/* * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Tobias Brunner * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Martin Willi * Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Roethlisberger * Copyright (C) 2005 Jan Hutter * Hochschule fuer Technik Rapperswil * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. See . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "child_sa.h" #include #include #include #include ENUM(child_sa_state_names, CHILD_CREATED, CHILD_DESTROYING, "CREATED", "ROUTED", "INSTALLING", "INSTALLED", "UPDATING", "REKEYING", "DELETING", "DESTROYING", ); typedef struct private_child_sa_t private_child_sa_t; /** * Private data of a child_sa_t object. */ struct private_child_sa_t { /** * Public interface of child_sa_t. */ child_sa_t public; /** * address of us */ host_t *my_addr; /** * address of remote */ host_t *other_addr; /** * our actually used SPI, 0 if unused */ u_int32_t my_spi; /** * others used SPI, 0 if unused */ u_int32_t other_spi; /** * our Compression Parameter Index (CPI) used, 0 if unused */ u_int16_t my_cpi; /** * others Compression Parameter Index (CPI) used, 0 if unused */ u_int16_t other_cpi; /** * List for local traffic selectors */ linked_list_t *my_ts; /** * List for remote traffic selectors */ linked_list_t *other_ts; /** * Protocol used to protect this SA, ESP|AH */ protocol_id_t protocol; /** * reqid used for this child_sa */ u_int32_t reqid; /** * absolute time when rekeying is scheduled */ time_t rekey_time; /** * absolute time when the SA expires */ time_t expire_time; /** * state of the CHILD_SA */ child_sa_state_t state; /** * Specifies if UDP encapsulation is enabled (NAT traversal) */ bool encap; /** * Specifies the IPComp transform used (IPCOMP_NONE if disabled) */ ipcomp_transform_t ipcomp; /** * mode this SA uses, tunnel/transport */ ipsec_mode_t mode; /** * selected proposal */ proposal_t *proposal; /** * config used to create this child */ child_cfg_t *config; }; /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_name */ static char *get_name(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->config->get_name(this->config); } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_reqid */ static u_int32_t get_reqid(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->reqid; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_config */ static child_cfg_t* get_config(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->config; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.set_state */ static void set_state(private_child_sa_t *this, child_sa_state_t state) { charon->bus->child_state_change(charon->bus, &this->public, state); this->state = state; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_state */ static child_sa_state_t get_state(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->state; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_spi */ u_int32_t get_spi(private_child_sa_t *this, bool inbound) { return inbound ? this->my_spi : this->other_spi; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_cpi */ u_int16_t get_cpi(private_child_sa_t *this, bool inbound) { return inbound ? this->my_cpi : this->other_cpi; } /** * Implements child_sa_t.get_protocol */ protocol_id_t get_protocol(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->protocol; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.set_protocol */ static void set_protocol(private_child_sa_t *this, protocol_id_t protocol) { this->protocol = protocol; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_mode */ static ipsec_mode_t get_mode(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->mode; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.set_mode */ static void set_mode(private_child_sa_t *this, ipsec_mode_t mode) { this->mode = mode; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.has_encap */ static bool has_encap(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->encap; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_ipcomp */ static ipcomp_transform_t get_ipcomp(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->ipcomp; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.set_ipcomp. */ static void set_ipcomp(private_child_sa_t *this, ipcomp_transform_t ipcomp) { this->ipcomp = ipcomp; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_proposal */ static proposal_t* get_proposal(private_child_sa_t *this) { return this->proposal; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.set_proposal */ static void set_proposal(private_child_sa_t *this, proposal_t *proposal) { this->proposal = proposal->clone(proposal); } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_traffic_selectors. */ static linked_list_t *get_traffic_selectors(private_child_sa_t *this, bool local) { return local ? this->my_ts : this->other_ts; } typedef struct policy_enumerator_t policy_enumerator_t; /** * Private policy enumerator */ struct policy_enumerator_t { /** implements enumerator_t */ enumerator_t public; /** enumerator over own TS */ enumerator_t *mine; /** enumerator over others TS */ enumerator_t *other; /** list of others TS, to recreate enumerator */ linked_list_t *list; /** currently enumerating TS for "me" side */ traffic_selector_t *ts; }; /** * enumerator function of create_policy_enumerator() */ static bool policy_enumerate(policy_enumerator_t *this, traffic_selector_t **my_out, traffic_selector_t **other_out) { traffic_selector_t *other_ts; while (this->ts || this->mine->enumerate(this->mine, &this->ts)) { if (!this->other->enumerate(this->other, &other_ts)) { /* end of others list, restart with new of mine */ this->other->destroy(this->other); this->other = this->list->create_enumerator(this->list); this->ts = NULL; continue; } if (this->ts->get_type(this->ts) != other_ts->get_type(other_ts)) { /* family mismatch */ continue; } if (this->ts->get_protocol(this->ts) && other_ts->get_protocol(other_ts) && this->ts->get_protocol(this->ts) != other_ts->get_protocol(other_ts)) { /* protocol mismatch */ continue; } *my_out = this->ts; *other_out = other_ts; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * destroy function of create_policy_enumerator() */ static void policy_destroy(policy_enumerator_t *this) { this->mine->destroy(this->mine); this->other->destroy(this->other); free(this); } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.create_policy_enumerator */ static enumerator_t* create_policy_enumerator(private_child_sa_t *this) { policy_enumerator_t *e = malloc_thing(policy_enumerator_t); e->public.enumerate = (void*)policy_enumerate; e->public.destroy = (void*)policy_destroy; e->mine = this->my_ts->create_enumerator(this->my_ts); e->other = this->other_ts->create_enumerator(this->other_ts); e->list = this->other_ts; e->ts = NULL; return &e->public; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_usetime */ static u_int32_t get_usetime(private_child_sa_t *this, bool inbound) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *my_ts, *other_ts; u_int32_t last_use = 0; enumerator = create_policy_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts, &other_ts)) { u_int32_t in, out, fwd; if (inbound) { if (charon->kernel_interface->query_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_IN, &in) == SUCCESS) { last_use = max(last_use, in); } if (this->mode != MODE_TRANSPORT) { if (charon->kernel_interface->query_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_FWD, &fwd) == SUCCESS) { last_use = max(last_use, fwd); } } } else { if (charon->kernel_interface->query_policy(charon->kernel_interface, my_ts, other_ts, POLICY_OUT, &out) == SUCCESS) { last_use = max(last_use, out); } } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); return last_use; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.get_lifetime */ static u_int32_t get_lifetime(private_child_sa_t *this, bool hard) { return hard ? this->expire_time : this->rekey_time; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.alloc_spi */ static u_int32_t alloc_spi(private_child_sa_t *this, protocol_id_t protocol) { if (charon->kernel_interface->get_spi(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, protocol, this->reqid, &this->my_spi) == SUCCESS) { return this->my_spi; } return 0; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.alloc_cpi */ static u_int16_t alloc_cpi(private_child_sa_t *this) { if (charon->kernel_interface->get_cpi(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, this->reqid, &this->my_cpi) == SUCCESS) { return this->my_cpi; } return 0; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.install */ static status_t install(private_child_sa_t *this, chunk_t encr, chunk_t integ, u_int32_t spi, u_int16_t cpi, bool inbound) { u_int16_t enc_alg = ENCR_UNDEFINED, int_alg = AUTH_UNDEFINED, size; u_int32_t soft, hard, now; host_t *src, *dst; status_t status; bool update = FALSE; /* now we have to decide which spi to use. Use self allocated, if "in", * or the one in the proposal, if not "in" (others). Additionally, * source and dest host switch depending on the role */ if (inbound) { dst = this->my_addr; src = this->other_addr; if (this->my_spi == spi) { /* alloc_spi has been called, do an SA update */ update = TRUE; } this->my_spi = spi; this->my_cpi = cpi; } else { src = this->my_addr; dst = this->other_addr; this->other_spi = spi; this->other_cpi = cpi; } DBG2(DBG_CHD, "adding %s %N SA", inbound ? "inbound" : "outbound", protocol_id_names, this->protocol); /* send SA down to the kernel */ DBG2(DBG_CHD, " SPI 0x%.8x, src %H dst %H", ntohl(spi), src, dst); this->proposal->get_algorithm(this->proposal, ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, &enc_alg, &size); this->proposal->get_algorithm(this->proposal, INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM, &int_alg, &size); soft = this->config->get_lifetime(this->config, TRUE); hard = this->config->get_lifetime(this->config, FALSE); status = charon->kernel_interface->add_sa(charon->kernel_interface, src, dst, spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, inbound ? soft : 0, hard, enc_alg, encr, int_alg, integ, this->mode, this->ipcomp, cpi, this->encap, update); now = time(NULL); if (soft) { this->rekey_time = now + soft; } if (hard) { this->expire_time = now + hard; } return status; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.add_policies */ static status_t add_policies(private_child_sa_t *this, linked_list_t *my_ts_list, linked_list_t *other_ts_list) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *my_ts, *other_ts; status_t status = SUCCESS; bool routed = (this->state == CHILD_CREATED); /* apply traffic selectors */ enumerator = my_ts_list->create_enumerator(my_ts_list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts)) { this->my_ts->insert_last(this->my_ts, my_ts->clone(my_ts)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); enumerator = other_ts_list->create_enumerator(other_ts_list); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &other_ts)) { this->other_ts->insert_last(this->other_ts, other_ts->clone(other_ts)); } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); if (this->config->install_policy(this->config)) { /* enumerate pairs of traffic selectors */ enumerator = create_policy_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts, &other_ts)) { /* install 3 policies: out, in and forward */ status |= charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, this->my_addr, this->other_addr, my_ts, other_ts, POLICY_OUT, this->other_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->other_cpi, routed); status |= charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_IN, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->my_cpi, routed); if (this->mode != MODE_TRANSPORT) { status |= charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_FWD, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->my_cpi, routed); } if (status != SUCCESS) { break; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } if (status == SUCCESS && this->state == CHILD_CREATED) { /* switch to routed state if no SAD entry set up */ set_state(this, CHILD_ROUTED); } return status; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.update. */ static status_t update(private_child_sa_t *this, host_t *me, host_t *other, host_t *vip, bool encap) { child_sa_state_t old; bool transport_proxy_mode; /* anything changed at all? */ if (me->equals(me, this->my_addr) && other->equals(other, this->other_addr) && this->encap == encap) { return SUCCESS; } old = this->state; set_state(this, CHILD_UPDATING); transport_proxy_mode = this->config->use_proxy_mode(this->config) && this->mode == MODE_TRANSPORT; if (!transport_proxy_mode) { /* update our (initator) SA */ if (this->my_spi) { if (charon->kernel_interface->update_sa(charon->kernel_interface, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->ipcomp != IPCOMP_NONE ? this->my_cpi : 0, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, other, me, this->encap, encap) == NOT_SUPPORTED) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } } /* update his (responder) SA */ if (this->other_spi) { if (charon->kernel_interface->update_sa(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_spi, this->protocol, this->ipcomp != IPCOMP_NONE ? this->other_cpi : 0, this->my_addr, this->other_addr, me, other, this->encap, encap) == NOT_SUPPORTED) { return NOT_SUPPORTED; } } } if (this->config->install_policy(this->config)) { /* update policies */ if (!me->ip_equals(me, this->my_addr) || !other->ip_equals(other, this->other_addr)) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *my_ts, *other_ts; /* always use high priorities, as hosts getting updated are INSTALLED */ enumerator = create_policy_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts, &other_ts)) { /* remove old policies first */ charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, my_ts, other_ts, POLICY_OUT, FALSE); charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_IN, FALSE); if (this->mode != MODE_TRANSPORT) { charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_FWD, FALSE); } /* check whether we have to update a "dynamic" traffic selector */ if (!me->ip_equals(me, this->my_addr) && my_ts->is_host(my_ts, this->my_addr)) { my_ts->set_address(my_ts, me); } if (!other->ip_equals(other, this->other_addr) && other_ts->is_host(other_ts, this->other_addr)) { other_ts->set_address(other_ts, other); } /* we reinstall the virtual IP to handle interface roaming * correctly */ if (vip) { charon->kernel_interface->del_ip(charon->kernel_interface, vip); charon->kernel_interface->add_ip(charon->kernel_interface, vip, me); } /* reinstall updated policies */ charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, me, other, my_ts, other_ts, POLICY_OUT, this->other_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->other_cpi, FALSE); charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other, me, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_IN, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->my_cpi, FALSE); if (this->mode != MODE_TRANSPORT) { charon->kernel_interface->add_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other, me, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_FWD, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->reqid, this->mode, this->ipcomp, this->my_cpi, FALSE); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } } if (!transport_proxy_mode) { /* apply hosts */ if (!me->equals(me, this->my_addr)) { this->my_addr->destroy(this->my_addr); this->my_addr = me->clone(me); } if (!other->equals(other, this->other_addr)) { this->other_addr->destroy(this->other_addr); this->other_addr = other->clone(other); } } this->encap = encap; set_state(this, old); return SUCCESS; } /** * Implementation of child_sa_t.destroy. */ static void destroy(private_child_sa_t *this) { enumerator_t *enumerator; traffic_selector_t *my_ts, *other_ts; bool unrouted = (this->state == CHILD_ROUTED); set_state(this, CHILD_DESTROYING); /* delete SAs in the kernel, if they are set up */ if (this->my_spi) { charon->kernel_interface->del_sa(charon->kernel_interface, this->other_addr, this->my_addr, this->my_spi, this->protocol, this->my_cpi); } if (this->other_spi) { charon->kernel_interface->del_sa(charon->kernel_interface, this->my_addr, this->other_addr, this->other_spi, this->protocol, this->other_cpi); } if (this->config->install_policy(this->config)) { /* delete all policies in the kernel */ enumerator = create_policy_enumerator(this); while (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts, &other_ts)) { charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, my_ts, other_ts, POLICY_OUT, unrouted); charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_IN, unrouted); if (this->mode != MODE_TRANSPORT) { charon->kernel_interface->del_policy(charon->kernel_interface, other_ts, my_ts, POLICY_FWD, unrouted); } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); } this->my_ts->destroy_offset(this->my_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->other_ts->destroy_offset(this->other_ts, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); this->my_addr->destroy(this->my_addr); this->other_addr->destroy(this->other_addr); DESTROY_IF(this->proposal); this->config->destroy(this->config); free(this); } /* * Described in header. */ child_sa_t * child_sa_create(host_t *me, host_t* other, child_cfg_t *config, u_int32_t rekey, bool encap) { static u_int32_t reqid = 0; private_child_sa_t *this = malloc_thing(private_child_sa_t); /* public functions */ this->public.get_name = (char*(*)(child_sa_t*))get_name; this->public.get_reqid = (u_int32_t(*)(child_sa_t*))get_reqid; this->public.get_config = (child_cfg_t*(*)(child_sa_t*))get_config; this->public.get_state = (child_sa_state_t(*)(child_sa_t*))get_state; this->public.set_state = (void(*)(child_sa_t*,child_sa_state_t))set_state; this->public.get_spi = (u_int32_t(*)(child_sa_t*, bool))get_spi; this->public.get_cpi = (u_int16_t(*)(child_sa_t*, bool))get_cpi; this->public.get_protocol = (protocol_id_t(*)(child_sa_t*))get_protocol; this->public.set_protocol = (void(*)(child_sa_t*, protocol_id_t protocol))set_protocol; this->public.get_mode = (ipsec_mode_t(*)(child_sa_t*))get_mode; this->public.set_mode = (void(*)(child_sa_t*, ipsec_mode_t mode))set_mode; this->public.get_proposal = (proposal_t*(*)(child_sa_t*))get_proposal; this->public.set_proposal = (void(*)(child_sa_t*, proposal_t *proposal))set_proposal; this->public.get_lifetime = (u_int32_t(*)(child_sa_t*, bool))get_lifetime; this->public.get_usetime = (u_int32_t(*)(child_sa_t*, bool))get_usetime; this->public.has_encap = (bool(*)(child_sa_t*))has_encap; this->public.get_ipcomp = (ipcomp_transform_t(*)(child_sa_t*))get_ipcomp; this->public.set_ipcomp = (void(*)(child_sa_t*,ipcomp_transform_t))set_ipcomp; this->public.alloc_spi = (u_int32_t(*)(child_sa_t*, protocol_id_t protocol))alloc_spi; this->public.alloc_cpi = (u_int16_t(*)(child_sa_t*))alloc_cpi; this->public.install = (status_t(*)(child_sa_t*, chunk_t encr, chunk_t integ, u_int32_t spi, u_int16_t cpi, bool inbound))install; this->public.update = (status_t (*)(child_sa_t*,host_t*,host_t*,host_t*,bool))update; this->public.add_policies = (status_t (*)(child_sa_t*, linked_list_t*,linked_list_t*))add_policies; this->public.get_traffic_selectors = (linked_list_t*(*)(child_sa_t*,bool))get_traffic_selectors; this->public.create_policy_enumerator = (enumerator_t*(*)(child_sa_t*))create_policy_enumerator; this->public.destroy = (void(*)(child_sa_t*))destroy; /* private data */ this->my_addr = me->clone(me); this->other_addr = other->clone(other); this->my_spi = 0; this->other_spi = 0; this->my_cpi = 0; this->other_cpi = 0; this->encap = encap; this->ipcomp = IPCOMP_NONE; this->state = CHILD_CREATED; /* reuse old reqid if we are rekeying an existing CHILD_SA */ this->reqid = rekey ? rekey : ++reqid; this->my_ts = linked_list_create(); this->other_ts = linked_list_create(); this->protocol = PROTO_NONE; this->mode = MODE_TUNNEL; this->proposal = NULL; this->rekey_time = 0; this->expire_time = 0; this->config = config; config->get_ref(config); /* MIPv6 proxy transport mode sets SA endpoints to TS hosts */ if (config->get_mode(config) == MODE_TRANSPORT && config->use_proxy_mode(config)) { ts_type_t type; int family; chunk_t addr; host_t *host; enumerator_t *enumerator; linked_list_t *my_ts_list, *other_ts_list; traffic_selector_t *my_ts, *other_ts; this->mode = MODE_TRANSPORT; my_ts_list = config->get_traffic_selectors(config, TRUE, NULL, me); enumerator = my_ts_list->create_enumerator(my_ts_list); if (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &my_ts)) { if (my_ts->is_host(my_ts, NULL) && !my_ts->is_host(my_ts, this->my_addr)) { type = my_ts->get_type(my_ts); family = (type == TS_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; addr = my_ts->get_from_address(my_ts); host = host_create_from_chunk(family, addr, 0); free(addr.ptr); DBG1(DBG_CHD, "my address: %H is a transport mode proxy for %H", this->my_addr, host); this->my_addr->destroy(this->my_addr); this->my_addr = host; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); my_ts_list->destroy_offset(my_ts_list, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); other_ts_list = config->get_traffic_selectors(config, FALSE, NULL, other); enumerator = other_ts_list->create_enumerator(other_ts_list); if (enumerator->enumerate(enumerator, &other_ts)) { if (other_ts->is_host(other_ts, NULL) && !other_ts->is_host(other_ts, this->other_addr)) { type = other_ts->get_type(other_ts); family = (type == TS_IPV4_ADDR_RANGE) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6; addr = other_ts->get_from_address(other_ts); host = host_create_from_chunk(family, addr, 0); free(addr.ptr); DBG1(DBG_CHD, "other address: %H is a transport mode proxy for %H", this->other_addr, host); this->other_addr->destroy(this->other_addr); this->other_addr = host; } } enumerator->destroy(enumerator); other_ts_list->destroy_offset(other_ts_list, offsetof(traffic_selector_t, destroy)); } return &this->public; }