/* * convert from text form of arbitrary data (e.g., keys) to binary * Copyright (C) 2000 Henry Spencer. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public * License for more details. */ #include "ttodata.h" #include #include /* converters and misc */ static int unhex(const char *, char *, size_t); static int unb64(const char *, char *, size_t); static int untext(const char *, char *, size_t); static const char *badch(const char *, int, char *, size_t); /* internal error codes for converters */ #define SHORT (-2) /* internal buffer too short */ #define BADPAD (-3) /* bad base64 padding */ #define BADCH0 (-4) /* invalid character 0 */ #define BADCH1 (-5) /* invalid character 1 */ #define BADCH2 (-6) /* invalid character 2 */ #define BADCH3 (-7) /* invalid character 3 */ #define BADOFF(code) (BADCH0-(code)) /* - ttodatav - convert text to data, with verbose error reports * If some of this looks slightly odd, it's because it has changed * repeatedly (from the original atodata()) without a major rewrite. */ const char * /* NULL on success, else literal or errp */ ttodatav(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp, errp, errlen, flags) const char *src; size_t srclen; /* 0 means apply strlen() */ int base; /* 0 means figure it out */ char *dst; /* need not be valid if dstlen is 0 */ size_t dstlen; size_t *lenp; /* where to record length (NULL is nowhere) */ char *errp; /* error buffer */ size_t errlen; unsigned int flags; { size_t ingroup; /* number of input bytes converted at once */ char buf[4]; /* output from conversion */ int nbytes; /* size of output */ int (*decode)(const char *, char *, size_t); char *stop; int ndone; int i; int underscoreok; int skipSpace = 0; if (srclen == 0) srclen = strlen(src); if (dstlen == 0) dst = buf; /* point it somewhere valid */ stop = dst + dstlen; if (base == 0) { if (srclen < 2) return "input too short to be valid"; if (*src++ != '0') return "input does not begin with format prefix"; switch (*src++) { case 'x': case 'X': base = 16; break; case 's': case 'S': base = 64; break; case 't': case 'T': base = 256; break; default: return "unknown format prefix"; } srclen -= 2; } switch (base) { case 16: decode = unhex; underscoreok = 1; ingroup = 2; break; case 64: decode = unb64; underscoreok = 0; ingroup = 4; if(flags & TTODATAV_IGNORESPACE) { skipSpace = 1; } break; case 256: decode = untext; ingroup = 1; underscoreok = 0; break; default: return "unknown base"; } /* proceed */ ndone = 0; while (srclen > 0) { char stage[4]; /* staging area for group */ size_t sl = 0; /* Grab ingroup characters into stage, * squeezing out blanks if we are supposed to ignore them. */ for (sl = 0; sl < ingroup; src++, srclen--) { if (srclen == 0) return "input ends in mid-byte, perhaps truncated"; else if (!(skipSpace && (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t'))) stage[sl++] = *src; } nbytes = (*decode)(stage, buf, sizeof(buf)); switch (nbytes) { case BADCH0: case BADCH1: case BADCH2: case BADCH3: return badch(stage, nbytes, errp, errlen); case SHORT: return "internal buffer too short (\"can't happen\")"; case BADPAD: return "bad (non-zero) padding at end of base64 input"; } if (nbytes <= 0) return "unknown internal error"; for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) { if (dst < stop) *dst++ = buf[i]; ndone++; } while (srclen >= 1 && skipSpace && (*src == ' ' || *src == '\t')){ src++; srclen--; } if (underscoreok && srclen > 1 && *src == '_') { /* srclen > 1 means not last character */ src++; srclen--; } } if (ndone == 0) return "no data bytes specified by input"; if (lenp != NULL) *lenp = ndone; return NULL; } /* - ttodata - convert text to data */ const char * /* NULL on success, else literal */ ttodata(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp) const char *src; size_t srclen; /* 0 means apply strlen() */ int base; /* 0 means figure it out */ char *dst; /* need not be valid if dstlen is 0 */ size_t dstlen; size_t *lenp; /* where to record length (NULL is nowhere) */ { return ttodatav(src, srclen, base, dst, dstlen, lenp, (char *)NULL, (size_t)0, TTODATAV_SPACECOUNTS); } /* - atodata - convert ASCII to data * backward-compatibility interface */ size_t /* 0 for failure, true length for success */ atodata(src, srclen, dst, dstlen) const char *src; size_t srclen; char *dst; size_t dstlen; { size_t len; const char *err; err = ttodata(src, srclen, 0, dst, dstlen, &len); if (err != NULL) return 0; return len; } /* - atobytes - convert ASCII to data bytes * another backward-compatibility interface */ const char * atobytes(src, srclen, dst, dstlen, lenp) const char *src; size_t srclen; char *dst; size_t dstlen; size_t *lenp; { return ttodata(src, srclen, 0, dst, dstlen, lenp); } /* - unhex - convert two ASCII hex digits to byte */ static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */ unhex(src, dst, dstlen) const char *src; /* known to be full length */ char *dst; size_t dstlen; /* not large enough is a failure */ { char *p; unsigned byte; static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; if (dstlen < 1) return SHORT; p = strchr(hex, *src); if (p == NULL) p = strchr(hex, tolower(*src)); if (p == NULL) return BADCH0; byte = (p - hex) << 4; src++; p = strchr(hex, *src); if (p == NULL) p = strchr(hex, tolower(*src)); if (p == NULL) return BADCH1; byte |= (p - hex); *dst = byte; return 1; } /* - unb64 - convert four ASCII base64 digits to three bytes * Note that a base64 digit group is padded out with '=' if it represents * less than three bytes: one byte is dd==, two is ddd=, three is dddd. */ static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */ unb64(src, dst, dstlen) const char *src; /* known to be full length */ char *dst; size_t dstlen; { char *p; unsigned byte1; unsigned byte2; static char base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; if (dstlen < 3) return SHORT; p = strchr(base64, *src++); if (p == NULL) return BADCH0; byte1 = (p - base64) << 2; /* first six bits */ p = strchr(base64, *src++); if (p == NULL) { return BADCH1; } byte2 = p - base64; /* next six: two plus four */ *dst++ = byte1 | (byte2 >> 4); byte1 = (byte2 & 0xf) << 4; p = strchr(base64, *src++); if (p == NULL) { if (*(src-1) == '=' && *src == '=') { if (byte1 != 0) /* bad padding */ return BADPAD; return 1; } return BADCH2; } byte2 = p - base64; /* next six: four plus two */ *dst++ = byte1 | (byte2 >> 2); byte1 = (byte2 & 0x3) << 6; p = strchr(base64, *src++); if (p == NULL) { if (*(src-1) == '=') { if (byte1 != 0) /* bad padding */ return BADPAD; return 2; } return BADCH3; } byte2 = p - base64; /* last six */ *dst++ = byte1 | byte2; return 3; } /* - untext - convert one ASCII character to byte */ static int /* number of result bytes, or error code */ untext(src, dst, dstlen) const char *src; /* known to be full length */ char *dst; size_t dstlen; /* not large enough is a failure */ { if (dstlen < 1) return SHORT; *dst = *src; return 1; } /* - badch - produce a nice complaint about an unknown character * * If the compiler complains that the array bigenough[] has a negative * size, that means the TTODATAV_BUF constant has been set too small. */ static const char * /* literal or errp */ badch(src, errcode, errp, errlen) const char *src; int errcode; char *errp; /* might be NULL */ size_t errlen; { static const char pre[] = "unknown character (`"; static const char suf[] = "') in input"; char buf[5]; # define REQD (sizeof(pre) - 1 + sizeof(buf) - 1 + sizeof(suf)) struct sizecheck { char bigenough[TTODATAV_BUF - REQD]; /* see above */ }; char ch; if (errp == NULL || errlen < REQD) return "unknown character in input"; strcpy(errp, pre); ch = *(src + BADOFF(errcode)); if (isprint(ch)) { buf[0] = ch; buf[1] = '\0'; } else { buf[0] = '\\'; buf[1] = ((ch & 0700) >> 6) + '0'; buf[2] = ((ch & 0070) >> 3) + '0'; buf[3] = ((ch & 0007) >> 0) + '0'; buf[4] = '\0'; } strcat(errp, buf); strcat(errp, suf); return (const char *)errp; }