/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kallenberg * Copyright (C) 2008 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2008 Martin Willi * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include "uci_config.h" #include "uci_parser.h" #include typedef struct private_uci_config_t private_uci_config_t; /** * Private data of an uci_config_t object */ struct private_uci_config_t { /** * Public part */ uci_config_t public; /** * UCI parser context */ uci_parser_t *parser; }; /** * enumerator implementation for create_peer_cfg_enumerator */ typedef struct { /** implements enumerator */ enumerator_t public; /** currently enumerated peer config */ peer_cfg_t *peer_cfg; /** inner uci_parser section enumerator */ enumerator_t *inner; } peer_enumerator_t; /** * create a proposal from a string, with fallback to default */ static proposal_t *create_proposal(char *string, protocol_id_t proto) { proposal_t *proposal = NULL; if (string) { proposal = proposal_create_from_string(proto, string); } if (!proposal) { /* UCI default is aes/sha1 only */ if (proto == PROTO_IKE) { proposal = proposal_create_from_string(proto, "aes128-aes192-aes256-sha1-modp1536-modp2048"); } else { proposal = proposal_create_from_string(proto, "aes128-aes192-aes256-sha1"); } } return proposal; } /** * create an traffic selector, fallback to dynamic */ static traffic_selector_t *create_ts(char *string) { if (string) { int netbits = 32; host_t *net; char *pos; string = strdupa(string); pos = strchr(string, '/'); if (pos) { *pos++ = '\0'; netbits = atoi(pos); } else { if (strchr(string, ':')) { netbits = 128; } } net = host_create_from_string(string, 0); if (net) { return traffic_selector_create_from_subnet(net, netbits, 0, 0); } } return traffic_selector_create_dynamic(0, 0, 65535); } /** * create a rekey time from a string with hours, with fallback */ static u_int create_rekey(char *string) { u_int rekey = 0; if (string) { rekey = atoi(string); if (rekey) { return rekey * 3600; } } /* every 12 hours */ return 12 * 3600; } /** * Implementation of peer_enumerator_t.public.enumerate */ static bool peer_enumerator_enumerate(peer_enumerator_t *this, peer_cfg_t **cfg) { char *name, *ike_proposal, *esp_proposal, *ike_rekey, *esp_rekey; char *local_id, *local_addr, *local_net; char *remote_id, *remote_addr, *remote_net; child_cfg_t *child_cfg; ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg; auth_cfg_t *auth; lifetime_cfg_t lifetime = { .time = { .life = create_rekey(esp_rekey) + 300, .rekey = create_rekey(esp_rekey) .jitter = 300 } }; /* defaults */ name = "unnamed"; local_id = NULL; remote_id = NULL; local_addr = ""; remote_addr = ""; local_net = NULL; remote_net = NULL; ike_proposal = NULL; esp_proposal = NULL; ike_rekey = NULL; esp_rekey = NULL; if (this->inner->enumerate(this->inner, &name, &local_id, &remote_id, &local_addr, &remote_addr, &local_net, &remote_net, &ike_proposal, &esp_proposal, &ike_rekey, &esp_rekey)) { DESTROY_IF(this->peer_cfg); ike_cfg = ike_cfg_create(FALSE, FALSE, local_addr, remote_addr); ike_cfg->add_proposal(ike_cfg, create_proposal(ike_proposal, PROTO_IKE)); this->peer_cfg = peer_cfg_create( name, 2, ike_cfg, CERT_SEND_IF_ASKED, UNIQUE_NO, 1, create_rekey(ike_rekey), 0, /* keytries, rekey, reauth */ 1800, 900, /* jitter, overtime */ TRUE, 60, /* mobike, dpddelay */ NULL, NULL, /* vip, pool */ FALSE, NULL, NULL); /* mediation, med by, peer id */ auth = auth_cfg_create(); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, AUTH_CLASS_PSK); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY, identification_create_from_string(local_id)); this->peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(this->peer_cfg, auth, TRUE); auth = auth_cfg_create(); auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_AUTH_CLASS, AUTH_CLASS_PSK); if (remote_id) { auth->add(auth, AUTH_RULE_IDENTITY, identification_create_from_string(remote_id)); } this->peer_cfg->add_auth_cfg(this->peer_cfg, auth, FALSE); child_cfg = child_cfg_create(name, &lifetime, NULL, TRUE, MODE_TUNNEL, ACTION_NONE, ACTION_NONE, FALSE); child_cfg->add_proposal(child_cfg, create_proposal(esp_proposal, PROTO_ESP)); child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, TRUE, create_ts(local_net)); child_cfg->add_traffic_selector(child_cfg, FALSE, create_ts(remote_net)); this->peer_cfg->add_child_cfg(this->peer_cfg, child_cfg); *cfg = this->peer_cfg; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of peer_enumerator_t.public.destroy */ static void peer_enumerator_destroy(peer_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->peer_cfg); this->inner->destroy(this->inner); free(this); } /** * Implementation of backend_t.create_peer_cfg_enumerator. */ static enumerator_t* create_peer_cfg_enumerator(private_uci_config_t *this, identification_t *me, identification_t *other) { peer_enumerator_t *e = malloc_thing(peer_enumerator_t); e->public.enumerate = (void*)peer_enumerator_enumerate; e->public.destroy = (void*)peer_enumerator_destroy; e->peer_cfg = NULL; e->inner = this->parser->create_section_enumerator(this->parser, "local_id", "remote_id", "local_addr", "remote_addr", "local_net", "remote_net", "ike_proposal", "esp_proposal", "ike_rekey", "esp_rekey", NULL); if (!e->inner) { free(e); return NULL; } return &e->public; } /** * enumerator implementation for create_ike_cfg_enumerator */ typedef struct { /** implements enumerator */ enumerator_t public; /** currently enumerated ike config */ ike_cfg_t *ike_cfg; /** inner uci_parser section enumerator */ enumerator_t *inner; } ike_enumerator_t; /** * Implementation of peer_enumerator_t.public.enumerate */ static bool ike_enumerator_enumerate(ike_enumerator_t *this, ike_cfg_t **cfg) { char *local_addr, *remote_addr, *ike_proposal; /* defaults */ local_addr = ""; remote_addr = ""; ike_proposal = NULL; if (this->inner->enumerate(this->inner, NULL, &local_addr, &remote_addr, &ike_proposal)) { DESTROY_IF(this->ike_cfg); this->ike_cfg = ike_cfg_create(FALSE, FALSE, local_addr, remote_addr); this->ike_cfg->add_proposal(this->ike_cfg, create_proposal(ike_proposal, PROTO_IKE)); *cfg = this->ike_cfg; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Implementation of ike_enumerator_t.public.destroy */ static void ike_enumerator_destroy(ike_enumerator_t *this) { DESTROY_IF(this->ike_cfg); this->inner->destroy(this->inner); free(this); } /** * Implementation of backend_t.create_ike_cfg_enumerator. */ static enumerator_t* create_ike_cfg_enumerator(private_uci_config_t *this, host_t *me, host_t *other) { ike_enumerator_t *e = malloc_thing(ike_enumerator_t); e->public.enumerate = (void*)ike_enumerator_enumerate; e->public.destroy = (void*)ike_enumerator_destroy; e->ike_cfg = NULL; e->inner = this->parser->create_section_enumerator(this->parser, "local_addr", "remote_addr", "ike_proposal", NULL); if (!e->inner) { free(e); return NULL; } return &e->public; } /** * implements backend_t.get_peer_cfg_by_name. */ static peer_cfg_t *get_peer_cfg_by_name(private_uci_config_t *this, char *name) { enumerator_t *enumerator; peer_cfg_t *current, *found = NULL; enumerator = create_peer_cfg_enumerator(this, NULL, NULL); if (enumerator) { while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, ¤t)) { if (streq(name, current->get_name(current))) { found = current->get_ref(current); break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } return found; } /** * Implementation of uci_config_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_uci_config_t *this) { free(this); } /** * Described in header. */ uci_config_t *uci_config_create(uci_parser_t *parser) { private_uci_config_t *this = malloc_thing(private_uci_config_t); this->public.backend.create_peer_cfg_enumerator = (enumerator_t*(*)(backend_t*, identification_t *me, identification_t *other))create_peer_cfg_enumerator; this->public.backend.create_ike_cfg_enumerator = (enumerator_t*(*)(backend_t*, host_t *me, host_t *other))create_ike_cfg_enumerator; this->public.backend.get_peer_cfg_by_name = (peer_cfg_t* (*)(backend_t*,char*))get_peer_cfg_by_name; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(uci_config_t*))destroy; this->parser = parser; return &this->public; }