value; }; /** * implements item_enumerator_t.enumerate */ static bool item_filter(void *data, item_t **item, auth_item_t *type, void *unused, void **value) { *type = (*item)->type; *value = (*item)->value; return TRUE; } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.create_item_enumerator. */ static enumerator_t* create_item_enumerator(private_auth_info_t *this) { return enumerator_create_filter(this->items->create_enumerator(this->items), (void*)item_filter, NULL, NULL); } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.get_item. */ static bool get_item(private_auth_info_t *this, auth_item_t type, void** value) { enumerator_t *enumerator; void *current_value; auth_item_t current_type; bool found = FALSE; enumerator = create_item_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t_type, ¤t_value)) { if (type == current_type) { *value = current_value; found = TRUE; break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return found; } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.add_item. */ static void add_item(private_auth_info_t *this, auth_item_t type, void *value) { item_t *item = malloc_thing(item_t); item->type = type; switch (type) { case AUTHZ_PUBKEY: { public_key_t *key = (public_key_t*)value; item->value = key->get_ref(key); break; } case AUTHZ_PSK: { shared_key_t *key = (shared_key_t*)value; item->value = key->get_ref(key); break; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT: case AUTHN_IM_CERT: case AUTHN_SUBJECT_CERT: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT: case AUTHZ_IM_CERT: case AUTHZ_SUBJECT_CERT: { certificate_t *cert = (certificate_t*)value; item->value = cert->get_ref(cert); break; } case AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION: case AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION: { cert_validation_t *validation = malloc_thing(cert_validation_t); *validation = *(cert_validation_t*)value; item->value = validation; break; } case AUTHZ_EAP: { eap_method_t *method = malloc_thing(eap_method_t); *method = *(eap_method_t*)value; item->value = method; break; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT_KEYID: case AUTHN_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHZ_AC_GROUP: { identification_t *id = (identification_t*)value; item->value = id->clone(id); break; } } this->items->insert_last(this->items, item); } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.complies. */ static bool complies(private_auth_info_t *this, auth_info_t *constraints) { enumerator_t *enumerator; bool success = TRUE; auth_item_t t1, t2; void *value; enumerator = constraints->create_item_enumerator(constraints); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &t1, &value)) { switch (t1) { case AUTHN_CA_CERT_KEYID: case AUTHN_CA_CERT: case AUTHN_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHN_IM_CERT: case AUTHN_SUBJECT_CERT: { /* skip non-authorization tokens */ continue; } case AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION: case AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION: { cert_validation_t *valid; /* OCSP validation is also sufficient for CRL constraint, but * not vice-versa */ if (!get_item(this, t1, (void**)&valid) && t1 == AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION && !get_item(this, AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION, (void**)&valid)) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "constraint check failed: %N requires at " "least %N, but no check done", auth_item_names, t1, cert_validation_names, *(cert_validation_t*)value); success = FALSE; break; } switch (*(cert_validation_t*)value) { case VALIDATION_SKIPPED: if (*valid == VALIDATION_SKIPPED) { break; } /* FALL */ case VALIDATION_GOOD: if (*valid == VALIDATION_GOOD) { break; } /* FALL */ default: DBG1(DBG_CFG, "constraint check failed: %N is %N, but " "requires at least %N", auth_item_names, t1, cert_validation_names, *valid, cert_validation_names, *(cert_validation_t*)value); success = FALSE; break; } break; } case AUTHZ_CA_CERT: { enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *c1, *c2; c1 = (certificate_t*)value; success = FALSE; enumerator = create_item_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &t2, &c2)) { if ((t2 == AUTHZ_CA_CERT || t2 == AUTHZ_IM_CERT) && c1->equals(c1, c2)) { success = TRUE; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!success) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "constraint check failed: peer not " "authenticated by CA '%D'.", c1->get_subject(c1)); } break; } case AUTHZ_CA_CERT_NAME: { enumerator_t *enumerator; certificate_t *cert; identification_t *id; id = (identification_t*)value; success = FALSE; enumerator = create_item_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &t2, &cert)) { if ((t2 == AUTHZ_CA_CERT || t2 == AUTHZ_IM_CERT) && cert->has_subject(cert, id)) { success = TRUE; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (!success) { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "constraint check failed: peer not " "authenticated by CA '%D'.", id); } break; } case AUTHZ_PUBKEY: case AUTHZ_PSK: case AUTHZ_IM_CERT: case AUTHZ_SUBJECT_CERT: case AUTHZ_EAP: case AUTHZ_AC_GROUP: { DBG1(DBG_CFG, "constraint check %N not implemented!", auth_item_names, t1); success = FALSE; break; } } if (!success) { break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return success; } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.merge. */ static void merge(private_auth_info_t *this, private_auth_info_t *other) { item_t *item; while (other->items->remove_first(other->items, (void**)&item) == SUCCESS) { this->items->insert_last(this->items, item); } } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.equals. */ static bool equals(private_auth_info_t *this, private_auth_info_t *other) { enumerator_t *e1, *e2; item_t *i1, *i2; bool equal = TRUE, found; e1 = this->items->create_enumerator(this->items); while (e1->enumerate(e1, &i1)) { found = FALSE; e2 = other->items->create_enumerator(other->items); while (e2->enumerate(e2, &i2)) { if (i1->type == i2->type) { switch (i1->type) { case AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION: case AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION: { cert_validation_t c1, c2; c1 = *(cert_validation_t*)i1->value; c2 = *(cert_validation_t*)i2->value; if (c1 == c2) { found = TRUE; break; } continue; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT: case AUTHN_IM_CERT: case AUTHN_SUBJECT_CERT: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT: case AUTHZ_IM_CERT: case AUTHZ_SUBJECT_CERT: { certificate_t *c1, *c2; c1 = (certificate_t*)i1->value; c2 = (certificate_t*)i2->value; if (c1->equals(c1, c2)) { found = TRUE; break; } continue; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT_KEYID: case AUTHN_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT_NAME: { identification_t *c1, *c2; c1 = (identification_t*)i1->value; c2 = (identification_t*)i2->value; if (c1->equals(c1, c2)) { found = TRUE; break; } continue; } case AUTHZ_PUBKEY: case AUTHZ_PSK: case AUTHZ_EAP: case AUTHZ_AC_GROUP: /* TODO: implement value comparison */ break; } break; } } e2->destroy(e2); if (!found) { equal = FALSE; break; } } e1->destroy(e1); return equal; } /** * Implementation of auth_info_t.destroy */ static void destroy(private_auth_info_t *this) { item_t *item; while (this->items->remove_last(this->items, (void**)&item) == SUCCESS) { switch (item->type) { case AUTHZ_PUBKEY: { public_key_t *key = (public_key_t*)item->value; key->destroy(key); break; } case AUTHZ_PSK: { shared_key_t *key = (shared_key_t*)item->value; key->destroy(key); break; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT: case AUTHN_IM_CERT: case AUTHN_SUBJECT_CERT: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT: case AUTHZ_IM_CERT: case AUTHZ_SUBJECT_CERT: { certificate_t *cert = (certificate_t*)item->value; cert->destroy(cert); break; } case AUTHZ_CRL_VALIDATION: case AUTHZ_OCSP_VALIDATION: case AUTHZ_EAP: { free(item->value); break; } case AUTHN_CA_CERT_KEYID: case AUTHN_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHZ_CA_CERT_NAME: case AUTHZ_AC_GROUP: { identification_t *id = (identification_t*)item->value; id->destroy(id); break; } } free(item); } this->items->destroy(this->items); free(this); } /* * see header file */ auth_info_t *auth_info_create() { private_auth_info_t *this = malloc_thing(private_auth_info_t); this->public.add_item = (void(*)(auth_info_t*, auth_item_t type, void *value))add_item; this->public.get_item = (bool(*)(auth_info_t*, auth_item_t type, void **value))get_item; this->public.create_item_enumerator = (enumerator_t*(*)(auth_info_t*))create_item_enumerator; this->public.complies = (bool(*)(auth_info_t*, auth_info_t *))complies; this->public.merge = (void(*)(auth_info_t*, auth_info_t *other))merge; this->public.equals = (bool(*)(auth_info_t*, auth_info_t *other))equals; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(auth_info_t*))destroy; this->items = linked_list_create(); return &this->public; }